Pharmacological and non-pharmacological Treatment Assignment

Pharmacological and non-pharmacological Treatment Assignment

Pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment

Question Description

Discussion 1 question

Create a research question related to nursing (to be used for this discussion question only). Identify the independent and dependent variables. Next, create a hypothesis or set of hypotheses to go along with your research question. Identify your hypothesis as one of each of the four categories below and explain why your hypothesis fits into these categories:

Associative or causal
Simple or complex
Nondirectional vs. directional
Null vs. research
Discussion 2 question

How does the focus of research and evidence-based practice (EBP) differ? Discuss the application of research findings into evidence-based nursing practice. Pharmacological and non-pharmacological Treatment Assignment

300-350 words.

Literature Review Summary TableNURS 5052/NURS 6052Name:CitationType of StudySettingKeyConcepts/Variables FindingsHierarchy of Evidence LevelDesign TypeFramework/TheoryCortese, S., Adamo, N.,Giovane, C., Mohr Jensen, C., Hayes, A.,Carucci, S., et al.(2018). Comparative efficacy andtolerability ofmedications forattention-deficithyperactivity disorderin children,adolescents, andadults: a systematicreview and network meta-analysis. TheLancet 5(9), 727-738.Crescenzo, F., Cortese,S., Adamo, N., & Janiri,L. (2016).Pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment of adultswith ADHD: A metareview. EvidenceBased Mental Health,20(1), doi 20.10.1136/eb-2016102415Concepts:Treatment of ADHDType of Study:Systematic reviewIndependentVariable:Medications forADHDDesign Type:Meta-analysisFramework/Theory:Dependent Variable:EfficacyTolerabilityThe findings of this article indicatethat methylphenidate andamphetamines are the bestinterventions for children andadults respectively. Of thechoices provided, they weredeemed to be the safest andmost efficient drugs likely to yieldbetter outcomes.Systematic reviewPharmacological treatments we …


Literature Review Summary TableNURS 5052/NURS 6052Name:CitationType of StudySettingKeyConcepts/VariablesFindingsHierarchy ofEvidence LevelDesign TypeFramework/TheoryCortese, S., Adamo, N.,Giovane, C., MohrJensen, C., Hayes, A.,Carucci, S., et al.(2018). Comparativeefficacy andtolerability ofmedications forattention-deficithyperactivity disorderin children,adolescents, andadults: a systematicreview and networkmeta-analysis. TheLancet 5(9), 727-738.Crescenzo, F., Cortese,S., Adamo, N., & Janiri,L. Pharmacological and non-pharmacological Treatment Assignment (2016).Pharmacological andnon-pharmacologicaltreatment of adultswith ADHD: A metareview. EvidenceBased Mental Health,20(1), doi 20.10.1136/eb-2016102415Concepts:Treatment of ADHDType of Study:Systematic review IndependentVariable:Medications forADHDDesign Type:Meta-analysisFramework/Theory:Dependent Variable:EfficacyTolerabilityThe findings of this article indicate that methamphetamine and amphetamines are the best interventions for children and  adults respectively. Of thechoices provided, they were deemed to be the safest and most efficient drugs likely to yieldbetter outcomes.Systematic review Pharmacological treatments we …

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