Project Timeline Graphic Organizer

Project Timeline Graphic Organizer

The roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders for each the phase of the project are described in the table below: Project Timeline Graphic Organizer


Project Phases / Stakeholders Project approval Education development Stakeholder education Implementation date Assessment of the initial outcomes Improvement approaches & reassessment of outcomes
Clients – patients None Proper listening and adopting the knowledge Active listening and sharing concerns if any Help in adopting the strategies Provide feedback based on the success of the strategies Provide feedback based on the success of the strategies
Wound care management – hospital administration Properly reading over the proposal and approving Proper listening and adopting the knowledge Arranging the meetings with the staff and project managers Assisting in implementing the plan Oversee the process Oversee the process
Healthcare professionals Assisting in understanding the proposal needs for approval Proper listening, discussing the issues and proposed solution Helping in educating the other stakeholders and self-awareness also Adopting the strategies Provide feedback for the project, suggestions, and recommendations Providing feedback on the project




















WEEK 6 WEEK 7-9 WEEK 7-9 WEEK 10 WEEK 14 WEEK 16
Reassessment of outcomes

After adjustments are made, a reassessment will be done to check on the improvemnts. If there are more variations, additional adjustments will be made to improve on the results.

This will be conducted as from week 16.







May, C. R., Cummings, A., Girling, M., Bracher, M., Mair, F. S., May, C. M., … & Finch, T. (2018). Using normalization process theory in feasibility studies and process evaluations of complex healthcare interventions: a systematic review. Implementation science13(1), 1-27.