Management And Motivation

Management And Motivation







Management And Motivation






A learner-centred environment is the most appropriate learning environment for older individuals’ complex mental and physical health needs. A learner-centered setting is one in which the needs of the students are taken into consideration. Students bring their own culture, ideas, attitudes, abilities, and information to the classroom, as well as information from their own sources. A learner-centered instructor is one who is concerned with each student’s intellectual and cultural development. A lot of conversation takes place in the classroom, with students doing the majority of the talking and generating meaning from prior knowledge and experiences (Webb, 2013). When new knowledge is introduced, the instructor acts as a link between it and what the students already know. In this case, the senior nurses work in a learner-centred atmosphere to assist their patients in maintaining their health and adjusting to changes in their physical and mental skills so that older adults can remain independent and active for as long as feasible. These nurses work in conjunction with older adults, their communities, and their families to promote healthy ageing, a high quality of life, and optimal functioning (Yiqun, 2021).

When teaching this audience about health promotion, it is clear that disease prevention and early detection is the most effective strategy for managing a chronic condition successfully. The elderly must understand that recognizing and treating concurrent illnesses early is critical for severely fragile seniors. The elderly are intended to be educated on the value of daily exercise, a healthy diet, and leading a stress-free existence. Adults on medicine are expected to take it exactly as prescribed and faithfully to promote their health.

Several classroom management theories are relevant to teaching older individuals complex mental and physical health needs in effective classroom management. These theories include behaviourism, cognitive theory, and constructivism. Each theory has its strengths and weaknesses, but all are relevant to teaching the older individuals’ complex mental and physical health needs.

Behaviourism is a theory of learning that emphasizes the role of reinforcement in shaping behaviour (Ahmed et al., 2020). This theory is relevant to teaching older adults complex mental and physical health needs for effective classroom management. It emphasizes the importance of positive reinforcement in encouraging desired behaviour in students. Additionally, the theory is relevant to teaching older adults because it provides a framework for understanding how students learn and effectively manage student behaviour.

Cognitive theory is a theory of learning that emphasizes the role of mental processes in shaping behaviour. This theory is relevant to the course topic of effective classroom management because it emphasizes the importance of understanding how students think and learn to manage their behaviour effectively. Additionally, the theory is relevant to the intended audience of educators because it provides a framework for understanding how students learn and how to manage student behaviour effectively.

Constructivism is a theory of learning that emphasizes the role of learners in shaping their learning (Mintzes, 2020). This theory is relevant to the course topic of effective classroom management because it emphasizes the importance of student engagement and motivation in learning. Additionally, the theory is relevant to the intended audience of educators because it provides a framework for understanding how students learn and how to manage student behaviour effectively.

Evidence-based classroom and learner management strategies that can enhance learner motivation include maintaining a positive and respectful relationship with students. In this case, the geriatric nurse should remain clear and consistent with expectations and provide opportunities for the older adults to engage in their learning actively. These strategies are based on research showing that they effectively promote positive student behaviour and engagement.

One of the most important things a nurse can do to promote a positive learning environment is maintaining a positive and respectful relationship with students. Since they are older and probably older than the nurse, it means treating them with respect, being fair and consistent in your expectations, and being available to help them when they need it will be the best way to go about the class.

It is also important to be clear and consistent with your expectations for student behaviour. This means having a clear code of conduct that you enforce consistently. Students need to know what is expected of them, and they need to know that you will follow through with consequences if they do not meet your expectations.

Finally, it is important to provide opportunities for students to be actively engaged in their learning. This means planning lessons that are interesting and engaging and that allow students to participate in a way that is meaningful to them. It also means providing opportunities for students to practice what they are learning and to receive feedback on their progress.

These are just a few theories and strategies relevant to the educational topic and intended audience. There are many others that could be mentioned. The important thing is to select those you think will be most effective in your classroom and with your students. Especially when you understand your target audience.



Ahmed, R. R., Streimikiene, D., Abrhám, J., Streimikis, J., & Vveinhardt, J. (2020). Social and behavioral theories and physician’s prescription behavior. Sustainability, 12(8), 3379.

Mintzes, J. J. (2020). From constructivism to active learning in college science. In Active learning in college science (pp. 3-12). Springer, Cham.

Webb, N. (2013). Engaging all learners in the classroom. Education Canada, 53(3), 16-21

Yiqun, L. I. U. (2021). Discussion on the Application of Innovative Entrepreneurship Education Concept in the Course of Geriatric Nursing. The Theory and Practice of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 4(8), 62.













There are various learning outcomes for the learner in this course. The first one understands appropriate learning environment for older individuals complex mental and physical health needs (Barabanova, et al., 2019). Environmental racism, violence, and poverty are only some of the dangers to one’s mental health that may come from one’s immediate surroundings. A person’s home environment, for example, has been linked to psychological well-being in studies.  Crime and the dread of it, according to one more research, have a significant impact on mental health.

There is also another importance aspect is the significance of learner centered environment. The andragogy paradigm is well-suited to a learner-centered approach since it empowers students to take responsibility of their own education (Charles, 2022). Students may take charge of their own education and actively contribute to the advancement of knowledge by working together and conducting investigations. To foster a feeling of community, students must be able to interact with one another on a social and academic level. Having students introduce themselves is all that is needed to accomplish this. Students are more likely to have a sense of belonging in the classroom if they are involved in the formulation of group objectives and results.

Students bring a wealth of prior information and expertise to the course, and allowing them to share that knowledge and understanding will enhance the learning experience for everyone. They go further into this by doing research and analyzing the thoughts of both themselves and the rest of their group (Charles, 2022). Everyone in the group has a “common-logue,” or a shared understanding of conceptual knowledge, at the conclusion of the procedure. An instructor’s guidance is more necessary in an online class than it is in a face-to-face one because of the lack of daily interaction and class discussion.

The general course content is learner’s motivation. Students’ needs and instructors’ views should be examined before using extrinsic incentive in lesson design and programming. However, instructors and students both benefit from extrinsic incentive, but it should not be employed in isolation (Charles, 2022). When it comes to future and lifetime learning, students must be offered opportunities that foster intrinsic motivation in order to improve their chances of success. Meaningful activities are those in which students are motivated to engage even if they don’t expect to get anything in return. Students will be more engaged in class if teachers choose activities and subject that they love, find difficult, are relevant to their students’ lives, and are fascinating to them. When students have a feeling of control over their work and are enthusiastic about it, they are more likely to do their best work.

There are various teaching strategies that fit this population. An adult educator’s role differs from that of a child educator due to the fact that adults are more self-directed in their learning. Adult learning theory has provided educators and trainers with a framework.

The first strategy is keeping the lessons relevant. Real-world context is the primary filter via which adult learners take in new knowledge. It’s well-known that adults have significantly more life experience than children, and as a result, they have a far stronger desire to learn about the subject matter. By connecting the teaching to their own experiences, the students will be able to verify the reality of what the teacher is teaching and the lectures will be more memorable if they can do this for them. To help the learners grasp the concepts the teacher is trying to convey, it’s critical when working with elderly students to provide examples of how your teachings have been put into practice. Use real-world examples of why people should or should not follow your instruction, or of the dangers that await them if they don’t.

Another important method is to focusing on the learners’ learning experiences. In general, while instructing adults, it is critical to use language they are acquainted with and to speak to them at a level suitable to their knowledge, experience, and age. Using acronyms and buzzwords in the classroom may be an effective approach to swiftly express a teacher’s knowledge and expertise in their subject while also reassuring students that they understand what is being said. When speaking to an inexperienced audience, it is best to avoid employing too many unfamiliar phrases. As a teacher, it is important that your students can understand what you are saying without needing to concentrate on interpreting what you are saying. Consider the typical age of the students as well while deciding how best to deliver the masterclass (Ma, 2022). Older learners may not be aware of the current internet trends and fads, while young adults may be turned off by edupreneurs who attempt to mimic their way of speaking. Educators who utilize established frames of reference and minimize their use of slang and jargon have the greatest impact on students.

The third strategy is telling the stories being taught. For millennia, stories have been utilized as mnemonics. Children are taught a great deal of knowledge via tales, from the colors of the rainbow to the sequence of notes in music. Storytelling is a strong way to recall information as an adult. Storytelling is a great way to help adults remember what they’ve learned since it focuses on their emotions. By mentioning a period when the lesson benefitted someone, or might have helped them, one may include narrative into real-world examples. The visuals, colors, and even typefaces that an instructor uses to explain the lecture should elicit strong emotions in the audience. Consider the teachers who have inspired one the most, as well as the most important lessons learned from them.

Out of these three, I think the most important is focusing on the learners’ learning experiences. This is because, Learning and teaching in adulthood is heavily influenced by our own personal experiences and the experiences of others, regardless of how they are obtained. “Experience is the teacher of all things,” stated Julius Caesar. What can we learn from our experiences? Knowledge, empathy, compassion, faith, discovery, and drive may all be gleaned through our life’s events. Pain, rage, and other unpleasant emotions may be triggered by our encounters with the world. Good and bad experiences provide us the chance to learn from our mistakes. When we ponder on another person’s life, an incredible thing may happen inside us (Ma, 2022).

There are various barrier encountered by adult learners. for instance, adult learners may have additional duties and events that may affect their learning, such as a career, family obligations, or both. Similarly, It’s difficult enough to juggle job and family responsibilities while maintaining a social life. When you add a class to the mix, things become much more complicated. Studying may be a challenge if you have a full schedule, and even if it is feasible to fit it in, you may not have the energy to do so. In Canada, for example, 70% of businesses provide financial aid for job-related education, according to research. For lack of time and clarity on how to best progress their knowledge and abilities, only 22% of workers really apply this method of learning.

There is also another difficulty faced by adult learners which makes it difficult for them and their educators. The financial barrier is a very big issue. When it comes to adult education, cost is a major consideration. It may seem like a waste of money to pay for a class when you have bills to pay and a family to feed. Many universities in the United Kingdom have just released a study showing exactly how big of a problem this may be. The number of senior students plummeted by 20% and for certain degrees, including nursing, by up to 49% when tuition costs were raised in 2012. Despite the fact that a college education may lead to a better job in the long run, finding the money to pay for it isn’t always straightforward.






















Barabanova, S. V., Nikonova, N. V., Pavlova, I. V., Shagieva, R. V., & Suntsova, M. S. (2019, September). Using active learning methods within the andragogical paradigm. In International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (pp. 566-577). Springer, Cham.

Charles, P. K. (2022). Towards a Paradigm Shift from Andragogy to Heutagogy: Learners’ Utilization of Online Resources at the Institute of Adult Education. Anathe R. Kimaro, 210.

Ma, T. (2022, April). Study on English Learning Motivation of the Middle-aged and Elderly Learners in China. In 2022 International Conference on Creative Industry and Knowledge Economy (CIKE 2022) (pp. 605-609). Atlantis Press.



Nursing homework help

Nursing homework help



Food Desert

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) (2012) defines “food deserts” where people have limited access to a variety of healthy and affordable food, are commonly households with low incomes, inadequate access to transportation, and a limited number of food retailers providing fresh produce and healthy groceries for affordable prices tracts tend to have smaller populations, higher rates of abandoned or vacant homes, and residents who have lower levels of education, lower incomes, and higher unemployment.


History of Waianae

The U. S Census (2021) demonstrates a correlation between higher poverty rates and food deserts, like in Waianae Hawaii. Here on Oahu, it is known as the “forgotten coast.” The history of Waianae was that it was a Native Hawaiian fishing village. Soon after Westernization started it was used for sugar cane plantations. Once WWII started, the plantations were closed, the Federal government took over much of the land and no industry was ever reestablished in this community (REAL, 2021).

Pros and Cons

The pros is that it is a tight knit community filled with local families that support one another and carry on with many Native Hawaiian traditions. The land is undeveloped and there are no large tourist hotels.

The cons is that the people are disadvantaged due to transportation, access to food, healthcare and have to travel longer distances into other communities to work.

Notes about the pictures:

There are not any Dollar Stores in Hawaii. Locals in this community use Longs Drugs as a “dollar store”

Restaurants are all focused on cheap, unhealthy food options.


REAL. (2021). Living in Waianae, Hawaii. Realhawaii.Co. Retrieved May 9, 2022, from

U.S. Department of Agriculture. (2012, August). Characteristics and Influential Factors of Food Deserts. Ers.Usda.Gov. Retrieved May 9, 2022, from

U.S. Census Bureau. (2021). U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts: Waianae CDP, Hawaii. Census Bureau QuickFacts. Retrieved March 31, 2022, from


 Sharla Kurtz 

Epidemiology and Public Health Discussion

The Food Sections in the Dollar Stores

The stores are beautiful, and I have realized that the price tags of items are cheap. Every item costs less than a dollar and others one dollar. The stores have several supplies, and the food section has chunky foods. The other store has food supplies that are imported from overseas. In the first store I visited, I learned that it has some benefits and demerits in the community. The food was cheap, and most of them contained sugars thus, the families with lower incomes dominated the store because it had a lot of people, especially women. This store feels the requirement because it provides the American Dream to low-income customers for a dollar a day. The store also establishes a sense of profusion by filling its store with several products set on the shelves with cheap price tags (Chenarides et al., 2021). Consumers also make more intelligent decisions by shopping in the store. I also found out that the customers find shopping in the store rewarding.

However, the store has a disadvantage to the community because it complicates it. The price tags on the shelves are low, meaning that it targets the neighborhoods with the low-income community, especially the society of Black individuals, thus discouraging the healthy eating options, especially the groceries. This also contributes to the economic anguish because it eliminates the local jobs. The location of these stores is not in the city but the rural town. In my view, the stores develop faster because it has a lot of consumers, and their unchecked development harms the community. The groceries and the local retail in the area did not have the buyers meaning that the store is the most significant competitor to these groceries even though it does not offer any.

The other store had other items apart from household items, toys, and fast-food products. In the food section, it provided frozen meat and fresh produces. It had several choices. The store had a lesser quantity of food desert, and several individuals from the local community were employed in the store. I also observed that the consumers were free to bargain from the store. This offered the store a higher rating. I learned that the store engages positively with the local community, and it has a community support concept that caters to charitable contributions.

Despite the great offers in the store, it has some disadvantages. I learned that the store was not good for the society it was located in. Society was already struggling to inspire the development of grocery store which offers healthy and fresh produce. Accessing fresh items leads to better outcomes for societies (Laska et al., 2018). Even though the store had fewer items of chips and Twinkies, it was a competitor of the grocery. It sells the fresh produce offered in the groceries; thus, the groceries lack a market for the products thus having a minor incentive to develop in the community.

Other products on the store shelves were expired, and other merchandises were defective. The store also increases segregation, and the products offered are of low quality. The store employs individuals in the local community, and it does not pay them well. In my view, the store’s growth is due to poor economic circumstances. The store has an unjust advantage over the local groceries, thus eliminating going to the grocery store. This initiates the competition in the community. The community also becomes less appealing because property values drop because the people with greater incomes leave the society.


Chenarides, L., Cho, C., Nayga Jr, R. M., & Thomsen, M. R. (2021). Dollar stores and food deserts. Applied Geography, 134, 102497.

Laska, M. N., Sindberg, L. S., Ayala, G. X., D’Angelo, H., Horton, L. A., Ribisl, K. M., … & Gittelsohn, J. (2018). Agreements between small food store retailers and their suppliers: Incentivizing unhealthy foods and beverages in four urban settings. Food Policy, 79, 324-330.

Euridice Nobre 

Family Dollar vs. Walmart

At the Family Dollar store I visited, shoppers can find almost everything they need, from household products to everyday groceries in small sizes. For instance, in the food section, various foods were displayed, including but not limited to cereal, produce, cookies, ice creams, and soups. I noticed that the selection of brands was limited. Still, items were more affordable to the community than at the Walmart store located about one mile away within the same neighborhood.

Although Family Dollar had a fewer variety of products, there were less expensive than the Walmart store. As far as sizes, Family Dollar offers smaller sizes, which are more convenient for people shopping for smaller families or single-use, e.g., Campbell soup for single-use, amongst many other products. Family Dollar store’s brand was also cheaper than Walmart’s brand. Overall, small stores such as Family Dollar not only benefit families with low-income but are also convenient for small families. The family Dollar store I visited is strategically located to increase access to low-income communities.

On the other hand, the Walmart store has more healthy choices, i.e., fruits, vegetables, and other nutritious groceries. The main disadvantages of Family Dollar stores are that they offer low-quality, unhealthy foods (Schwartz, 2020). According to Caspi et al. (2017), purchases at small/non-traditional food stores tend to have poor nutritional quality and have been associated with poor health outcomes, including increased risk of obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and many other health conditions.

Family Dollar:




Caspi, C. E., Lenk, K., Pelletier, J. E., Barnes, T. L., Harnack, L., Erickson, D. J., & Laska, M. N. (2017). Association between store food environment and customer purchases in small grocery stores, gas-marts, pharmacies, and dollar stores. The International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 14(1), 76-76.

Schwartz, R. (2020, July 7). The real reason dollar stores can be harmful to communities.


Herzing University Kolkaba Comfort Theory Essay

Herzing University Kolkaba Comfort Theory Essay

Herzing University Kolkaba Comfort Theory Essay


The purpose of the Theory Evaluation Paper is to help you critically evaluate a middle-range nursing theory. This assignment will be completed using the three stages of the theory evaluation process: Theory Description, Theory Analysis, and Theory Evaluation.

  1. Select a Middle-Range Nursing Theory- Select one specific middle-range nursing theory from your textbook that best suits your area of practice. (Ex. Pender’s Health Promotion Model, Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory, Beck’s Postpartum Depression Theory, etc.)
  2. APA Student Title Page- (No Abstract Needed)
  • Include the following information on the Student title page in 7th APA format:
    • Assignment name in Bold Font: (Ex. Theory Evaluation Paper: Swanson’s Theory of Caring)
    • Skip a Line
    • Your Name
    • Name of University
    • Course Number and Name
    • Instructor’s Name
    • Date of Submission (Month, Day, Year)
  1. Introductory paragraph Capture the reader’s attention (ex. Grabbing statistics) and discuss the rationalefor selecting the specific nursing theory for your area of nursing over other nursing theories (Do not write in first person; Include a purpose/thesis statement of what you will describe in the paper as the last sentence of the introductory paragraph.) Next, begin the Body of Paper.
  2. Theory Description (Level 1 Header)
  • Purpose (Level 2 Header); (Designate as Descriptive, Explanatory, Predictive, or Prescriptive; Include Scope-middle-range)
  • Concepts (Level 2 Header); (Introduce and list main concepts)
  • Definitions (Level 2 Header); (Define concepts and other important aspects)
  • Relationship (Level 2 Header); (Describe relationship among concepts)
  • Structure (Level 2 Header); (Describe; Is there a diagram of structure?)
  • Assumptions (Level 2 Header); (beliefs, propositions of the theory)

5. Theory Analysis (Level 1 Header)

  • Theory’s Origin (Level 2 Header); (historical creation and evolution of theory)
  • Unique Focus (Level 2 Header); (distinctive views) Herzing University Kolkaba Comfort Theory Essay
  • Content (Level 2 Header); (include definitions of metaparadigm concepts of person, environment, health, and nursing)

6. Theory Evaluation (Level 1 Header)

  • Significance (Level 2 Header); (usefulness, social significance, cultural significance)
  • Comprehensiveness (Level 2 Header); (of the content, thoroughness, utility)
  • Logical Congruence (Level 2 Header); (consistency and clarity of theory; consistent use of concepts throughout the literature)
  • Credibility (Level 2 Header); (legitimacy, empirical support through research)
  • Contribution to Nursing (Level 2 Header); (usefulness to nursing practice, education, and research)

7. Conclusion (Level 1 Header) Conclusion paragraph with concluding statements to summarize the content and re-state or re-phrase the purpose/thesis statement.



8. APA Reference Page- Please be sure to support your paper with in-text citations. Please use 5 peer-reviewed resources.

Additional Instructions: Your assignment should be typed into a Word or other word processing document, formatted in APA style. Paper should be a minimum of 4-5 pages in length, excluding the title and references pages. You may increase the number of pages of the body of the paper up to 7-8 pages if needed. This is a scholarly paper and should not be written in first person. Paragraphs should have a minimum of 3 sentences. Paraphrasing should be done using in-text citations. Direct quotes should be rare and used only when the content can be said in no other way. If using direct quotes, you must include page or paragraph number. Herzing University Kolkaba Comfort Theory Essay

Estimated time to complete: 8 to 10 hours


Kolcaba’s Theory of Comfort ,

Katherine Kolcaba (2017) wrote that the first step in developing the Theory of Comfort was a concept analysis conducted in 1988 while she was a graduate student. Following a number of steps over several years, the Theory of Comfort was initially published in 1994 and later modified (Kolcaba, 1994, 2001).

Purpose and Major Concepts

Kolcaba (1994) defined comfort within nursing practice as “the satisfaction (actively, passively, or co-operatively) of the basic human needs for relief, ease, or transcendence arising from health care situations that are stressful” (p. 1178). She explained that a client’s needs arise from a stimulus situation that can cause negative tension. Increasing comfort measures can result in having negative tensions reduced and positive tensions engaged. Comfort is viewed as an outcome of care that can promote or facilitate health-seeking behaviors. It is posited that increasing comfort can enhance health-seeking behaviors. One proposition notes that “if enhanced comfort is achieved, patients, family members and/or nurses are strengthened to engage in HSBs [health-seeking behaviors], which further enhance comfort” (Kolcaba, 2017, p. 200).

Major concepts described in the Theory of Comfort include comfort, comfort care, comfort measures, comfort needs, health-seeking behaviors, institutional integrity, and intervening variables. There are also eight defined propositions that link the defined concepts (Box 11-6) (Kolcaba, 2001, 2017). Figure 11-4 presents the Theory of Comfort.

Box 11-6 Propositions of Comfort Theory

1. Nurses and members of the health care team identify comfort needs of patients and family members.

2. Nurses design and coordinate interventions to address comfort needs.

3. Intervening variables are considered when designing interventions.

4. When interventions are delivered in a caring manner and are effective, the outcome of enhanced comfort is attained.

5. Patients, nurses, and other health care team members agree on desirable and realistic health-seeking behaviors.

6. If enhanced comfort is achieved, patients, family members, and/or nurses are more likely to engage in health-seeking behaviors; these further enhance comfort.

7. When patients and family members are given comfort care and engage in health-seeking behaviors, they are more satisfied with health care and have better health-related outcomes.

8. When patients, families, and nurses are satisfied with health care in an institution, public acknowledgment about that institution’s contributions to health care will help the institution remain viable and flourish. Evidence-based practice or policy improvements may be guided by these propositions and the theoretical framework.

Herzing University Kolkaba Comfort Theory Essay

Sources: Kolcaba (2001, 2017).

Figure 11-4The conceptual framework for the Theory of Comfort.
(© Kolcaba [2007]. Used with permission.

Context for Use and Nursing Implications

Comfort Theory observes that patients experience needs for comfort in stressful health care situations. Some of these needs are identified by the nurse, who then implements interventions to meet the needs (Kolcaba, 1995). Kolcaba (2017) stated that “Comfort Theory can be adapted to any health care setting or age group . . . ” (p. 200). Understanding of comfort can promote nursing care that is holistic and inclusive of physical, psychospiritual, social, and environmental interventions. It is noted that any actually unhappy, unhealthy, or unwell patients can be made more comfortable (Kolcaba, 1994). Finally, outcomes of comfort can be measurable, holistic, positive, and nurse sensitive.

Evidence of Empirical Testing and Application in Practice

The General Comfort Questionnaire (GCQ) is a 48-item Likert-type scale that was developed to measure concepts and propositions described in the theory. The GCQ has been modified to be used for different populations in a number of studies, and a shortened GCQ (28 items) is also in use (Kolcaba, 2017). Herzing University Kolkaba Comfort Theory Essay

Kolcaba (2017) described development of other tools to assist in research and practice application for the Theory of Comfort. These include the Verbal Rating Scale Questionnaire, the Radiation Therapy Comfort Questionnaire, the Hospice Comfort Questionnaire, the Urinary Incontinence and Frequency Comfort Questionnaire, and the Healing Touch Comfort Questionnaire. In addition, the Comfort Behaviors Checklist was developed to measure comfort in patient who can’t use traditional questionnaires or other instruments.

A number of research studies have been conducted by Kolcaba and her colleagues using the instruments listed earlier. For example, Andersen, Jylli, and Ambuel (2014)used Kolcaba’s Comfort Behaviors Checklist to evaluate the comfort care provided by a group of health providers and Seyedfatemi, Rafii, Rezaei, and Kolcaba (2014) used her instruments to study comfort and hope among preoperative patients. Whitehead, Anderson, Redican, and Stratton (2010)reported using Kolcaba’s instruments to study the effects of an end-of-life nursing education program on nurses’ death anxiety, knowledge of the dying process, and related concerns. Also examining nursing care at the end of life, Murray (2010) used Kolcaba’s instruments to assess spiritual beliefs and practices of nurses caring for patients at the end of life, along with similarities and differences in spiritual beliefs and practices comparing hospice nurses and nurses working on oncology and other special care units.

In practice-specific examples, Marchuk (2016) described how Comfort Theory can be applied in end-of-life care in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), and Krinsky, Murillo, and Johnson (2014) explained how comfort measures can be used to improve nursing care for cardiac patients. Finally, Boudiab and Kolcaba (2015) presented a comprehensive look at the application of Comfort Theory in directing holistic, quality care for veterans and their families.

Lenz and Colleagues’ Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms

The Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms was developed by a group of nurses interested in a variety of nursing issues, including symptom management, theory development, and nursing science (Lenz, Pugh, Milligan, & Gift, 2017). The theory was initially published in the nursing literature in the mid-1990s (Lenz et al., 1995) and then updated a few years later (Lenz et al., 1997). The theory was based on the premise that there are commonalities in experiencing different symptoms among different groups and in different situations. The theory was developed to integrate existing knowledge about a variety of symptoms to better prepare nurses in symptom management.

Purpose and Major Concepts

The purpose of the Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms is “to improve understanding of the symptom experience in various contexts and to provide information useful for designing effective means to prevent, ameliorate, or manage unpleasant symptoms and their negative effects” (Lenz & Pugh, 2014, p. 166). Lenz and colleagues (1997) reported that the theory has three major components: (1) the symptoms that the individual is experiencing, (2) the influencing factors that produce or affect the symptom experience, and (3) the consequences of the symptom experience.

Within the theory, symptoms are described in terms of duration, intensity, distress, and quality. Influencing factors can be physiologic factors, psychological factors, and/or situational factors. Performance is described in terms of functional status, cognitive functioning, or physical performance (Lenz et al., 2017). Figure 11-5depicts the Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms. Herzing University Kolkaba Comfort Theory Essay

Adult Health Hypertension Case study Paper

Adult Health Hypertension Case study Paper


Category Points Percentage Description




15 pts



  ·         Define the patient’s disease process


·         Explain the etiology of the disease process.

·         Thoroughly explain signs and symptoms of disease process.

·         State and explain any diagnostic measures utilized with this disease process.

·         Cite sources

Assessment Data 10pt   ·         Clearly explain the difference between subjective and objection data.

·         Identify Subjection and objection data that would be important to understand.

·         Explain the information that would be information to understand from the chart.

·         Identify the information from the chart that would be most helpful

·         Identify what labs would be important to your assessment and why.





10pt   ·         Understand & explain first line treatment for the disease.

·         Understand & explain second line treatment and why you would use second line treatment.

·         Explain the patient’s medication: minimum of 3-5 medications.

·         Explain the class of medication.

·         Explain alternative therapies.

·         Explain any Black Box warnings, contraindications, and nursing considerations for the medications.

·         Identify 3-5 common side effects.

·         Identify any medication interactions

·         State the common indication for the prescribed medication.

·         Explain 2 challenges that might prevent them from taking medication as prescribed.

·         Cite sources






10pt   ·         Provide 3 nursing diagnosis for the patients (primary physical, psychosocial and education) pertinent to this client’s medical diagnosis.

·         List health assessment priorities for the nursing diagnosis.

·         State 5 or more appropriate interventions with evidence-based practiced rationale for each action stated for each of the 3 primary nursing diagnosis (cite sources).

·         Explain relevant lab work that is required with this medical diagnosis.

·         Cite sources

Plan of care



15pt   ·         Explain what the patient is at risk for.

·         Articulate safety concerns or issues at home.

·         Explain 2 challenges that might prevent the patient from seeking medical care.

·         Articulate all patient education for the patient and treatment plan.

·         Explain an understanding of the diagnosis and treatment.

·         Identify 2 short-term goals & 2 long-term goals.

·         Identify 2 outcomes for the patients.

·         Cite sources.

Discharge Instructions



10pt   ·         Articulate appropriate discharge instructions for these patients.

·         Articulate appropriate follow-up care.

·         Cite sources.






10pt   The required elements include the following:

·         Clear statement of subjective findings.

·         Clear statement of objective findings.

·         Clear statement of assessment findings.

·         Clear statement of plan.

·         Clear statement of interventions

·         Clear statement of Evaluation


APA 20pts   All information taken from another source must be included on a reference listing using the 7th edition APA as per the Stratford University policy as of October 5th, 2020.


You are NOT allowed to use your book as a source Reference:  You must use Peer Reviewed Sources/Articles.

Total 100 100  


Week 4: APN Professional Development Plan Paper

Week 4: APN Professional Development Plan Paper

Week 4: APN Professional Development Plan Paper


The purpose of this assignment is to provide the student with an opportunity to explore the nurse practitioner (NP) practice requirements in his/her state of practice, NP competencies and leadership skills to develop a plan to support professional development.


Activity Learning Outcomes 

Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to: 

  1. Examine roles and competencies of advanced practice nurses essential to performing as leaders and advocates of holistic, safe, and quality care. (CO1)  
  2. Analyze essential skills needed to lead within the context of complex systems. (CO3) 
  3. Explore the process of scholarship engagement to improve health and healthcare outcomes in various settings. (CO4) 

Due Date

Assignment should be submitted to the Week 4 Roles in APN Professional Development Plan dropbox by Sunday 11:59 p.m. MST at the end of Week 4.  

When the assignment is placed in the dropbox, it will automatically be submitted to Turnitin. You may submit the assignment one additional time before the due date to lower the Turnitin score. If you choose to resubmit, the second submission will be considered final and subject to grading.  Once the due date for the assignment passes, you may not resubmit to lower a Turnitin score. 

This assignment will follow the late assignment policy specified in the course syllabus. 

Students are expected to submit assignments by the time they are due. Assignments submitted after the due date and time will receive a deduction of 10% of the total points possible for that assignment for each day the assignment is late. Assignments will be accepted, with penalty as described, up to a maximum of three days late, after which point a zero will be recorded for the assignment. 

In the event of a situation that prevents timely submission of an assignment, students may petition their instructor for a waiver of the late submission grade reduction. The instructor will review the student’s rationale for the request and make a determination based on the merits of the student’s appeal. Consideration of the student’s total course performance to date will be a contributing factor in the determination. Students should continue to attend class, actively participate, and complete other assignments while the appeal is pending. 

 Total Points Possible:  200 


A Week 4 Paper Template to be used for your assignment is required for this assignment.

  1. The APN Professional Development Plan paper is worth 200 points and will be graded on the quality of the content, use of citations, use of Standard English grammar, sentence structure, and overall organization based on the required components as summarized in the directions and grading criteria/rubric. 
  2. Submit the paper as a Microsoft Word Document, which is the required format at Chamberlain University. You are encouraged to use the APA Academic Writer and Grammarly tools when creating your assignment. 
  3. Follow the directions below and the grading criteria located in the rubric closely. Any questions about this paper may be posted under the Q & A Forum or emailed to your faculty. 
  4. The length of the paper should be 5-8 pages, excluding title page and reference page(s). 
  5. Support ideas with a minimum of 3 scholarly resources. Scholarly resources do not include your textbook. You may need to use more than 3 scholarly resources to fully support your ideas. 
  6. You may use first person voice when discussing information specific to your personal practice or skills.  
  7. Current edition APA format is required with both a title page and reference page(s). Use the following as Level 1 headings to denote the sections of your paper (Level 1 headings use upper- and lower-case letters and are bold and centered): 
    • APN Professional Development Plan (This is the paper introduction. In APA format, a restatement of the paper title, centered and bold serves as the heading of the introduction section) 
    • APN Scope of Practice 
    • Nurse Practitioner (NONPF) Core Competencies  
    • Leadership Skills 
    • Conclusion 


  1. Introduction: Provide an overview of what will be covered in the paper. Introduction should include general statements on scope of practice, competencies, and leadership, and identification of the purpose of the paper. 
  2. APN Scope of Practice: Research the Nurse Practice Act and APN scope of practice guidelines for the state in which you intend to practice after graduation. (Example: Students who intend to practice in California must research the California Nurse Practice Act and relevant Board of Registered Nursing regulations, such as obtaining a DEA number, and prescriptive requirements).  Describe the educational, licensure, and regulatory requirements for that state in your own words. Identify whether your state allows full, limited, or restricted NP practice. Discuss NP prescriptive authority in your state. Provide support from at least one scholarly source. Source may be the regulatory body that governs nursing practice in your state. (Students who intend to practice in California, include the use of written standard procedures that guide nurse practitioner practice in the state and physician supervision ratios).
  3. Nurse Practitioner (NONPF) Core Competencies: Review the NONPF Core Competencies. Describe two competency areas you believe to be personal strengths and two competency areas in which you have opportunities for growth. Discuss two scholarly activities you could do during the master’s program to help yourself achieve NP competencies. Provide support from at least one scholarly source. Source may be NONPF Core Competencies document provided via the link in the week 2 readings. 
  4. Leadership Skills: Analyze three leadership skills required to lead as an NP within complex systems. Describe two strategies you could use to help you develop NP leadership skills. Provide support from at least one scholarly source. Textbooks are not considered scholarly sources. 
  5. Conclusion: Provide a conclusion, including a brief summary of what you discussed in the paper. 
Category  Points  %  Description 
Introduction  16  8%  Provides an overview of what will be covered in the paper. Introduction should include:  

  1. general statements on scope of practice. 
  2. general statements on NP competencies. 
  3. general statements on leadership. 
  4. identification of the purpose of the paper. 
APN Scope of Practice  72  36% 
  1. Identify the intended state of practice after graduation.
  2. Describe the educational, licensure, and regulatory requirements for state. 
  3. Identify whether the state allows full, limited, or restricted NP practice. 
  4. Discuss NP prescriptive authority in the state.   

Provides support from at least one scholarly source. Source may be the regulatory body that governs nursing practice in the state. 


Nurse Practitioner (NONPF) Core Competencies  38  19% 
  1. Describe two competency areas believed to be student’s personal strengths.  
  2. Describes two competency areas in which student has opportunities for growth. 
  3. Discuss two scholarly activities to do during the master’s program to help student achieve NP competencies. 

Provide support from at least one scholarly source. Source may be NONPF Core Competencies document provided via the link in the week 2 readings. 

Leadership Skills  38  19% 
  1. Analyze three leadership skills required to lead as an NP within complex systems. 
  2. Describe two strategies student could use to help develop NP leadership skills. 

Provide support from at least one scholarly source.  

Conclusion  16  8%  Provide a conclusion, including a brief summary of what was discussed in the paper. 
  180  90%  Total CONTENT Points= 180 points 
Category  Points  %  Description 
APA Formatting  10  5%  Formatting follows current edition APA Manual guidelines for  

  1. title page 
  2. body of paper (including citations and headings) 
  3. reference page 
Writing Mechanics  10  5%  Writing mechanics follow the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other aspects of formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA manual. The length of the paper is at least 5 pages but no more than 8 pages. 
  20  10%  Total FORMAT Points= 20 points 
  200  100%  ASSIGNMENT TOTAL=200 points 



Student Clementine Essay

Student Clementine Essay

Student Clementine

Community health nurses are registered nurses (RNs), sometimes referred to as public health nurses trained to work in public health settings (Malcarney et al., 2017). Some public health settings in which community health nurses work include jails, schools, state departments, and businesses. They play various roles, such as medical treatment, research, health education, advocacy, and rehabilitation. Based on my clinical experiences with different community health nurses this term, the most interesting role I found was community health education. Community health education is the only role through which nurses’ impact appropriate changes in the community for health status. Through community health education, a nurse is in direct contact with the community creating the necessary changes required for a better healthcare status. Nurses play a crucial role in providing quality and integrated healthcare to citizens. This role is mainly focused on providing essential and relevant information to individuals and patients regarding their health and how to better their health status (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2019).


​Nursing education provides people with the required knowledge to make informed decisions regarding healthcare and treatment, disease prevention, and health enhancement based on individual interests and preferences. This role mainly focuses on educating citizens and individuals on their health status rights and assessing and assisting a person’s physical, psychological, and spiritual response to that knowledge (Malcarney et al., 2017). Furthermore, through healthcare education done by nurses, the federal government can conduct or implement national healthcare initiatives to better general public health status. Therefore, community health education is the fundamental role of nurses that has the most significant contribution toward the good health status of the community. Therefore, as a nurse, I will endeavor to dedicate most of my efforts to the health education role.




Nurse Roles and Functions

The nursing function that I am most interested in is community health education. I was drawn to this role for a multitude of reasons, some of which are listed below: The primary focus of community health education is the overall well-being of a community, with efforts to identify health issues and trends in a population, as well as collaboration with stakeholders to find solutions to these issues. When a nurse provides community health education, she directly contacts the community. This interaction helps bring about the community changes necessary for a better healthcare status (EF, 2016). Providing high-quality, comprehensive healthcare to citizens is a crucial role for nurses. It is the primary responsibility of this role to give individuals and patients with critical and relevant information about their health and how to improve their health status. Individuals who receive a nursing education are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed decisions about their healthcare and treatment, illness prevention, and health enhancement based on their interests and preferences and the interests and preferences of other individuals. Citizens and individuals are taught about their rights regarding their health situation. They are assessed and assisted in reacting to that information on a physical, psychological, and spiritual level, which is the primary responsibility of this role. Nurse education helps nurses encourage their patients to practice self-care and self-empowerment and reduce their reliance on healthcare systems by providing them with the knowledge and skills (Mckenzie, Pinger, & Seabert, 2016). Because of the healthcare education offered by nurses, the federal government can develop or implement national healthcare initiatives to improve the overall health condition of the general public. This is made possible by the funding provided by the federal government.



Gastroenteritis Essay

Gastroenteritis Essay










Gastroenteritis in Children


The presentation of the 6-months old male patient, brought in by the mother to the clinic is a requirement since the prenatal consent is needed for the best intervention. There was no medical history since when the baby was born healthy and has an exclusive breastfeeding that indicate that there are no previous warning signs.


Below are the questions I would ask the mother.

  1. Ask of the mother about the onset of the symptoms, knowing when the symptoms began can assist determine the severity of the dehydration
  2. Ask the mother, when she check the temperature of the baby, what does the thermometer show?
  3. 3. Have you given any over-the counter medication to help with the fever and diarrhea? If so, what medication is it, how often do you give it to the child, and when was the last time you gave it to him?
  4. 4. How many times has the child had diarrhea in a single day, what are the features of the baby’s feces in terms of color, volume, and frequency and how many soiled diapers do you change every day on average?
  5. Apart from your baby, is there anyone in your household that is ill? Is there a recent travel with the baby?


The questions directed to the mother of the 6-months old baby is important for the nurse practitioner to get the information that would drive the evaluation and diagnosis of the diseases. The mother sharing about the latest over-the counter medication would guide about the intervention that would be done that would ensure that there is no reaction that might affect the baby in a detrimental manner (Fries, 2020). The nurse practitioner’s questions are critical in guiding about the experiences with the baby since there was no medical history and gives a hint about the differential diagnoses that would be focused on to offer quality evaluation and care.


Addition symptoms and Signs that Needs ER

At 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, a person has a fever. In many cases, doctors advise against treating fevers below 101°F. Due to the body’s natural response to infection, a fever is a common sign of illness. Fever is a sign that your child’s immune system is working properly (Fields, 2016). In case the child temperature is measured and stated temperature above 100.3°F, are sluggish, and aren’t taking in any fluids should be sent to the emergency room immediately.

Continuous Vomiting

A consistent vomiting in the 6-months baby is a serious condition that demands for an immediate intervention and the child must be taken in an emergency room. Vomiting result to an excessive loss of fluids in the body of the baby and this puts the life at high risk (Fields, 2016). Taking the baby to the emergency room makes sure that the lost fluid is restored.

Fast breathing and Breathing Problems

The baby should be taken to an emergency room when fast breathing or difficulty is experienced because it is considered part of pediatric emergency. The issue of breathing challenges is an urgent intervention that a doctor needs to undertake taking the baby to the emergency room.


Other additional signs are difficult-to-rouse child with no tears or mucous membranes, blood in the stool, higher or lower respiration, reduced urine output, pale cool complexion with irritation, hollow eyes, and sunken fontanelles would all indicate that the infant should be taken to the ED (Munde, 2019).

Top 3 Differential Diagnoses

The differential diagnosis is an important clinical exercise that makes sure that the nurse practitioners highlight the disease that the patient is suffering from by eliminating those that share some signs and symptoms. Based on the patient’s mother and the medical history that shows that the baby was well all along until the current symptoms of diarrhea and fever, there are three top differential diagnosis that include

Parasitic gastroenteritis: ICD-10-CM B82.9 is a contagious disease or spread by an invading organism.

Rotavirus: ICD-10-CM A08.0 is a viral infection that produces gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea and other gastrointestinal issues.

Acute Gastroenteritis: ICD-10-CM A08.19 is a condition caused by pathogenic bacteria such as Clostridium and Vibrio cholera present in the food or water supply


The three diseases are the top because they have related symptoms that can be confused by the nurse practitioners during diagnosis. The highlighted signs that is diarrhea and fever are present in the diseases highlighted and they also have kind of interrelation, and this demands for differential diagnosis to get the right disease for medication (Fries, 2020).

One of the most common causes of death among children in the U.S is gastroenteritis. To put it another way, it is when you get diarrhea for no apparent reason other than dehydration, and it might come on suddenly or gradually. Prevalence is highest amongst children as young age 5. Diarrhea in children is the most common reason for their hospitalization. The bacteria salmonella and shigella also cause severe gastroenteritis in children younger than five years old, but they are not the only cause. Giardia fragilis and Cryptosporidium are two parasites that can cause gastroenteritis in a tiny percentage of the population (Ögren et al., 2020). For children who can take oral hydration but are vomiting, professionally prepared oral hydration might be an option. Start with little amounts of liquid and gradually increase the amount of liquid as the youngster is able to handle. A trip to the emergency room is necessary if a child is critically dehydrated and needs intravenous fluids and hemodynamic monitoring (Malbrain et al., 2020). Proper handwashing is the first step in preventing gastroenteritis. Teaching children, mothers, and their caregivers how to wash their hands properly is critical, as is making sure they are aware of the dangers of food contamination that has been improperly stored.


To conclude, acute diarrhea in children should be treated as quickly as possible in order to avoid dehydration. The initial treatment for mild dehydration is oral rehydration. Children should be taught proper hygiene, for which cleaning hands properly prevent gastroenteritis.




Fields, L. (2016). 7 Serious Symptoms in Babies and Toddlers. WebMD. Retrieved 12 January 2022, from

Malbrain, M. L., Langer, T., Annane, D., Gattinoni, L., Elbers, P., Hahn, R. G., … & Van Regenmortel, N. (2020). Intravenous fluid therapy in the perioperative and critical care setting: executive summary of the International Fluid Academy (IFA). Annals of Intensive Care10(1), 1-19.

Munde, C. (2019). Hydriatic Treatment of Scarlet Fever in its Different Forms. Good Press.

Ögren, J., Dienus, O., & Matussek, A. (2020). Optimization of routine microscopic and molecular detection of parasitic protozoa in SAF-fixed faecal samples in Sweden. Infectious Diseases52(2), 87-96.

Findings of a Qualitative Study

Findings of a Qualitative Study


Appraisal Guide:

Findings of a Qualitative Study







What experience, situation, or subculture does the researcher seek to understand?

Does the researcher want to produce a description of an experience, a social process, or an event, or is the goal to generate a theory?

How was data collected?

How did the researcher control his or her biases and preconceptions?

Are specific pieces of data (e.g., direct quotes) and more generalized statements (themes, theories) included in the report?

What are the main findings of the study?


Is the study published in a source
that required peer review?                                                Yes   No   Not clear

Were the methods used appropriate
to the study purpose?                                                       Yes   No   Not clear

Was the sampling of observations or
interviews appropriate and varied
enough to serve the purpose of the  study?                      Yes   No   Not clear

*Were data collection methods
effective in obtaining in-depth data?                               Yes   No   Not clear

Did the data collection methods
avoid the possibility of oversight,
underrepresentation, or
overrepresentation from certain
types of sources?                                                              Yes   No   Not clear

Were data collection and analysis
intermingled in a dynamic way?                                      Yes   No   Not clear

*Is the data presented in ways that
provide a vivid portrayal of what was
experienced or happened and its
context?                                                                            Yes   No   Not clear

*Does the data provided justify
generalized statements, themes,
or theory?                                                                         Yes   No   Not clear

Are the findings credible?                          Yes All   Yes Some   No

Clinical Significance

*Are the findings rich and informative?                          Yes   No   Not clear

*Is the perspective provided
potentially useful in providing
insight, support, or guidance
for assessing patient status
or progress?                                                                      Yes   Some  No  Not clear

Are the findings
clinically significant?                                 Yes All   Yes Some   No

* = Important criteria





Nursing homework help

Nursing homework help

Balancing School and Life – My Quality of Life Self-Care Plan. The purpose of developing this Plan is to set a framework and a plan to maintain wellness and to stay motivated and engaged throughout your Program. Doing this will help you achieve success during your coursework and as a professional nurse.


The goal of the Project is to help you become self-aware and reflective as a means of identifying personal self-care strategies that will increase your energy and help you manage your stress. The Project will give you a chance to learn how this is accomplished as you will be doing similar work with clients during the Program and as a professional nurse to assist them in the same way.


Review the results of your quality of life assessment.


In a 2–3-page paper (not including the title page or reference page), include the following information:


  • Describe how the results may have or have not changed.
  • Discuss progress or lack of progress toward your SMART goals.
  • Describe any new or modified strategies and SMART goals.
  • Accurate grammar, spelling and APA format.



SMART Goal Example

Goal:  Successfully complete the Capstone Course with a final average of 78% or higher at the end of the Winter 2018 term.


  • What do you want to accomplish?
  • Why is this goal important?
  • Who is involved?
  • What resources are involved?
Pass Capstone with a 78% or higher

It is my last course I need to pass before graduation.

I will need to utilize the resources available through Rasmussen University.


  • Are you able to track your progress?
  • How will you know when it’s accomplished?
I am able to track my progress my reviewing my grades through the grade book.

I will know I have accomplished my goal when I have passed my course with a 78% or higher.


  • Is achieving this goal realistic?
  • Do you have the resources to achieve this goal?
  • If not, how will you get them?
Yes, this is a realistic goal.

Yes, Rasmussen University has many resources I can use to accomplish this goal.

I can reach out to my instructor if I need additional resources or support.


  • Why is this goal important?
  • Does it seem worthwhile?
  • Is this the right time?
  • Does this match specific needs?
I need to pass this course to earn my degree.

Yes, it is very worthwhile because I have worked very hard to get to this point.

Yes, now is the right time.

Yes, it matches my need to graduate so I can work as a nurse.


  • When will you achieve this goal?
I will achieve this goal by the end of the quarter.



(This is the first one that I did) this will put you through)


Finding balance in life generally can be challenging; it is crucial to put an extra effort into finding balance in essential things of life to ensure optimal quality of life. The tool selected for this assignment is the quality of life self-care wheel tool. I chose this tool because it highlights aspects of my life that are important to my mental, physical, and physiological health. I feel like the tool is well-rounded and can help me stay motivated through my nursing journey and in my life and nursing practice after graduation.

Balancing school and life are essential for optimal academic functioning. Balancing school and life while finding time for yourself can be challenging. Balancing school means the ability of a student to put enough effort into their academic work while also taking time to enjoy the social, sporting, health, and cultural aspects of being a student.

Health: After completing the quality-of-life self-care wheel assessment, my health score is 5 (needs adjustment). I realize I do not eat healthy food as I should, and I am putting on weight. I need to eat a healthy diet to help maintain and improve my overall health and get all the essential nutrition, fluid, macronutrients, micronutrients, and adequate calories my body needs. I need to engage myself in many physical activities to manage my weight. I have many assignments, classes, reading, and family (kid) to care for, and I have not exercised lately. I will work out the time to get myself back to exercising because physical activities will help strengthen my bones and muscles, keep me in good shape and reduce any health risks.

Rest / Recreation: My score on this section is low, and I scored 4 (need adjustment). I hardly get any rest. I have so many school assignments that take much of my time, go to work, and help my son with his school- work. I am always the last person to go to bed and the first to rise in the morning. I do not find time to watch television because I am busy with one chore. I am happy to discover some proper time management strategies to help me have some time to rest and have relaxation time with my family. I will keep getting the score as high as possible because rest will help me recover from my work and relax my brain.

Personal Development / Relationships: In this section, I scored 8 (doing okay). I am doing better in personal development/relationships. Still, I have room for improvement and will keep working on my personal development because personal development (spiritual, physical, and mental) occurs throughout an individual’s entire lifespan.

Finances: My Finances are meager right now. I scored 3(needs adjustment) in this section. I stopped working full-time. Secondly, nursing school is a full-time commitment. I will find additional sources of income that I can do from home, prioritize spending and saving, and plan a monthly menu.

Environment: My environment score is 10 (fantastic balance); there are few changes in my environment. I live in a nice neighborhood, with lots of natural trees and decent people. My work environment is fair enough, so everything about my environment looks pretty good.

Career/School: In this area, I scored 4 (needs adjustment). I work as a Certified Nurse Assistant (CAN) in a home health care, but not working full-time right now due to the increased schoolwork load. I am currently focused on school, and I look forward to excelling greatly. Classes started last week, and I am doing my best to keep up with the due dates of assignments, get my discussions done, respond to my classmates, and attend classes online. Everything looks challenging with school right now, but I will strive to study to get good grades in all my courses. I will also utilize all the available resources provided by my school to succeed.

Passion: My Passion is helping people who cannot help themselves. My score is 8 (good job). I love the nursing profession so much, and I look forward to a rewarding career as a nurse. I can see myself achieving my goals in the end. My decision to change my career from accounting to nursing is challenging for me. Still, I choose to do so because of the Passion I have to care for people, and I know this is the best decision I have ever made in my life and cannot wait to see myself graduate as a registered nurse.

Strategies I will use to maintain or maximize my identified strength

The SMART in SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timebound (Boogaard, 2022). These parameters, as it attains to one’s goal, can ensure objectives are attainable within the specified or set time frame. It also helps eliminate generalities and guesswork. The strategy to be used in maximizing my strength include

Environment: – I will maintain a good atmosphere at home by keeping the earth clean through recycling. My family is my cheerleader, I will continue to work with them to ensure I get the support I need and have them respect my time while I respect theirs. At my workplace, I will be civil in my relationship with my co-workers and clients, treating everyone the way I want to be treated; I will make sure my Environment stays peaceful.

Passion: I will passionately pursue my nursing career and finish strong. I will achieve this by studying hard to maintain good grades. I will focus my strength on positive thoughts of success alone. I will avoid distractions and set an achievable goal of graduation within the following year.

Strategies I will use to strengthen areas that need development.

Health: I will begin to eat healthily and ensure that I am up to date with my dietary reference intake (DRI). I will drink more water rather than soda for a healthier life. I will engage more in physical activities and exercise three times for 30 minutes every week at home.

Rest / Recreation: I will put proper time management strategies in place and ensure that I create time for family fun and recreation activities. I will ensure I get at least seven hours of sleep and get enough rest each day.

Finance: I will be strict on my monthly budget and avoid impromptu spending. I will stay focused and spend wisely.

Career/School: I will put in all my effort to succeed by reading and doing all my assignments when due.   I will set up a weekly times table for myself and work towards accomplishing every task before the due dates.

Strategies in action:

This project has helped me become self-aware of personal self-care strategies that will increase my energy and help me implement stress-free strategies. My current level of stress and tension is high. I have been developing a stress-free approach to overcome my anxiety, and it seems to be working. I have started working, most especially on my diet. I have developed the habit of eating vegetables, drinking a lot of water, and eating healthy foods. I have also set the alarm on my phone for 30 minutes of exercise three to four times a week, I have learned to schedule my time doing schoolwork, still working on all others, and I am sure I will achieve my goals by taking one step after the other to accomplish them.


Boogaard, K. (2022). How to write smart goals. Work-Life by Atlassian.