Health Education Need Evidence Table

Health Education Need Evidence Table

NUR 335 Assignment 6.1

Health Education Need Evidence Table


Author/Year/Title/ Journal


Topic of Concern


Population Teaching Strategy/Methods Findings Strengths/ Weaknesses of Strategy

Andrew Smith & Chelsea Harris,2018 Type 1 Diabetes management strategies American Family Practice


Type 1 and 2 diabetes Asian community aged 40 to 47 Continuous glucose monitoring. Using a CGM) device, one can monitor glucose levels throughout the day and night to gain insight into patterns and trends (Andrew Smith & Chelsea Harris, 2018). Lo w AIC levels. For most diabetics, the AIC goal is 7% or less. Many factors, including your age and medical conditions, will influence your personal goal. With the help of your doctor, set a personal A1C goal. This will help to know whether blood glucose is low or high. Continuous Glucose Monitoring System (CGMS) sensors are worn separately from the pump and placed under the skin to monitor the interstitial fluid glucose level.


American Diabetes Association. (2016). 1. Strategies for improving care. Diabetes care39(Supplement_1), S6-S12.



Type 1 and 2 diabetes Asian community aged 40 and 47 years Healthy dieting and proper counting of carbs. If a patient sticks to a low-carb diet, you’ll feel less hungry, eat less, and lose weight more quickly than if you stick to a more traditional diet. Keeping the blood glucose under control. Your eyes, kidneys, heart, and blood vessels can all be damaged if your blood pressure is too high (ADA. 2016). A slash separates the two numbers used to represent blood pressure. For instance: 120/70. Both numbers should be below 80. The major strength understands how to control glucose and how to use insulin pump.

The major weakness is that there is the possibility of a third party changing the insulin pump. This could cause hypoglycemia.


Chatterjee, S., Davies, M. J., Heller, S., Speight, J., Snoek, F. J., & Khunti, K. (2018). Diabetes structured self-management education programmes: a narrative review and current innovations. The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology6(2), 130-142.




Type 1 and 2 diabetes The Asian community aged 40-47 The natural remedies of managing diabetes Lowering weight, lowering blood glucose and AIC (Chatterjee, et al., 2018). Your A1C will go down if you eat the right foods and stick to a diet plan. The major strength is understanding diabetes management

The major weakness is that some of the natural remedies may not be working as expected.


Based on your research, what is your proposed education strategy?  Please explain your reason(s) for selecting this strategy:

My findings lead me to propose a address diet, physical exercise, medication use and Blood Glucose Self-Monitoring. Diet high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins, as well as regular physical activity is critical aspects.  Because healthy diet, meal preparation, and exercise may lower a patient’s risk of developing diabetes, I chose this approach. Because weight reduction helps the pancreas to keep up with the insulin demand of the body, I would also include this as an option. Weight reduction may be all that is needed to get blood sugar levels back to normal, therefore eliminating diabetes. Monitor your blood sugar levels, and you’ll be able to change your health-related habits. Self-monitoring of blood glucose levels is recommended for all people with diabetes (SMBG).