Nursing homework help

Nursing homework help


  • There will be 5 case studies posted this semester. Please answer all questions associated with the case study as thoroughly as you can.
  • Please use at least 2 reference when responding to the Case Study unless otherwise noted.
  • There is no particular length requirement as long as you answer the questions thoroughly and use a reference(s) to support your responses.
  • Use the most current APA edition when writing and referencing.
  • Please proofread your papers.


Susie Smith, a nurse manager of a 77-bed orthopedic unit, is trying to get the pharmacy to deliver medications earlier in the morning. The clinical nurses are unable to schedule procedures in a timely manner, complete all required treatments, and medicate clients on time because of the late pharmacy delivery. Nurse Smith has scheduled meetings with the pharmacy manager. She has determined the exact time required for timely delivery to the unit and for proper client medication delivery. After brainstorming to identify options, she has decided that she will not back down on her demand that the medications be delivered earlier. When Nurse Smith meets with the pharmacy manager, she clearly states the problem and asks for input from his perspective. The pharmacy manager tells Nurse Smith that he cannot change the time schedule because he will upset his workers and their organization. Nurse Smith empathizes with him but reiterates that for quality care, it is essential to administer medications in a timely fashion. Nurse Smith offers to work with him in analyzing delivery times to help develop a different schedule that meets everyone’s needs. The pharmacy manager declines and tells her that it is her problem, not his. What should Nurse Smith do?

  1. What are the three forms of communication often used when two sides seek to reach an agreement? Which of those is being used here?
  2. A patient in the orthopedic unit suffers a significant setback in his recovery when he cannot function properly during physical therapy because his pain medications were not available at the right time to enable him to participate pain-free. The physicians on the orthopedic unit speak out in support of the patients’ needs to receive medications in a timely fashion. As a result, a small task group is made up of Nurse Smith, the pharmacy manager, and two staff members from both departments. Because she was the one who tried to spearhead this change, Nurse Smith is made the group leader. Not wanting to alienate the already defensive pharmacy team members, she decides she will only use an empowering style of leadership. Do you agree with her?

Assignment File(s)

Case Study Rubric  Download Case Study Rubric[Word Document]


NM480 Unit 1 Assignment – Case Study #1 Rubric

NM480 Unit 1 Assignment – Case Study #1 Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization
20 pts

16-20 points

All questions were answered with information organized in a logical sequence.

15 pts

12-15 points

All questions answered with information generally organized in a logical sequence.

11 pts

8-11 points

All questions answered and information intermittently organized.

7 pts

4-7 points

All questions answered but information disorganized.

3 pts

0-3 points

All questions not addressed.

20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis and Evaluation
20 pts

16-20 points

Presents an insightful and thorough analysis of issue; Supports analysis with at least one scholarly source.

15 pts

12-15 points

Presents a thorough analysis of issue; Support analysis with at least one scholarly source

11 pts

8-11 points

Presents an incomplete analysis of issue by failure to address one aspect: No scholarly support of analysis.

7 pts

4-7 points

Presents an incomplete analysis of issue by failure to address multiple aspects; No scholarly support of analysis.

3 pts

0-3 points

Presents a superficial analysis of issue; No scholarly support of analysis.

20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion and Recommendation
20 pts

16-20 points

Effective recommendation or solution aligned with the analysis.

15 pts

12-15 points

Recommendation or solution loosely aligned with the analysis.

11 pts

8-11 points

Recommendation or solution does not align with the analysis.

7 pts

4-7 points

Recommendation or solution does not align with the analysis and is unrealistic.

3 pts

0-3 points

No recommendation or solution offered.

20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Mechanics and Formatting
20 pts

16-20 points

Demonstrates clarity, conciseness, and correctness. Current APA formatting used and free of grammar and spelling errors.

15 pts

12-15 points

Majority of information is clear with some questions left to reader interpretation. APA with 1-3 grammar and spelling errors.

11 pts

8-11 points

Sentence structure is proper but paragraph is disorganized. APA with 4-5 grammar and spelling errors.

7 pts

4-7 points

Poorly organized and does not follow proper sentence structure. APA with greater than 5 grammar and spelling errors.

3 pts

0-3 points

Unfocused and rambling. Not in current APA format.

20 pts