Leadership Journal Template

Leadership Journal Template

Leadership Journal Template


Weeks Covering: 16 weeks


Clinical/Practicum Site: SFMC

Hours Worked (past two weeks):_36__

Total Hours: __36__/150 total of all hours worked up to this point

Practicum Activities Reflection:

I selected the wound care department as the focus of my practicum because there is a significant communication problem to be resolved. It has been discovered that the department scored poorly with patients in regard to communication. My first activity was to observe the scorecards collected from patients during the last three months at their discharge or from outpatient services. Communication is an essential tool between doctors, nurses, and patients so I had to find the reason for poor communication and the solutions needed to resolve them. It was also discovered that the communication scores dropped after the hospital went through a change of ownership. Leadership Journal Template


The scorecards revealed that the patients were not satisfied with the care, and they complained that the doctors and nurses do not come to ask about their well-being and do not discuss their issues with them. My second activity was communicating with the directors, nurses, and the other hospital staff to know how they communicate with the patients. The patients do not need wound care treatment only, but they require the proper care overall. If the proper care is not given to the patients, the patient flow will decrease in the coming months. The patient satisfaction level is directly related to the number of patients and the department’s reputation. The surveys will continue to be collected throughout the practicum because I want to know the effect of ownership change and staff behavior toward the patients. The ownership change might also affect the staff behavior with the patients. The last three months were proved to be critical for the patients because it was found that there were soar comments about the hospital administration.

I observed that leadership styles are essential in the improvement of communication. Communication with the patients is essential because it brings value to the treatment, and the patient’s satisfaction will be enhanced. I will continue the survey of the patients to know the other impacts. I expect that these activities will help me improve the communication process, and the patients will feel better.

Application of Leadership:

            Professional responsibility and power, authenticity, integrity, and emotional intelligence are key factors of multiple leadership styles. During the observation and involvement of the preceptor activities, I felt that these factors were neglected. There was no element of emotional intelligence and authenticity in the leadership styles. During conversation with my preceptor, I realized that she favored the authoritarian leadership style with the patients and department staff. For authoritative leadership to be effective, team members must be given a clear goal to work toward and instructions for getting there. (Alqatawenh, 2018).

Various leadership styles can be implemented in the hospital, especially in the wound care department. The leadership styles are not easily changed altogether, but certain elements can be inserted into them. The first element that should be inserted in the leadership style is professional integrity. Professional integrity means that the patients should discuss the processes with the doctors, and the doctors/preceptors/nurses should give proper time to all the patients.

Professional integrity is one of the essential elements that should be inserted into the leadership styles. The next element that I would like to insert into the leadership styles is authenticity during the treatment. Authenticity in leadership means that all leaders must know their duties and responsibilities. The duty is not merely to admit the patients to the hospital and discharge them. The responsibilities include several factors like the care of patients and the proper administration of wound care treatments. The staff should discuss a patient’s condition with the family and encourage them to be involved in the care. All these elements are necessary for a patient, and if these elements are not provided there will be negative comments on the scorecard (Adi, 2019).

Last but not least, the leadership in hospital management or nursing involves protecting ethical principles. If the practices include ethics, the patients are satisfied; if there is a lack of implementation of the ethical tenets, the complaints will be increased. The principles include autonomy, beneficence, and justice. The leaders should think of these principles, and when the roots of problems and solutions are observed, they will meet a single factor known as communication. The patients have severe complaints about the lack of effective communication that should be resolved (DeConinck, 2018).

Practicum Project Preparation:

I have strong ideas about the project practicum because two essential concepts are involved. These are the leadership styles and the communication improvement. It is already explained that the leadership styles are numerous, and the leaders have to choose the appropriate one. I have planned to present the implementation of transformational and servant leadership within the department. Transformational leadership encourages the employees to learn that they are an essential part of an organization, and they have to work for the betterment of the organization. One of the essential elements that the project has made me learn is that effective leadership is essential in the success of leadership. The project has a massive role in my career because the practical observations are different from the theoretical concepts.

I have read a lot about leadership inefficiency and the lack of implementation of leadership styles. The project has made me learn that the situation exists in reality, and it helps me identify the real problems and solutions. I have learned different leadership styles like transformational and servant leadership, which I expect to implement in my career. Both the leadership styles are essential in the project, and the hospital management should learn them to the maximum extent (Gandolfi, 2018).

Leadership Video Reflection:

Servant leadership is an essential leadership style that many previous leaders observed in the past. The video was quite informational because it provided the lessons regarding servant leaders and the characteristics that should be present. The first thing that I have learned and am impressed with is that the leaders should understand that they are the servants of the public. They are appointed in the vital position of serving the people instead of giving them the orders. The leaders should learn that there is a differentiation between giving orders and leading the people through serving. The other aspect that I have learned from the servant leadership video is the power of a leader to listen and heal the patients. It is not only about the patients but the employees and customers. If the leader cannot listen to the employees, they do not have the leader’s personality. The leaders should always be concerned about the problems of the public and should resolve them (Nursing, 2016).

















Alqatawenh, A. S. (2018). Transformational leadership style and its relationship with change management. Verslas: teorija ir praktika19(1), 17-24. https://www.ceeol.com/search/article-detail?id=772622.

DeConinck, J. B., Moss, H. K., & Deconinck, M. B. (2018). The relationship between servant leadership perceived organizational support, performance, and turnover among business-to-business salespeople. Global J Management and Marketing2(1), 38-52. https://www.igbr.org/wp-content/Journals/2018/GJMM_Vol_2_No_1_2018.pdf

Gandolfi, F., & Stone, S. (2018). Leadership, leadership styles, and servant leadership. Journal of Management Research18(4), 261-269. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/340940468_Leadership_Leadership_Styles_and_Servant_Leadership

Adi, K. R. (2019, October). Transformational leadership and team performance: the role of innovation in Indonesia property agent industry. In 2018 International Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ICONIES 2018) (pp. 334-338). Atlantis Press. https://doi.org/10.2991/iconies-18.2019.67

Nursing, A. G.-. (2016, October 10). Servant Leadership – The Issue Of Power [cc] [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8yMNFMp0k8&feature=youtu.be