Write a 5- to 7-page paper in APA format that includes the following:

To prepare for this week’s assignment complete the following:
Select one of the four research articles cited in this week’s required readings.
Review the various quantitative research designs presented in the textbook readings and research articles and discussed in the “Musings: Aligning Research Question and Methodology” media.
Consider the research design used in your selected article. Ask yourself the following questions. Is the design appropriate for the study? Would a different design provide better results?

To complete:
Write a 5- to 7-page paper in APA format that includes the following:
A brief one to two paragraph overview of the study
Two to three strengths of the study and support for your selection (i.e. why is this a strength)
Two to three weaknesses of the study and support for your selection (i.e. why is this a weakness)
Note: The strengths and weaknesses you identified should be in relation to design, sampling, data collection, statistical analysis, results and discussion of the study
Proposed changes to improve the quality of the study, capitalizing on the strengths and improving on the weaknesses you identified in the study
Summary of the implications for nursing practice

Gray, J.R., Grove, S.K., & Sutherland, S. (2017). Burns and Grove’s the practice of nursing research: Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier.
Chapter 5, “Research Problem and Purpose”

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2011). Research methods for evidence-based practice: Musings: Aligning research question and methodology. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2011). Research methods for evidence-based practice: Selecting a research topic and developing a hypothesis. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Select one of the following articles to use for this week’s Assignment: See  assignment attachment 

Selected Article : Fouquier, K.F. (2011). The concept of motherhood among three generations of African American women. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 43(2), 145–153.

What are some of the causes for increases in healthcare costs in recent years, as outlined in the chapter?

Epidemiology of Health and Illness.
Transforming the Public’s Health Care Systems.
Global Health
Please read chapter 4, 5 & 7 of the class textbook and review the attached Power Point presentations.  Once done answer the following questions;

1. How does the epidemiologic triad apply to health issues we see in the hospital? What are some common diagnoses in the acute care setting? What about in the community setting? How does the epidemiologic triad differ when a nurse is providing care to someone in the community or in his home? Does the nurse have more or less control in either arena?
2. Discuss the data presented regarding obesity in America in the Ethical Connection feature on page 118.  Please review the data and discuss your feelings about the role of community health nurses in community nutrition.
3. What are some of the causes for increases in healthcare costs in recent years, as outlined in the chapter?  Brainstorm some examples that you have actually witnessed in the clinical setting. Can any of these factors be modified? What could nurses do to help cut down on costs related to the different factors?
4. Why are the causes of morbidity and mortality in other countries different than in the United States? In what ways are they the same? Why do those differences exist? What types of services & interventions are needed in less developed countries to help with their health issues?

As stated in the class syllabus please present your assignment in an APA format word document, Arial 12 font attach to the thread in the discussion board title “Week 2 discussion questions”.  A minimum of 2 references no more than 5 years old are required with 2 replies to any of your peers sustained with the proper references.  A minimum of 500 words without counting the first and reference page are required.  

Text and materials:
Saucier Lundy, K & Janes, S.. (2016). Community Health Nursing. Caring for the Public’s Health. (3rd ed.) ISBN: 978-1-4496-9149-3
Publication Manual American Psychological Association (APA) (6th ed.).
2009 ISBN: 978-1-4338-0561-5 

Discuss the nursing care of the person;

Clinical Integration – Speciality Practice Assessment: Case Study Outline- Information For 

NRSG370 – Clinical Integration – Speciality Practice
Assessment: Case Study Outline- Information For Students
Assessment 2: Case Study – North Sydney
Students will complete a case study which discusses the provision of ethical, legal, evidence based, holistic person-centred care including the establishment of realistic and relevant goals through the theoretical examination of a particular nursing specialty case study using the Clinical Reasoning Cycle (Levett-Jones, 2013). Students must select and respond to the case study question that reflects their allocated clinical placement specialty. If you have not been allocated a specialty placement, OR you are repeating this unit, please refer to your LEO campus announcements forum and the 3-hour lecture for instructions on how to proceed (you should not repeat the same case study question twice). Case study questions can be found on LEO via this link: https://ift.tt/2vHkjZV
• There are a variety of case studies on LEO page under the case study tile
• Choose the one that best reflects your specialty placement
• BNBP students – must do ‘High Dependency’ Case Study
The Clinical Reasoning Cycle
Student are expected to use the Clinical Reasoning Cycle (Levett-Jones, 2018) as a framework to plan and evaluate person-centred care. You are being asked to think through the case scenario and then discuss how data was collected and the type of data collected, identify problems and nursing issues, identify and state the objectives and discuss how care was provided in order to address the issues and evaluate the interventions carried out: (analyse and identify a nursing issues/problems/needs, set objectives, discuss the nursing interventions and evaluate the interventions of care carried out). As per lecture notes, students are expected to apply the clinical reasoning cycle to address the case scenario:
• Consider the person’s situation
• Collect, process and present related health information
• Identify and prioritise at least three (3) nursing problems/issues based on the health assessment data that you have identified for the person at the centre of care.
• Establish goals for priority of nursing care related to the nursing problem/issues identified
• Discuss the nursing care of the person; link it to assessment data and history.
• Evaluate your nursing care strategies to justify the nursing care provided
• Reflect on the person’s outcomes

Adapted from Tracy Levett-Jones, et al. (2010)
Application of the Clinical Reasoning Cycle
Based on the stages of the clinical reasoning cycle, the outline of the essay should have:
Title Page: (not included in the essay)
• Unit Title: NRSG370 – Clinical Integration – Speciality Practice
• Student Name:
• Student ID Number:
• Speciality Area:
• Scenario:
• Total number of words:
• Essay should be formatted
1. Introduction
• introduces/outlines/situates the topic of the essay
• clearly describes the way in which the essay will proceed
• the essay is structured in a logical sequence so that the content flows (headings may be used to develop the structure of the paper)
2. Content
a) Consideration of facts from the patient or situation
Consider the case scenario of your choosing based on your clinical elective as per assessment “Choose the one that best reflects your specialty placement” this is where you determine what information should be collected and how information is going to be collected.
b) Collection of information
You need to discuss the type of information collected and why this information was collected based on the scenario for the clinical elective. For instance, the type of information collected should consider and include the history, current presenting issues and treatment plan, observations, results of investigations done medical records etc.
c) Processing gathered information (analysing and interpreting)
• The most important thing is to analyse the information that you have collected and identify areas of nursing care needs and problems. In this section, your discussion should reflect analysis and interpretation of the patient’s current health status using your established knowledge of physiology, pharmacology, pathology, culture, and ethics to establish needs and issues drawn from the information. This stage allows you to demonstrate synthesis of theory and experience acquired in previous and concurrent nursing units.
d) Identify the problem
• Identify and state the problems/needs or issues you have identified. It is important to identify the problems/needs/issues and the potential cause to determine the reason behind the patient’s current issue. Examples:
• Dehydration as a result of loose bowel motion x 4 and vomiting x 2 during am shift
• Falls risk as a result of confusion and unsteady gait
• Loss of weight as a result of poor oral intake for one week
• Pain due to post -operative procedure – laparotomy
• Hyperglycaemia due to poor diet and lack of knowledge on diabetes
Please note these are examples only, the nature of the problems you identify will depend on the nature of the case study and your analysis and interpretation of the situation.
e) Establish goals
• Here, you determine the nursing goals for the patient’s situation. Identify and prioritise at least three (3) nursing problems/issues based on your assessment and collected data.
f) Take action
• Here you discuss the nursing interventions or measures you will undertake in order to address the three nursing issues or problems. These measures should take in consideration the ethical, legal, evidence based, holistic -person-centred approach.
g) Evaluation and Reflection
• Evaluate the effectiveness of the nursing interventions you have discussed (presumably which could have been carried out or actually carried out) and reflect on how the interventions could have been improved or done better- State the potential measures that could have been considered or could have been carried out to address the problem. This phase allows you to critically analyse what has been done and how best the care was carried out or could have been improved.

3. Conclusion
• the essays ends with a cogent, defendable conclusion that summarises the discussion
4. References
• Provide a list of references used in your discussion
Please refer to the marking criteria
Here are some of the points in conjunction with the marking criteria which you should consider when applying the marking criteria to your case study essay:
1) Sequencing: 5%
• introduces/outlines/situates the topic of the essay
• clearly describes the way in which the essay will proceed
• the essay is structured in a logical sequence so that the content flows (headings may be used to develop the structure of the paper)
2) Content: 50%
• Refer to the stages of the clinical reasoning cycle
• Clearly identifies and prioritises 3 relevant nursing issues/ problem
• the case study essay focus has been addressed and discussed as per clinical reasoning cycle
• the case study essay content has clear links to contemporary nursing practice of the clinical elective area and discusses the provision of ethical, legal, evidence-based, holistic person-centred care, including the establishment of realistic and relevant goals
• the case study paper demonstrates a depth of understanding of the topic and significant issues as per scenario and clinical elective area.

3) Critical thinking, reasoning and evaluation of evidence: 30%
o the essay demonstrates a high degree of critical thought and insight by:
o providing a justification/rationale for the argument/discussion
o demonstrating you have reflected on the complex issues surrounding the three problems identified
o discussing the topic from differing perspectives, ethical, legal, evidence-based, holistic person-centred care thereby providing a balanced discussion of the problems.
o analysis is related to nursing care and issues/problems, and is presented and supported by adequate and appropriate evidence.
4) Paragraph, structure/intelligibility: 5%
• Organisation and presentation of content
• There are clear linking sentences that link each paragraph to the next area consistently
5) Sources & Referencing: 10%
• credible and relevant references are used. A broad range of in-text citations has been used
• accurate use of APA referencing style in all instances. the referencing style used throughout the paper is congruent with the APA style
• the reference list is accurate (i.e. no missing page numbers, volumes, correct title etc), complete (i.e. no references in the body of the paper are missing from the reference list) and consistent with the APA referencing style.
• the references cited are contemporary (i.e. not more than 10 years)
• there is evidence in the paper that the student has searched widely for information related to the topic/issue
• the student has acknowledged all sources of information used
Please refer to the unit outline, case study scenario on LEO and marking guide for information about assessment.

Briefly explain how the following legal and ethical considerations relevant to the nursing

Briefly explain how the following legal and ethical considerations relevant to the nursing… 

Knowledge questions
1. Briefly explain how the following legal and ethical considerations relevant to the nursing profession are applied in Analysis of transportation practices on the agricultural chain between Latin America and Chinanursing practice in your State/Territory.
a) Children in the workplace (in 60-90 words):
b) Code of Ethics for Nurses in Australia (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia) (in 50-80 words): Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
c) Code of Professional Conduct for Nurses (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia) (In 50-80 words): Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
d) Codes of practice (in 40-70 words): Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
e) Continuing professional education opportunities and mandatory CPD requirements for nurses (in 80 – 100 words):
f) Direct and indirect discrimination and its implications (in 150-180 words)
g) Duty of care of an enrolled nurse (in 100-130 words):
h) Equal employment opportunity (EEO) (in 60-90 words):
i) Human rights including access to healthcare (in 50-80 words):
j) Informed consent (in 80-110 words):
k) Professional indemnity insurance arrangements for enrolled nurses 60-90 words
l) Public liability insurance arrangements for enrolled nurses (in 25 – 50 words):
m) Life and death issues:
• Power of attorney (in 50-80 words):
• Living wills and advanced directives (advanced care plan) (in 60-90 words):
• Guardianship (guardian of property and person) (in 50-80 words):
n) Mandatory reporting (provide examples from a nursing context) (in 70-100 words):
o) Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia nursing practice guidelines, standards and fact sheets:
• Enrolled nurse competency standards for practice (in 60-90 words):
• Professional boundaries (in 60-90 words):
• Professional practice guidelines (in 50-80 words):
• Decision-making framework (DMF) including the nursing flowchart (in 100-130 words):
• Re-entry to practice (in 100-130 words):
• Registration guidelines (in 40-70 words):
• Recency of practice fact sheet (in 60-90 words):
p) Privacy and confidentiality (in 70-100 words):
q) Disclosure of health information (in 30-60 words):
r) Policy frameworks for nursing practice, e.g. Australian Safety and Quality Framework for Health Care (in 80-110 words):
s) Social media policy (Include in your response the potential implications this has on ethics, professionalism and nursing in the health care environment) (in 160-200 words):
t) Ethical decision making models (identify and discuss two (2) models) (in 80-110 words):
u) Contemporary ethical concepts and principles in nursing such as:
• Autonomy:
• Beneficence:
• Non-maleficence:
• Justice:
• Rights:
• Veracity:
2. Describe how the following pieces of legislation and regulation impact your nursing practice:
a) Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth) (in 60-90 words):
b) My Health Records Act 2012 (Commonwealth) (in 70-100 words):
c) Aged Care Act 1997 (Commonwealth) (in 50-80 words):
d) Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Commonwealth) (in 60-90 words): S
e) Criminal Code Act 1995 (Commonwealth) (in 80-110 words): Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory f) Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011 (Commonwealth) (in 70-100 words)
3. Various pieces of legislation are enacted in each State/Territory underpinning nursing practice. Identify the legislation relevant to your State/Territory relating to the following and describe how these pieces of legislation impact your nursing practice:
a) Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Act:
b) Health (drugs and poisons) legislation:
c) Mental health legislation:
d) Carers recognition legislation or official policies:
e) Anti-discrimination legislation:
f) Children and young people legislation:
g) Working with children legislation:
h) Workplace health and safety (WHS) legislation:
4. You noticed that the nurse allocated to take care of patients in the treatment room of your facility is not attending to the call bell requests made by people receiving care. You asked the nurse why the call bells are not answered. The nurse asked you to ignore it. Describe two (2) professional aspects breached by the nurse in this scenario (in 60-90 words).
5. The registered nurse asked a student nurse to assist a client with shaving. The student nurse is asked to perform the task without anyone supervising her. Applying the concept of vicarious liability, explain who will be held responsible for the actions or omissions of the student nurse? Will that be the student nurse herself or the registered nurse? (In 30-40 words).
6. You are asked by the registered nurse to provide oral care to a client. When should you obtain consent from the client to proceed with the care? (In 20-30 words).
7. Identify and outline two (2) legal requirements you must apply when writing nursing reports.
8. Imagine a situation where you observe an incidence of abuse or neglect in your workplace. What should you do when you suspect that abuse and/or neglect is occurring with one of your patients? (in 50-60 words).
9. Whom would you seek clarification from for concerns relating to requests for tests and referrals for the clients in the workplace? Identify two (2) personnel who could assist you.
10. Define the following terms:
a) Ethics:
b) Bioethics:
c) Nursing ethics:
11. You must use correct common legal terms associated with
nursing practice, and correctly interpret their meaning irrespective of the area in which you are working. Describe the following legal terms and types of law:
a) Civil law:
b) Common law:
c) Statute law:
d) Precedent:
e) Law of torts:
f) Negligence:
g) Trespass:
h) Assault:
i) Battery:
j) Legal capacity:
k) Intellectual capacity:
l) Clinical incapacity:
m) False imprisonment:
n) Defamation:
o) Vicarious liability:
p) Defendant:
q) Plaintiff:
r) Harassment:
s) Expert witness:
t) Coronial inquests:
12. The National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards are being applied across a wide variety of health care services in all States/Territories in Australia. Describe the application of these standards (in 100-140 words).
13. Briefly explain the role of Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia.
14. Different ethical theories exist and theories can be applied to different situations to inform our thinking and support decision making. Describe the following theoretical concepts related to ethical conduct (in 25-40 words each):
a) Consequentialism:
b) Deontological (duty-based) ethics:
15. Various clinical situations will leave you in an ethical dilemma. Discuss the ethical issues you might come across in relation to the following situations (in 50-90 words each):
a) Abortion:
b) Tissue transplantation and organ donation:
c) Reproductive technology
d) Euthanasia and assisted suicide:
e) Restraint:
f) Open disclosure:
g) Mandatory reporting:
h) Quality of life:
i) Conscientious objection:
j) Abuse, e.g. elder abuse:
k) Consent:
l) Artificially prolonging life:
m) Refusal and withdrawal of treatment:
n) Stem cell research, e.g. embryonic stem cell research.
16. The Australian court hierarchy consists of a variety of courts and tribunals. Describe the court system in Australia (Australian court hierarchy).
17. Identify and describe (2) sources you could refer to in accessing information related to Australian legislation and supporting documentation.
18. For a patient’s consent to be valid a number of criteria will need to be met. Briefly describe two (2) requirements of obtaining a valid consent
19. Explain the difference between implied consent and expressed consent (in 30-40 words).
20. Briefly describe the functions of the coroner in relation to a healthcare event (in 30-40 words).
21. When is it required to give evidence to the coroner and what types of evidence could you provide?
22. The owner of an aged care facility released the photos and videos of a resident who had dementia without prior consent. The resident’s family filed a petition in court against the organisation asking for compensation. In accordance with the Privacy Act 1988, what is the civil penalty the organisation might need to give the plaintiff, if they win? (in 30-40 words).
Website reference:
? Australasian Legal Information Institute (n.d). Home page. Retrieved from http://www.austlii.edu.au/
? Australian Government (n.d). Federal Register of Legislation. Retrieved from https://www.legislation.gov.au/
? Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (2013). The Australian Open Disclosure Framework. Retrieved from https://www.safetyandquality.gov.au/our-work/opendisclosure/the-open-disclosure-framework/
? Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (2012). National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards. Retrieved from https://www.safetyandquality.gov.au/publications/national-safety-and-quality-health-servicestandards/
? Legal dictionary (n.d). Civil Law. Retrieved from https://legaldictionary.net/civil-law/
? Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (2015). Professional Codes & Guidelines. Retrived from http://www.nursingmidwiferyboard.gov.au/Codes-GuidelinesStatements.a
People’s Law Dictionary (n.d). Search Legal Terms and Definitions. Retrived from http://dictionary.law.com/Default.aspx?letter=A
Textbook reference:
? Raghunathan, K. (2016). Chapter 2 Professional nursing practice – legal and ethical frameworks. In Koutoukidis, G, Stainton, K & Hughson, J. (2016). Tabbner’s nursing care. (7th ed.). Chatswood, NSW: Churchill Livingstone. Pp: 26 – 48.

Clinical Integration

Clinical Integration – Speciality PracticeAssessment: Case Study Outline- Information For. 

NRSG370 – Clinical Integration – Speciality PracticeAssessment: Case Study Outline- Information For StudentsAssessment 2: Case Study – North SydneyStudents will complete a case study which discusses the provision of ethical, legal, evidence based, holistic person-centred care including the establishment of realistic and relevant goals through the theoretical examination of a particular nursing specialty case study using the Clinical Reasoning Cycle (Levett-Jones, 2013). Students must select and respond to the case study question that reflects their allocated clinical placement specialty. If you have not been allocated a specialty placement, OR you are repeating this unit, please refer to your LEO campus announcements forum and the 3-hour lecture for instructions on how to proceed (you should not repeat the same case study question twice). Case study questions can be found on LEO via this link: https://leo.acu.edu.au/course/view.php?id=27543&section=4• There are a variety of case studies on LEO page under the case study tile• Choose the one that best reflects your specialty placement• BNBP students – must do ‘High Dependency’ Case StudyThe Clinical Reasoning CycleStudent are expected to use the Clinical Reasoning Cycle (Levett-Jones, 2018) as a framework to plan and evaluate person-centred care. You are being asked to think through the case scenario and then discuss how data was collected and the type of data collected, identify problems and nursing issues, identify and state the objectives and discuss how care was provided in order to address the issues and evaluate the interventions carried out: (analyse and identify a nursing issues/problems/needs, set objectives, discuss the nursing interventions and evaluate the interventions of care carried out). As per lecture notes, students are expected to apply the clinical reasoning cycle to address the case scenario:• Consider the person’s situation• Collect, process and present related health information• Identify and prioritise at least three (3) nursing problems/issues based on the health assessment data that you have identified for the person at the centre of care.• Establish goals for priority of nursing care related to the nursing problem/issues identified• Discuss the nursing care of the person; link it to assessment data and history.• Evaluate your nursing care strategies to justify the nursing care provided• Reflect on the person’s outcomesAdapted from Tracy Levett-Jones, et al. (2010)Application of the Clinical Reasoning CycleBased on the stages of the clinical reasoning cycle, the outline of the essay should have:Title Page: (not included in the essay)• Unit Title: NRSG370 – Clinical Integration – Speciality Practice• Student Name:• Student ID Number:• Speciality Area:• Scenario:• Total number of words:• Essay should be formatted1. Introduction• introduces/outlines/situates the topic of the essay• clearly describes the way in which the essay will proceed• the essay is structured in a logical sequence so that the content flows (headings may be used to develop the structure of the paper)2. Contenta) Consideration of facts from the patient or situationConsider the case scenario of your choosing based on your clinical elective as per assessment “Choose the one that best reflects your specialty placement” this is where you determine what information should be collected and how information is going to be collected.b) Collection of informationYou need to discuss the type of information collected and why this information was collected based on the scenario for the clinical elective. For instance, the type of information collected should consider and include the history, current presenting issues and treatment plan, observations, results of investigations done medical records etc.c) Processing gathered information (analysing and interpreting)• The most important thing is to analyse the information that you have collected and identify areas of nursing care needs and problems. In this section, your discussion should reflect analysis and interpretation of the patient’s current health status using your established knowledge of physiology, pharmacology, pathology, culture, and ethics to establish needs and issues drawn from the information. This stage allows you to demonstrate synthesis of theory and experience acquired in previous and concurrent nursing units.d) Identify the problem• Identify and state the problems/needs or issues you have identified. It is important to identify the problems/needs/issues and the potential cause to determine the reason behind the patient’s current issue. Examples:• Dehydration as a result of loose bowel motion x 4 and vomiting x 2 during am shift• Falls risk as a result of confusion and unsteady gait• Loss of weight as a result of poor oral intake for one week• Pain due to post -operative procedure – laparotomy• Hyperglycaemia due to poor diet and lack of knowledge on diabetesPlease note these are examples only, the nature of the problems you identify will depend on the nature of the case study and your analysis and interpretation of the situation.e) Establish goals• Here, you determine the nursing goals for the patient’s situation. Identify and prioritise at least three (3) nursing problems/issues based on your assessment and collected data.f) Take action• Here you discuss the nursing interventions or measures you will undertake in order to address the three nursing issues or problems. These measures should take in consideration the ethical, legal, evidence based, holistic -person-centred approach.g) Evaluation and Reflection• Evaluate the effectiveness of the nursing interventions you have discussed (presumably which could have been carried out or actually carried out) and reflect on how the interventions could have been improved or done better- State the potential measures that could have been considered or could have been carried out to address the problem. This phase allows you to critically analyse what has been done and how best the care was carried out or could have been improved.•3. Conclusion• the essays ends with a cogent, defendable conclusion that summarises the discussion4. References• Provide a list of references used in your discussionTHE MARKING CRITERIAPlease refer to the marking criteriaHere are some of the points in conjunction with the marking criteria which you should consider when applying the marking criteria to your case study essay:1) Sequencing: 5%• introduces/outlines/situates the topic of the essay• clearly describes the way in which the essay will proceed• the essay is structured in a logical sequence so that the content flows (headings may be used to develop the structure of the paper)2) Content: 50%• Refer to the stages of the clinical reasoning cycle• Clearly identifies and prioritises 3 relevant nursing issues/ problem• the case study essay focus has been addressed and discussed as per clinical reasoning cycle• the case study essay content has clear links to contemporary nursing practice of the clinical elective area and discusses the provision of ethical, legal, evidence-based, holistic person-centred care, including the establishment of realistic and relevant goals• the case study paper demonstrates a depth of understanding of the topic and significant issues as per scenario and clinical elective area.•3) Critical thinking, reasoning and evaluation of evidence: 30%o the essay demonstrates a high degree of critical thought and insight by:o providing a justification/rationale for the argument/discussiono demonstrating you have reflected on the complex issues surrounding the three problems identifiedo discussing the topic from differing perspectives, ethical, legal, evidence-based, holistic person-centred care thereby providing a balanced discussion of the problems.o analysis is related to nursing care and issues/problems, and is presented and supported by adequate and appropriate evidence.4) Paragraph, structure/intelligibility: 5%• Organisation and presentation of content• There are clear linking sentences that link each paragraph to the next area consistently5) Sources & Referencing: 10%• credible and relevant references are used. A broad range of in-text citations has been used• accurate use of APA referencing style in all instances. the referencing style used throughout the paper is congruent with the APA style• the reference list is accurate (i.e. no missing page numbers, volumes, correct title etc), complete (i.e. no references in the body of the paper are missing from the reference list) and consistent with the APA referencing style.• the references cited are contemporary (i.e. not more than 10 years)• there is evidence in the paper that the student has searched widely for information related to the topic/issue• the student has acknowledged all sources of information usedPlease refer to the unit outline, case study scenario on LEO and marking guide for information about assessment.

Discuss the impact of nursing theory

Discussion #2 a) Discuss the impact of nursing theory to your current practice b) Based on your… 

Discussion #2

a) Discuss the impact of nursing theory to your current practice
b) Based on your assigned readings, select one nursing theory that interests you, discuss how that theory can help you in your current clinical practice. Why is it relevant? How can you introduce that theory to your co-workers who are not familiar with nursing theory and show them that it is useful for their practice also?
1. Students are required to respond significantly to all discussion questions. Student responses to discussion questions must be substantive, that is, thoughtful and analytical. The student will be expected to follow APA guidelines for online submissions. Initial responses to discussion will require a minimum of TWO citations while subsequent responseswill require a minimum of ONE citation. All responses should include a reference list at the end of the discussion. The student is held to academic standards of writing style and the use of proper grammar, punctuation and spelling.

Nursing the Surgical Patient

Nursing the Surgical Patient- Fred Brown- Nursing Case Study Assignment Help Task: Case… 

NUR2100: Nursing the Surgical Patient- Fred Brown- Nursing Case Study Assignment Help


Case study 1
Fred Brown is a 72 year old man who has been admitted for a left knee replacement. He has a history of COPD, depression, and hypertension. Fred is frail and he lives alone.

Fred has had his knee replacement today, and returned to the ward late in the evening at 2100 hours. You are the nurse looking after him on the night shift. He has a PCA for pain relief and IVI Normal Saline running at 100mls per hour. Fred has a sedation score of 1 since coming back from theatre. He has Oxygen running at 2L per min via nasal prongs. He has a vacudrain insitu and a large dressing over his knee.

Task in detail:

Section 1
1. Develop an appropriate nursing approach for the client in the scenario and include relevant assessment, potential problem / issue identification, and interventions (including monitoring) in the case outlined. In your analysis these actions should be based on nursing evidence for practice and referenced appropriately.

a. Your discussion should explain the rationale for those nursing actions. You will need to develop your nursing actions from the literature and justify why the care you have proposed is best practice. Your care will need to be prioritised and cover both physical and psychosocial needs and be mindful of the presenting co-morbidities of the person. Your focus in this section will centre on the care of the patient in the initial 24hours post-surgery. This section should be the major part of your essay.

Section 2
2. Discuss the co-morbidity COPD and the potential issues impacting on recovery post- operatively for Fred after having a general anaesthetic. Include in your discussion the possible complications that could arise and how Fred might deteriorate. Detail the interventions the nurse would initiate to decrease risk to the patient and include your
rationale for interventions.

Section 3
3. Identify and briefly discuss discharge planning for patient. Identify from the literature the discharge planning would need to be put in place for the case scenario. Keep this section brief.

•Describe possible evidence–based interventions for the problem.

Assignment Instructions Nursing is in the midst of many changes. How can you be a driving force to.. 

Assignment Instructions

Nursing is in the midst of many changes. How can you be a driving force to bring about needed change within the field of nursing?

For this assignment, write 4–6 pages addressing an issue within the nursing field or your own organization.  Preparation  Select a problem to address either within nursing as a professional field or within the organization where you work. Narrow down your options by considering which change would best be undertaken by an interprofessional team.  Some examples within the nursing discipline include: •Using mobile and portable technology to support patients.

•Using evidence–based practice (EBP) to improve patient care.

•Increasing patient safety and quality of care. The use of medical technology such as genes and stem cells, or robots in the OR.

•Addressing the nursing shortage now and into the future.

•Improving the work environment (providing calm, supportive spaces for nurses; improved dialogue between health care professionals).

•Improving safety for nurses at work (violence, spreading diseases, or physical injury).

•Dealing with abuse by health care professionals.  Alternatively, you can narrow the scope to an issue within your own organization:

•Developing a mobility program for an inpatient unit.

•Implementing “smart” technology to assist in patient monitoring.

•Creating a mentoring program to attract and retain nurses.

•Implementing protocols for infection control or treatment of an epidemic (or both). •Developing a plan to eliminate physical violence and verbal abuse in the workplace.

•Other issue.  Once you have selected an issue to address, look for scholarly and professional articles that focus on the problem, the needed change, and how interprofessional teams can work together to drive change.  Requirements  Complete the following:

•Describe the problem briefly, along with how it impacts the organization, patients, or the nursing profession (or all of these).

•Describe possible evidence–based interventions for the problem.

•Analyze potential barriers and resistance to change that might come from the organization, patients, or colleagues (or all of these).

•Describe strategies to overcome barriers and resistance to change.

•Develop a plan to implement evidence–based interventions. What steps would you take? What resources might you need?

•Identify other health care professionals to enlist as team members to help drive change in the organization.

Your completed assignment should be 4–6 pages in length, not including the title page and reference page. Support your statements and intervention plan with references to and citations for at least 4 scholarly or professional resources.

Be sure to follow APA guidelines for style and format. In addition:

•Include a title page and reference page.

•Use Times New Roman font, 12 point.


Nursing – Rehabilitation – Hypoglycemia

Nursing – Rehabilitation – Hypoglycemia – Case Study Assignment Help Case Study : Kath… 

NRSG370: Nursing – Rehabilitation – Hypoglycemia – Case Study Assignment Help

Case Study :

Kath Jones, 62 years old, right below knee amputation

Kath is a 62 year old Indigenous Australian woman who has a history of peripheral vascular disease (PVD) secondary to Type II Diabetes which is controlled by diet and oral hypoglycaemic medication. Kath lives independently in her own home in a rural setting, works part time at the local news agent, is divorced and has two sons who are mine workers. Kath developed a large vascular ulcer on the medial aspect of her right calf following a fall, where she sustained a large graze and bruising, subsequently becoming infected and turning gangrenous over 6 months and which was unresponsive to treatment, resulting in a right below knee amputation which was performed electively in a regional hospital under spinal anaesthesia. Kath has had an uneventful post-operative period; has recovered well from the surgery and the amputated stump appears to be healing well. Kath is now 5 days post op and needs to be discharged to an inpatient rehabilitation facility to learn how to mobilise safely with a prosthesis as well as education to effectively manage her Type II diabetes, as she wishes to return to her independent lifestyle.


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Task :

The case study should be including the following:

Clinical Reasoning Cycle (Levett-Jones, 2018) as a framework to plan and evaluate person-centred care

Consider the person’s situation – Collect, process and present related health information

Identify and prioritise three (3) nursing problems/issues based on the health assessment data that you have identified for the person at the centre of care.

Establish goals for priority of nursing care related to the nursing problem/issues identified

Discuss the nursing care of the person; link it to assessment data and history.

Evaluate your nursing care strategies to justify the nursing care provided

Reflect on the person’s outcomes

Be it a used or new solution, the quality of the work submitted by our assignment experts remains unhampered. You may continue to expect the same or even better quality with the used and new assignment solution files respectively. There’s one thing to be noticed that you could choose one between the two and acquire an HD either way. You could choose a new assignment solution file to get yourself an exclusive, plagiarism (with free Turnitin file), expert quality assignment or order an old solution file that was considered worthy of the highest distinction.

Discuss the nursing care of the person; link it to assessment data and history.

 Clinical Integration – Speciality Practice – Jhon Grey Mental Health Case Study Assignment 

NRSG370 – Clinical Integration – Speciality Practice – Jhon Grey Mental Health Case Study Assignment

Case Study:

John Gray, 28 years old, severe depression following suicide attempt

Mr. John Gray is a 28 year old single male admitted to the unit a week ago after an episode of intentional self-harm.  John is the son of a grazier from a farming community north of Brisbane who is expected to take over the family farm. The farm has been severely affected by the longstanding drought conditions in the district.

You are the nurse assigned to John’s care for the afternoon shift. On handover you were informed John did not get up for breakfast again, went to lunch reluctantly only because he was compelled to but ate almost nothing, and returned to his bed immediately afterwards.

Vital Signs:

Blood pressure 125/75

Temperature 36.3

Pulse 66

Respirations 18.

John has a rope burn mark on his neck caused by the breaking of the rope with which he attempted to hang himself and some bruising and broken skin on his arms and legs from the subsequent fall but no serious physical injuries. The areas of broken skin were covered with a non-adherent dressing and tape. The occupational therapist reported John was still choosing not to take part in any activities, including small group games or one-on-one activity.

When you go to introduce yourself to John, you find him lying on his bed with the covers pulled up high. He appears reluctant to engage in conversation with you. When you address him to introduce yourself, he grunts and turns over to face the wall away from you.


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Students will complete a case study which discusses the provision of ethical, legal, evidence based, holistic person-centred care including the establishment of realistic and relevant goals through the theoretical examination of a particular nursing specialty case study using the Clinical Reasoning Cycle (Levett-Jones, 2013). Students must select and respond to the case study question that reflects

their allocated clinical placement specialty. If you have not been allocated a specialty placement, OR you are repeating this unit, please refer to your LEO campus announcements forum and the 3-hour lecture for instructions on how to proceed (you should not repeat the same case study question twice). Case study questions can be found on LEO.

There are a variety of case studies on LEO page under the case study tile

Choose the one that best reflects your specialty placement

BNBP students – must do ‘High Dependency’ Case Study

The Clinical Reasoning Cycle

Student are expected to use the Clinical Reasoning Cycle (Levett-Jones, 2018) as a framework to plan and evaluate person-centred care. You are being asked to think through the case scenario and then discuss how data was collected and the type of data collected, identify problems and nursing issues, identify and state the objectives and discuss how care was provided in order to address the issues and evaluate the interventions carried out: (analyse and identify a nursing issues/problems/needs, set objectives, discuss the nursing interventions and evaluate the interventions of care carried out). As per lecture notes, students are expected to apply the clinical reasoning cycle to address the case scenario:

Consider the person’s situation

Collect, process and present related health information

Identify and prioritise at least three (3) nursing problems/issues based on the health assessment data that you have identified for the person at the centre of care.

Establish goals for priority of nursing care related to the nursing problem/issues identified

Discuss the nursing care of the person; link it to assessment data and history.

Evaluate your nursing care strategies to justify the nursing care provided

Reflect on the person’s outcomes