Cognitive Psychology Short Essay

Cognitive Psychology Short Essay

Cognitive Psychology Short Essay

Cognitive Psychology Short Essay

Cognitive Psychology Short Essay

there are 6 questions, write a short essay answer to every question, the word count should be around 200 words each, no more than 250. the first file is the questions, other files are the readings for those questions. Cognitive Psychology Short Essay

Essay Portion Study Guide


1. What are aphantasia (and hyperphantasia), and why are they interesting to conceptualization researchers? What sort of information have we already discovered through studying aphantasia? Discuss TWO experiments we covered in class that could be re-examined in an aphantasic population, and why they would contribute to a greater understanding of cognition. Cognitive Psychology Short Essay

2. How do we recognize and categorize objects? Trace the processes involved with object recognition and categorization, discussing all possibilities covered for how we can do this. Lastly, provide TWO pieces of evidence in support of those various possibilities.


3. What is the dual visual system theory and what does it have to do with consciousness and cognition? Provide TWO pieces of evidence (neurological or behavioral) supporting the dual visual system theory. Next, discuss how those same TWO pieces of evidence might actually not support the dual visual system theory.


4. How do video games impact cognition? Are all video games equal in their benefits or detriments to various cognitive activities? Provide TWO pieces of evidence that video games can benefit cognition and discuss why they are beneficial. Lastly, discuss how video game “interventions” might be used to help certain populations.


5. How does learning (knowledge, language, culture) impact cognition? What is the relationship between predictive processing models, embodied cognition, and learning? Discuss TWO pieces of evidence that embodiment of concepts is most important during learning. Cognitive Psychology Short Essay


6. What is the replacement hypothesis and what is a dynamic system? How do dynamic systems relate to complexity science? Explain TWO cognitive processes using dynamic systems or complexity theory. Why is replacement thought of as the most “radical” form of embodied cognition and the most strongly opposed to standard cognitive science? Cognitive Psychology Short Essay

Discussion: Cellulitis Case Study

Discussion: Cellulitis Case Study

Discussion: Cellulitis Case Study

Discussion: Cellulitis Case Study

Module 1 Assignment: Case Study Analysis

An understanding of cells and cell behavior is a critically important component of disease diagnosis and treatment. But some diseases can be complex in nature, with a variety of factors and circumstances impacting their emergence and severity.


Effective disease analysis often requires an understanding that goes beyond isolated cell behavior. Genes, the environments in which cell processes operate, the impact of patient characteristics, and racial and ethnic variables all can have an important impact.

An understanding of the signals and symptoms of alterations in cellular processes is a critical step in the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. For APRNs, this understanding can also help educate patients and guide them through their treatment plans. Discussion: Cellulitis Case Study

In this Assignment, you examine a case study and analyze the symptoms presented. You identify cell, gene, and/or process elements that may be factors in the diagnosis, and you explain the implications to patient health. Discussion: Cellulitis Case Study

To prepare:

By Day 1 of this week, you will be assigned to a specific case study for this Case Study Assignment. Please see the “Course Announcements” section of the classroom for your assignment from your Instructor.

Scenario 2: A 42-year-old man comes to clinic with chief complaint of pain, redness, and swelling of his right calf. He states that he had been working in his yard using a string trimmer when the trimmer slipped and cut his leg. He cleaned the wound with water from the garden hose and covered the wound with a large Band-Aid. Several days later, he developed fever to 100.6˚ F and chills and noticed that his leg was swollen and red. He comes to the emergency department for definitive care.

DX: Cellulitis

The Assignment (1 to 2-page case study analysis)

Develop a 1- to 2-page case study analysis in which you:

Explain why you think the patient presented the symptoms described.

Identify the genes that may be associated with the development of the disease.

Explain the process of immunosuppression and the effect it has on body systems.

By Day 7 of Week 2

Submit your Case Study Analysis Assignment by Day 7 of Week 2.

Reminder: The College of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The sample paper provided at the Walden Writing Center provides an example of those required elements (available at All papers submitted must use this formatting. Discussion: Cellulitis Case Study

Explain why you think the patient presented the symptoms described.

I think is a cellulitis base on the patient’s chief complaint and the signs and symptoms: Pain, redness, and swelling of his right calf, fever to 100.6˚ F and chills and leg was swollen and red. Cellulitis (sel-u-LIE-tis) is a common, potentially serious bacterial skin infection. The affected skin appears swollen and red and is typically painful and warm to the touch. Cellulitis usually affects the skin on the lower legs, but it can occur in the face, arms and other areas. It occurs when a crack or break in your skin allows bacteria to enter.Left untreated, the infection can spread to your lymph nodes and bloodstream and rapidly become life-threatening. ( Also the explanation of how he ended up having those symptoms, he explained that he had been working in his yard using a string trimmer when the trimmer slipped and cut his leg. He cleaned the wound with water from the garden hose and covered the wound with a large Band-Aid. So he has a cut, an open area that he cleaned with water from the garden hose and covered with a band aid without even disinfecting the wound makes me think that he has an infection (Cellulitis).


McCance, K. L. & Huether, S. E. (2019). Pathophysiology: The biologic basis for disease in adults and children (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby/ElsevierChapter 47-Page 1513. Discussion: Cellulitis Case Study

Pathophysiology Case Study Essay

Pathophysiology Case Study Essay

Patho 6.1

In this assignment, you will examine the clinical manifestations, pathophysiology, and developmental considerations for two urinary disorders of your choosing. Consider how one disorder would affect adolescents and the other adults or older adults. Pathophysiology Case Study Essay

Step 1 Locate at least one evidence-based resource to support your response.

Step 2 Download the Urinary System Disorders


Step 3 Complete the worksheet.

In the header row of the table, enter names of the disorders.
In the remaining rows of the table, enter a description of the disorder, the clinical manifestations, the underlying pathophysiology, and developmental considerations (consider the age of onset with respect to the physiological, psychological, and social implications of the disease).
Be sure to cite all sources used to complete the worksheet and provide a reference using proper APA formatting.
Patho 7.1

In this assignment, you will create a concept map with stress as the center and potential affected body systems and the pathophysiologic disease processes occurring in that body system as a result of the stressor(s) to create the spokes of the concept map. Pathophysiology Case Study Essay


Body system: Circulatory

Step 1 Select the life stage of the patient that will be represented by the concept map.
Choose from the following age groups:

Adult (40–64)
Step 2 Download the Concept Mapping Guide Click for more options


Step 3 Using the concept map format:

Describe the response to a stressor and the meaning that the stressor has for an individual in an age group of your choosing.
Depict how genetics, past experiences, conditioning, and cultural influences affect perception of stress and stressors in your selected age group?
Indicate how stressors may be external or internal for the age group you have selected.
Describe how individuals may be more vulnerable to the effects of stressors at certain times.

Assignment 7.2: Concept Mapping Guide

A concept map is a technique that allows students to understand the relationships between ideas by creating a visual map. A concept map is made up of lines, boxes, circles, and/or arrows that display the relationship between concepts or elements that organize and represent knowledge. Connecting lines and text boxes have words or phrases that explain the relationship of the concepts. Visual formats assist in the interpretation of information and can aid in refining both creative and critical thinking. The Internet can be an excellent source of examples and information about concept maps. Pathophysiology Case Study Essay

While concept maps can be as simplistic as a pencil drawing on a piece of paper or as complex as one created in professional concept mapping software, you should use the word processing or presentation software that is installed on your computer to complete this assignment.

Before heading to the computer, you should brainstorm the concepts and sub-concepts related to your main topic. To do so, write your topic at the top of a piece of paper and list as many concepts and sub-concepts as you can think of. Do not limit yourself in this brainstorming session.

Once you have brainstormed your topic, open a new word processing or presentation file and complete the following tasks:
Use the drawing tool to create an oval in the center of the page.
Next, use the text or type tool to add the name of the topic to the shape. This will represent your main topic.
Continue using the drawing tools to create a variety of shapes and connecting lines to visually depict the relationships between the main topic and the concepts and sub-concepts you have brainstormed.
If necessary, rearrange the concepts and sub-concepts on the page in a way that makes sense to you. If you have created the connecting lines correctly, the lines will auto adjust when you move the shapes.
For added enhancement, you can add colors to the shapes or lines to highlight important ideas or relationships. Pathophysiology Case Study Essay

Cognitive Development in Adolescence Assignment

Cognitive Development in Adolescence Assignment

Cognitive Development in Adolescence

Cognitive Development in Adolescence

Social Situation: Go to a location where teens/adolescents are present and in social groups.  Sit and observe them while paying attention to the following questions.  Your write-up should address each of these major areas.  The write-up should be 3-5 pages in length of content and written in APA format. You should consult at least 2 peer-reviewed journal articles to support your observations and assessments/conclusions. Cognitive Development in Adolescence


Write-Up: Required Elements

1. Please give all appropriate demographic information including:

1. Location

2. Date/time of observation

3. Number of adolescents observed

4. Estimated age range

5. Male to female ratio

6. Ethnic/cultural information


2. Biological Issues

1. Did the adolescents appear comfortable in their own skin/bodies?  Describe how you could tell.


3. Cognitive Development

1. Try and listen to conversation.

2. What kinds of cognitive skills seem to be present?  (i.e. abstract thought, reasoning, decision-making…) Cognitive Development in Adolescence Assignment


4. Social Issues

1. What social situations did you observe?

2. Did you notice any differences in SES?

3. What kinds of social roles did you see being played out by these adolescents?

4. Did you notice any observable emotions?  Peer pressure?  Gender stereotypes?


5. Peer Groups

1. What types of cliques/crowds did you observe?

2. How important did friendship appear?

3. How important did popularity appear?

4. Did you notice any kind of power struggle?


6. Communication

1. How were the adolescents communicating?

2. What types of non-verbal communication did you observe?

3. Did you observe any technological forms of communication?


7. Identity

1. Did adolescents do anything that leads you to believe they are searching for identity?  Explain.

2. Did some adolescents appear to be more confident than others?  Explain.


8. Moral Development

1. Did you learn anything about adolescents’ moral development?  From what?

2. Do you have any opinion on their knowledge or interaction with “right vs wrong”?

3. What kinds of values did you see in their communication and/or behavior?


9. Problems

1. Did you observe any dangerous, illegal, self-injurious or anti-social behaviors?  Describe.

2. How severe did these problems appear to be? Cognitive Development in Adolescence Assignment


10. Conclusion

1. What was the most valuable lesson learned from this field assignment for you?

2. What assumptions/stereotypes of yours regarding adolescence and adolescent culture were challenged or affirmed?  Explain.

Affordable Healthcare Comparison Worksheet Assignment

Affordable Healthcare Comparison Worksheet Assignment

It may seem to you that healthcare has been a national topic of debate among political leaders for as long as you can remember.

Healthcare has been a policy item and a topic of debate not only in recent times but as far back as the administration of the second U.S. president, John Adams. In 1798, Adams signed legislation requiring that 20 cents per month of a sailor’s paycheck be set aside for covering their medical bills. This represented the first major piece of U.S. healthcare legislation, and the topic of healthcare has been woven into presidential agendas and political debate ever since. Affordable Healthcare Comparison Worksheet

As a healthcare professional, you may be called upon to provide expertise, guidance and/or opinions on healthcare matters as they are debated for inclusion into new policy. You may also be involved in planning new organizational policy and responses to changes in legislation. For all of these reasons you should be prepared to speak to national healthcare issues making the news. Affordable Healthcare Comparison Worksheet Assignment

In this Assignment, you will analyze recent presidential healthcare agendas. You also will prepare a fact sheet to communicate the importance of a healthcare issue and the impact on this issue of recent or proposed policy.

To Prepare:

  • Review the agenda priorities of the current/sitting U.S. president and the two previous presidential administrations.
  • Select an issue related to healthcare that was addressed by each of the last three U.S. presidential administrations.
  • Reflect on the focus of their respective agendas, including the allocation of financial resources for addressing the healthcare issue you selected.
  • Consider how you would communicate the importance of a healthcare issue to a legislator/policymaker or a member of their staff for inclusion on an agenda.


The Assignment: (1- to 2-page Comparison Grid, 1-Page Analysis, and 1-page narrative) with a title page, an introduction, purpose statement, and a conclusion. This is an APA paper.

Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid

Use the Agenda Comparison Grid Template found in the Learning Resources and complete the Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid based on the current/sitting U.S. president and the two previous presidential administrations and their agendas related to the public health concern you selected. Be sure to address the following:

  • Identify and provide a brief description of the population health concern you selected and the factors that contribute to it.
  • Describe the administrative agenda focus related to the issue you selected.
  • Identify the allocations of financial and other resources that the current and two previous presidents dedicated to this issue.
  • Explain how each of the presidential administrations approached the issue. Affordable Healthcare Comparison Worksheet Assignment
  • At least 3 resources must be used

Part 2: Agenda Comparison Grid Analysis

Using the information you recorded in Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid on the template, complete the Part 2: Agenda Comparison Grid Analysis portion of the template, by addressing the following:

  • Which administrative agency would most likely be responsible for helping you address the healthcare issue you selected?
  • How do you think your selected healthcare issue might get on the agenda for the current and two previous presidents? How does it stay there?
  • Who would you choose to be the entrepreneur/ champion/sponsor of the healthcare issue you selected for the current and two previous presidents?

Part 3: Narrative

Using the information recorded on the template in Parts 1 and 2, develop a 1-page narrative that you could use to communicate with a policymaker/legislator or a member of their staff for this healthcare issue. Be sure to address the following:

  • Summarize why this healthcare issue is important and should be included in the agenda for legislation.
  • Justify the role of the nurse in agenda setting for healthcare issues.
  • The response fully integrates at least 2 outside resources and 2-3 course specific resources that fully supports the summary provided. Affordable Healthcare Comparison Worksheet Assignment

Assignment: Descriptive Statistics Questions

Assignment: Descriptive Statistics Questions

Assignment: Descriptive Statistics Questions

Assignment: Descriptive Statistics Questions

1. What does the term Descriptive Statistics mean? The University of Alabama at Birmingham NUR 704 Descriptive Statistics Questions

2. Identify which demographic and outcome data points in the case study a mean, range, and standard deviation will be calculated for. Provide a rationale for why this type of statistical analysis is appropriate for these data points. (Hint: this information is useful for your data analysis plan in NUR 704 or your related MSN courses). Assignment: Descriptive Statistics Questions

This week’s content again focused on topics related to statistical analysis.  Based on the information you reviewed over the past two weeks answer the following discussion prompts related to the case study:

1.  What does the term Descriptive Statistics mean?

2.  Identify which demographic and outcome data points in the case study a mean, range, and standard deviation will be calculated for.  Provide a rationale for why this type of statistical analysis is appropriate for these data points.  (Hint:  this information is useful for your data analysis plan in NUR 704 or your related MSN courses).

3. Identify which demographic and outcome data points in the case study frequencies and percentages will be calculated for.  Provide a rationale for why this type of statistical analysis is appropriate for these data points.  (Hint:  this information is useful for your data analysis plan in NUR 704 or related MSN courses).

4. Discuss one method the task force could use to analyze the collected outcome data (e.g. a group mean comparison of pre and post protocol values, a percent change, a t-test, etc).  Include a rationale of why you chose this method.  Also discuss any potential limitations of using this approach for data analysis.  (Hint: you will be using this in your NUR 704 data evaluation plan or your related MSN courses).


Case Study – Phase 2

The DNP clinicians returned to the literature for a more thorough review.  The clinicians concluded the intervention of the project would be individualized educational sessions addressing the client’s self-efficacy for chronic disease management.  The clinicians located a tool through the Stanford Patient Education Research Center that was developed and tested to measure the clinical problem of interest.  The clinicians decided to use this tool to measure the outcome of increased self-efficacy for chronic disease management.  In addition, the demographic data points of age, gender, ethnicity, and use of the Internet for health information were selected to describe the characteristics of the participants of the project. Assignment: Descriptive Statistics Questions


Case Study – Phase 3

The clinicians return to the literature to identify an appropriate benchmark for validating the project’s outcome.  A study conducted by Robb (2015) is selected for comparison purposes.  The clinicians identify the project being implemented in the community clinic mirrors this study.  The clinicians, like the Robb (2015) study, are planning to collect data following a pre / post-test approach.  Robb (2015) concluded a 20% increase in the group mean total scale score of self-efficacy for chronic disease management resulted from individualized educational sessions.  The clinicians select this finding as the benchmark for the project.

Robb, M. (2015). The effectiveness of individualized education sessions on client’s self-efficacy for chronic disease management. Journal of Evidence-Based Clinical Practice, 6(2), 38-48. The University of Alabama at Birmingham NUR 704 Descriptive Statistics Questions

Gerontological Reminiscence Discussion Essay

Gerontological Reminiscence Discussion Essay

Gerontological Reminiscence Discussion Essay

Gerontological Reminiscence Discussion Essay

Gerontological Reminiscence Discussion Essay

In this DB, after watching the video Tuesdays with Morrie (1999) by Mitch Albom, answer the following questions. Refer to the video located under INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS. Discuss the following prompts related to normal aging and acute and chronic co-morbid physical conditions as they relate to Morrie. Gerontological Reminiscence Discussion Essay
•    Discuss the modalities of reminiscence and life review and the significance of the life story of an elder. Gerontological Reminiscence Discussion Essay
•   What inference can you make to improve effective communication strategies for older adults with speech, language, hearing, vision, and cognitive impairment.
•    Identify the impact of culture and family values in providing quality care for older persons.

Your initial post must be posted before you can view and respond to colleagues, must contain minimum of two (2) references, in addition to examples from your personal experiences to augment the topic. The goal is to make your post interesting and engaging so others will want to read/respond to it. Synthesize and summarize from your resources in order to avoid the use of direct quotes, which can often be dry and boring. No direct quotes are allowed in the discussion board posts.


  • Initial Post: Minimum of two (2) total references: one (1) from required course materials and one (1) from peer-reviewed references. Gerontological Reminiscence Discussion Essay

Words Limits

  • Initial Post: Minimum 200 words excluding references (approximately one (1) page).

HCA420 Unit 4 Assignment Paper

HCA420 Unit 4 Assignment Paper

HCA420 Unit 4 Assignment

This assignment reinforces information in your textbook and concepts presented in this unit. Your responses to the items below should be thorough, well-conceived college-level responses that are grammatically correct. Please write your answers in complete sentences. You must justify your responses with facts and details from the reading assignments and with your conclusions. It is recommended that you work through this assignment as you complete your reading assignment. Complete the questions and items below. HCA420 Unit 4 Assignment


  1. The ACA includes several provisions with significant effects on public health. One of these was the establishment of the Prevention and Public Health Fund. Summarize how this fund will be beneficial in improving the health of the public. (One to two paragraphs is an appropriate length)
  2. Identify and summarize two of the four of the issues that remain central to the ACA’s workforce initiatives. (One paragraph is an appropriate length.)
  3. How has the passage of the ACA impacted medical education as it relates to the delivery, access, and quality of services? (One paragraph per heading is an appropriate length.)
  4. With the ACA’s new parity provisions for insurance coverage, newer models of care are emerging that emphasize the integration of behavioral health services with primary care. What are the benefits of this integration? Give some examples of how it is benefitting consumers. (One paragraph per innovation in an appropriate length) HCA420 Unit 4 Assignment Paper

Chapter 6Medical Education and the Changing Practice of Medicine

Medical Education: Colonial America to the 19th Century •No medical schools•Sick were treated with medicinal herbs and anecdotal information in their homes•Few university-trained European physicians emigrated to America; trained colonial “medical students” in apprenticeships•No formal methods of testing new physicians; practiced without regulation of any kind

Medical Education: Colonial America to the 19th Century •Apprenticeship training with mentors continued until hospitals founded in mid-1700s•First medical school established in 1756 (College of Philadelphia), 2nd at King’s College, 1768 (later Columbia Univ.) •1800: only four U.S. medical schools added; each had a few faculty members teaching all courses

Flexner Report and Medical School Reforms •1904, AMA developed –Council on Medical Education: address needed educational improvements and standards–JAMA: published medical school state licensing failure statistics and group schools by failure rates, demanding poor schools to improve or resign the association

Flexner Report and Medical School Reforms •1905: Support for AMA reforms by Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching; examine all 155 US & Canadian schools’ entrance requirements, faculty, laboratories & hospital relationships •Schools’ cooperated believing that review would lead to Carnegie Foundation support

Flexner Report and Medical School Reforms •“Medical Education in the U.S. and Canada”–Lauded some schools: Harvard, Western Reserve, McGill, U of Toronto, Johns Hopkins (cited as a “model for medical education”)–Stimulated support from foundations & wealthy; University affiliated schools w/favorable ratings were primary recipients establishing future influence over future directions–Licensing legislation pursued; new standards for training duration, labs & other facilities. HCA420 Unit 4 Assignment Paper

Graduate Medical Education Consortia •Formal associations of medical schools, teaching hospitals, other organizations involved in residency training to improve organization, governance, MD supply and distribution through local coordination.•MD: allopathic physicians (138 schools); DO (Doctor of osteopathy- 29 schools); degrees are equivalent •No national licenses; state medical boards license with specific requirements; 3-7 yr. residency accredited by Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) required.

Graduate Medical Education Consortia •ACGME: not-for-profit independent organization dedicated to quality of residents’ training–Accredits ~ 9,000 U.S. residency programs; also addresses MD distribution and supply – 2012 transition to outcomes-based evaluation system to measure competencies.–ACA: redistribute specific resident training slots to needed specialties and areas with Medicare reimbursement flexibility

Delineation and Growth of Medical Specialties •AMA concerns began in mid 1800s:–Fragmented care (not treating “whole patient”)•AMA slow response prompted specialists to form their own societies–Late 1800s: specialty associations formed in ophthalmology, otology, obstetrics & gynecology, pediatrics

Delineation and Growth of Medical Specialties •Deficient training of medical specialists–At 1910 Flexner Report, huge variations in specialty training duration & quality; virtually any physician could call themselves a “specialist.”–1917 WWI army recruitment revealed shocking “unfit” to practice as “specialist” MDs and some overall “unfit” –American College of Surgeons est. oversight & practice standards for certifying surgeons in 1917


Chapter 7 The Healthcare Workforce

Introduction & Health Professions •One of largest U.S. employers; 16.4 million, 11.4% U.S. workforce•200+ occupations & professions; At 35% of workforce, hospitals are major employers (Fig. 7-1) •New vocations result from system changes, ~5.6 M new jobs in next decade, more than any other industry

Introduction & Health Professions •Employment growth highest among health plans, ambulatory clinics, home health, offices of practitioners•Specialized positions result from medical advances, but reduce flexibility & increases costs–Growing acceptance of multi-skilled professionals, esp. in hospitals combining roles in related fields.


Chapter 10 Mental Health Services

Current Background •Mental health terminology changes:–“Mental health care” now often “behavioral health care” with psychiatric care, a medical subspecialty, one aspect of integrated services–“Patient” replaced by “consumer” or “person/people” with a psychiatric or substance abuse disorder or “mental health issue” –“Problem-based” diagnosis model replaced with “strength-based” model in “Recovery Movement”3

Historical Overview •Colonial era to 1800s: mentally ill confined to almshouses, jails, hospitals with no treatment, decrepit conditions•1800s: Quakers advocated “moral treatment,” est. 1814 Philadelphia “asylum.” •WWI: “shell shock” in returning military focused new attention on mental illness4

Chapter 11 Public Health and the Role of Government in Health Care

Public Health Defined “Efforts made by communities to cope with health problems arising from people living in groups…the need to control transmission of disease, maintain a sanitary environment, provide safe water and food, and sustain people with disabilities and low income populations.” HCA420 Unit 4 Assignment Paper

HCA420 Unit 4 Assignment

Myers-Briggs Personality assessment Assignment

Myers-Briggs Personality assessment Assignment

Myers-Briggs Personality assessment.

Take an informal personality test here: (Note that this test is not the official Myers-Briggs Personality assessment.) After you have completed this personality test, read about what your scores mean in terms of your personality. Following completion of this online personality test, complete the following.


Part 1—Create a title page.

1. Create a title page using proper APA style, and include the title of your paper, your name, your university affiliation, a running head, and page numbers.

2. Use the following pages of this document as a guide for what the style should look like for the pages of your document. Myers-Briggs Personality assessment Assignment

Part 2 – Write a 3-4 page paper that addresses and integrates each of the following components.

1. What was your personality type according to this online test? What does it mean? ENFJ is my personality type.

2. Describe your experience taking this personality measure and your thoughts about personality testing based on your experience.

3. Using your textbook, what are the advantages and disadvantages of this type of personality test? Did your experience reflect any of these advantages/disadvantages?

4. Do you think being aware of someone’s personality could be helpful in predicting their behaviors (e.g. workplace behaviors, behaviors in social settings, relationships, etc.)? And if so, how could we use personality measures in these settings?

5. How does the concept of personality as you have learned and experienced this week fit within a biblical worldview?

Part 3—Create a page for a reference.

1. Create a page for references.

2. Use proper APA style heading and style for the references. Please see the following pages of this document for a guide for what the style should look like.

Submit the Personality Assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 6. Myers-Briggs Personality assessment Assignment

Approaches To Lifespan Development Assignment

Approaches To Lifespan Development Assignment

Approaches to Lifespan Development


If you have not already done so, complete the studies for this unit. The second study asked you to choose one of the following influential themes in lifespan development theory and read a scholarly resource (journal article or book chapter) that addresses it:

Nature versus nurture.

Critical periods and plasticity.

Continuity and discontinuity.

Universality and specificity.

Qualitative and quantitative change.

Activity and passivity.


For your initial discussion post, address the following:

Clearly summarize the theme you chose and the main issues, oppositions, or controversies in differing approaches to it.

What are the similarities and differences in the contrasting approaches?

Are these approaches appropriate in light of what the researcher seeks to understand or predict? Why or why not?

Describe specific lifespan development theories that are associated with the theme you analyzed.

Evaluate to what extent the scholarly article you used in your analysis met the criteria for credibility, using an appropriate combination of these criteria: Approaches To Lifespan Development Assignment

Detailed and clear information.

Accuracy of information.

Support of conclusions.

Relevancy to the field.

Credibility of author or authors.

Publication date (timeliness or current relevancy).



Use your Broderick and Blewitt textbook, The Life Span: Human Development for Helping Professionals, to complete the following:

Read Chapter 1, “Organizing Themes in Development.” This chapter introduces lifespan developmental theorists, including Freud, Erikson, and Piaget; learning theories, such as behaviorism and social learning; multidimensional theories, including Bronfenbrenner’s theory; and the concept of nature–nurture.

Use the Capella library to complete the following:

Read Baltes and Smith’s 2004 article, “Lifespan Psychology: From the Developmental Contextualism to Developmental Biocultural Co-constructivism,” from Research in Human Development, volume 1, issue 3, pages 123—143.

Read Foster’s 2010 article, “Causal Inference and Developmental Psychology,” from Developmental Psychology, volume 46, issue 6, pages 1454–1480.

Audiovisual Media

View the following video from Annenberg Media’s Discovering Psychology series:

Past, Present, and Promise | Transcript.

Running time: 27:00.


Click Human Development Theorists to learn about some of the theories behind human development.

Suggested Readings

You are encouraged, but not required, to complete the following:

Read Kagan’s 2008 article, “In DefApproaches To Lifespan Development Assignmentense of Qualitative Changes in Development,” from Child Development, volume 79, issue 6, pages 1606–1624.

Read Kimble’s 1993 article, “Evolution of the Nature–Nurture Issue in the History of Psychology,” from Nature, Nurture & Psychology, pages 3–25.

Read Manstead and Fischer’s 2002 article, “Beyond the Universality-Specificity Dichotomy,” from Cognition & Emotion, volume 16, issue 1, pages 1–9.


Development Issues Article Search

During this first week, you will establish a base of knowledge regarding lifespan development. The major themes embedded in development theory are:

Nature versus nurture.

Critical periods and plasticity.

Universality and specificity.

Continuity and discontinuity.

Qualitative and quantitative change.

Activity and passivity.

Choose one of the above, then find and read a scholarly resource (journal article or book chapter) that addresses it.

Research Guides

Several different activities in this course require you to locate scholarly resources in the Capella library. The following guides and tutorials can help you understand where to begin your search.

Summon is a tool that enables you to easily search across the Capella University Library collection. Experiment with using this tool as you conduct your research for this unit.

Examine the Research Guide – Psychology. This guide provides a range of research-related information, including advice on how to find articles in the library, links to statistical Web sites and professional organizations (in the Staying Current section), and specific tabs related to the various specializations within psychology. You can access the information and links by clicking the tabs near the top of the page.

Visit the Library Research and Information Literacy Skills (RAILS) page. This online handbook helps you develop your research skills. Be sure to go through the following sections:

Identifying Scholarly Resources.

Defining Your Topic.

Searching Effectively.

Evaluating Source Quality.

Examine the Databases A–Z: Psychology Web page, which lists databases for general research and by specialization area. A few of the databases are highlighted here:

PsycINFO – A comprehensive database from the American Psychological Association (APA), covering psychology and related disciplines. It contains over 2.6 million citations and summaries dating as far back as the early 1800s. Ninety-eight percent of the material is peer-reviewed.

PsycARTICLES – A psychology database containing more than 140,000 articles from over 60 journals published by the APA, the Educational Publishing Foundation, and allied organizations. This database includes coverage of applied psychology, health, theory, research, social/personality, and more.

Proquest Psychology Journals – Full-text articles from nearly 600 top journals and related publications for coverage of psychology, organizational behavior, counseling, communications, and related fields. Approaches To Lifespan Development Assignment