Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeName, address and <br>purpose of <br>organization
3.96 pts

Meets or Exceeds

Provides the name and address of the organization with a detail and clear description of the purpose of the organization.

3.01 pts

Mostly Meets

Provides the name of the organization with more than two sentences to describe the purpose of the organization.

1.98 pts


Provides the name of organization and no more than two sentences describing the purpose of the organization.

0.99 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations

Did not identify the name, address and/or purpose of the organization.

3.96 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePopulation served <br>a. Type of patients <br>served<br>b. Type of health <br>care concerns
3.96 pts

Meets or Exceeds

Shows an excellent understanding of the population served at this organization

3.01 pts

Mostly Meets

Presents a satisfactory understanding of the population served at this organization

1.98 pts


Presents an unclear understanding of the population served at this organization.

0.99 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations

Did not discuss the population served

3.96 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProfessional services
3.96 pts

Meets or Exceeds

Identifies more than three professional services available in this setting

3.01 pts

Mostly Meets

Identifies two to three of the professional services available at this setting.

1.98 pts


Identifies one professional service available at this setting.

0.99 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations

Did not identify any professional services.

3.96 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGeographical/ <br>environmental <br>issues <br>a. Facility<br>b. Physical layout<br>c. Accessibility <br>d. Transportation <br>issues
3.96 pts

Meets or Exceeds

Detail and complete analysis of more than four geographical and environmental issues of the organization.

3.01 pts

Mostly Meets

Brief explanation of four geographical and environmental issues of the organization.

1.98 pts


Brief explanation of two or three issues included in the geographical and environmental issues.

0.99 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations

Did not address the geographical and environmental issues.

3.96 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSocial issues of the <br>population
3.96 pts

Meets or Exceeds

Insightful and detail discussion of more than four social issues of the population.

3.01 pts

Mostly Meets

Brief discussion of four social issues of the population.

1.98 pts


Brief discussion of two or three social issues of the population.

0.99 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations

Did not discuss the social issues of the population.

3.96 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization’s <br>internal and external means of <br>communication
3.96 pts

Meets or Exceeds

Discussion includes more than four ways the organization communicates internally and with the community.

3.01 pts

Mostly Meets

Discussion includes four ways the organization communicates internally and with the community.

1.98 pts


Discussion includes two ways the organization communicates internally and with the community.

0.99 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations

Did not discuss how the organization communicates.

3.96 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeActivities during the <br>community <br>experience
3.96 pts

Meets or Exceeds

Discussion includes more than four activities during the community experience.

3.01 pts

Mostly Meets

Discussion includes four activities during the community experience.

1.98 pts


Discussion includes two activities during the community experience.

0.99 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations

Did not discuss the activities completed during the community experience.

3.96 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePrograms or changes <br>to better serve the <br>community
3.96 pts

Meets or Exceeds

Discussion includes more than four program changes to better serve the community.

3.01 pts

Mostly Meets

Discussion includes four program changes to better serve the community.

1.98 pts


Discussion includes two program changes to better serve the community.

0.99 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations

Did not discuss any program changes.

3.96 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA format
4.32 pts

Meets or Exceeds

Follows the APA format with one or no APA violation, grammar and spelling errors.

3.28 pts

Mostly Meets

Follows the APA format with less than three APA violation, grammar and spelling errors.

2.16 pts


Follows the APA format with less than five APA violation, grammar and spelling errors.

1.08 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations

Did not follow the APA format.