Nursing homework help

Nursing homework help

Balancing School and Life – My Quality of Life Self-Care Plan. The purpose of developing this Plan is to set a framework and a plan to maintain wellness and to stay motivated and engaged throughout your Program. Doing this will help you achieve success during your coursework and as a professional nurse.


The goal of the Project is to help you become self-aware and reflective as a means of identifying personal self-care strategies that will increase your energy and help you manage your stress. The Project will give you a chance to learn how this is accomplished as you will be doing similar work with clients during the Program and as a professional nurse to assist them in the same way.


Review the results of your quality of life assessment.


In a 2–3-page paper (not including the title page or reference page), include the following information:


  • Describe how the results may have or have not changed.
  • Discuss progress or lack of progress toward your SMART goals.
  • Describe any new or modified strategies and SMART goals.
  • Accurate grammar, spelling and APA format.



SMART Goal Example

Goal:  Successfully complete the Capstone Course with a final average of 78% or higher at the end of the Winter 2018 term.


  • What do you want to accomplish?
  • Why is this goal important?
  • Who is involved?
  • What resources are involved?
Pass Capstone with a 78% or higher

It is my last course I need to pass before graduation.

I will need to utilize the resources available through Rasmussen University.


  • Are you able to track your progress?
  • How will you know when it’s accomplished?
I am able to track my progress my reviewing my grades through the grade book.

I will know I have accomplished my goal when I have passed my course with a 78% or higher.


  • Is achieving this goal realistic?
  • Do you have the resources to achieve this goal?
  • If not, how will you get them?
Yes, this is a realistic goal.

Yes, Rasmussen University has many resources I can use to accomplish this goal.

I can reach out to my instructor if I need additional resources or support.


  • Why is this goal important?
  • Does it seem worthwhile?
  • Is this the right time?
  • Does this match specific needs?
I need to pass this course to earn my degree.

Yes, it is very worthwhile because I have worked very hard to get to this point.

Yes, now is the right time.

Yes, it matches my need to graduate so I can work as a nurse.


  • When will you achieve this goal?
I will achieve this goal by the end of the quarter.



(This is the first one that I did) this will put you through)


Finding balance in life generally can be challenging; it is crucial to put an extra effort into finding balance in essential things of life to ensure optimal quality of life. The tool selected for this assignment is the quality of life self-care wheel tool. I chose this tool because it highlights aspects of my life that are important to my mental, physical, and physiological health. I feel like the tool is well-rounded and can help me stay motivated through my nursing journey and in my life and nursing practice after graduation.

Balancing school and life are essential for optimal academic functioning. Balancing school and life while finding time for yourself can be challenging. Balancing school means the ability of a student to put enough effort into their academic work while also taking time to enjoy the social, sporting, health, and cultural aspects of being a student.

Health: After completing the quality-of-life self-care wheel assessment, my health score is 5 (needs adjustment). I realize I do not eat healthy food as I should, and I am putting on weight. I need to eat a healthy diet to help maintain and improve my overall health and get all the essential nutrition, fluid, macronutrients, micronutrients, and adequate calories my body needs. I need to engage myself in many physical activities to manage my weight. I have many assignments, classes, reading, and family (kid) to care for, and I have not exercised lately. I will work out the time to get myself back to exercising because physical activities will help strengthen my bones and muscles, keep me in good shape and reduce any health risks.

Rest / Recreation: My score on this section is low, and I scored 4 (need adjustment). I hardly get any rest. I have so many school assignments that take much of my time, go to work, and help my son with his school- work. I am always the last person to go to bed and the first to rise in the morning. I do not find time to watch television because I am busy with one chore. I am happy to discover some proper time management strategies to help me have some time to rest and have relaxation time with my family. I will keep getting the score as high as possible because rest will help me recover from my work and relax my brain.

Personal Development / Relationships: In this section, I scored 8 (doing okay). I am doing better in personal development/relationships. Still, I have room for improvement and will keep working on my personal development because personal development (spiritual, physical, and mental) occurs throughout an individual’s entire lifespan.

Finances: My Finances are meager right now. I scored 3(needs adjustment) in this section. I stopped working full-time. Secondly, nursing school is a full-time commitment. I will find additional sources of income that I can do from home, prioritize spending and saving, and plan a monthly menu.

Environment: My environment score is 10 (fantastic balance); there are few changes in my environment. I live in a nice neighborhood, with lots of natural trees and decent people. My work environment is fair enough, so everything about my environment looks pretty good.

Career/School: In this area, I scored 4 (needs adjustment). I work as a Certified Nurse Assistant (CAN) in a home health care, but not working full-time right now due to the increased schoolwork load. I am currently focused on school, and I look forward to excelling greatly. Classes started last week, and I am doing my best to keep up with the due dates of assignments, get my discussions done, respond to my classmates, and attend classes online. Everything looks challenging with school right now, but I will strive to study to get good grades in all my courses. I will also utilize all the available resources provided by my school to succeed.

Passion: My Passion is helping people who cannot help themselves. My score is 8 (good job). I love the nursing profession so much, and I look forward to a rewarding career as a nurse. I can see myself achieving my goals in the end. My decision to change my career from accounting to nursing is challenging for me. Still, I choose to do so because of the Passion I have to care for people, and I know this is the best decision I have ever made in my life and cannot wait to see myself graduate as a registered nurse.

Strategies I will use to maintain or maximize my identified strength

The SMART in SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timebound (Boogaard, 2022). These parameters, as it attains to one’s goal, can ensure objectives are attainable within the specified or set time frame. It also helps eliminate generalities and guesswork. The strategy to be used in maximizing my strength include

Environment: – I will maintain a good atmosphere at home by keeping the earth clean through recycling. My family is my cheerleader, I will continue to work with them to ensure I get the support I need and have them respect my time while I respect theirs. At my workplace, I will be civil in my relationship with my co-workers and clients, treating everyone the way I want to be treated; I will make sure my Environment stays peaceful.

Passion: I will passionately pursue my nursing career and finish strong. I will achieve this by studying hard to maintain good grades. I will focus my strength on positive thoughts of success alone. I will avoid distractions and set an achievable goal of graduation within the following year.

Strategies I will use to strengthen areas that need development.

Health: I will begin to eat healthily and ensure that I am up to date with my dietary reference intake (DRI). I will drink more water rather than soda for a healthier life. I will engage more in physical activities and exercise three times for 30 minutes every week at home.

Rest / Recreation: I will put proper time management strategies in place and ensure that I create time for family fun and recreation activities. I will ensure I get at least seven hours of sleep and get enough rest each day.

Finance: I will be strict on my monthly budget and avoid impromptu spending. I will stay focused and spend wisely.

Career/School: I will put in all my effort to succeed by reading and doing all my assignments when due.   I will set up a weekly times table for myself and work towards accomplishing every task before the due dates.

Strategies in action:

This project has helped me become self-aware of personal self-care strategies that will increase my energy and help me implement stress-free strategies. My current level of stress and tension is high. I have been developing a stress-free approach to overcome my anxiety, and it seems to be working. I have started working, most especially on my diet. I have developed the habit of eating vegetables, drinking a lot of water, and eating healthy foods. I have also set the alarm on my phone for 30 minutes of exercise three to four times a week, I have learned to schedule my time doing schoolwork, still working on all others, and I am sure I will achieve my goals by taking one step after the other to accomplish them.


Boogaard, K. (2022). How to write smart goals. Work-Life by Atlassian.