Nursing homework help

Nursing homework help


  1. Create a concept map showing Benner’s stages from novice to expert and its relation to the nursing process for an improved nursing care plan.-A complete comprehensive concept map was provided and showed a clear alignment of Benner’s stages theory to the nursing process for an improved nursing care plan.
  2. Write a summary explaining the concept map and how the concepts in Benner’s theory relate to the nursing process, including alignment with critical thinking and clinical decision-making for improved nursing care plan.-Provided a full summary explaining the concept map and how the concepts in Benner’s theory relate to the nursing process, including alignment with critical thinking and clinical decision making for an improved nursing care plan. Nursing homework help
  3. Define each stage on the continuum and described the characteristics associated with each stage. Include setting, patient needs, level of understanding, and complexities that may contribute to increased risks.-Thoroughly defined each stage on the continuum and described the characteristics associated with each stage and included setting, patient needs, level of understanding, and complexities that may contribute to increased risks.
  4. Explain where you fall on the continuum. Where do Sue and the student nurse fall?-Accurately identified where they fall on Benner’s novice to expert continuum and where Sue and the student nurse from the case study fall.
  5. Include an explanation to why you placed each stage in the specific area.-Provided a full explanation to why everyone was placed on their respective areas of the continuum.
  6. Use this information to develop a personalized nursing theory or model for the above scenario to address the care needed for each patient.– Developed a personalized nursing theory or model that was fully appropriate in addressing the care needed for each patient in the case study.
  7. Include at least 2 scholarly resources from the University Library to support you work.