Nursing homework help

Nursing homework help



Harris, D. M. (2014). Using the law to promote our policy goals and ethical principles. In Contemporary Issues in Healthcare Law & Ethics (pp. 3-10). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library. Nursing homework help

Jahn, W. G. (2011). The 4 basic ethical principles that apply to forensic activities are respect for autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine, 10(3), 225-226. Retrieved from

Martin, G. (2021). Public health ethics. Thinking about bioethics, human rights, justice and moral responsibility [Video]. YouTube.

Ruger, J. P., Ruger, T. W., & Annas, G. J. (2015). The elusive right to health care under U.S. law. The New England Journal of Medicine, 372(26), 2558-2563. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.

Showalter, J. S. (2020). A brief history of law and medicine. In The Law of Healthcare Administration (9th Ed., pp. 1-37). Chicago: Health Administration Press. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.

Showalter, J. S. (2020). Access to healthcare: Rights and responsibilities. In The Law of Healthcare Administration (9th Ed., pp. 39-79). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.

Simkins v. Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital, 323 F. 2d 959 (1963). Retrieved from


  1. For additional information on reliability of sources, review the following source:
    Georgetown University Library. (n.d.). Evaluating internet resources. Retrieved from
  2. This assignment will be graded based on the content in the rubric.


Homework Discussion

The Importance of Understanding the Law for Health Administrators


  • Why is it important for a health care administrator to be able to read and understand the various types of laws?

This should not be opinion, but an analysis, supported by the readings and your own research.