HCA420 Unit 4 Assignment Paper

HCA420 Unit 4 Assignment Paper

HCA420 Unit 4 Assignment

This assignment reinforces information in your textbook and concepts presented in this unit. Your responses to the items below should be thorough, well-conceived college-level responses that are grammatically correct. Please write your answers in complete sentences. You must justify your responses with facts and details from the reading assignments and with your conclusions. It is recommended that you work through this assignment as you complete your reading assignment. Complete the questions and items below. HCA420 Unit 4 Assignment


  1. The ACA includes several provisions with significant effects on public health. One of these was the establishment of the Prevention and Public Health Fund. Summarize how this fund will be beneficial in improving the health of the public. (One to two paragraphs is an appropriate length)
  2. Identify and summarize two of the four of the issues that remain central to the ACA’s workforce initiatives. (One paragraph is an appropriate length.)
  3. How has the passage of the ACA impacted medical education as it relates to the delivery, access, and quality of services? (One paragraph per heading is an appropriate length.)
  4. With the ACA’s new parity provisions for insurance coverage, newer models of care are emerging that emphasize the integration of behavioral health services with primary care. What are the benefits of this integration? Give some examples of how it is benefitting consumers. (One paragraph per innovation in an appropriate length) HCA420 Unit 4 Assignment Paper

Chapter 6Medical Education and the Changing Practice of Medicine

Medical Education: Colonial America to the 19th Century •No medical schools•Sick were treated with medicinal herbs and anecdotal information in their homes•Few university-trained European physicians emigrated to America; trained colonial “medical students” in apprenticeships•No formal methods of testing new physicians; practiced without regulation of any kind

Medical Education: Colonial America to the 19th Century •Apprenticeship training with mentors continued until hospitals founded in mid-1700s•First medical school established in 1756 (College of Philadelphia), 2nd at King’s College, 1768 (later Columbia Univ.) •1800: only four U.S. medical schools added; each had a few faculty members teaching all courses

Flexner Report and Medical School Reforms •1904, AMA developed –Council on Medical Education: address needed educational improvements and standards–JAMA: published medical school state licensing failure statistics and group schools by failure rates, demanding poor schools to improve or resign the association

Flexner Report and Medical School Reforms •1905: Support for AMA reforms by Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching; examine all 155 US & Canadian schools’ entrance requirements, faculty, laboratories & hospital relationships •Schools’ cooperated believing that review would lead to Carnegie Foundation support

Flexner Report and Medical School Reforms •“Medical Education in the U.S. and Canada”–Lauded some schools: Harvard, Western Reserve, McGill, U of Toronto, Johns Hopkins (cited as a “model for medical education”)–Stimulated support from foundations & wealthy; University affiliated schools w/favorable ratings were primary recipients establishing future influence over future directions–Licensing legislation pursued; new standards for training duration, labs & other facilities. HCA420 Unit 4 Assignment Paper

Graduate Medical Education Consortia •Formal associations of medical schools, teaching hospitals, other organizations involved in residency training to improve organization, governance, MD supply and distribution through local coordination.•MD: allopathic physicians (138 schools); DO (Doctor of osteopathy- 29 schools); degrees are equivalent •No national licenses; state medical boards license with specific requirements; 3-7 yr. residency accredited by Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) required.

Graduate Medical Education Consortia •ACGME: not-for-profit independent organization dedicated to quality of residents’ training–Accredits ~ 9,000 U.S. residency programs; also addresses MD distribution and supply – 2012 transition to outcomes-based evaluation system to measure competencies.–ACA: redistribute specific resident training slots to needed specialties and areas with Medicare reimbursement flexibility

Delineation and Growth of Medical Specialties •AMA concerns began in mid 1800s:–Fragmented care (not treating “whole patient”)•AMA slow response prompted specialists to form their own societies–Late 1800s: specialty associations formed in ophthalmology, otology, obstetrics & gynecology, pediatrics

Delineation and Growth of Medical Specialties •Deficient training of medical specialists–At 1910 Flexner Report, huge variations in specialty training duration & quality; virtually any physician could call themselves a “specialist.”–1917 WWI army recruitment revealed shocking “unfit” to practice as “specialist” MDs and some overall “unfit” –American College of Surgeons est. oversight & practice standards for certifying surgeons in 1917


Chapter 7 The Healthcare Workforce

Introduction & Health Professions •One of largest U.S. employers; 16.4 million, 11.4% U.S. workforce•200+ occupations & professions; At 35% of workforce, hospitals are major employers (Fig. 7-1) •New vocations result from system changes, ~5.6 M new jobs in next decade, more than any other industry

Introduction & Health Professions •Employment growth highest among health plans, ambulatory clinics, home health, offices of practitioners•Specialized positions result from medical advances, but reduce flexibility & increases costs–Growing acceptance of multi-skilled professionals, esp. in hospitals combining roles in related fields.


Chapter 10 Mental Health Services

Current Background •Mental health terminology changes:–“Mental health care” now often “behavioral health care” with psychiatric care, a medical subspecialty, one aspect of integrated services–“Patient” replaced by “consumer” or “person/people” with a psychiatric or substance abuse disorder or “mental health issue” –“Problem-based” diagnosis model replaced with “strength-based” model in “Recovery Movement”3

Historical Overview •Colonial era to 1800s: mentally ill confined to almshouses, jails, hospitals with no treatment, decrepit conditions•1800s: Quakers advocated “moral treatment,” est. 1814 Philadelphia “asylum.” •WWI: “shell shock” in returning military focused new attention on mental illness4

Chapter 11 Public Health and the Role of Government in Health Care

Public Health Defined “Efforts made by communities to cope with health problems arising from people living in groups…the need to control transmission of disease, maintain a sanitary environment, provide safe water and food, and sustain people with disabilities and low income populations.” HCA420 Unit 4 Assignment Paper

HCA420 Unit 4 Assignment