Role Of Informatics In Patient Care Outcomes Assignment

Role Of Informatics In Patient Care Outcomes Assignment

Standardized data entry allows for the assessment of patient outcomes as they relate to nursing practice through aggregate data analysis.  When executed properly, the end result is a reduction of waste and harm and elevated patient experience. The HITECH ACT of 2009 provides monetary incentives for the meaningful use of technology in the healthcare setting. One of the biggest limitations is knowledge among nurses. In 2012, 70.8% of nursing schools did not provide education on critical technology tools for monitoring and improving outcomes. For standardized data entry to work effectively, nurses need to engage in continuing education as it relates to technology in the workplace.    My original career was in in Information Technology, so I have a unique perspective in my workplace. Most of my peers have a very limited knowledge of the EMR we use.


Role Of Informatics In Patient Care Outcomes Assignment. I have participated in multiple quality improvement initiatives in my department that rely on the use of data analysis and queries. The most recent example is our diaper rash initiative (NICU). In our QI project we are looking at whether changing our diaper wipes and creams reduce the number of diaper rashes our patients experience. To evaluate this we need to see when the interventions are being used and what the outcome is measured by skin breakdown. Some of the barriers we have encountered include nurses failing to document skin integrity and interventions or copying and pasting out of date data. We also have initiative team members who do not understanding how to query data. To date, all the education our QI initiative has provided focuses on patient care and nursing procedure. There has been no focus on how to document or even why data integrity is important to patient outcomes and safety. Because of this, the data collected is skewed by inaccurate and missing documentation. I see this firsthand as I chart.  Before technology can be reliably used in the healthcare setting to improve patient outcomes, nurses need to be educated on data integrity and standardized data entry. Until that happens, we are left with missing and inaccurate data.      Dykes, P., Murphy, J., & Womack, D. (2014). Informatics Strategies & Tools to Link Nursing Care with Patient Outcomes in the Learning Health Care System. HSN376 – Health Information Technology for Nurses. Blackboard Ultra. Role Of Informatics In Patient Care Outcomes Assignment