Wk 4 Bayonnes Organizational Performance Analysis Paper

Wk 4 Bayonnes Organizational Performance Analysis Paper

Wk 4 Bayonnes Organizational Performance Analysis

I’m working on a management writing question and need an explanation to help me understand better.


  • Using a formal systems diagramming approach, analyze Bayonne’s organizational performance and develop a robust effect-cause-effect tree diagram using the 5-Whys tool, as done previously in the course.
  • Create a robust causal loop diagram that incorporates appropriate causal loop logic in the analysis, and which also identifies common system archetype patterns within the diagram. This diagram should describe fundamental system behaviors and outcomes. The diagram itself should be one page and can be hand-drawn or drawn with software. Tables are not appropriate; it must be in the form of a diagram.
  • Write a summary description, including specific recommendations, that links directly to both your 5-why and associated CLD analysis (which includes embedded archetype relationships) for improving the packaging company’s operations and the organization as a whole. (1-2 single spaced pages). Wk 4 Bayonnes Organizational Performance Analysis Paper