Clinical Evaluation Reflection Worksheet Assignment

Clinical Evaluation Reflection Worksheet Assignment

Clinical Evaluation Reflection Worksheet

Clinical Evaluation Reflection Worksheet

Clinical Evaluation Reflection Worksheet

Evaluation Criteria

Satisfactory “S”: Displays satisfactory performance pertaining to this clinical objective and delivery of nursing care. Student functions to meet clinical expectations in a manner which is expected at the present educational level. Decisions and actions are well supported and sometimes independent. Occasionally requires validating feedback.

Deficiency “D”: Displays unsatisfactory performance of this clinical objective and delivery of nursing care. Student does not yet meet the clinical expectations of the present educational level and needs to show improvement. Decisions and actions are seldom independent. Consistently requires validating feedback.

Not Applicable/Not Appropriate “NA”

To earn a passing grade a student must earn an “S” per summative nursing outcome/ clinical objective. A summative “D” is below expected minimal competency and not passing. Any student deemed unsafe in clinical practice will not receive a passing grade for the course. Clinical Evaluation Reflection Worksheet Assignment

Instructions: The purpose of evaluation is to enhance student learning and professional development. Clinical evaluation is both formative (weekly) and summative (at the end of the clinical rotation). Evaluation is a responsibility of both the student and professor. Each clinical week the student and professor must determine and document the level of student performance for each nursing standard/clinical objective according to the evaluation criteria described above.

Removal From the Clinical Area for Unsafe or Unsatisfactory Clinical Performance
It is the responsibility of both the student and nursing faculty to protect the safety of the client. If in the professional opinion of the faculty, a student’s performance is unsafe or unsatisfactory in clinical practice the student may be temporarily removed from the clinical area at any time. So that the student may resume clinical practice in a reasonable time, the student, instructor, academic advisor, and chairperson will convene to reach a resolution.


Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

Outcome Expectations
Holistic Care Provide holistic care which demonstrates for clients as individuals with physical, psychosocial, spiritual and environmental needs and stressors. Write Self-Reflection Here

Communication Document in the EHR accurately
Uses SBAR as a patient handoff
Communicates effectively and professionally with peers, health care team members, patients, and families. NURS 316 Clinical Evaluation Reflection Worksheet
Write Self-Reflection Here

Critical Thinking Demonstrates safety for self and others when providing holistic care
Analyzes patient data to develop plan of care
Written work reflects the use of critical thinking and analysis of information Write Self-Reflection Here. Clinical Evaluation Reflection Worksheet Assignment

Nursing Process Utilizes assessment, planning, intervention, evaluation to plan care
Prepares holistic care plan which meets criteria in rubric
Write Self-Reflection Here

Nursing Roles Performs nursing skills appropriate for level
Demonstrates knowledge of educational needs of clients and skills to address needs
Advocates for patient when appropriate Write Self-Reflection Here

Ethics Recognizes ethical and legal implications of nursing care actions and decisions Write Self-Reflection Here/. NURS 316 Clinical Evaluation Reflection Worksheet

Research Uses evidence as a way to develop a plan of care Write Self-Reflection Here

Lifelong Personal and Professional Growth Sets realistic personal goals for self on weekly basis and evaluates progress towards accomplishment
Demonstrates accountability and initiative for own learning experiences
Implements change in personal and professional behaviors based on feedback. Write Self-Reflection Here. Clinical Evaluation Reflection Worksheet Assignment