NURS 419 Population-Focused Nursing – Spring 2022

NURS 419 Population-Focused Nursing – Spring 2022



School of Nursing


NURS 419  Population-Focused Nursing  – Spring 2022


“Responding to Disease Across the Lifespan – A Chronic Disease Synthesis Paper” Assignment Guidelines

Point Value: 100 points


Purpose and Relationship to Course Objectives

The purpose of this assignment is to comprehensively study a disease or health concern across its lifespan, using the interventions model we are studying in class. As we have frequently discussed over the last several weeks, healthcare focuses primarily on responding to acute care issues, with much less emphasis focused on the prevention of the disease/health concern. Additionally, fragmented care, inadequate care coordination and discharge planning, short hospital stays and length of time spent with one’s primary care provider (PCP) have resulted in poor management outcomes and unnecessary re-admissions. This is made worse by not effectively addressing the social determinants of health and the resultant disparities experienced by the poor and vulnerable in our society. NURS 419 Population-Focused Nursing – Spring 2022


Instructions & Guidelines:

  1. Choose a disease or healthcare concern. It does not have to be a priority noted in your CHNA. You are free to choose any topic. Clear the topic with this instructor. I highly recommend you choose a topic identified in HP 2020 as it will be easiest to identify the gold standard(s) of care for the topic you have chosen.
  2. Search and review all the available information regarding this disease/health concern.
  3. Prepare a paper summarizing the following topics listed below (#4)
  4. Content must include:
    1. Introduction and identification of the healthcare concern (Also, why you chose this topic.)
    2. Normal anatomy and physiology of the affected organ(s)
    3. Pathophysiology/etiology of the disease
    4. Incidence and prevalence rates (i.e. how many people have the disease)
    5. Mortality rates – include age-adjusted data if available (i.e. how many people are dying from the disease)
    6. Risk factors for the disease
    7. Gold standard(s) for managing this disease across its lifespan (LHIs, or other goals – ex: A1c <7); HP2020 (or other credible sources)
    8. Primary Interventions (Health Promotion/Disease Prevention)
  1. Health Promotion
  2. Disease prevention (as applicable)
  • Create a sample health education program – be specific – provide a content outline with goals, objectives and measurable outcomes (use template provided)
    1. Secondary Interventions (Early diagnosis and prompt treatment to limit disability of the disease)
  1. Risk Assessment & Screening (discuss known risk factors and who should be screened and when as a result), risk assessment, screening and invasive testing. Note: be specific…include values and implications – use evidenced based practice.
  2. Diagnosis (i.e. what criteria are used to diagnose this disease?)
  • Treatment – be specific – how is disease/concern treated? Include diagnostic testing, pharmacotherapeutics, labwork, management protocols, etc.
    1. Tertiary Interventions (Chronic disease management or “wrap-around care” program)
  1. Discharge planning, follow-up, subspecialty referrals, meds, labs…..
  2. Patient education – Detail specifically what the educational needs are…
    1. Conclusions – including what are the implications if we do not respond to this disease….both for the individual and the healthcare system
  1. I highly recommend that you make an appointment with the NIU Writing Center for assistance in preparing this paper. I expect the paper to be in APA format and should be between 20-30 pages in length. Reasonably sized tables and diagrams may be used – but must be cited. Appointments can be scheduled by contacting the Writing Center at


Overall Evaluation Rubric:

Total possible:  100 points (See sample outline for additional breakdown)

Points may be subtracted for grammar, syntax, neatness, format and professionalism. All assignments must be typed and APA format. Any tables and graphs must be cited.


NURS 419 Chronic Disease Synthesis Paper

Sample Outline, Format, and Grading Rubric



Identify the name of the disease you have chosen to study. Ex: Diabetes


Introduction (5 points)

Provide a brief introduction of your topic and include a discussion of why you chose it. You may use first person in this section.


Anatomy and Physiology of the Affected Organ(s)  (5)

Discuss the normal structure and function of the organ(s) related to the disease you have chosen. For example, discuss the normal structure and function of the pancreas. You can include reasonably-sized detail, diagrams, etc.


Pathophysiology / Etiology of the Disease  (5)

Discuss what “malfunctions” during the normal function of the organ (pathophysiology). Then discuss what happens as a result of the organ malfunction and explain how this causes the disease (etiology).


Incidence and Prevalence of the Disease  (5)

Discuss overall how many cases of the disease are there in the US today (Prevalence). Also discuss how many new cases are occurring annually (Incidence). Based on the I&P, reflect on the magnitude/severity of the problem and its economic burden on society and the health of our nation.


Mortality Rates (5)

This section is somewhat similar to the above section, but I want you to reflect on how many people are dying/will die of this disease annually. Include a discussion – if appropriate – related to the comorbidities of this disease. (For example, people don’t usually die of diabetes – they may die of heart disease that has occurred as a result of being a poorly controlled diabetic. Provide any age-adjusted death rate data if available.


Risk Factors  (5)

Identify and discuss the risk factors for this disease. Who is at risk? What are the risk factors? Which risk factors are modifiable vs. non-modifiable? How does one change or modify the “modifiable” risk factors?


Gold Standard(s) of Care for the Disease  (5)

Discuss the standard of care for each facet of the disease. For example, in diabetes, visit the HP2020 website and research under the “Objectives” tab. You will find 16+ gold standards of care. In addition, for each gold standard, HP2020 includes baseline data r/t where we are with managing the standard today (baseline) and where we would like to see clinical improvement within the next 10 years (Target). If you have selected a topic not included in HP2020 and need assistance, please feel free to contact me. Remember, there are gold standards for prevention, treatment and follow-up of any given disease.


Gold Standards for Primary Intervention

Include standards of care for health promotion and disease prevention of your chosen topic. Include baseline data and targets as discussed above. Note: you will identify the standards in this section, but discuss them in detail under the Primary Intervention Section below.


Gold Standards for Secondary Intervention

Include standards of care for risk assessment/screening, diagnosis, treatment and pharmacologic management of your chosen topic. Include baseline data and targets as discussed above. Note: you will identify the standards in this section, but discuss them in detail under the Secondary Intervention Section below.







Gold Standards for Tertiary Intervention

Include standards of care for chronic disease management of your chosen topic. Include baseline data and targets as discussed above. Note: you will identify the standards in this section, but discuss them in detail under the Tertiary Intervention Section below.


Primary Intervention


Health Promotion (5)

Provide a discussion related to the topics that would need to be considered when educating a client on how to stay healthy, avoid developing risk factors, how to recognize when to seek care. Don’t forget to educate clients regarding the normal function of the affected organ and what happens when it malfunctions.


Disease Prevention (5)

Discuss strategies for the prevention of this disease. Identify what factors can be changed or modified to present individuals from developing the disease.


Sample Health Education Program (10)

Create a 1-hour education session using the format from CTE #7. Include any risk factors, health promotion, disease prevention activities, treatment and/or long term management topics that are pertinent. Present the outline below:


Program Title: (2)

Keep it simple and short.


Brief Description of the Program:  (2)

No more than 1-2 sentences.


Goal: (2)

No more than 1-2 sentences.


Objectives: (2)

Develop 3-4 objectives. Don’t forget to include the “how” and “what” information in each

objective. Hint: refer to the lecture on primary intervention if you are unsure.


Measurable Outcomes:  (2)

Develop 1 measurable outcome for each of the above objectives.


Discuss the Role of the Nurse in the Provision of Primary Intervention (5)

Discuss the role of the nurse as provider, designer/manager/coordinator of care in the primary preventive care of individuals, families and communities. Address any legal, ethical or professional issues that the nurse might encounter when rendering preventive care.


Secondary Intervention


Risk Assessment & Screening (5)

Discuss how are individuals screened for the disease – including those with and without risk factors. Provide an example of a paper or electronic screening/survey. Discuss its reliability and what is typically done with the results/findings. Then discuss any invasive screening/testing that is done. What are the lab values that indicate positive findings? Be sure your examples are evidence-based.


Diagnosis (5)

Discuss in detail what criteria are used to confirm diagnosis of the disease? Lab values – include both normal and abnormal values? Testing? Findings on physical examination…




Treatment (5)

Discuss at length treatment/management of the disease. What criteria are used to indicate that the disease has been stabilized?  Discuss and describe in detail diagnostic testing/or labs are monitored as evidence of stabilization – include normal/abnormal values. What other treatment modalities are incorporated – nutrition, physical therapy, social services.


Pharmacologic Management (5)

Discuss pharmacotherapeutic management. Identify at least 3 medications used to treat the disease. Identify name; discuss typical dosage, frequency, expected action, potential side effects (mild and severe) and how to manage severe side effects. Identify any known contraindications to the medication.


Discuss the Role of the Nurse in the Provision of Secondary Intervention (5)

Discuss the role of the nurse as provider, designer/manager/coordinator of care in the secondary preventive care of individuals, families and communities. Address any legal, ethical or professional issues that the nurse might encounter when rendering secondary care.


 Tertiary Intervention


Long Term Chronic Disease Management (5)

Discuss discharge planning and long term management/care of the patient with this disease. What types of referrals, follow-ups are needed. Discuss education that needs to be completed/reinforced to support the client’s ability to function independently or with assistance. Identify routine labwork that will need to be done. Discuss typical medications at discharge – what needs to be taught to the client regarding the self-administration of these meds?



The Role of the Nurse in Chronic Disease Management (5)

Discuss the roles of the nurse – as they relate to tertiary intervention – in supporting treatment/management of the disease in the outpatient and home setting. How does the nurse support/facilitate a return to an optimum state of wellness? Discuss any necessary home care, referrals, follow-up or changes that need to be made in the client’s living arrangement to ensure safety. Note: you do not need to include a patient education – content outline.


Be sure to discuss the role of the nurse as provider, designer/manager/coordinator of care in the tertiary care of individuals, families and communities. Address any legal, ethical or professional issues that the nurse might encounter when rendering tertiary care.


Conclusion (5)

Discuss what you learned from preparing this paper. As a health care system – what things are we doing well to manage this disease? As a health care system – what things are we not doing well and how does it negatively impact the care and well-being of clients with this disease. Are we cost-effectively managing this disease? What are the opportunities for improvement? What will be the consequences if we do not capture the opportunities for improvement? You may use first person in this section.















Revised 8/24/2021

Nursing homework help

Nursing homework help


Poster Title – USU Logo
Your name


Significance/Background: Briefly describe the problem you have identified.  Include current statistics, relevant to the problem, peer reviewed articles supporting the problem. Explain if this problem has been occurring  at your clinical setting
PICO-t: Describe problem, population, intervention, comparison, and expected outcomes and time that you would like to measure the results post intervention. Expand on your answer using support from evidence.
Aims of the Study – What are you planning to achieve with your study, short term and long term goals.
Design/Methods: Your peer reviewed articles support the design and methodology of your project
Proposed Interventions
How would you determine the effectiveness of the proposed interventions/treatments with the identified capstone problem?


Expected Results/Outcomes
Specify the expected outcomes that will result from the interventions that you will implement to solve the problem. The results or outcomes should be supported with the evidence based information from the peer reviewed articles that you have read


Anticipated Conclusions
Include what you have learned in the implementation of this project and will your project benefit your clinical setting/population


Potential Implications to Practice
The effect of your capstone project to the nursing profession and practice and humanities
References and contact information




Template below (page 2)




Template for Poster


Create your poster using either PowerPoint or Google Slides. Below is an example of how to format your poster. In week 8, you will be required to add your poster to your final oral presentation. You can create this slide, or use the template below:


To download the template for your own editing use, you can do the following (you must be logged into your USU email account when accessing this document):


Click here to open the Google slide template: Google Slide Poster Template


Using Google Slides

If you want to use Google Slides to create your poster, open the template above. Click on File on the top menu bar, then click “Make a Copy”. Rename your copy then click Ok. To submit your poster, download your slide as a PowerPoint, then upload to the assignment submission drop box.


To convert to PowerPoint for submission: Click on File, then click “Download As”, then click “Microsoft PowerPoint.” This will open the slide in PowerPoint.






Geriatric Nursing

Geriatric Nursing


Geriatric nurses tend to be educated to enable them treat plus understand the most complex mental and physical health needs of the older individuals. They attempt to assist their patients safeguard their health as well as cope with the changes within their physical and mental capabilities, so that the older individuals may remain independent as well as active for the longest time possible. The gerontological nursing is considered to be the nursing specialty that  pertains to the older adults. These nurses operate alongside collaboration with the older individuals, the communities plus their families with the intention of supporting a healthy aging, quality of life in addition to maximum functioning (Yiqun, 2021).


The geriatric nurses are supposed to enjoy working with the individuals who are older. They should be patient, listen with a lot of attentiveness as well as the balance the necessities of the patients with a times demands that are conflicting from the members of the family.

The targeted audience

With geriatrics, its all about care for the older people, this happens to be an age group that quote difficult to precisely define. The term older tends to be more preferable as compared to elderly though they are somehow equal. Sixty five years and above is the mostly used age, however, most individuals are not in need of geriatrics professionalism within their care till they are around 70 – 80 years of age.  The target audience is actually the senior citizen segment which comprises of approximately 75 million individuals. They basically posses huge amounts of an income that is disposable, and are in search of guidance to assist them live longer and healthier lives. This targeted audience is classified into four. The pre-retirees who are in between 50-65 years. There is also the grandparents in addition to relatives who are in the age bracket of 50 years and above. The third category is the one that is made up of the late retirees who happen to be between the age bracket of 65 years to 75 years. It mainly constitutes of individuals above the standard age of retirement. The last category of the targeted audience is the active retirees. This is a group that is made up is seniors who are not having any active income (Van Seben,, 2019).

With this particular group, when teaching the on the health promotion, it is evident that prevention of diseases as well as early detection happens to be the most appropriate strategy for a successful management of a chronic disease. The elderly need to know that identifying plus early intercurrent illness treatment is extremely crucial within the seniors who are quite frail. The elderly are supposed to get educated on the importance of exercises daily, healthy eating, alongside leaving a life that is stress free. The adults under medication are supposed to take as per the prescriptions and faithfully in order to have their health promoted.


Teaching theory

It is appropriate to utilize teaching techniques during the providence of health teachings for the older individuals. There are several elders with increasing challenges in understanding the complex sentences, have less proficiency as compared to the younger individuals when it comes to drawing of inferences, alongside having challenges with the motor tasks. The information should be prevented through a slower pace contrary to the younger patients.  The best theory is the behavioral theory. Due to their character traits, it is advisable to speak using low voice tones as well as enable adequate time for the patients to integrate and also assimilate the conceptual material, in addition to putting emphasis on concrete instead of abstract material (Ahmed,, 2020).

It becomes paramount to minimize the environmental distractions which is essential in compensating for any hearing loss that is age-related as well as aid the patient with concentration plus attention. Carrying out group teaching might assist the elderly patients to enhance their health-related problem solving capabilities. During the suggestion of lifestyle changes, it is important to take into account that most of the elderly individuals extremely cautious and might fail to accept the changes with ease. In the behavioral teaching, in order to achieve effectiveness in the teaching, the program is supposed to be individualized so that it suits the lifestyle as well as the necessities of the older patients, as well as ensure that the goals are mutually acceptable. Patients are supposed to actively participate in the goal setting. When it comes to planning the patient teaching for these elderly individuals, the goals should be individualized as per the requirements of the patients in addition to what they are supposed to do for themselves (Teófilo,, 2019).


Importance of this teaching theory

The main essence of using the behavioral theory is mainly because, with the advancing age, the memory of an individual tends to be much better as compared to the information that has been seen. As a result, an older patient has high probabilities of remembering information that they get to hear contrary to the information that they have read from somewhere. In order to enhance learning for any patient who has memory loss, it is important to have the message repeated frequently during the teaching, as well as have the patient questioned frequently in order to determine the retention level. The theory helps one to pay specific attention to the language that is used in teaching (Ahmed,, 2020).

It enables one to choose simple, elaborated terminology then have talks that are on the level of the patient. There are several elderly individuals who tend to be highly educated, hence have a preference that during the training one uses as well as gives explanations using the medical terminology, there are others who prefer keeping interactions to be short and precise.

Diversity effects

Being a teaching, one gets to play the role of a facilitator then encourage conversation plus healthy debate in between the opinions that are diverse. The group assignments are perceived to be a great means of exposing students to perspectives that are diverse, enabling them to function as one in exploring plus solving challenges. Among the diversity issues affecting the teaching happens to be socioeconomic status which greatly affects the psychological health of an aging patient. Poverty is said to be a risk factor for the declines within the mental health amidst the older individuals. The elderly who are socioeconomic status levels that are lower are in most occasions most probably to be diagnosed with having a psychological disorder.

There is also the issue of gender in that, the women who are older and suffering from dementia were said to be having higher risks of suffering from physical abuse plus neglect by the family caregivers. In the training, it is important to note out the contributing factors to the elder abuse within individuals who have dementia, these comprise of; poverty, low education levels of the caregiver plus the victim, abuse of alcohol and social isolation among others (Hsieh and Chen, 2018).

Minimizing health disparities plus attaining of equitable health care continues to be an essential goal for the healthcare system within the United States. Cultural competence is essential in addressing the diversity during the education program. It acts as a foundational pillar when it comes to minimizing disparities via culturally sensitive plus quality care that is unbiased. The care that is culturally competent is one that greatly respects diversity within the patient population plus cultural factors capable of affecting health plus healthcare, like communication styles, behaviors, language, attitudes in addition to beliefs.

It is quite evident that racism is a factor that leads to creation of systemic stressors resulting into health outcomes that are poor as well as accelerates aging. This causes biological weathering and is capable of demonstrating the telomeres shortening. This happens to be evidence of aging that is early within individuals who have been exposed to the side cumulative stress. The same way gerontologists become aware of the fact that age is quite a limited plus crude variable that is actually explanatory, it is the same situation with ethnicity and race (Wollesen,, 2019).

Solving conflicts

During the training, there are several ways in which the conflicts that arise in between the older patients might be solved. These include:

Compromising – which involves making efforts to have the conflict resolved through identifying a solution that happens to be partially satisfactory to the two parties, and should never be entirely satisfactory to any of the parties. There is collaborating – involves being in cooperation with different participants to understand their own concerns as well as express personal concerns in an attempt to identify a mutually plus entirely satisfactory solution. These is a very beneficial strategy in addressing interpersonal conflict situations because it ends up promoting creative problem solving in addition to being a means of fostering rapport plus mutual respect. Therefore, despite there being lots of ways to address conflicts, collaboration is effective as it does not force, compromise, avoid or even accommodate (Dai,, 2021).
















Ahmed, R. R., Streimikiene, D., Abrhám, J., Streimikis, J., & Vveinhardt, J. (2020). Social and behavioral theories and physician’s prescription behavior. Sustainability, 12(8), 3379.

Dai, F., Liu, Y., Ju, M., & Yang, Y. (2021). Nursing students’ willingness to work in geriatric care: An integrative review. Nursing Open, 8(5), 2061-2077.

Hsieh, P. L., & Chen, C. M. (2018). Nursing competence in geriatric/long term care curriculum development for baccalaureate nursing programs: a systematic review. Journal of Professional Nursing, 34(5), 400-411.

Teófilo, T. J. S., Veras, R. F. S., Silva, V. A., Cunha, N. M., Oliveira, J. D. S., & Vasconcelos, S. C. (2019). Empathy in the nurse–patient relationship in geriatric care: An integrative review. Nursing ethics, 26(6), 1585-1600.

Van Seben, R., Reichardt, L. A., Aarden, J. J., van der Schaaf, M., van der Esch, M., Engelbert, R. H., … & Wold, J. (2019). The course of geriatric syndromes in acutely hospitalized older adults: The Hospital-ADL Study. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 20(2), 152-158.

Wollesen, B., Hagemann, D., Pabst, K., Schlüter, R., Bischoff, L. L., Otto, A. K., … & Fenger, A. (2019). Identifying individual stressors in geriatric nursing staff—A cross-sectional study. International journal of environmental research and public health, 16(19), 3587.

Yiqun, L. I. U. (2021). Discussion on the Application of Innovative Entrepreneurship Education Concept in the Course of Geriatric Nursing. The Theory and Practice of Innovation and Enntrepreneurship, 4(8), 62.





Academic and Professional Success Plan Template

Academic and Professional Success Plan Template





Academic and Professional Success Plan Template


Prepared by:





This document is to be used for NURS 6002 Transition to Graduate Study for Nursing to complete Assessments 1-4. Just as importantly the document serves to organize your thoughts about planning for your academic and professional success.

For specific instructions see the weekly assessment details in the course or ask your instructor for further guidance.




Week 1 | Part 1: Developing an Academic and Professional Network


I have identified and secured the participation of the following academic (at least two) and professional (at least two) individuals and/or teams to form the basis of my network. This network will help me to clarify my vision for success and will help guide me now and in the future.


Directions: Complete the information below for each member of your network. For more than four entries repeat the items below with details of your additional network member(s) in the ‘ADDITIONAL NETWORK MEMBERS’ section.





Name: Tina Bernstein



Title: Enrollment Specialist at Walden



Organization: Walden University



Academic or Professional: Academic



Why I selected this individual and/or team and how they will support my success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse:


I have Selected Ms. Tina at Walden University is because she has helped me successfully get into this MSN program. She has showed me the goals and visions of this program and school and all the tools that I will need for this program. I am very grateful for Tina because she has been with me every step of the way.









Name: Candida Savice



Title: Advisor



Organization: Walden University



Academic or Professional: Academic



Why I selected this individual and/or team and how they will support my success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse:


I have selected Ms. Candida because she will advise me throughout the rest of my journey of a Nurse practitioner. She will continue to help me with my goals of this program, and she will guide me in the right direction when I feel overwhelmed or need someone to talk to. She has the same end goal as me and that’s to be the best NP I can possibly be. I choose people who want me to be the best version of myself.








Name: Colleen Harding



Title: RN



Organization: Beaumont Hospital



Academic or Professional:  Professional



Why I selected this individual and/or team and how they will support my success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse:


Colleen was my preceptor through my last semesters of nursing school. She has guided me in ways no one else was able to do thought out my 16 months in nursing school. She let me discover myself and what goals I wanted to achieve while I was a student. She has showed me the correct techniques and procedures on how to fully take care of patients. She gave me the confidence to walk into a patient’s room and be able to communicate without doubting myself. She will continue to cheer me on through my MSN program and guide me when its needed.










Title: Pharmacist



Organization: Pharmacy



Academic or Professional: Professional



Why I selected this individual and/or team and how they will support my success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse:


I choose Mr. Paul because I worked for him for years. He has supported me and trained me on how important patient safety is. He taught me how to be a safe nurse when handling medication administration. I took his advice throughout all my nursing career and when I was in clinical setting. His advice stuck in my head while I was dispensing medications to each patient in the hospital. He will continue to be there and support me when it is needed and will always help and explain when I have questions on medications. He is a great asset to my team and my network. I know he will strive to always get me to my goals and for that I will always be appreciative for him.








Week 2 | Part 2: Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics


I have analyzed the relationship between academic integrity and writing, as well as the relationship between professional practices and scholarly ethics. I have also identified strategies I intend to pursue to maintain integrity and ethics of my academic work while a student of the MSN program, as well as my professional work as a nurse throughout my career. The results of these efforts are shared below.


Directions: In the space below craft your analysis/writing sample, including Part 1 (The Connection Between Academic and Professional Integrity) and Part 2 (Strategies for Maintaining Integrity of Work).



Part 1: Writing Sample: The Connection Between Academic and Professional Integrity


In the space below write a 2- 3-paragraph analysis that includes the following:


  • Explanation for the relationship between academic integrity and writing
  • Explanation for the relationship between professional practices and scholarly ethics
  • Cite at least 2 resources that support your arguments, being sure to use proper APA formatting.
  • Use Grammarly and SafeAssign to improve the product.
  • Explain how Grammarly, Safe Assign, and paraphrasing contributes to academic integrity





PART 2: Strategies for Maintaining Integrity of Work


Expand on your thoughts from Part 1 by:


  • Identifying and describing strategies you intend to pursue to maintain integrity and ethics of your 1) academic work while a student of the MSN program, and 2) professional work as a nurse throughout your career. Include a review of resources and approaches you propose to use as a student and a professional.



Week 3 | Part 3: Research Analysis


I have identified one topic of interest for further study. I have researched and identified one peer-reviewed research article focused on this topic and have analyzed this article.  The results of these efforts are shared below.


Directions: Complete Step 1 by using the table and subsequent space below identify and analyze the research article you have selected. Complete Step 2 by summarizing in 2-3 paragraphs the results of your analysis using the space identified.







Step 1: Research Analysis

Complete the table below

Topic of Interest: Telemedicine
Research Article: Include full citation in APA format, as well as link or search details (such as DOI)  

Ramaswamy, A., Yu, M., Drangsholt, S., Ng, E., Culligan, P. J., Schlegel, P. N., & Hu, J. C. (2020). Patient satisfaction with telemedicine during the COVID-19 pandemic: Retrospective cohort study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(9), e20786.


Professional Practice Use:

One or more professional practice uses of the theories/concepts presented in the article


1)     Remote follow-up visits: The use of telemedicine for patient follow-up visits can ease the burden on both patients and healthcare practitioners while enhancing the compliance with the treatment intervention.

2)     Chronic disease care: Telemedicine is a convenient and cost-effective means of ensuring patients with chronic illnesses can manage their conditions effectively.

Research Analysis Matrix

Add more rows if necessary

Strengths of the Research Limitations of the Research Relevancy to Topic of Interest Notes
The research is current and focuses on a technology that is gaining prominence in the healthcare industry.


___ Having current research is vital in understanding how telemedicine is perceived by both patients and healthcare practitioners in order to inform best practices in the future. N/A
The results of the research are peer-reviewed, which enhances the credibility of the article.


___ It is vital to get credible and valid information regarding telemedicine to identify how best to leverage this technology for better healthcare outcomes in the future. N/A


This is a retrospective study that prevents the researchers from establishing causality between increased patient satisfaction and video visits. The research does not show if telemedicine directly leads to increased patient satisfaction or if there are other mitigating factors. N/A



The sample used for the study was based on patients from only one healthcare institution. It is not possible to reliably generalize the results of the study since other healthcare organizations may be experiencing poor patient satisfaction levels from the use of telemedicine. N/A




Step 2: Summary of Analysis

Craft a summary (2-3 paragraph) below that includes the following:

  • Describe your approach to identifying and analyzing peer-reviewed research
  • Identify at least two strategies that you would use that you found to be effective in finding peer-reviewed research
  • Identify at least one resource you intend to use in the future to find peer-reviewed research



In identifying peer-reviewed research, I opted to use Google Scholar to search for articles related to my topic of interest. Once I identified a few articles, I checked to see if they were written by scholars. I checked the authors’ academic credentials and their affiliations to professional associations. I then checked to see if the journals that hosted the articles were peer-reviewed sources or not. I also checked the general structure of the research studies and whether the language used was technical and formal. There are two strategies, which I found to be effective in finding peer-reviewed research. First, there is the use of Google Scholar. This is a valuable resource for searching for scholarly articles from various databases. Second, there is the use of well-known databases such as PubMed and Elsevier, which only deal with scholarly peer-reviewed sources.

In analyzing the peer-reviewed research, I started by reviewing the logical reasons outlined for carrying out the study. I then evaluated the methodology description, which was applied in the research.  Thereafter, I checked to see if there was a clear and concise report for the findings. Finally, I checked to see if there was a logical conclusion originating from the study results. Overall, one resource, which I intend to use in the future to find peer-reviewed research is Google Scholar. Although this is not a database, it is an effective search engine tools that directs one to articles from diverse databases.




Week 6 | Part 4: Finalizing the Plan


I have considered various options for my nursing specialty, including a close look at my selected (or currently preferred) specialty and second-preferred specialty.  I have also developed a justification of my selected (or preferred) specialty. Lastly, I have examined one professional organization related to my selected or preferred specialty and considered how I can become a member of this organization.


The results of my efforts are below.


Directions: Complete Step 1 by writing 2-3 paragraphs in the space below comparing the nursing specialty you have selected – or the one you prefer if your choice is still under consideration –  to your second preference. Identify each specialty and describe the focus and the role that graduates are prepared for. Identify any other differentiators you feel are significant, especially those that helped or may help you reach a decision.


Complete Step 2 by writing a paragraph identifying and justifying your reasons for choosing your MSN specialization. Be sure to incorporate any feedback you received from colleagues in this week’s Discussion Forum.


Complete Step 3 by examining and identifying one professional organization related to your selected or preferred specialty. Explain how you can become a member of this organization.



Step 1: Comparison of Nursing Specialties

Use the space below to write 2-3 paragraphs comparing the nursing specialty you have selected – or the one you prefer if your choice is still under consideration –  to your second preference. Identify each specialty and describe the focus and the role that graduates are prepared for. Identify any other differentiators you feel are significant, especially those that helped or may help you reach a decision.



Step 2: Justification of Nursing Specialty

Use the space below to write a paragraph identifying and justifying your reasons for choosing your MSN specialization. Be sure to incorporate any feedback you received from colleagues in this week’s Discussion Forum.









Step 3: Professional Organizations

Use the space below to identify and examine one professional organization related to your selected or preferred specialty. Explain how you can become a member of this organization.











– END –

Module 06 Assignment

Module 06 Assignment

Module 06 Assignment

Multidimensional Care IV



Submit your completed assignment by following the directions below. You must include 2-3 refences from scholarly sources and a reference list in APA format at the end of this document. Remember that all references should have accompanying in-text citations in the body of your work. Each answer should be appropriately cited, written in full sentences, and double-spaced per APA format.

Please Include there:

  1. Compromised Airway
  2. Medication Administration
  • Nutritional Requirements
  1. Prevention of Infection


You are working the night shift on a medical-surgical unit. Your assignment includes a 19-year-old woman admitted early this morning. She has sustained burns over 30% of her body surface area, with partial-thickness burns on her legs and back. Module 06 Assignment



Discuss the following using instructions and case study outlined on page 1:

  1. The staff are following the Parkland Formula for fluid resuscitation. The client arrived at 0200 and was admitted at 0400. She weighs 110 pounds. Calculate her fluid requirement, using the 4 ml Parkland formula. Explain the time intervals and amounts for each.
  1. Calculate Parkland formula amounts and rates:
Total fluid replacement for 1st 24 hours:  
1st half of fluid replacement (1st 8 hours): Total volume:
Rate per hour:
2nd half of fluid replacement (next 16 hours): Total volume:
Rate per hour:
  1. Why is this time interval important for rescue of the burn victim?


  1. The client was sleeping when the fire started and managed to make her way out of the house through thick smoke. You are concerned about possible smoke inhalation. What assessment finding would corroborate this concern?


  1. The client is in severe pain. What are the drugs of choice for pain relief? How and when should they be given? Are there any risks associated with these medications?


  1. As the client progresses through the stages of burn injury, the focus will begin to shift to nutrition and replenishment. What nutritional requirements are necessary for the client’s burns to heal? What is the goal of nutrition therapy in post-burn care?



  1. Infection prevention and wound care are necessary to allow for healing of the injured tissue.
  1. What measures are taken with the client suffering from burn injuries to prevent infection?


  1. What dressings may be used to prevent infection? Be sure to list and describe at least 3 types of dressings.











The rubric for the assignment can be viewed within Blackboard once you click the assignment.



The Essentials of Reflective Practice

The Essentials of Reflective Practice


DNP Reflective Journal Template





The Essentials of Reflective Practice

Student Name

Grand Canyon University





The following reflection essay is an attestation of the nurse scholar’s acquisition of the course objectives of Grand Canyon University’s (GCU) Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program for DNP-XXX (Enter the Course #) and the competencies set forth by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s (AACN) Essentials of Doctoral Education for Advanced Nursing Practice (American Associations of Colleges of Nursing, 2012).  From scientific underpinnings to project completion, the AACN Essentials provide the core competencies for all nurses seeking a Doctor of Nursing Practice Degree. The Essentials of Reflective Practice


For this reflective journal, analyze your own professional practice/skills/responses to provide a reflective summary that describes how the experiences in this course have personally enabled the DNP student to approach, attempt, or attain these competencies in his or her current course. Provide an introduction paragraph for this reflective essay to organize the essay for the reader. Use a scholarly approach (i.e., third person) in writing the reflective journal. This assignment is designed to help you think deeply about your learning and how you have achieved the competencies established by the AACN Essentials. Share your approach to learning, the resources used, and the strategies explored to achieve your personal learning goals. For more information, see the example Reflective Essay in the Appendix.

Submit your Reflective Journal in the course dropbox, and upload to LDP under the corresponding course section. Learners must submit this deliverable in the classroom and in the LDP. Failure to submit in both locations can result in an Incomplete for the course.


Grand Canyon University’s DNP-XXX course prepared this DNP learner to do what? What have you discovered about your professional practice, personal strengths, and weaknesses that surfaced while taking the course, additional resources, and abilities that could have influenced more optimal learning outcomes?

Is there a structure to this Reflective Journal? This journal is an exploration of personal learning experiences as a doctoral learner pursuing life-long learning. Each week describe a situation or experience which can be reflected upon as important or worth writing about. Describe your approach, feelings, or thoughts about the situation or experience. Explain what you have observed in terms of the DNP Essentials and DNP course objectives. What did you expect, learn, or decide about the experience?

Go to the DC Network and look at the DNP Essentials located in the Reflection Journal Template Folder. Reflect on these essentials and discuss at least three domains that align your experience with what you learned in the course and support your claim on how you accomplished them.


The purpose of this DNP-XXX Reflection was to provide exemplars of the methods used to fulfill GCU’s course objectives and achieve the competencies outlined in the AACN’s Essentials by this DNP student. The DNP learner used the weekly required readings and learning activities, supplemental readings, scholarly discussions, and project updates to solidify these competencies and outcomes. Ethical considerations, project implementation, leading collaborative teams using IT, researching the internet for a variety of resources, and creating a project PowerPoint presentation was integral to the achievement of learner competencies.




American Association of College of Nursing. (2012, January 3). The essentials of doctoral education for advanced nursing practice. Retrieved from American Association of College of Nursing:





Example Only










Essential I: Scientific Underpinnings for Practice

Essential III: Clinical Scholarship and Analytical Methods for Evidence-Based Practice

Essential IV. Information Systems/Technology and Patient Care Technology for the Improvement and Transformation of Health Care

Essential V. Health Care Policy for Advocacy in Health Care

Essential VI. Interprofessional Collaboration for Improving Patient and Population Health Outcomes

Essential VII. Clinical Prevention and Population Health for Improving the Nation’s Health

Essential VIII. Advanced Nursing Practice



Capitalism Essay

Capitalism Essay

What is Capitalism???



Picture by Tess Martin





  1. What is capitalism?


  1. Free Market?


  1. There have been various types of free markets throughout history, so a free market for the exchange of goods is not historically unique to capitalism.


  1. But markets have always been considered a means to social ends, whereas with capitalism we see instead an inversion in which society itself has now become a means to producing for market ends.


  • What is unique then about capitalism that enabled it to remake society into a means exclusively for market exchange?


  1. Private ownership of the social means of production for private profit as opposed to the social ownership of the social means of production for the common good.


  1. Private ownership of the social means of production is then the key, and it means society’s common productive means are now owned by private corporations for the sake of their own private profit: this ownership differs from:


  1. State “socialism”: State ownership of the means of production – more often this is better referred to as State Monopoly Capitalism rather than socialism proper (which often had more to do with collective democratic ownership rather than centralized state ownership).


  1. Worker socialism: closer to socialism proper, socialized/democratized ownership of the means of production by the producers themselves, whether through worker’s councils or some type of cooperative. (USSR tried to operate this way before quickly devolving into State Monopoly Capitalism under Stalin, same thing with China and Mao)


  1. Historical Background: How did society’s means of production become privatized by private commercial corporations and reoriented toward the end of private profit? (or in Aristotle’s language: how did the means and ends of production, which were oriented toward satisfying real human needs and social goods, become inverted into the private pursuit of money making as now the end?)


  1. For most of human history production was a social project for the sake of the community of producers themselves rather than generating merely exchangeable commodities for the private profit of a few individuals.


  1. More importantly the social means for producing society were socially owned in some form, since a wealth of tools, technologies, infrastructure, and resources are always collective products made possible only by many hands and minds working together across generations.


  1. In ancient times large empires did not own all the social means of production. There were of course state-owned lands, wealthy landowners and palaces as well as slavery, but the dominant mode of production for producing subsistence for most of society were still rural village communities (often more than 80% of the population) oriented around social use values rather than mere market exchange.


  • The rise of Mercantile Capitalism: During the Medieval age in Europe some of the land was owned by various manor lords (feudal landlords) while serfs rented/owned a portion of that land and used their own tools to produce goods both for the landlord and for themselves. Also, various peasant communities still existed outside the manors too.


  1. Villages were constructed around a “commons” or “greens” as public lands shared by all—often Church and monastery lands contributed to these commons as well.



  1. Through advances in productive technologies as well as the ability of workers to better politically organize against feudal lords, workers gained a certain amount of independence.


  1. This led to the breakdown of feudalism and the short-lived development of worker-owned guilds and cooperatives prior to the rise of capitalism (13th to 16th century).


  1. Certain craftsmen became middlemen buying and selling goods from other craftsmen for the market and long-distance trade.


  1. Through exploiting their monopolistic controls on buying cheap and selling high, and therein accumulating money for which there was a growing commercialized demand in terms of loans, these middlemen rose from the upper strata of the laboring classes to that of a new class of wealthy merchants, investors and bankers—the bourgeoisie or middle class of high finance: hence, the banking dynasties like the Fuggers.


  1. Accumulating capital first took place in exploiting the making of money for its own sake. This was called “usury” which was the exploitative charging of interest on loans.


  1. A certain drive begins to develop that no longer aims to produce quality goods according to the purposes of meeting real needs for community building, but to privately maximize monetary profit through exploiting demand, driving down the costs of resources and labor as low as possible in order to increase private gain through market exchange.


  1. In turn, profit was used to buy up or capture more capital (productive means) from social ownership.


  1. But these early private endeavors were not just the result of cunningly industrious individuals. Instead they relied heavily on a militarized state to colonize foreign lands.


  1. Colonization exploded at the beginning of capitalism because it was needed to open up new routes for cheaper resources, labor, and capital, and for controlling foreign mines in order to acquire a monopoly on precious metals to back the rise of monetary accumulation.


  1. But colonization is only possible through the use of military power backing certain state-sanctioned enterprises


  1. This concentration of wealth also allowed for the private acquisition of more lands at home, also with the help of the state military—the Reformation was not simply about church doctrines, but more so it was about the state commandeering of the “commons” as well as taking lands previously owned by the Catholic church and its monasteries for the market interests of privatization, i.e. “enclosing the commons”, which evicted many workers who were now landless with nothing to sell but their own labor for a wage.


  1. As most of the common public lands in Europe were privatized (enclosed, fenced in, etc) this led to a cycle of more expeditions for the continued colonization of new lands and resources.


  1. Increasing colonization requires not only a heavy military but also a larger workforce


  1. And since private profit is generated by running down the cost of resources, land, capital, and most importantly, labor, the colonization process also led to the largest commercialized slave trade in recorded history—the Transatlantic slave trade (12 to 15 million Africans were exported between 16th–19th century)


  1. As private ownership of money, land, and the means of production in the form of slave labor accumulated, the growing pool of landless wage laborers began to lose any negotiating leverage.


  1. The price of wage labor was driven down even more so with the institutionalization of the Transatlantic slave trade, which provided early capitalists with a fixed source of cheap labor to help rapidly accumulate capital.


  1. The actual history of mercantile capitalism as that initial stage of capital accumulation is therefore fraught with violence and far more complicated than the myths told by economists about some innocent individual merchants who just happened to be more industrious compared to the rest of the supposedly lazy workers.


  1. Industrial capitalism:


  1. As private capital gained more power through privatizing more lands and resources for large scale industry the state role diminished only somewhat in the form of nationalized economies. But there was still a race to colonize new lands for cheaper resources and labor, and to monopolize markets which continued to rely on state involvement


  1. colonization continued well into the 20th century and was driven by a ceaseless desire to accumulate capital—WWII was largely driven by Germany’s attempt to play catch-up in the Western game of colonization


  1. Financial capitalism:


  1. As a direct result of industrialization which allowed for a mass of enormous corporations to grow, there was a greater drive to expand operations which meant the need for more investors, more financing, more backers to share the risk taking—this also meant more of an intimate interrelation of corporations with banking, stock markets, and shareholders.


  1. State welfare capitalism:


  1. But this high-risk financialization of expansion also led to a boom and bust cycle from which the Great Depression came.


  1. This led to another iteration of capitalism with more government oversight in terms of supplementing the busts, doing the work that businesses should have been doing by taking care of the social welfare of the workforce – social security, workers comp, unemployment insurance, health care, legislation establishing and empowering trade unions, etc. (basically supplementing labor’s wage with a social wage)


  1. This “state” phase is really a misnomer, since history shows that capitalism is an inherently unstable system that cannot exist on its own without government intervention and state superintending in some form and at some level, as we already saw since its inception at its mercantilist phase (pace libertarian claims about a self-regulating “free” market that needs no government involvement—there has never been a capitalist “free” market without state involvement).


  • Globalized capitalism (aka: Neoliberalism):


  1. The rise of multinational corporations also still relies on certain world powers to regulate and police the expansion of the global market. (e.g., think of how much capital benefits from its freedom of movement compared to workers being bound by national borders).


  1. But in our present neoliberal moment we have shifted from having a market to becoming more fully a market-ruled society, with private capital not simply relying on state help but more directly controlling the very existence of the state. Hence since the 1970s there has a been a vast shift toward greater forms of:


  1. Privatization of not only the economy, but also of social and health services, public services, and even political goods (hence, the current battle to take back healthcare and childcare as a public service).


  1. Deregulation of the economy insofar as it serves the interests of private corporations. (e.g. deregulated the commercial use of natural resources; deregulated labor organizing, disempowering unions; deregulated the financial industry leading to bigger banks and more predatory lending).


  1. Consumerism and the debt economy: citizens come to view themselves as mainly consumers who are empowered through credit which means the increase in debt.



  1. What are the key Features of Capitalism?


  1. Companies: the privatization of the social means of production turns into its own type of society—a new social entity—but in an abstract way divorced from the actual producers and the public good.


  1. As Shaw notes, more than “church or state”, within capitalism it is now the company that has possibly become the most important organization in the world. (the new oligarchies?)


  1. Profit Motive: This is the driving force and end goal for economic activity, the very reason of existence for companies as privatizing the social means of production: from C-M-C to M-C-M’


  1. Shaw quotes Heilbroner: “the profit motive, as we understand it, is a very recent phenomenon. It was foreign to the lower and middle classes of Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and medieval cultures, only scattered throughout the Renaissance times, and largely absent in most Eastern civilizations.”


  1. Throughout much of history, the selfish pursuit of private monetary gain was either looked down upon as dishonorable or merely tolerated. But now it has become a celebrated goal for life. (precisely the opposite of what Aristotle said is natural to being human)


  • What does it say about us that we tend to think everyone, for all times and places, has always been driven by a profit motive? (is this to naively and falsely project from our own contingent experience within our Western capitalist societies?)


  1. Competition: the supposed salve to monopolies forming and that which supposedly regulates the profit motive from getting out of control.


  1. Competition tends not to be an answer to monopolies so much as a continual reshuffling of them


  1. Is it a coincidence that British political economists in the 19th century were celebrating this idea of competition as a kind of natural selection in the marketplace while Darwin and other biologists began describing in nature a violent process of competitive struggle for existence through the survival of the fittest?


  1. Didn’t Aristotle and Kant say, in their own different ways, that what makes us human is precisely our ability to transcend an animalistic fight for the survival of the fittest by living in solidarity together around higher ideals beyond violent competition?


  1. Private Property: It is important to note that the right to private property is not simply about an individual’s personal possessions, which other societies prior to capitalism had, and since socialist societies can have personal possessions too.


  1. Private property here means the private ownership of the social means of production and distribution – the right to take up land as exclusively one’s own to use for private profit.


  1. The heart of capitalism is about using money to make more money by investing in private accumulation of the productive means and other related assets.


  1. What are some classical moral justifications?


  1. As Shaw states: “rarely are we presented with fundamental criticisms of, or possible alternatives to, our socioeconomic order. It is not surprising, then, that most of us blithely assume, without ever bothering to question, that our capitalist economic system is a morally justifiable one.” This is obviously a major question that we need to ask!


  1. The two dominant responses:


  1. The right to private property:


  1. John Locke was one of the original founders of this idea, which he used to justify the private colonial appropriation of Native American “wastelands” as he called them. But he relied on a naïve sense of individual labor:


  1. Basically, he claimed that if you’re the first one to sink your shovel into something, it is yours (which of course colonizers neglected to consider the fact that indigenous people had worked this land well before their own shovels entered it).


  1. But this fails to account for the inherently social nature of labor—it assumes that prior to social formations we lived as private asocial individuals who labored alone only for private gain (e.g. the hypothetical idea of the “state of nature” in Hobbes and Locke):


  1. But can one clear a field alone, build a home or a society alone, or make a complex machine alone, let alone do anything of minimal skill without some form of socialization? Not only is labor social, but it relies on past forms of social labor that have made one’s own labor possible in the first place (nurturing upbringing and education etc).


  1. Also, it assumes that nature is just a dead mechanism there to be privately possessed rather than a living dynamism to be creatively shared.


  1. Moreover, as Shaw rightly notes, capitalism as the making of money off money through legalized usury as interest, takes leave of Locke’s paradigm since gaining interest on money is now an acquisition of profit and a certain kind of property that one did not directly produce through their own labors.


  1. The invisible hand: this has been the more influential attempt throughout the history of capitalism: It is essentially a justification for promoting the selfishness of the profit motive. As the early British political economist, Bernard Mandeville said—the market somehow is responsible for turning private vices into public benefits.


  1. But how does the market magically/miraculously turn unintended consequences from private self-interest into public benefits for all?


  1. Supposedly through the laws of supply and demand and competition.


  1. But as we already discussed above, the history of capitalism has shown that the market is unstable and anarchic, leading to ruin, rather than miracles, without government force. Thus, the hands organizing the market are hardly invisible or law-like.



  1. What are some fundamental criticisms of capitalism?


  1. It is an inherently unstable economic system that continually generates widespread inequality and poverty the more wealth it produces, since it generates abundance by simultaneously running down the cost of, and thus depleting, labor and land.


  1. It is not government intervention that causes these things as if the market would self-correct if we took an absolute laissez faire approach.


  1. The history of capitalism has shown that government intervention is needed to keep the market from collapsing under its own internal crises—hence the history of military and police intervention, expanding colonization to supplement markets, debt bondage, and continual bailouts to failing corporations (not to mention all the needed extra public services and welfare to care for a society in a way that the market cannot).


  1. Moreover, the current trend toward government deregulation and increasing privatization has now led to the widest inequality gaps within recent history, with more private wealth consolidated into the hands of a smaller few over against the rest (hence the rhetoric around the 1% and the 99%)


  1. The “all boats are rising” argument tends to set up a diversionary straw man by pointing to some past or alternative society in order to show how better off we are despite the inequality.


  1. But this fails to see the real problem, which is the fact that the more wealth is produced the more inequality is generated, which should be the opposite trend in a system that is able to create so much social surplus.


  1. g., recent tax cuts for corporations by the Trump administration were justified by a “trickle down” argument claiming they would allow companies to create more jobs and invest in their employees; yet records show that companies used the tax cuts to buy back more of their own stocks in order to boost stockholder value.


  1. It has a lowly view of human nature that is also uncritically accepted as unchangeable (which always helps those who want to say this is the best we can do).


  1. It denies that humans are inherently social, cooperative, creative and rationally purposeful, driven by higher ends beyond mere commerce for private profit.


  1. Capitalism not just assumes, but habituates, promotes, fosters, ensures, and demands that we see ourselves as inherently selfish individuals. It has no patience for higher ideals about what it means to be human since this would mean challenging its sovereign rule of the profit motive.


  1. It is no coincidence that early defenders of capitalism who justified its hidden hand as the only way to regulate the chaos of unchangeably selfish individuals were also people who accepted a religious doctrine of the inherent sinfulness of humans as selfish animals who cannot change their own nature but must instead rely on the hidden hand of a god for salvation (market providence).


  1. This is why the notion that Shaw mentions of “market fundamentalism” is apt here: many thinkers have noted the religious quality of capitalism and its defenders since they rely on a blind acceptance that humans are fated to be selfish and cannot do anything about it except faithfully participate in the dictates of a god-like market (resign yourself to the matrix).


  1. But its assumption that human nature cannot change itself denies the socially evolving history of humanity in which, through many ups and downs, humans have creatively transformed their nature to a degree beyond mere survival and violent competition.


  1. It assumes that we only find well-being through ever greater access to material consumption—we are primarily consumers. But then this leads to people working more, in order to gain more purchasing power in order to consume more, rather than working less in order to have more leisure time in pursuing higher ideals and relationships rather than consumption.


  1. Social psychologists have found that populations of industrialized nations who have more money and consume more are often unhappier than those in other “less developed” societies.


  1. Its privatizing drive and profit motive tends toward oligarchical consolidations of power both economically and socio-politically. Moreover, competition isn’t the salve to this problem but often fosters the divisive drive even more so.


  1. Speaking of competition—the evidence is still not very clear as to whether competition is the great driver of innovation. How creative can we be if we’re competing within a cutthroat survival-of-the-fittest.


  1. Market competition might not be the engine of innovation that capitalists often claim it is: most of the great innovations throughout history have come from either non-market sources (artistic, religious, scientific/educational, or political communities) or from productive communities cooperating together, or from institutions sheltered from market competition:


  1. Producing for exchange value in order to make money often does not encourage taking the necessary long-term risks to be innovative since the aim is not to socially benefit humankind or solve its major plights, but rather the short term aim of making money through proven commercial means according to whatever the market demands.


  1. Hence, a recent business magazine asked “is pursuing a cure for cancer really a viable business pursuit?”


  1. Think more recently about major innovations that led to various advances in medical technologies, cures, vaccines, telecommunications, computers, the internet, etc.


  1. The possibilities for these innovations were driven not by the profit motive and market cost/benefit analysis, but by being fostered and developed within non-market institutions such as government labs, hospitals, military institutions, NASA, non-profit organizations, universities and research institutions, etc. – they required long hours of cooperative work pursuing real social needs.


  1. Its privatized mode of production for commodity exchange inherently exploits and alienates the laborer.


  1. All of the above could be boiled down to this problem:


  1. If the production process by which a society is able to subsist, and progress, is itself inherently social, then privatizing this social process so that its surplus is now privately consumed by the owners, is inherently backwards, using our social capacities, not as ends in themselves, but as means for benefitting a few.


  1. This is a deeper criticism than merely pointing out that there is poverty, or there are income inequalities, or that ideologically there is a quasi-religious notion of a depraved humanity dependent on a magical invisible hand:


  1. rather it gets to the heart of how and why the very structures of the capitalist production process, which produces for exchange value rather than use value, necessarily generates these material inequalities and false self-perceptions in the first place.







Capstone Report FINAL

Capstone Report FINAL

Capstone Report FINAL


Maximum length: 4000 words (excluding references and appendices)

Marks: 50%

Objective: To demonstrate key learning and skills developed throughout the course by creating a written report addressed to the executives of the company partner on a viable strategy, supported by utilization of appropriate frameworks and in-depth research, to effectively address the business challenge presented at the beginning of the quarter.



  1. Develop a strategic plan for the case company to implement in the next 24 months that meets the challenge, in the form of a written report for the management team.Consistent with the final project rubrics, your report must include at least the following components: Capstone Report FINAL
    1. Executive summary;
    2. Internal analysis;
    3. External analysis;
    4. Problem definition;
    5. Strategy development(including alternatives to your final recommendation);
    6. Strategy evaluation and choice; and,
    7. Strategy implementation.
  2. You are encouraged to incorporate, in a holistic manner, the content and more importantly the feedback from Draft #1 and the Group Report.

Important: For Draft 1 and Final Report as well as Group Report:

  • Adopt a company-report style (vs. academic-report style). Incorporate figures and tables within the body of the document, along with the source of information in the graphic/table. Provide a list of references. You may add appendices for supporting materials not critical to the main report.
  • References and appendices are not included in the word limit. Footnotes are the preferred location for in-text references. Include a final list of references cited.
  • Utilizing the Business Communications Team’s draft points before the final submission is highly recommended.





Assignment: Evidence-Based Project, Part 3: Critical Appraisal of Research

PLEASE FOLLOW INSTRUCTION BELOW WITH APPRAISAL TEMPLATEZERO PLAGIARISMFIVE REFERENCESRealtors rely on detailed property appraisals—conducted using appraisal tools—to assign market values to houses and other properties. These values are then presented to buyers and sellers to set prices and initiate offers.Research appraisal is not that different. The critical appraisal process utilizes formal appraisal tools to assess the results of research to determine value to the context at hand. Evidence-based practitioners often present these findings to make the case for specific courses of action.In this Assignment, you will use an appraisal tool to conduct a critical appraisal of published research. You will then present the results of your efforts.To Prepare:Reflect on the four peer-reviewed articles you selected in Module 2 and the four systematic reviews (or other filtered high- level evidence) you selected in Module 3.Reflect on the four peer-reviewed articles you selected in Module 2 and analyzed in Module 3.Review and download the Critical Appraisal Tool Worksheet Template provided in the Resources.The Assignment (Evidence-Based Project)Part 3A: Critical Appraisal of ResearchConduct a critical appraisal of the four peer-reviewed articles you selected by completing the Evaluation Table within the Critical Appraisal Tool Worksheet Template. Choose a total of four peer- reviewed articles that you selected related to your clinical topic of interest in Module 2 and Module 3.Note: You can choose any combination of articles from Modules 2 and 3 for your Critical Appraisal. For example, you may choose two unfiltered research articles from Module 2 and two filtered research articles (systematic reviews) from Module 3 or one article from Module 2 and three articles from Module 3. You can choose any combination of articles from the prior Module Assignments as long as both modules and types of studies are represented.Part 3B: Critical Appraisal of ResearchBased on your appraisal, in a 1-2-page critical appraisal, suggest a best practice that emerges from the research you reviewed. Briefly explain the best practice, justifying your proposal with APA citations of the research.

Pharmacological and non-pharmacological Treatment Assignment

Pharmacological and non-pharmacological Treatment Assignment

Pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment

Question Description

Discussion 1 question

Create a research question related to nursing (to be used for this discussion question only). Identify the independent and dependent variables. Next, create a hypothesis or set of hypotheses to go along with your research question. Identify your hypothesis as one of each of the four categories below and explain why your hypothesis fits into these categories:

Associative or causal
Simple or complex
Nondirectional vs. directional
Null vs. research
Discussion 2 question

How does the focus of research and evidence-based practice (EBP) differ? Discuss the application of research findings into evidence-based nursing practice. Pharmacological and non-pharmacological Treatment Assignment

300-350 words.

Literature Review Summary TableNURS 5052/NURS 6052Name:CitationType of StudySettingKeyConcepts/Variables FindingsHierarchy of Evidence LevelDesign TypeFramework/TheoryCortese, S., Adamo, N.,Giovane, C., Mohr Jensen, C., Hayes, A.,Carucci, S., et al.(2018). Comparative efficacy andtolerability ofmedications forattention-deficithyperactivity disorderin children,adolescents, andadults: a systematicreview and network meta-analysis. TheLancet 5(9), 727-738.Crescenzo, F., Cortese,S., Adamo, N., & Janiri,L. (2016).Pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment of adultswith ADHD: A metareview. EvidenceBased Mental Health,20(1), doi 20.10.1136/eb-2016102415Concepts:Treatment of ADHDType of Study:Systematic reviewIndependentVariable:Medications forADHDDesign Type:Meta-analysisFramework/Theory:Dependent Variable:EfficacyTolerabilityThe findings of this article indicatethat methylphenidate andamphetamines are the bestinterventions for children andadults respectively. Of thechoices provided, they weredeemed to be the safest andmost efficient drugs likely to yieldbetter outcomes.Systematic reviewPharmacological treatments we …


Literature Review Summary TableNURS 5052/NURS 6052Name:CitationType of StudySettingKeyConcepts/VariablesFindingsHierarchy ofEvidence LevelDesign TypeFramework/TheoryCortese, S., Adamo, N.,Giovane, C., MohrJensen, C., Hayes, A.,Carucci, S., et al.(2018). Comparativeefficacy andtolerability ofmedications forattention-deficithyperactivity disorderin children,adolescents, andadults: a systematicreview and networkmeta-analysis. TheLancet 5(9), 727-738.Crescenzo, F., Cortese,S., Adamo, N., & Janiri,L. Pharmacological and non-pharmacological Treatment Assignment (2016).Pharmacological andnon-pharmacologicaltreatment of adultswith ADHD: A metareview. EvidenceBased Mental Health,20(1), doi 20.10.1136/eb-2016102415Concepts:Treatment of ADHDType of Study:Systematic review IndependentVariable:Medications forADHDDesign Type:Meta-analysisFramework/Theory:Dependent Variable:EfficacyTolerabilityThe findings of this article indicate that methamphetamine and amphetamines are the best interventions for children and  adults respectively. Of thechoices provided, they were deemed to be the safest and most efficient drugs likely to yieldbetter outcomes.Systematic review Pharmacological treatments we …

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