Windshield Survey Aid

Windshield Survey Aid

Windshield Survey Aid

Use these questions to guide your community assessment.



To what extent can you identify the boundaries of the neighborhood: natural boundaries such as a river or different terrain; man-made, such as highway or railroad; or economic, such as difference in real estate, presence of industrial or commercial units along with residential? Windshield Survey Aid

Does the neighborhood have an identity or a name? Is it displayed? Are there unofficial names? Are there sub communities near the area?

Housing and Zoning

How old are the houses? Of what style and materials are they constructed? Are all the neighborhood houses similar? If not, how would you characterize the differences?

Are there signs of disrepair, such as broken windows, steps, doors? Are any of the houses vacant?

Signs of Decay

Is the neighborhood improving or declining? Is it vibrant and full of life? How would you decide?

Is there trash, rubble, poor drainage, or disease vector harborage? Are there dilapidated sheds, rubble-filled vacant lots, abandoned cars, or boarded-up buildings?

Parks and Recreational Areas

Are there parks and recreational areas in the neighborhood? Is the open space public or private? Who uses it?


What are the neighborhood hangouts, such as schoolyards, bars, restaurants, parks? What groups go there? At what time?

Do common areas have a sense of territoriality, or are they open to strangers?


What supermarkets or neighborhood stores are available? How do residents travel to the store? Are there drug stores, laundry mats, and dry cleaners?


How do people get in and out of the neighborhood? What is the condition of the streets? Is there a major highway near the neighborhood? Who does it serve? Is public transportation available and how accessible is it to your family?

Service Centers

Are there social agencies, clinics, recreation centers, and schools? Are doctors, dentists, or other health care providers accessible? Is there a hospital in the area? How accessible are these service centers to your family?

Street People (and Animals)

If you are walking during the day, who is on the streets; for example, are there women, children, teenagers, community health nurses, collection agents, salespeople? How are they dressed?

What animals do you see; for example, do you see stray animals, pets, watchdogs, or livestock?

Protective Services

Is there evidence of police and fire protection in the area? Where are they in relationship to the family’s residence?


What is the ethnicity of residents? Are the residents African American, Caucasian Americans, Asian Americans, and so forth? How are the different racial groups residentially located?


Are there indications of ethnic variances, such as food stores, churches, private schools, information in another language?


What churches and church-operated schools are in the neighborhood? How many are there?


What is the social status of the residents? Are they upper, upper-middle, middle, working, or lower socioeconomic class? On what information do you base your judgment?

Health Status

Is there evidence of acute or chronic health conditions in the neighborhood, such as automobile accidents, alcoholism, drug addition, teenage smoking, pregnant teenagers, inappropriately dressed or unclean children?


How does this neighborhood compare to the neighborhood in the immediate vicinity?

What are the strengths and weaknesses of this neighborhood and community?

Locating Sources

Locating Sources


Locating Sources

One of the most important aspects of your research is your ability to locate sources related to your topic.  Search the LIRN library and locate (3) publications related to a topic you are interested in researching. Type directly on this form, save it and submit it on c………………. by assignment deadline. The example provides should be used as a guide to complete this assignment. You will complete #1, #2, and #3 based on the publications you find in the College’s LIRN library.


Number Article Information: Be sure entries are presented in alphabetical order.
EXAMPLE What is the title of the article:  Education and Technology

What year was it published:  2014

List the author(s) by last name, first name:  Bean, John and Smith, Susan

What is the journal title:  Higher Education Today

What key words did you use to find the article:  education, technology, classes, distance education

What database did you use to find the article: Education

Summarize the publication: The article discussed the importance of integrating technology into the classroom setting……… (this section should be at least a paragraph long)

1.        What is the title of the article:

What year was it published:

List the author(s) by last name, first name:

What is the journal title:          

What key words did you use to find the article:

What database did you use to find the article:


Summarize the publication:


2.        What is the title of the article:

What year was it published:

List the author(s):

What is the journal title: 

What key words did you use to find the article:

What data base did you use to find the article:

Summarize the publication:



What is the title of the article:

What year was it published:

List the author(s):

What is the journal title: 

What key words did you use to find the article:

What database did you use to find the article:

Summarize the publication:


PRAC 6665 Clinical Skills/ Self-Assessment

PRAC 6665 Clinical Skills/ Self-Assessment

PRAC 6665 Clinical Skills/ Self-Assessment


Your Name

Department of ABC, University of ABC

ABC 101: Course Name

Professor (or Dr.) Firstname Lastname




PRAC 6665/6675 Clinical Skills 

Self-Assessment Form

Performing a self-assessment of an individual’s clinical skills makes them able to increase their clinical performance during practical experience (Macfarlane, 2019). A self-assessment will be significant in the identification of strengths and areas for improvement. Therefore, conducting this self-assessment and setting goals and objectives will provide a guide to my practicum experience.

Desired Clinical Skills for Students to Achieve Confident (Can complete independently) Mostly confident (Can complete with supervision) Beginning (Have performed with supervision or needs supervision to feel confident) New (Have never performed or does not apply)
Comprehensive psychiatric evaluation skills in: 
Recognizing clinical signs and symptoms of psychiatric illness across the lifespan ü      
Differentiating between pathophysiological and psychopathological conditions  ü      
Performing and interpreting a comprehensive and/or interval history and physical examination (including laboratory and diagnostic studies)  ü      
Performing and interpreting a mental status examination  ü      
Performing and interpreting a psychosocial assessment and family psychiatric history  ü      
Performing and interpreting a functional assessment (activities of daily living, occupational, social, leisure, educational). ü      
Diagnostic reasoning skill in:
Developing and prioritizing a differential diagnoses list ü      
Formulating diagnoses according to DSM 5 based on assessment data  ü      
Differentiating between normal/abnormal age-related physiological and psychological symptoms/changes ü      
Pharmacotherapeutic skills in:
Selecting appropriate evidence based clinical practice guidelines for medication plan (e.g., risk/benefit, patient preference, developmental considerations, financial, the process of informed consent, symptom management)    ü    
Evaluating patient response and modify plan as necessary  ü      
Documenting (e.g., adverse reaction, the patient response, changes to the plan of care) ü      
Psychotherapeutic Treatment Planning:
Recognizes concepts of therapeutic modalities across the lifespan   ü    
Selecting appropriate evidence based clinical practice guidelines for psychotherapeutic plan (e.g., risk/benefit, patient preference, developmental considerations, financial, the process of informed consent, symptom management, modality appropriate for situation)    ü    
Applies age appropriate psychotherapeutic counseling techniques with individuals and/or any caregivers ü      
Develop an age appropriate individualized plan of care ü      
Provide psychoeducation to individuals and/or any caregivers ü      
Promote health and disease prevention techniques ü      
Self-assessment skill:
Develop SMART goals for practicum experiences  ü      
Evaluating outcomes of practicum goals and modify plan as necessary  ü      
Documenting and reflecting on learning experiences ü      
Professional skills:
Maintains professional boundaries and therapeutic relationship with clients and staff ü      
Collaborate with multi-disciplinary teams to improve clinical practice in mental health settings    ü    
Identifies ethical and legal dilemmas with possible resolutions ü      
Demonstrates non-judgmental practice approach and empathy ü      
Practices within scope of practice ü      
Selecting and implementing appropriate screening instrument(s), interpreting results, and making recommendations and referrals:
Demonstrates selecting the correct screening instrument appropriate for the clinical situation  ü      
Implements the screening instrument efficiently and effectively with the clients   ü    
Interprets results for screening instruments accurately ü      
Develops an appropriate plan of care based upon screening instruments response ü      
Identifies the need to refer to another specialty provider when applicable ü      
Accurately documents recommendations for psychiatric consultations when applicable ü      


Summary of strengths:

Communication. I have excellent written and verbal communication skills, which act as a core strength in any healthcare environment. Communication skills will enhance my ability to share information with other groups in the healthcare environment, such as doctors, nurses, and patients. The skills will also be significant while explaining to patients issues related to their diagnoses, test results, and the development of their treatment plans.

Attention to Detail. I am very attentive to details, and this gives me another significant strength that I can leverage in the practicum. Nurses interact with a large number of patients and other interprofessional teams on a daily basis. Therefore, being attentive to details will enable me to assess the accuracy and validity of each piece of information or activity in the healthcare environment. By so doing, I will be effective in inspiring positive quality in patient care.

Empathy. This is one of my core strengths, and it enables me to understand patients and their families and relate to them. It also helps me connect with these groups and help them cope with their problems. Using empathy, I can effectively comprehend and share the feelings of the patient and their loved ones and work towards making sure that they obtain optimal health outcomes (Buljac-Samardžić & van Woerkom, 2018).

Flexibility. Flexibility is a significant strength for every nurse or healthcare professional (Xie et al., 2020). There are usually rapid changes to the health care environment, and nurses need to be flexible to adapt quickly. Therefore, I will leverage this strength to effectively and efficiently manage changes in the healthcare environment.


Opportunities for growth:

Learning New Skills. The practical environment will help me to grow my skills by undertaking several assigned responsibilities. I plan to make sure that I do not limit myself to the routines and procedures in my area alone, but also interact with other interprofessional teams with the aim of enhancing my knowledge and skills.

Performing Research. While undertaking my responsibilities, I can also carry out research to improve my knowledge of my practice in these areas. I will be able to retrieve evidence-based information that I can utilize in my quest to achieve my clinical and professional goals and objectives (Wei et al., 2019). Conducting research is an opportunity to advance my knowledge and skills in various areas using the best available scientific literature.

Collaboration. I will also be presented with an opportunity to collaborate with other interprofessional teams while working in a healthcare environment. As Foster et al. (2018) explain, nursing is not an isolated practice. Therefore, I will collaborate with others to enhance my knowledge and skills while responding to patients’ needs. I will also seek advice and guidance from more experienced professionals to help advance my own practice.



Now, write three to four (3–4) possible goals and objectives for this practicum experience. Ensure that they follow the SMART Strategy, as described in the Learning Resources.

1.      Goal: To improve my skills in the selection and implementation of screening instruments and interpreting results.

a.       Objective: To accurately interpret results for the screening instruments.

b.      Objective: To properly implement screening instruments while providing care to patients.

c.       Objective: To properly document psychotherapy recommendations using data from the interpreted results.


2.      Goal: To improve my psychotherapeutic treatment planning skills.

a.       Objective: To independently and collaboratively create appropriate plans of care for clients.

b.      Objective: To successfully identify therapeutic modalities concepts.

c.       Objective: To successfully identify and utilize proposed evidence-based clinical practice guidelines in psychotherapeutic treatment planning.


3.      Goal: To improve my professional skills.

a.       Objective: To identify ethical and legal dilemmas and provide possible solutions.

b.      Objective: To successfully collaborate with other interprofessional teams in the healthcare environment.

c.       Objective: To successfully maintain professional boundaries with other professionals and with patients.


The self-assessment above, combined with the goals and objectives set, will act as effective guides during my practicum experience. Achieving these goals and objectives will significantly improve my clinical skills and performance. All the goals and objectives developed above are based on the areas that I plan to improve. In the end, the experience will positively impact my educational and clinical progress.
















Buljac-Samardžić, M., & van Woerkom, M. (2018). Improving quality and safety of care in nursing homes by team support for strengths use: A survey study. Plos one, 13(7), e0200065.

Foster, K., Cuzzillo, C., & Furness, T. (2018). Strengthening mental health nurses’ resilience through a workplace resilience programme: A qualitative inquiry. Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing, 25(5-6), 338-348.

Macfarlane, J. (2019). Exploring how awareness of character strengths can benefit mental health nurses. British Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 8(3), 145-152.

Wei, H., Roberts, P., Strickler, J., & Corbett, R. W. (2019). Nurse leaders’ strategies to foster nurse resilience. Journal of nursing management, 27(4), 681-687.

Xie, J., Liu, M., Zhong, Z., Zhang, Q., Zhou, J., Wang, L., … & Cheng, A. S. (2020). Relationships among character strengths, self-efficacy, social support, depression, and psychological well-being of hospital nurses. Asian Nursing Research, 14(3), 150-157.


Nursing homework help

Nursing homework help

MDC3 -3


  1. Which of the following assessment findings are consistent with aortic regurgitation? Nursing homework help

Atrial fibrillation

Systolic click

Pitting edema

Blowing decrescendo diastolic murmur

  1. The nurse receives an order to infuse heparin 1000 units/hr IV. The IV bag contains 25.000 units heparin in 500ml. D5W. Calculate the IV rate in ml/hr___ ( record as a whole number)
  2. The nurse is assessing a client with severe anemia. Which clinical manifestation does the nurse expect to see in this clients?


Dyspnea with activity



Warm flushed skin

  1. A nurse is caring for a 19 year old male recently diagnosed with leukemia. Which of the following nursing interventions is appropriate for the client?

Strict hand hygiene to prevent infection

Fluid restriction

Low residual diet

Therapeutic phlebotomy

  1. The nurse assesses a client and documents the following findings edema 2+ bilateral ankles brown pigmentation of lower extremity skin aching pain of lower extremities when standing that resolves with elevation and 2+pedal pulses. What condition does the client likely have?

Deep vein thrombosis

Venous insufficiency

Peripheral arterial disease

Raynaud disease

  1. The nurse is caring for a 65 year old female who presented to the emergency department with shortness of breath and chest discomfort. The client has not been feeling well for the past few days and complains of a productive cough of blood tinged sputum. Laboratory an elevated brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) and chest x-ray reveals pulmonary congestion , Based on the assessment findings which of the following diagnosis are consistent with these findings?

Heart failure(left- sided)

Pulmonary embolism

Heart failure(right-sided)

Lung cancer

  1. A nurse is performing discharge teaching for a client who was recently diagnosed with heart failure. Which of the following should be included in the client and family teaching? (SATA)

Medication teaching

Low sodium diet

Fluid restriction

Weekly weight

Symptoms to report to the provider

  1. A 65 year old female presented to the emergency room with complaints of progressively worsening fatigue shortness of breath, and palpitations. Upon assessment heart rate is  150 beats per minute and irregular, and there is positive jugular vein distention heart tones reveal a high pitched holosystolic murmur. Which of the following disorders are consistent with these findings?

Mitral regurgitation

Mitral stenosis

Aortic regurgitation

Mitral valve prolapse

  1. Which of the following assessment findings is consistent with mitral valve prolapse?

Systolic click

Urinary frequency

Atrial fibrillation


  1. The nurse is caring for four clients on a post surgical unit . The nurse understands that monitoring the client for which post operative complication takes priority?



Urinary retention


  1. A nurse is caring for a client who was recently diagnosed with hemophilia. Which of the following laboratory tests is consistent with that diagnosis?

Decreased bleeding time

Prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time

Prolonged prothrombin time

Decreased platelet count

  1. A 78 year old female presented to the emergency department with shortness of breath. Her daughter is at the bedside and shares that the client has a history of heart failure. You place the client on the cardiac monitor and find that the client is in atrial fibrillation at rate of 180 beats per minute. Which of the following are your concerns regarding this rhythm?(SATA)

Potential for embolic event

Hypotension due to elevated heart rate

Worsening heart failure

Dizziness and light headedness

Cerebral edema

  1. Which of the following is the most common assessment finding related to autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura?





  1. A client is receiving treatment for the diagnosis of hemophilia A. Which of the following is most appropriate to include in the assessment of the client?


Urine output

Joint pain and bruising

Respiratory rate

  1. A nurse is caring for a client who recently underwent a heart transplant. Which of the following post operative nursing interventions is the priority?

Assess for signs and symptoms of rejection

Advanced diet as tolerated

Auscultated bowel sounds

Maintain strict bedrest

  1. A nurse is caring for a client diagnosed with polycythemia vera. Which of the following should the nurse include in the client and family education?

Decrease fluid intake to no more than 1 liter per day

Wear support hose while awake

Diet  high in vitamin K intake

Resume normal activity

  1. The nurse knows that hemolytic reaction to blood transfusion occur most often within the —-first minutes of the infusion?





  1. The family of a neutropenic client reports that the client confused and is not acting right, What action by the nurse is the priority?

Ask the client about pain

Assess the client for infection

Delegate taking a set of vital signs

Look at todays laboratory results

  1. During hourly rounding the nurse enters a room where the client is unresponsive without a pulse. What is the nurses priority action?

Call the family

Begin ventilation at 1 breath every 6-8 seconds

Start chest compressions at a rate of 100-120 compression per minutes

Wait for the emergency response team for direction

  1. Which of the following assessment findings is a priority during a blood transfusion?

Chest pain


Joint pain


  1. A nurse is caring for a client with a history of an abdominal aortic aneurism. Which of the following assessment findings request immediate intervention?

Decreased urine output

Back pain

Nausea and vomiting

Absent peripheral pulses

  1. A nurse is caring for a client who has heart failure and a prescription for digoxin 125mcg PO daily . Available is digoxin PO 0.25mg/tablet. How many tablets should the nurse administer per dose? (round nearest tenth)
  2. A client admitted for sickle cell crisis is distraught after learning her child also has the disease. What response by the nurse is best?

Both you and the father are equally responsible for passing it on

I can see you are upset . I can stay here with you a while if you like

Its not your fault there is no way to know who will have this disease

There are many good treatments for sickle call disease these days

  1. A female client is being treated for a deep vein thrombus she developed post operatively about one week ago and was treated with unfractionated heparin, Today she presents to the clinic with petechiae on bilateral hands and feet. Laboratory results show a platelet count of 42, 000/mm3(42* 109/L). The nurse is concerned about a drug reaction and anticipates the client has which of the following?

Heparin induced thrombocytopenia(HIT)

Hemophilia A (classic hemophilia)

Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura(TTP)

Sickle call crisis

  1. The nurse educates the client on which of the following tests as the best tool for diagnosing heart failure?


Pulmonary artery catheter

Radionuclide studies

Mitigated angiographic (MUGA) scan

  1. Which of the following nursing interventions would be appropriate for a client with sickle cell disease? (SATA)

Administer IV morphine

Keep the client strictly NPO

Remove restrictive clothing

Prepare the client for surgery

Provide a cool environment

  1. A nurse is caring for a client who was received in the emergency department with a heart rate of 220 beats per minute. The clients  cardiac monitor displays supraventricular tachycardia(SVT) . Which of the following interventions should the nurse anticipate?

Apply compression stockings

Check blood glucose

Draw labs

Vagal maneuver

  1. A nurse is caring for a client diagnosed with peripheral artery disease. Which of the following is a common assessment finding?

3+ pedal pulses

1+ pedal pulses

4+pedal pulses

Bounding pulses in all 4 extremities

  1. A nurse is planning a client for a client who is iron deficient. Which of the following foods high in iron should the nurse include in the plan?



Red meat


  1. A client states that their legs have pain with walking that decreases with rest. The nurse observes absence of hair on the clients lower extremities and the client has a thready weakened posterior tibial pulse. What would be the best position to have the clients legs?

Elevated on pillows

Crossed at the knee

Slightly bent with a pillow under the knees

Dependent position

  1. A client diagnosed with stable angina is complaining of substernal chest pain, rating the pain 5 out of 10 what would be the priority action by the nurse?

Administer nitroglycerin 1 table sublingual immediately

Administer 81 mg of aspirin immediately

Administer the clients prescribed beta blocker

Administer morphine

  1. A male client is presenting with radiating chest pain. Which of the following would the nurse recognize as indicators that an acute myocardial infarction may be occurring?(SATA)

Positive troponin markers

ST elevation on EKG on two contiguous leads

History of atherosclerosis

Pain radiating in jaw back shoulder or abdomen

Pain relieved with rest

  1. Which of the following is a common early assessment finding consistent with a diagnosis of hereditary hemochromatosis?

Flank pain



Liver dysfunction

  1. Which of the following is a treatment option for a client with sickle cell disease?

Pain management with NSAIDs only


NPO diet

IV fluid bolus

  1. Which of the following medications are appropriate for the treatment of heart failure?(SATA)





Angiotensin- converting enzyme(ACE) inhibitors

  1. Which of the following is a possible treatment plan for a client diagnosed with leukemia?

Therapeutic phlebotomy

Stem cell transplant



  1. You are caring for a client who presented to the emergency department with pulmonary edema. The clients is hypotensive with a pulse oximeter reading of 85% on room air. Which of the following is a nursing priority?

Administer diuretics

Administer IV fluids

Administer oxygen

Obtain a chest X-ray

  1. The nurse is arriving at the beginning of her shift and taken report on four clients on a medical surgical unit. Which client should the nurse see first?

A client with pyelonephritis with nausea and vomiting

A client post total abdominal hysterectomy with 9/10 abdominal pain

A client with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with an oxygen saturation of 89% on room air.

A client post prostatectomy with bright red blood and clots in his catheter

  1. Which of the following interventions should be included in the nutrition care plan of the client with atherosclerosis?

Increase saturated fats

Increase daily intake of vegetables fruits and whole grains

Limit sodium intake to 6 g per day

Increase full fat dairy products

  1. Which of the following is a treatment option for a client with infective endocarditis?



Diet modification


  1. A nurse is caring for a client recently diagnosed with pericarditis which of the following is a common assessment finding with this disorders?

ST segment depression

Pericardial friction rub

Elevated troponin

Heart failure

  1. A nurse in a hematology clinic is working with four clients who have polycythemia vera. Which client should the nurse see first?

Client with a blood pressure of 180/98mm Hg

Client who reports shortness of breath

Client who reports calf tenderness and swelling

Client with a swollen and painful left great toe

  1. A nurse sets an infusion pump to infuse 1 L of D5NS at the rate of 100 ml/hr.

How many hours will it take to complete the infusion? __ hours (record whole number)

  1. Which of the following is the priority nursing intervention for a client experiencing a transfusion reaction?

Stop transfusion immediately

Notify the provider

Flush the IV Line

Check vital signs

  1. The nurse knows which of the following is the most common problem for a client with valvular heart disease?

Decreased cardiac output

Difficulty coping


Altered body image

  1. A nurse is caring for a 65 year old male who recently underwent an aortic valve replacement. Which of the following is a post operative nursing care priority?

Temperature monitoring

Advance diet as tolerated

Assess for bleeding

Dressing change

  1. A nurse is caring for a client recently diagnosed with hypertension. Which of the following should be included in the discharge teaching?

Only check your blood pressure at a clinic or pharmacy

Diet changes are not recommended

Decrease physical activity to avoid spikes in blood pressure

Adhere to prescribed  medications

  1. The nurse is discharging home a client at risk for venous thromboembolism on enoxaparin sodium. What instruction is a priority for the nurse to provide to this client?

Notify your health care provider if your stools appear  dark or tarry

Massage the injection site after the heparin is injected

You must have your PT/INR checked every 2 weeks

You must have you’re a PTT checked every 72 hours

  1. A nurse is caring for a client who presented to the emergency department with complaints of fatigue. Palpitations and chest pain . Upon assessment the provider notes an S3 and S4 gallop. Weak peripheral pulses and tachycardia. The provider orders a chest x-ray and echocardiogram. Which reveals left ventricular dilation. Which of the following disorders is consistent with these findings?

Dilated cardiomyopathy

Restrictive cardiomyopathy


Cardiac tamponade

  1. A nurse is providing discharge teaching to a client who recently underwent a mechanical valve replacement which of the following statement by the client indicates the clients correct understanding of the discharge teaching regarding warfarin anticoagulant therapy?

I do not need to take my prescribed medication for the rest of my life

Additional monitoring is not required while on the anticoagulant

I can lead a normal life while on anticoagulants no restrictions are required

I may need to modify my diet while on this medication

  1. Which of the following procedures are performed for a client with a pericardial effusion?

Coronary artery bypass graft




  1. Which of the following is the treatment of choice for end stage heart failure?

Heart transplant

Coronary artery bypass grafting

Percutaneous angiogram


  1. A nurse are caring for a client diagnosed with atherosclerosis. Which of the following is considered a risk factor for the development of the disorder?

High HDL-C/ Low LDL- C

Vegan diet

Low HDL C/High LDL-C

Diet high in vitamin K

  1. Which of the following medications are utilized to treat peripheral artery disease(PAD)?

Antiplatelet drugs




  1. Which of the following client is most at risk for developing endocarditis?

A client who recently underwent a valve replacement

A client with Marfans syndrome

A client recently diagnosed with mitral stenosis

A client who recently had a valve replacement and had dental work recently performed

  1. A nurse is caring for a client who was recently diagnosed with left ventricular heart failure what is an early sign the client is most likely to report?

Abdominal distention

Weight gain

Swollen legs

Nocturnal coughing

  1. A nurse reviews the arterial blood gas (ABG) values of a client admitted with pneumonia PH 7;51 PaCO2 28mm Hg PaO2 70 mmHg and HCO2 24 mEq/L. What do these values indicates?

Metabolic acidosis

Respiratory alkalosis

Respiratory acidosis

Metabolic alkalosis

  1. You are providing care to a client with pericarditis. If left untreated which of the following is the client at risk of developing?

Cardiac tamponade


Pulmonary embolism

Deep vein thrombosis

  1. A nurse is caring for a client recently diagnosed with leukemia. Which of the following signs and symptoms are consistent with this diagnosis?(SATA)

Bleeding gums

Bone pain

Weight gain

Increased urination


  1. A 65 year old male client is brought via EMS to the emergency department with chest pain , He  rates the pain as a 10 on a scale from 0-10 the pain is located mid-sternum and  radiates to his left arm, His heart rate is 126 bpm and  blood pressure is 96/60 mm Hg A 12 lead  electrocardiogram is performed and reveals ST segment elevation. Which of the  following interventions does the nurse anticipate performing immediately?(SATA)

Administer oxygen

Administer nitroglycerin

Administer a beta blocker

Administer morphine

Administer a statin

  1. The client is admitted for heart failure and has edema neck vein distension and ascites. What is the most accurate way to monitor fluid gain or loss in this client?

Check for pitting edema in the dependent body parts

Auscultate the lungs for crackles or wheezing

Assess skin turgor and the condition of mucus membranes

Weigh the client daily at the same time with the same scale

  1. When educating a female client on the signs and symptoms of myocardial infarction the nurse recognizes that which of the following should be included in the teaching?

Pain usually resolves with rest and relaxation

Women often present with a typical sign and symptoms

Substernal chest pain is the most common symptom in women

Women experience intermittent claudication

  1. The nurse questions which order for a client with thrombocytopenia?

Avoid IM injections

Administer enemas

Apply ice to areas of trauma

Test all urine and stool for the presence of occult blood

  1. The nurse is caring for a 55 year old male who presented to his primary physicians office for his yearly check up. Upon the physical assessment the provider noted enlarged lymph nodes in the groin and neck region. The provider questioned joe regarding the possible causes of the findings. Which of the following diagnosis are consistent with this finding?


Sickle cell anemia


Polycythemia vera

  1. A nurse cares for a client who has a nasogastric tube attached to low suction because of a suspected bowel obstruction. Which of the following arterial blood gas results might be expected in this client?

pH 7.52 PCO2 54 mmHg

pH 7.42 PCO2 40 mmHg

pH &.25 PCO2 25 mm Hg

pH 7.38 PCO2 36 mm Hg

  1. Which of the following is a pharmacologic treatment option for a client with dilated cardiomyopathy? (SATA)


Sodium tablets




  1. The nurse is reviewing laboratory values for a client which of the following lab values should the nurse address immediately?

Creatinine 6.2mg/dl

Phosphorus 5.1mg/dl

Potassium 5.9mmo/L

Sodium 147 mEq/L

  1. The nurse is caring for a client with mitral regurgitation which of the following would you anticipate the client to develop if left untreated?

Myocardial ischemia

Left sided heart failure

Right sided heart failure

Renal failure

  1. A nurse is caring for four clients with leukemia after hand off report which client should the nurse see first?

Client who had two bloody diarrhea stools this morning

Client who has been premedicated for nausea prior to chemotherapy

Client with a respiratory rate change from 15 to 20 breaths /min

Client with an unchanged lesion to the lower right lateral malleolus

  1. The nurse is arriving at the beginning of her shift and has taken report on four clients on a medical surgical unit. Which client should the nurse see first?

A client with hypertension with blood pressure of 172/92mm Hg

A client with a history of asthma complaining of increased dyspnea

A client ready for discharge education after treatment of an acute kidney injury

A client with pain that is two days post operative from a prostatectomy

  1. A hospitalized client has a platelet count of 58, 00/mm3 (58*109/L) what action by the nurse is best?

Encourage high protein foods

Institute neutropenic precautions

Limit visitors to healthy adults

Apply ice to bruises or sites of injury

  1. Which of the following clients would not be a candidate for thrombolytic therapy?

Client with a blood pressure of 100. 60 mm Hg

Client with a pulse of 102 beats/minute

Client with a history of hemorrhage stroke one month ago

Client age 65

  1. Which of the following would predispose a client to mitral stenosis?


Rheumatic fever


IV drug use

  1. Missing
  2. Which of the following is a priority nursing intervention for a client in atrial fibrillation with a rate of 180 beats per minute?

Apply compression stockings

Administer anticoagulants

Administer medication to slow that rate

Monitor urine output







South University Remediation Mastery Assignment

South University Remediation Mastery Assignment












South University Remediation Mastery Assignment



Student’s name









South University Remediation Mastery Assignment


Identify 5 subject areas from The Role of the Advanced Practice Nurse that you have identified as a weakness in your learning.
1.the seven core competencies of APN 2. the four core roles of APN 3. the Hamrics model of advanced practice 4. impact of the role of APN on the quality of care and patients outcome  5. role of incongruity
Review the identified subject areas using your texts, evidence-based articles, and national practice guidelines. Provide an analysis of your readings which demonstrates an understanding of the areas you have identified as a weakness.
1.      Evidence based practice is one of the desired practices for APN. Their practice depends on 7 core competences ;

·         direct clinical practice,

·         expert coaching and advice, (COOKE et al., 2008)

·         consultation,

·         research skills,

·         clinical and professional leadership,

·         collaboration, and

·         ethical decision making(Thomas & Kleinpell, 2012)

2. Unlike registered nurses APRNs are have had a graduate level of degree(Vega, 2021). They can assume four core roles;

·         certified nurse-midwife (CNM),

·         certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA), clinical nurse specialist (CNS), and(RegisteredNursing, 2021)

·         nurse practitioner (NP)

3. Hamrics defined an integrative model that defines the different roles of APRN. This helps creates an understanding on the diverse functions of APRNs in health care. 4. With the rise in the prevalence of chronic illness and multimorbidity, there is need for acuity in care. APN workforce is greatly associated with quality care. The APN roles should be implemented at emergency and critical care areas for quality patient outcomes (Woo et al., 2017). Proper utilization of workforce reduces the high demand of health care services(Htay & Whitehead, 2021). 5. Role of incongruity describes intrarole conflict between skills and abilities and the role of APN (Hamric et al., 2013). Due to shortage of health care professionals, it is common for APNs to be given roles that they have not specialized in (Brykczynski, n.d.).
Provide a reference list (in proper APA format) of your resources used in the mastery process. Provide at least 2 references for each subject area.
Reference List


COOKE, L., GEMMILL, R., & GRANT, M. (2008). Advanced Practice Nurses Core Competencies. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 22(5), 218-225.


Thomas, A., & Kleinpell, R. (2012). Nursing practice core competencies.

Reference List


Vega, J. (2021). How Advanced Practice Nurses Are Part of the Medical Care Team. Verywell Health. Retrieved 1 May 2022, from


RegisteredNursing. (2021). Avanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN).

Reference List


COOKE, L., GEMMILL, R., & GRANT, M. (2008). Advanced Practice Nurses Core Competencies. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 22(5), 218-225.



Hamric, A., O’Grady, E., Hanson, C., & Tracy, M. (2013). Advanced Practice Nursing. Google Books.

Reference List


Woo, B., Lee, J., & Tam, W. (2017). The impact of the advanced practice nursing role on quality of care, clinical outcomes, patient satisfaction, and cost in the emergency and critical care settings: a systematic review. Human Resources For Health, 15(1).


Htay, M., & Whitehead, D. (2021). The effectiveness of the role of advanced nurse practitioners compared to physician-led or usual care: A systematic review. International Journal Of Nursing Studies Advances, 3, 100034.

Reference List


Brykczynski, K. Role Development of the Advanced Practice Nurse. Nurse Key. Retrieved 1 May 2022, from

Hamric, A., O’Grady, E., Hanson, C., & Tracy, M. (2013). Advanced Practice Nursing. Google Books.

Provide your progress to each weak area in The Role of the Advanced Practice Nurse by Day 6 and submit to the drop box.



2. Identify 5 subject areas from Nursing Theory that you have identified as a weakness in your learning.

1. Leininger’s Culture Care Theory 2. Hamrics intergrative model 3. Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory. 4. expert practice domains 5. durnphy and winland brown circle of caring model
Review the identified subject areas using your texts, evidence-based articles, and national practice guidelines. Provide an analysis of your readings which demonstrates an understanding of the areas you have identified as a weakness.
1. According to Leininger’s Culture Care Theory there three main modes that guide them in providing appropriate and beneficial care (McFarland & Wehbe-Alamah, 2019). These modes are judgments, actions and decisions. this theory guides nurses in providing culturally congruent nursing care(Albougami, 2016). 2. the model defines the characteristics and responsibilities APRN. The three most important components are collaboration, evidenced based practice and leadership. Hamrics model highlights 7 core competencies.  3. This theory was developed by an American theorist Dorothea orem. According to this theory it is the role of a nurse to assist the patients to perform self-care activities (Khademian et al., 2020). 4. accountability and responsibility

Clinical expertise (Ericsson, 2009)

Inter-professional collaboration

Implementation of research into practice

Proper handling of medical information (Bathish, 2014)


5. This is one of the first approaches to a synthesized practice. As new challenges continue emerging in health care there is need for nursing’s voice for effective management (Palardy & March, 2011). This model highlights the significance of nursing’s position in every therapeutic relationship.
Provide a reference list (in proper APA format) of your resources used in the mastery process. Provide at least 2 references for each subject area.
Reference List


McFarland, M., & Wehbe-Alamah, H. (2019). Leininger’s Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality: An Overview With a Historical Retrospective and a View Toward the Future. Journal Of Transcultural Nursing, 30(6), 540-557.


Albougami, A. (2016). Comparison of Four Cultural Competence Models in Transcultural Nursing: A Discussion Paper. International Archives Of Nursing And Health Care, 2(4).

Reference List

Hamric, A.,Hanson, C., Tracy, M., & O’Grady, E. (2014). Advanced Practice Nursing: An Integrative Approach. (5thed.). St. Louis: Sanders

COOKE, L., GEMMILL, R., & GRANT, M. (2008). Advanced Practice Nurses Core Competencies. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 22(5), 218-225.


Reference List

5 Nursing Theories for Nurse Educators. Norwich University Online. (2022).


Your Bibliography: Khademian, Z., Ara, F., & Gholamzadeh, S. (2020). The Effect of Self Care Education Based on Orem’s Nursing Theory on Quality of Life and Self-Efficacy in Patients with Hypertension: A Quasi-Experimental Study. Int J Community Based Nurs Midwifery., 8(2), 140–149. Retrieved 1 May 2022, from.

Reference List

Ericsson, K. (2009). Deliberate Practice and the Acquisition and Maintenance of Expert Performance in Medicine and Related Domains. Academic Medicine, 79(Supplement), S70-S81.

Bathish, M. (2014). Deliberate Practice in Nursing.;s


Reference List

Dunphy, L.M. and Winland-Brown, J.E. (1998) The Circle of Caring: A Transformative Model of Advanced Practice Nursing. Clinical Excellence for Nurse Practitioners, 2, 241-247.


Palardy, L., & March, A. (2011). The Circle of Caring Model. Nursing Science Quarterly, 24(2), 120-125.



Provide your progress to each weak area in Nursing Theory by Day 6 and submit to the drop box.
Identify 5 subject areas from Advanced Pathophysiology that you have identified as a weakness in your learning.
1.gastric ulcers 2.asthma 3. depression 4. stroke prevention 5. HIV opportunistic infections
Review the identified subject areas using your texts, evidence-based articles, and national practice guidelines. Provide an analysis of your readings which demonstrates an understanding of the areas you have identified as a weakness.
1. Gastric ulcers are sores that develop in the inner lining of the stomach. This disorder affects more than two thirds of united states and is caused by different factors (Woolf & Rose, 2021). Their treatment and management depends on the cause of the sores (NHS, n.d.). 2. Asthma is one of the chronic lower respiratory infections (WHO, 2021). It is caused by different allergens and is characterized by chronic inflammation that impairs breathing (American Thoracic Society, 2020). 3. Depression is a common mental disorder affecting all ages especially the adolescents. It is characterized with extreme sadness, disturbed sleep, feeling guilty, lack of appetite and tiredness (WHO, 2017). If it is not managed the victim can commit suicide. 4. Stroke results from the severe vascular disorders. That is why prevention of vascular risk factors remains an extremely important in management and prevention of stroke (Kleindorfer et al., 2021). This include life style modification and adherence to medications (Sabih et al., 2022). 5. If Hiv is not well managed it progresses and becomes AIDs. AIDs is diagnosed when the CD4 count of a patient is below 200(CDC, 2021). Patients can live longer with HIV however opportunistic diseases hastens their death.
Provide a reference list (in proper APA format) of your resources used in the mastery process. Provide at least 2 references for each subject area.
Reference List


Woolf, A., & Rose, R. (2021). Gastric Ulcer.

NHS. Stomach ulcer.,which%20are%20called

Reference List


American Thoracic Society. (2020). What Is Asthma?.

WHO. (2021). Asthma.


Reference List


WHO. (2017). Depression and Other Common Mental Disorders.

NIH. (2020). Depression.


Reference List


Kleindorfer, D., Towfighi, A., Chaturvedi, S., Cockroft, K., Gutierrez, J., & Lombardi-Hill, D. et al. (2021). 2021 Guideline for the Prevention of Stroke in Patients With Stroke and Transient Ischemic Attack: A Guideline From the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. Stroke, 52(7).


Sabih, A., Tadi, P., & Kumar, A. (2022). Stroke Prevention. Retrieved 1 May 2022, from

Reference List


CDC. (2021). AIDS and opportunistic infections.

Wingfield, T., & Wilkins, E. (2010). Opportunistic infections in HIV disease. British Journal Of Nursing, 19(10), 621-627.



Provide your progress to each weak area in Advanced Pathophysiology by Day 6 and submit to the drop box.
Identify 5 subject areas from Health Policy and Health Promotion that you have identified as a weakness in your learning.
1. principles of health promotion 2.importance of health policies 3. health promotion approaches 4. strategies of health promotion 5. health insurance plan in united states
Review the identified subject areas using your texts, evidence-based articles, and national practice guidelines. Provide an analysis of your readings which demonstrates an understanding of the areas you have identified as a weakness.
1.      health promotion is dependent on five core principles;

·         participation and involvement in health (Grabowski et al., 2017)

·         health equity

·         competent action

·         having a positive perspective on health

·         setting goals/perspectives

2. Health policies guide health-professionals on how daily operations are conducted. They act as the general plan for achieving desired outcomes. They communicate with employees on their roles and responsibilities (Leahy, 2021).  There are different policies in health. 3. Antonovsky’s describes 5 approaches to health promotion(Janssen et al., 2012);

·         Medical

·         behavioral change

·         educational

·         client-centred, and

·         societal change(Kumar & Preetha, 2012)

4. Health promotion not only improves patient outcomes but it also increase their control of health (WHO, 2021). The goal of these strategies is to improve health and prevent illness. These strategies include creating a supportive environment, strengthen community action, reorient health services and develop personal skills (Kumar & Preetha, 2012). 5. United states still records the highest health disparity despite the many strategies to get rid of the huge gap (IOM, n.d.). Even though most people have insurances they do not equally benefit while those without health insurance have a challenge accessing quality care. Some of the benefits of health insurance are; ensuring broad access to care, serve as a financial security and ensuring there are quality clinicians in the hospitals (Dey & Bach, 2019).
Provide a reference list (in proper APA format) of your resources used in the mastery process. Provide at least 2 references for each subject area.
Reference List Reference List Reference List Reference List Reference List



Grabowski, D., Aagaard-Hansen, J., Willaing, I., & Jensen, B. (2017). Principled Promotion of Health: Implementing Five Guiding Health Promotion Principles for Research-Based Prevention and Management of Diabetes. Societies, 7(2), 10.

Kumar, S., & Preetha, G. (2012). Health promotion: An effective tool for global health. Indian Journal Of Community Medicine, 37(1), 5.



National Research Council (US) Committee on Health Impact Assessment. (2011). Why We Need Health-Informed Policies and Decision-Making.


Leahy, T. (2021). The Importance Of Healthcare Policy And Procedures. PolicyMedical.


Janssen, B., Van Regenmortel, T., & Abma, T. (2012). Balancing Risk Prevention and Health Promotion: Towards a Harmonizing Approach in Care for Older People in the Community. Health Care Analysis, 22(1), 82-102.


Kumar, S., & Preetha, G. (2012). Health promotion: An effective tool for global health. Indian Journal Of Community Medicine, 37(1), 5.


Kumar, S., & Preetha, G. (2012). Health promotion: An effective tool for global health. Indian Journal Of Community Medicine, 37(1), 5.


WHO. (2021). Health promotion.



Dey, P., & Bach, P. (2019). The 6 Functions of Health Insurance. JAMA, 321(13), 1242.


IOM, I. Effects of Health Insurance on Health.

Provide your progress to each weak area in Health Policy and Health Promotion by Day 6 and submit to the drop box.


Workplace Environment Assessment

Workplace Environment Assessment


The safety of the work environment remains a crucial central area that the management is required to focus on to ensure that both clients and the employees are safe and healthy. Safety measures and reporting are some of the criteria used for evaluating the organization and scoring the organization’s performance in terms of quality services and safety to employees (Badri et al., 2018). The purpose of this summary goals is to provide a summary of the outcomes of the work environment assessment earlier complete, a literature review by giving a brief explanation of the theory of concept presented in the articles selected, and evidence-based strategies that can be used to create high-performance interprofessional teams.


Work Environment Assessment


Based on the outcomes from the work environment assessment that was completed on the workplace, the overall civility score was 55, indicating that the workplace was unhealthy. The two and most surprising things about the results were that the workplace does not have a positive environment as it was previously thought. There is a considerable gap between the leadership and the rest of the workers concerning the decision-making processes. The single idea that I believed before the performance of the assessment and was confirmed is the workload of the employees, which is unfairly distributed and the majority of the workers being overworked (Clark, 2015). Therefore, based on the health and the civility of the workplace, the outcomes of the workplace assessment indicate that the workplace is unhealthy and has a lower level of civility.

Reviewing the Literature


The model or theory presented by the selected article is the DESC model. This model is essential in structuring the civility conversation. T is based on the Team-STEPPs, which is an evidence-based teamwork system used to improve the communication and the skills of the team (Griffin & Clark, 2014). This, in turn, leads to improved safety and healthcare quality. The model works effectively with the cognitive rehearsal to address particular incivility cases.

The selected theory is related to the results of the work environment assessment. The results from the work environment assessment show that the overall civility score was 55. This reveals the unhealthy status of the workplace, hence needs further improvement. The model plays an essential role in addressing the incivility evident in this organization. This can be achieved when the staff and the management work as a team, as supported by this model. Working as a team is an essential intervention in ensuring that both parties understand one another and share the success and the challenges encountered in dealing with organizational safety (Clark, 2015). Since the model is based on the Team-STEPPS, it makes it easier for the management and the staff to improve their skills and communication, which leads to the overall enhancement of the safety and quality of care in the organization. With effective implementation of the model, there will be an improvement in the overall civility score hence an improvement in the health and safety status of the workplace.

The DESC model can improve organizational health and stronger work teams successfully. The use of the model makes it possible to address the uncivil encounter within the organization. It promotes critical conversation with the uncivil colleague hence allowing the staff and management to move forward as a team (Clark, 2015). The model or theory is vital since it makes it possible to have a perfectly prepared team for the conversation whereby each member speaks with confidence and uses respectful expressions. This critical approach ensures an end to the silence that is considered the essential characteristic of incivility.

The encounter with incivility is made more effective by using the model. Ensuring that the staff and the management perfectly understand the tools in the DESC model makes it possible to encounter incivility as a team. The model makes it possible for each member to speak confidently and use respectful expressions (Clark, 2015). This gives the members an opportunity of describing and expresses their concerns to the management and propose alternative approaches that can be adopted to improve the safety and health of the workplace.

Evidence-Based Strategies to create High-Performance Interprofessional Teams

It is essential to ensure that the issues that affect the score of the work environment are addressed ideally. To achieve this process, it is necessary to have excellent strategies that assist both staff and management in dealing with the issue of incivility in the work environment. One of the approaches is to ensure an effective communication process within the organization (Andriani et al., 2018). This intervention is essential in providing that both parties are involved in addressing conflict in the negotiation process to ensure that the shortcomings in the work environment are dealt with accordingly (Clark, 2015). Effective communication is also helping in providing that there is an effective problem-solving process since members consult each other and arrive at an effective solution.

The other strategy is to ensure that there is a culture of collaboration amongst the members. The collaboration process is essential since it allows the members to synthesize their unique strengths brought by each member to the workplace. This approach makes it possible to create a workplace a civil one (Clark, 2015). Therefore, the staff and the management will always focus on the higher purposes, i.e., providing safe, effective patient care and engaging in respectful communication.

It is also essential to improve the successful practices revealed in the workplace environment. Based on the assessment, there was a gap between the leadership and the employees, especially in terms of decision-making. The other issue is the staff’s workload that is unfairly distributed and some of the workers being overworked. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that all the team in the organization is involved in the decision-making process (Clark, 2015). It is also necessary to ensure that the staff is provided with feedback on the successes and the areas that need improvement in terms of the safety and health of the work environment. The other approach is for the organization to ensure an increase in the number of staff since it appears the few available employees are overworked.

Summary or Conclusion

            The personal assessment of the workplace indicates incivility based on a civility score of 55. This is a clear indication that the workplace has an unhealthy working environment characterized by the more significant gap between the leadership and the employees in decision-making processes and the workload that the workers experience. Dealing with these issues requires adopting the DESC model that supports effective communication processes that support the civility conversation between the team members (Clark & Ritter, 2018). It also supports a collaborative approach that leads to the exploitation of the unique strengths brought by the members and supports a respectful expression by the members. The model is also essential in helping conflict negotiation, and problem-solving promote the safety and health of both patients and providers.






Andriani, S., Kesumawati, N., & Kristiawan, M. (2018). The influence of the transformational leadership and work motivation on teachers performance. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 7(7), 19-29.

Badri, A., Boudreau-Trudel, B., & Souissi, A. S. (2018). Occupational health and safety in the industry 4.0 era: A cause for major concern? Safety science, 109, 403-411.

Clark, C. M. (2015). Conversations to inspire and promote a more civil workplace. American Nurse Today10(11), 18-23.

Clark, C. M., & Ritter, K. (2018). Policy to foster civility and support a healthy academic work environment. Journal of Nursing Education, 57(6), 325-331.

Griffin, M., & Clark, C. M. (2014). Revisiting cognitive rehearsal as an intervention against incivility and lateral violence in nursing: 10 years later. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing45(12), 535-542. Doi:10.3928/00220124-20141122-02


Module 06 Assignment – Designing a Care Map

Module 06 Assignment – Designing a Care Map

Module 06 Assignment – Designing a Care Map

Purpose of Assignment

Assist students to develop a care plan that includes safe discharge information for a client with musculoskeletal trauma.

Course Competency

  • Explain components of multidimensional nursing care for clients with musculoskeletal disorders.


Mr. Harry Roost is a 78-year old male being discharge after a fracture of his right tibia and fibula.  He has a long leg cast that he will need to wear for the next 8 weeks.  The nurses have observed him using a hanger to scratch the skin under the cast.  The nurses have reminded him each time that he is not to put anything down his cast.  He also sits on the side of the bed for long periods with his leg in a dependent position.  He also gets up to go to the bathroom without calling for help.  The staff have observed him hopping to the bathroom without using his crutches.  He currently rates his pain 5/10. Module 06 Assignment – Designing a Care Map


Develop a care map for Mr. Roost using the template directly after these instructions. Include information important for his discharge home. For this assignment, include the following: assessment and data collection (including disease process, common labwork/diagnostics, subjective, objective, and health history data), three NANDA-I approved nursing diagnosis, one SMART goal for each nursing diagnosis, and two nursing interventions with rationale for each SMART goal for a client with a musculoskeletal disorder.




Module 06 Assignment – Designing a Care Map




Data Collection

Three NANDA-I Approved                    Nursing Diagnosis


*Risk: Nursing diagnosis____Related to_____

*Problem: Nursing diagnosis____Related to____ as evidenced by


One Smart Goal for EACH Nursing Diagnosis


*Specific and measurable with a timeline. Find from the nursing diagnosis book (under client or expected outcomes section) and individualize to your patient-ONE SENTENCE

Two Nursing Interventions with Rationale for EACH Nursing Diagnosis

*From nursing diagnosis book under interventions section. Choose 3 and individualize to patient. Cite these interventions.

Disease Process: (short description of patho of disorder- cite this):









Common Labwork/Diagnostics:









Assessment Data (consider subjective, objective, and heath history):









Nursing Diagnosis:









Nursing Diagnosis:









Nursing Diagnosis










 SMART Goal:


































 Module 06 Assignment – Designing a Care Map Rubric

Total Assessment Points – 65

Levels of Achievement
Criteria Emerging Competence Proficiency Mastery
Assessment / Data Collection

(10 Pts)

Lacks basic factors of the disease process, common labs, diagnostic tests, and subjective, objective, and health history data.

Failure to submit Assessment/Data Collection will result in zero points for this criterion.

Briefly identifies the factors including the disease process, common labs, diagnostic tests, and subjective, objective, and health history data. Clearly identifies the factors including the disease process, common labs, and diagnostic tests, and subjective, objective, and health history data. Thoroughly identifies all factors including the disease process, common labs, diagnostic tests, and subjective, objective, and health history data with a deep understanding.
Points – 7 Points – 8 Points – 9 Points – 10
Nursing Diagnosis (should fit the data)

(10 Pts)

Nursing diagnosis are insufficient and/or do not fit the data.

Failure to submit Nursing Diagnosis will result in zero points for this criterion.

Writes ONE NANDA-I approved nursing diagnosis in the correct format (including related to/as evidenced by) with a strong connection to identified data. Writes TWO NANDA-I approved nursing diagnoses in the correct format (including related to/as evidenced by) with a strong connection to identified data. Writes THREE NANDA-I approved nursing diagnoses in the correct format (including related to/as evidenced by) with a strong connection to identified data.
Points – 7 Points – 8 Points – 9 Points – 10
SMART Goal (should reflect the diagnosis and follow guidelines)

 (15 Pts)

The goals meet few SMART goal guidelines and/or are not related to the nursing diagnoses.

Failure to submit SMART goals will result in zero points for this criterion.

Writes ONE goal for ONE nursing diagnosis and the goal meets all the SMART goal guidelines and are related to the nursing diagnosis. Writes ONE goal for TWO nursing diagnoses and the goals meet all the SMART goal guidelines and are related to the nursing diagnoses. Writes ONE goal for THREE nursing diagnoses and the goals meet all the SMART goal guidelines and are related to the nursing diagnoses.
Points – 11 Points – 12 Points – 13 Points – 15
Interventions and Rationale

(20 Pts)

Lacks appropriate interventions and rationale to assist the client in resolving the issues leading to the problem.

Failure to submit Interventions and Rationale will result in zero points for this criterion.


Writes 3 interventions with rationale to assist the client in resolving the issues leading to the problem with appropriate references. Writes 5 interventions with rationale to assist the client in resolving the issues leading to the problem with appropriate references. Writes more than 2 interventions with rationale to assist the client in resolving the issues leading to the problem with appropriate references.
Points – 15 Points – 16 Points – 18 Points –20
APA Citation

(5 Pts)

APA in-text citations and references are missing. Attempted to use APA in-text citations and references. APA in-text citations and references are used with few errors. APA in-text citations and references are used correctly.
Points- 2 Points- 3 Points- 4 Points- 5
Spelling and Grammar

 (5 Pts)

Numerous spelling and grammar errors, which detract from the audience’s ability to comprehend material.                                     

Some spelling and grammar errors, which detract from the audience’s ability to comprehend material.

Few spelling and grammar errors.  Minimal to no spelling and grammar errors.
Points- 2 Points- 3 Points- 4 Points- 5




Erikson Stage of Development for a client diagnose with staphylococcus aureus bacteremia

Erikson Stage of Development for a client diagnose with staphylococcus aureus bacteremia

What is the Erikson Stage of Development for a client diagnose with staphylococcus aureus bacteremia? Give at least one example a time a client shows their development stage.  How does the stage of development impact the care given to a client?  Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia





What are some cultural consideration you noticed with a client and family when dealing with Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia.













Healthcare systems elements (continued)                      ALLERGIES:
Medications: List all medications, dosages, classifications and the rational for the medications prescribed for this patient include major considerations for administration and the possible negative outcomes associated with this medication.

                                 DEFINE 1:  What the medications does to the body to the cellular level AND 2: Why the patient is taking the medication?

Medication/dose              Classification          Indication/ Rationale        SE’s/Nursing Considerations                 Client Education                    Text Reference

Triamcinolone acetonide ointment


Aspirin chewable table


Hydroxyzine oral syrup














































Nursing Diagnosis

Problem statement: (NANDA)


Related to: (What is happening in the body to cause the issue?)


Manifested by: (Specific symptoms)



















                                                    PLAN OF CARE:                                                                                             Use your top two priorities

NANDA NURSING DIAGNOSIS use NANDA definition Expected outcomes of care (Goals)          Interventions       Patient response        Goal evaluation

Problem Statement: 









R/T: (What is the cause of the symptom)









Manifested by: (Specific symptoms)










Short term goal:  Create a SMART goal that relates to hospital stay/shift/day.













Long term goal:  Create a SMART goal that is appropriate for discharge.


This is specific to the patient that you are caring for. A list of planned actions that will assist the patient to achieve the desired goal. (i.e. obtain foods that the patient can eat/ likes)


Interventions for short-term goal:








Interventions for longterm goal:






Identify what the patients response or “outcome is to the goal or care that you have provided. i.e. patient ate 45% of lunch)




Reassess for short-term goal:









Reassess for long-term goal:





Was it met or not met there is no partially met.
NANDA NURSING DIAGNOSIS use NANDA definition Expected outcomes of care (Goals)           Interventions        Patient response        Goal evaluation

Problem Statement:









R/T: (What is the cause of the symptom?)











Manifested by: (specific symptoms)






Short term goal:  Create a SMART goal that relates to hospital stay.

Long term goal:  Create a SMART goal that is appropriate for discharge.


This is specific to the patient that you are caring for. A list of planned actions that will assist the patient to achieve the desired goal. (i.e. obtain foods that the patient can eat/ likes)



Identify what the patients response or “outcome is to the goal or care that you have provided. i.e. patient ate 45% of lunch) Was it met or not met there is no partially met.


Interview and Interdisciplinary Issue Identification

Interview and Interdisciplinary Issue Identification




Interview Summary

Summarize your interview in this section. Be sure to relate concise information about: Interview and Interdisciplinary Issue Identification

  • the health care organization that was discussed in the interview.
  • the interviewee’s role and duties.
  • the relevant issues at the organization.
  • any relevant comments on the actions taken by the organization or leadership previously and their effectiveness.
  • the organizational culture related to collaboration.
  • any relevant collaboration or interdisciplinary team experience you interviewee has had.

The goal of this section is to convey what was discussed at the interview and identify an issue to pursue throughout the rest of this assessment (and future assessments in this course), as well as have enough information to relate theories, strategies, and approaches to the situation at the organization.

Issue Identification

Identify the issue from the interview for which you consider an evidence-based interdisciplinary approach appropriate. Provide one or more specific reasons why an interdisciplinary approach would be appropriate for the issue.

Change Theories That Could Lead to an Interdisciplinary Solution

For this section, look to the literature and describe one or more change theories that would help to develop an interdisciplinary solution to the identified issue. Also, you should briefly note the relevance and credibility of the sources that you cite.

Another way to think through this section is:

  • What is the change theory?
  • How could it help create an interdisciplinary solution?
  • How relevant is the theory to the specific identified issue?
  • How credible is the source?

Leadership Strategies That Could Lead to an Interdisciplinary Solution

This section is similar to the previous one, except you will be looking to the literature to help you describe one or more leadership strategy that would help you develop an interdisciplinary solution to the identified issue. Also, you should briefly note the relevance and credibility of the sources that you cite.

Another way to think through this section is:

  • What is the leadership strategy?
  • How could it help create an interdisciplinary solution?
  • How relevant is the strategy to the specific identified issue?
  • How credible is the source?

Collaboration Approaches for Interdisciplinary Teams

Again, this section will be similar to the previous once, except that the focus will be on collaboration approaches. Depending on whether or not your interviewee’s organization uses interdisciplinary teams frequently, your focus in this section may be on how to establish interdisciplinary teams and a collaborative foundation or how to improve the collaboration within an already established teams. You should also briefly note the relevance and credibility of the sources that you cite.

Another way to think through this section is:

  • What is the leadership approach?
  • How could it help establish or improve collaboration?
  • How relevant is the approach to the specific identified issue?
  • How credible is the source?




Nursing homework help

Nursing homework help

Cancer is the uncontrollable growth of abnormal cells in the human body. It is defined by a malfunction in cellular mechanisms that control cell growth. Cells evade checkpoint controls and begin growing uncontrollably which resulting in an increase in abnormal cells, cancer cells. These cancer cells form a mass tissue known as a tumor. In the United States of America, cancer has been determined to be among the leading causes of mortality rates after cardiovascular conditions, where one in every four deaths is caused by cancer. The most common types of cancer include prostate cancer, lung cancer, and breast cancer. Risk factors for cancer include excess smoking, radiation exposure, genetics, and environmental pollution. Colon cancer, or colorectal cancer, affects the distal third of the large intestine, the colon, as well as the rectum, chamber in which feces is stored for elimination. Colorectal cancer is the third leading cause of death in cancer-related issues in the United States in both males and females (Beadnell et al., 2018). This essay explores the physiology and pathophysiology of colon cancer.


Polyps are tissue growths that generally look like small, flat bumps and are generally less than half an inch wide. They are generally non-cancerous growths that can develop with age on the inner wall of the colon or rectum. There are several types of polyps, such as hyperplastic. They are common and have a low risk of turning cancerous. Hyperplastic polyps found in the colon will be removed and biopsied. Pseudo polyps also referred to as inflammatory polyps, usually occur in people suffering from inflammatory bowel disease and are unlike other polyps. This type of polyp occurs due to chronic inflammation as seen in Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. However, a polyp cells which can turn out to be malignant. Villous adenoma or tubulovillous adenoma polyps carry a high risk of turning cancerous. They are sessile and develop flat on the tissue lining the organs. They might blend within the organ, making polyps not easily identifiable and difficult to locate for treatment. Adenomatous or tubular adenoma polyps have a high chance of being cancerous. When a polyp is found, it must be biopsied, and then will regular screenings and polyp removal will follow.

An adenocarcinoma is a cancer formed in a gland that lines an organ.  This cancer impacts the epithelial cells, which are spread throughout the human body. Adenocarcinomas of the colon and rectum make up ninety-five percent of all colon cancers (Chang, 2020). Colon adenocarcinomas usually begin in the mucous lining the spread to different layers. Two subtypes of adenocarcinomas are mucinous adenocarcinoma and signet ring cells. Mucinous adenocarcinomas contain about sixty percent mucus which can cause cancer cells to spread faster and become more hostile than typical adenocarcinomas. Signet ring cell adenocarcinoma is responsible for less than one percent of all colon cancer. It is given this name because of how it appears under a microscope. These cells are aggressive and are more challenging to treat. The symptoms of colorectal adenocarcinoma are abdominal pain, blood in stool, constipation or diarrhea, and weight loss. The standard treatment for colorectal adenocarcinomas is chemotherapy, surgery, targeted therapy, and radiation.

Gastrointestinal carcinoid tumors are another type of cancer that affects the rectum. These cells grow in nerve cells known as neuroendocrine cells which help in regulating hormonal production. Carcinoid tumor cells grow slowly and can also develop in the lungs and other parts of the gastrointestinal tract. They cause about one percent of all colon cancers and half of cancer found in the small intestines. Symptoms are different depending on the growth location of the tumor (Falanga et al., 2019). A tumor in the appendix usually has no symptoms unless it starts to obstruct the path from the appendix to the intestines, causing appendicitis symptoms such as fever, vomiting, and nausea. Carcinoid tumors sometimes make hormones that might lead to a variety of symptoms that are dependent on produced hormones. Patients suffering from these tumors can experience flushing in the face, wheezing, quick heartbeats, and diarrhea. Tumors in the colon can cause weight loss, tiredness, stomach cramps, and pain. Gastrointestinal carcinoid tumor treatment options are similar to those of the aforementioned treatments.

Anorectal melanoma is a rare cancer that starts in the anus or rectum. This cancer can develop anywhere in the large intestines or rectum and spread aggressively. Melanomas are estimated to affect less than two percent of colon cancer. It rarely occurs; however, it is very aggressive and challenging to treat. This type of cancer can be easily missed during initial and follow-up diagnoses because it is rarely seen.

Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) accounts for almost one percent of all cancers in the rectum or colon. FAP is an inherited disorder distinguished from colon cancer, but some people can develop the abnormal gene that leads to this condition. People having this syndrome can create a lot of polyps in the colon as early as their teenage age. The patient’s colon has to be removed to stop the polyps from becoming cancerous. People with familial adenomatous polyposis keep increasing as they age because hundreds or thousands of polyps can grow in the colon as they age (Freidman et al., 2020). Patients with it may not have any symptoms at the early stages of the disease until it is in the advanced settings. The symptoms of familial adenomatous polyposis are abdominal cramps, unexpected weight loss, cysts of the skin, and lamps on the bones of the legs, arms, skull, and jaw. Treatment for this cancer can be the removal of the colon to curb the spread of the polyps which can cause cancer.





Pathophysiology of Colorectal Cancer

Pathophysiology is the combination of pathology and physiology. The study of the disordered physiological process associated with an injury or disease. Pathophysiology aims to explain the functional differences occurring within a person because of being sick. Colorectal Cancer or CRC can be sporadic, hereditary, or inflammatory bowel disease.

Sporadic colorectal cancer develops from the colorectum without known contribution from germline causes. Different mutations occur, which lead to CRC. Sporadic CRC is a somatic cell mutation that is a natural developmental process in the immune system. A bodily genetic disease might be caused by the local colonic environment and a person’s background genetic makeup (Ju et al., 2019). Two-thirds of all colon cancers are this type and are primarily seen in clinical practice. In sporadic CRC, we have mutations such as microsatellite instability or mutator pathway dysfunction. Microsatellite instability or MSI is a hypermutable phenotype resulting from DNA mismatch repair activity loss. MSI is found in about fifteen percent of colon cancers. Twelve percent are associated with sporadic and the other three percent with Lynch syndrome. This instability is caused by germline mutations in mismatch repair or MMR genes. MMR system proofreads as DNA is formed when it identifies an abnormality in sequence repairs to the DNA are made. MMR gene dysfunction allows DNA to increase at high speed. These mutations confer a selective advantage on the cells, leading to the cancer spreading. CpG Island Methylator Phenotype or CIMP is another mutation that happens. CpG Island Methylator Phenotype is brought by DNA methyltransferases that support hypomethylation in promoter-associated CpG enough regions with tumor suppressor genes turned off. The switching off the CIMP pathway, abnormal cells can develop, and malignant cells develop, which leads to the spread of colon cancer in the body.

Hereditary is another war cancer is spread. It is an inherited disorder with a high chance of contracting some cancers. Changes or mutations bring about hereditary cancer symptoms in specific genes passed from parents to children. In this case, similar cancers might be seen in the same family members who are close such as a father, son, and brother having the same cancer and developing it from early stages. Hereditary cancer includes Lynch Syndrome or LS. LS is an inherited disorder that increases the chance of contracting particular colon cancer. Patients with Lynch syndrome have a high probability of having stomach, brain, and skin cancer. There is an attempt to repair defective cells in the body. They form mismatch repair genes as these genes continue to accumulate errors. As the abnormal cells increase, this can lead to abnormal growth of cells and possibly cancer. Familial Adenomatous Polyposis or FAP is also caused by Adenomatous Polyposis Coli or APC gene mutation. APC gene issues instructions for developing APC protein. These mutations cause the production of abnormally short non-function APC proteins. The fast APC protein cannot prevent the cellular overgrowth that causes the formation of polyps in the large intestines which can become cancerous. People who have inherited FAP have a lot of polyps in their colons, and all those with this genetic disorder will have colorectal cancer. The patients must undergo early examination because the number of polyps in their colons might increase, and they have a high chance of getting cancer.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease or IBD is a common term given to describe disorders that involve chronic inflammation of the digestive tract. Types of IDs include ulcerative colitis, inflammation, and sores or ulcers along the superficial lining of the large intestines. Crohn’s disease is identified by inflammation of the lining in the digestive tract, including the deeper layers of the digestive tract (Szekanecz et al., 2019). Chronic inflation is caused by cytokines and chemokines. These are secreted proteins with development and activation functions that control and decide the nature of immune response and control immune cell trafficking at the cellular arrangement of immune organs. Patients suffering from IDB have a high chance of contracting colon cancer if they have contracted an IBD liver complication known as primary sclerosing cholangitis. Before sclerosing cholangitis inflammation that causes scars within the bile ducts, the spots make the ducts hard and narrow, causing severe liver damage.

Providing Care to Patients in a Holistic Manner

The provision of care in a holistic manner means providing care to patients who are majored in a mutual understanding of their physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual dimensions. Nursers are in charge of health promotion. Nurses working with colorectal cancer or CRC patients can promote health by mobilizing patients to take screening for colon cancer. Nurses should have a bond with patients, which will help them communicate about screening and its importance. The patients who connect with the nurses can also be taught ways to prevent them from getting CRC and symptoms of the disease. A nurse should be compassionate to patients, understand their problems, and be present. CRC can be contracted because of a patient’s background. You have to ask them about their background, what they eat, and their overall lifestyle (Verkhratsky & Nedergaard, 2018). CRCs can also be inherited through genes asking patients if any conditions exist in their families to help find if that is the problem. There are rapid changes in health care, allowing nurses to identify patients likely to have CRC. Advancements have shown that CRC appears when a person is aging. It will help nurses talk to patients encouraging them to take screening to check if they have CRC. A holistic manner can work well if a nurse creates a good rapport with the patients and communicates effectively.

Cancer is spreading and becoming a significant health issue in society. Awareness has to be raised on cancer and how it affects people, the patients, and those close to them. There are many causes of cancer, such as pollution or exposition to radiation. These issues have to be looked into to help in reducing the spread of cancer. Colon cancer can be inherited genetically to avoid further spread, screening has to be done, and those having it undergo treatment with their children. To ensure that someone can grow without being worried about contracting cancer. Screening of people over forty years old should be started as some of these colon cancers start turning into cancerous tumors. It will help control the number of people affected with cancer and help them to get treatment before their condition becomes worse. Nurses should also be able to communicate with patients with colon cancers and form a good rapport with them to help each other out. Nursers should also figure out a colon cancer patient’s background, diet, and activities to help diagnose the patient. Nurses play a vital role in helping patients who have colon cancer.




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