Nursing Literature Review Assignment Paper

Nursing Literature Review Assignment Paper

Discussion: Literature Review Assignment Instructions

Good paragraph structure requires a good topic sentence that connects well with the previous paragraph and communicates both the focus and organization of the paragraph (e.g., narrative, compare and contrast, process, etc.).


Post a well-written paragraph or two that effectively integrates content that you intend to expound on in subsequent paragraphs. This paragraph should serve as an introductory paragraph to a section in your literature review Nursing Literature Review Assignment Paper .


Have at least two sentences between the topic sentence and concluding sentence in each paragraph. Make sure that those sentences transition from one to another smoothly. While grammatically correct sentences are essential, the foundation of a good paragraph and ultimately, a good paper is the flow from one sentence to the next. Having a good concluding sentence that effectively concludes the paragraph in a way that is consistent with the overall organization and type of paragraph and effectively transitions the reader to the next paragraph.

The topic selected for the dissertation is “Sex Workers Psychology as a Normal Human Being,” which talks about the psychological health of prostitutes or sex workers. Sex work or prostitution is an increasing social issue because of a lack of access to legal income; single mothers or other females choose prostitution as an easy escape or by force (Karkov, 2012). This is a broader topic that aims to investigate the effects of sex work on the psychological health of victims. The topic is specifically focusing on the psychological impact of sex work. The available literature on the topic fails to discuss the issue from multiple perspectives. For example, sex work is not only a social dilemma, but legal and ethical institutions are also involved. Sex work can be evaluated from different perspectives in order to understand which perspective implies the most impact. Sex workers do not feel relaxed and satisfied in their job positions like normal humans, but they feel anxious, guilty, fearful and shameful, which affects their psychological condition (Karunanayake, Jayasundara, & Vimukthi, 2020).


Research Gap

Analysis of existing research indicates that the available literature is insufficient to support the research dissertation because there is a gap. Previous studies focused on the emotional and physical impacts of sex work on workers, and the results overlapped. In order to fill this gap, this paper will analyze different psychological effects of sex work on workers and evaluate the issue in light of ethical, medical and legal laws. The legal side of the issue fails to justify decriminalization and the legalization of sex workers to protect women’s health from a psychological perspective. Apart from this a gap also exists in health/medical research related to sex work and its impact on the psychology of workers (Bungay, Guta, & Varcoe, 2021). A review of different articles reveals that most researchers are investigating surface factors that contribute to the disturbance of the psychological health of sex workers. This research paper will investigate the root cause of the disturbed psyche of sex workers and recommend solutions for institutions. The roles and responsibilities of legal and ethical organizations would also be highlighted to solve the problem productively Nursing Literature Review Assignment Paper .

Research Design

i. Dependent Variable: The Psychology of Sex Workers

ii. Independent Variable: Sex Work

The qualitative research design is best for this type of descriptive research. As the research paper aims to investigate the problem from medical, legal and ethical perspectives thus, it will describe each perspective in detail to highlight cause and effect relation. Sex work and its psychological impact on workers do not allow them to live like an average human, and this is what the research paper aims to discuss. Differences in the lives of sex workers and normal humans would help answer the research question. The qualitative research design analyzes information conveyed through different resources and provides further explanations to fill the existing gap. In-depth interviews will be conducted with sex work victims to collect their perspectives on the psychological effects of sex work. Open-ended questions during the interview will help to access most of the information to write the research paper (Berkwits & Thomas S Inui, 2005).


Berkwits, M., & Thomas S Inui. (2005). Making Use of Qualitative Research Techniques. National Library of Medicine, DOI: 10.1046/j.1525-1497.1998.00054.x.

Bungay, V., Guta, A., & Varcoe, C. (2021). Gaps in health research related to sex work: an analysis of Canadian health research funding. Critical Public Health,

Karkov, R. (2012, March 7). What drives a prostitute. Retrieved from

Karunanayake, D., Jayasundara, N., & Vimukthi, N. D. U. (2020). The Impact of Sex Work on Psychological Wellbeing. International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, 180–190. Nursing Literature Review Assignment Paper