Analyze the role of the profession of nursing in your topic, include the professional nursing literature. Choose one policy that reflects its

Analysis Paper on Health Policy Issue – Prescription Drug Abuse. Objective: to identify and clarify. 

Analysis Paper on Health Policy Issue – Prescription Drug Abuse.

Objective: to identify and clarify policy issues and problems, their causes, their current and future effect on the community, and how problems become part of the

policy agenda; to explore factors involved with the issue while remain objective; to identify key stakeholders in the issue and their relationships to possible

outcomes; evaluate policy potentials and effectiveness; summarize benefits, tradeoffs, etc. for policy issues; and analyze the role of profession of nursing in the

topic; include the professional nursing literature.

Write your paper using the below order


1. Problem identification: introduce and clarify/explain the underlying problem/issue (causes, current and future effects on the community, who raised and is now

interested in it, how the problem moved to the agenda etc) 1 page

2. Background: put the problem in context with specifics on social, economic, ethical, legal and political factors ~1 page

3. Stakeholders: discuss parties having a stake in the outcome of the policy debate (who has proposals/a position related to the issue, who would be affected by the

policy, who are the special interest groups~ 1 page

4. Issue statement: a clear statement that summarizes the underlying problem and conflicting values based on the above information 1 paragraph

5. Policy objectives/goals: stated specifically (you can list) ~half a page

6. Policy options: Analyze the role of the profession of nursing in your topic, include the professional nursing literature.. Briefly discuss 2-3of the most

relevant/realistic current proposals, or a new one using your literature review and in consideration of the above policy objectives/goals(consider necessary resources,

program objectives and criteria, examine whether if X is done Y will result, consider the “do nothing” option) ~1 -2 pages

7. Evaluation criteria: Analyze the role of the profession of nursing in your topic, include the professional nursing literature. Choose one policy that reflects its

potential to achieve the policy goals (quality, access, fairness, cost, administrative feasibility, political feasibility, others identified) Explain your choice ~1


8. APA format and following directions: the most recent publication format should be used, page limit must be adhered to (no more than 8 pages), paper must be

submitted by the due date

Identify and describe a needed change in your workplace.

Identify and describe a needed change in your workplace. It could be a change in the levels of… 

Identify and describe a needed change in your workplace. It could be a change in the levels of staffing, a change in policy, such as time off or tuition reimbursement, a change in use of equipment or supplies, a change in charting and computerized medical records, etc. Start with an introductory paragraph that includes the purpose of the paper.

In your description, describe the implications of the change on nursing staff and nursing management. Include the potential impact of the change on patient care. Describe the steps needed to implement the change. Be sure to use proper APA formatting, including a title page.

The following headings are required in the assignment:

  • Change Description
  • Change Implications for Nursing
  • Change Impact on Quality of Care and Safety Concerns for Patients
  • Implementation Plan for Change
  • Conclusion
  • References (a separate page)

The deliverable length for each section is as follows:

  • The change issue should be described in 3–4 paragraphs, 200–250 words.
  • The Implications for nursing should be described in 1–2 paragraphs, 100–150 words.
  • The change impact on quality of care and safety concerns for patients should be described in 1–2 paragraphs, 100–150 words.
  • The implementation Plan for Change should be described in 2–4 paragraphs 200–250 words.
  • The total length of the paper EXCLUDING title page and reference page should be 3-4 pages

Identify one nursing / midwifery intervention you would undertake directly with your client to address the mental health concern noted in question 2a and include a rationale for the intervention.

Nursing – Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing1 – Nursing Assignment Help TASK Using the… 

401013: Nursing – Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing1 – Nursing Assignment Help


Using the case study provided, identify an urgent risk area. Ensure your answer details why you have identified this risk area including specific information about the client and current literature.

Identify one nursing / midwifery intervention you would undertake directly with your client to address the risk area noted in question 1a and include a rationale for the intervention

How, who and when you would actually carry out the intervention. Your rationale should state why you would carry out the particular intervention. Ensure literature is included.

Using the case study provided, identify a mental health concern. Ensure your answer details why you have identified this concern including specific information about the client and current literature.

Identify one nursing / midwifery intervention you would undertake directly with your client to address the mental health concern noted in question 2a and include a rationale for the intervention.

Ensure the interventions includes how, who and when you would actually carry out the intervention. Your rationale should state why you would carry out the particular intervention. Ensure literature is included when you discuss the rationale.

Using current literature, identify and discuss (2) two legal, ethical or professional issues a nurse / midwife may need to consider when working with the client in the case study

-Describe your personal philosophy for nursing profession.

 2 pages in length excluding cover page to include a minimum of one reference. Label each. 

APA paper- 2 pages in length excluding cover page to include a minimum of one reference. Label each topic
Introduction- Define what philosophy means to you.
-Describe your personal philosophy for nursing profession. 
-Describe influential experiences which impacted your decision to pursue nursing as a profession.
-Describe your professional goals
-Define what health and wellness means to you
-Please make sure to include proper grammer, proper word use, punctuation, sentence composition, paragraph development, sentence clarity, spelling.logical and clear essay development: easily readable(Use heading). APA style as appropriate for referencing and format and reference. 

How can the nurse creatively use self to create a healing environment?

Your assignment this week will be an APA paper to include title page, level headings, and a reference page.
Case study #1 
Mrs. Franklin-Jones was admitted from the Emergency Room to Cardiac Intensive Care one week ago with a diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction. She has recovered as expected and is moving to the cardiac step down unit today. She is talking with Nurse Julie Hernandez, as she gets settled in her new room, “I was really surprised when I got that bad pain in my chest! I knew I had high pressure but I just didn’t think it was that bad. I try to take my medicine like they told me to in the clinic but sometimes I forget. I guess that I need to study those papers they gave me about what foods I should eat and not eat. I better take care of myself! Momma had bad pressure and it killed her! Who knows—I may even have to learn to cook different than I was taught in Jamaica! I may have to let Tomas do the cooking. He’s got more time at home now than I do since he lost his job. There isn’t too much time between my shifts at the school cafeteria and my new housecleaning job. You know my sister is coming up from Jamaica to see me. I think she is bringing me some bush tea. That’ll set me right!”

Using Leininger’s Culture Care Model, what factors in the story shared by Mrs. Franklin-Jones should be considered by Nurse Hernandez when planning for the patient’s discharge?
Why is the theory of Culture Care Diversity important in the delivery of nursing care for all patients?
Using Leininger’s Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality, develop a plan of care for Mrs. Franklin-Jones.
Discuss the strengths and limits to Leininger’s Theory.

Case Study #2
Claude Jean-Baptiste is recovering from post-hip replacement surgery and has been transferred to the Rehabilitation Institute adjacent to the hospital. When he enters the unit, he sees welcoming signs written in several languages including his own, Creole. Since there are no nurses on that shift that speak Creole, they use a language line to ask for translation services. During this initial nursing assessment, the translator informs Mr. Jean-Baptiste that the nurses invite him to have a relative at his side so that they can be sure to understand and meet his needs. He is asked about Haitian customs and beliefs that they might honor. Mr. Jean-Baptiste is encouraged to bring food and spiritual care items, and to share the warmth of his culture with the nursing staff.

Discuss assumptions of the Transpersonal Caring relationship. What is the nurse’s role?
How is love, as defined by Watson, evident in this caring moment?
How can the nurse creatively use self to create a healing environment?
Discuss the strengths and limits to Watson’s Theory.

This paper should include 2 outside references and your book. The essay should be between 1500 and 1750 words in length.

Discuss the impact this leader’s contribution will have on future generations of nurses;

This 4 – 6 page Role Transition Paper provides you with the opportunity to explore and analyze the life and work of a nurse leader who has impacted the
nursing profession. Provide a brief overview of the nurse leader you selected in Module 1 Week 1, including a rationale for why you selected this person.

The purpose of the Role Transition Paper is not to write a biography of this nurse leader; rather, discuss the nurse leader’s life and work by addressing
all six components below. Support your work with a minimum of 5 scholarly references.

Identify the leadership characteristics of the selected individual and why you believe these are essential leadership characteristics;

Discuss the unique contribution(s) this leader made to the nursing profession and/or nursing practice;

Identify advocacy characteristics this leader employs to meet health care needs of individuals, families, and/or aggregates.

Discuss specific barriers, obstacles, or circumstances that precipitated or influenced the leader’s decision to address the situation that led to the

Discuss the impact this leader’s contribution will have on future generations of nurses;

Discuss how this leader’s contribution, including how he or she propelled the change, impacts you from a personal and professional perspective: knowledge,
values, and beliefs.

What are the benefits of membership of your selected nursing organization?

Discussion Question 1

Post a detailed description of your experience of working with a nurse leader. Include the following aspects in your description.

  • Of the leadership theories discussed this week, which one did this nurse leader subscribe to? Why?
  • How has been your experience with the nurse leader? Provide a description of your interactions with him or her.

Discussion Question 2

Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, choose and research about a professional nursing organization. Based on your understanding of the organization, answer the following questions:

  • What are the benefits of membership of your selected nursing organization?
  • What opportunities are available to serve within this organization?
  • How does one go about obtaining a position of service within this organization?
  • With what political issues is this organization involved?
  • How does this organization go about working within the political system?

Advanced Practice Nursing Decisions that Cause Moral Distress

Advanced Practice Nursing Decisions that Cause Moral Distress Choose an ethical-legal. 

dq 1

Topic 1: Advanced Practice Nursing Decisions that Cause Moral Distress

Choose an ethical-legal dilemma that would cause the advanced practice nurse moral distress. The dilemma could be one you have faced in your practice. Write at least the introductory paragraphs for the Unit 4 Assignment. Be specific about the dilemma — something you may have experienced in your practice. Outline the topics that will be discussed in the Unit 4 Assignment using level one APA headings.

Use the APA template provided in the class for this paper. It is on the left navigation tab and is set up for all papers in APA format. Place the beginning of your paper in the Discussion Board for all to read and critique.

After receiving feedback from your peers and instructor, work on refining the paper to submit in Unit 4. Choose someone to peer review that does not have feedback.

Cite and reference at least three nursing peer reviewed articles to support the content in the paragraph. In the final Assignment, you will have a minimum of seven references relating to legal and ethical issues.

Chapter 16, titled Effective Peer Reviews, in the Kaplan Guide to Successful Writing handbook explains the importance of conducting peer reviews (critiques), how to conduct the peer review, and how to help your classmates and the reviewer achieve an improved learning experience.

Review pages 213–219 of Kaplan Guide to Successful Writing.

dq 2

Topic 2: Evaluation of Ethical Models and the Ethics Committee

You identified an ethical dilemma in Discussion topic 1 of this unit. Present your dilemma to the ethics committee of your institution. Outline an ethical theory or model you wish the committee to consider when reviewing this case. What arguments do you have to support the use of this model? Discuss the role of the ethics committee in this particular ethical dilemma.

Unit 2 Group Assignment — Not Graded

MN506: Contract for Group Project, Unit 2 Assignment — not graded

Work on the “Contract for Group Project” template with your team.

Define values, morals, and ethics in the context of your obligation to nursing practice.

After reading “Chapter 3: To Heal Sometimes, To Comfort Always,” complete the questionnaire titled, “My Nursing Ethic.”

Using the reading and the questionnaire, write a paper of 750-1,000
words in which you describe your professional moral compass. As you
write your paper, include the following:

1. What personal, cultural, and spiritual values contribute to your
worldview and philosophy of nursing? How do these values shape or
influence your nursing practice?

2. Define values, morals, and ethics in the context of your
obligation to nursing practice. Explain how your personal values,
philosophy, and worldview may conflict with your obligation to practice,
creating an ethical dilemma.

3. Reflect and share your own personal thoughts regarding the morals
and ethical dilemmas you may face in the health care field. How do your
personal views affect your behavior and your decision making?

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines.Document Preview: 



Identify the approach that best fits your personal and professional philosophy of nursing and explain why the approach is suited to your personal leadership style.

In this assignment, you will be writing a 1,000-1,250-word essay describing the differing approaches of nursing leaders and managers to issues in practice. To complete this assignment, do the following:

1) Select an issue from the following list: nursing shortage and nurse turn-over, nurse staffing ratios, unit closures and restructuring, use of contract employees (i.e., registry and travel nurses), continuous quality improvement and patient satisfaction, and magnet designation.

2) Compare and contrast how you would expect nursing leaders and managers to approach your selected issue. Support your rationale by using the theories, principles, skills, and roles of the leader versus manager described in your readings.

3) Identify the approach that best fits your personal and professional philosophy of nursing and explain why the approach is suited to your personal leadership style.

4) Use at least two references other than your text and those provided in the course.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.