Servant Leadership

Unit 2A.Visit the “Competitive Advantages” page of the Robert K. Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership website at and review the articles indicating ways that servant leadership helps organizations gain competitive advantage. Using that information along with the Topic Materials, discuss how servant leadership contributes to competitive advantage in contemporary organizations. Provide specific industry examples of companies that have thrived as servant leaders.B.One of the challenges often faced by nonprofit organizations is financial viability. Consider how the service leadership model can make a nonprofit organization competitive in ways that are not profit driven. In your post, discuss whether or not the value the nonprofit provides to the community and the greater good is professionally appealing enough to make you want to explore as a career opportunity despite the fact that in many cases than the personal and financial gains offered by nonprofits may not match what is available in for-profit organizations.RESOURCESElectronic Resource1. “Servant Leadership” – Serve to Be GreatRead “‘Servant Leadership’ – Serve to Be Great,” located on the Intellisource website (2015). 1 Little-Known Advantage Most Investors MissRead “1 Little-Known Advantage Most Investors Miss,” by Lomax, located on The Motley Fool website (2014). At Their ServiceRead “At Their Service,” by Drake, located on the Smart CEO website (2013). DOs & DON’Ts of Servant LeadershipRead “DOs & DON’Ts of Servant Leadership,” located on the Ritz-Carlton Leadership Center website (2015). Leadership Expert Simon Sinek on Putting Others FirstView “Leadership Expert Simon Sinek on Putting Others First,” located on the YouTube website (2014). Servant Leadership Sustains Competitive US Manufacturing AdvantageRead “Servant Leadership Sustains Competitive US Manufacturing Advantage,” by Martin, located on the Industry Today website (2012). Servant Leadership: A Path to High PerformanceRead “Servant Leadership: A Path to High Performance,” by Hess, from The Washington Post (2013). America’s Worst CharitiesThe America’s Worst Charities website can be used to conduct research for the topic assignment. Charity NavigatorThe Charity Navigator website can be used to conduct research for the topic assignment. Charity WatchThe Top Rated Charities page of the Charity Watch website can be used to conduct research for the topic assignment. Competitive AdvantagesReview the Competitive Advantages page of the Robert K. Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership website to locate servant leadership articles. TopNonprofitsThe Top 100 Nonprofits on the Web page of the TopNonprofits website can be used to conduct research for the topic assignment. 3A.Think about how your personal values correlate with the principles of servant leadership. How can you draw on values and servant leadership principles to better establish your followership to better serve those you lead professionally and personally?B.Suppose you go to work for an organization that you discover does not align with your personal values. You are in a leadership role and you are not in a position to leave the job. How do you ethically represent the company without compromising your own beliefs? What is the deal breaker for you? How does ethically representing the company demonstrate your ability to be a servant leader?RESOURCESElectronic Resource1. As a Servant Leader, You Can Change the World Commencement AddressRead “‘As a Servant Leader, You Can Change the World’ Commencement Address,” by George, located on the Bill George website (2013). Chick-fil-A Founder Was Embodiment of Servant Leader PhilosophyRead “Chick-fil-A Founder Was Embodiment of Servant Leader Philosophy,” by Oswald, located on the HR Hero website (2014). Leading as a ServantRead “Leading as a Servant,” by Krakowski, from Entrepreneur (2014). Serving More Than the Bottom LineRead “Serving More Than the Bottom Line,” by Brodsky, located on the Human Resource Executive Online website (2015). The Business of ConsciousnessRead “The Business of Consciousness,” by McEllin, located on the Examiner website (2013). 4A.Think about the principles of servant leadership and provide two examples of specific ways you can apply them in your current work environment, as member of a community group or organization with which you are involved, or in your personal life. Discuss the specific servant leadership principles you would apply, the methods you would use to apply the principles, and the results you would anticipate seeing as a result of implementing these servant leadership principles.B.Conduct research about a biblical figure such as Moses, David, Paul, Joseph, Esther, or Nehemiah to learn about how the biblical leader exemplified servant leadership and see how the principles of servant leadership transcend time and place. Think about the contemporary leader you are researching for the Topic 4 assignment, and discuss the similarities you see between the biblical servant leader and the contemporary servant leader. Provide specific examples to illustrate the similarities you have identified and include discussion about what you think makes the principles of servant leadership applicable regardless of time or place.RESOURCES6. ‘Servant’ Leadership Style Is Best for BossesRead “‘Servant’ Leadership Style Is Best for Bosses,” by Brooks, located on the Business News Daily website (2015). 10 Tips on How IT Leaders Can Develop a Service-Oriented PerspectiveRead “10 Tips on How IT Leaders Can Develop a Service-Oriented Perspective,” by Tennant, located on the IT Business Edge website (2014). 9 Ways to Motivate People Using Servant LeadershipRead “9 Ways to Motivate People Using Servant Leadership,” by McCuistion, located on the About Leaders website (2013). Being a Servant Leader in the Age of TechnologyRead “Being a Servant Leader in the Age of Technology,” by Hollis, located on the Huffington Post website (2015). Recognizing Servant-Leaders – Not Drum MajorsRead “Recognizing Servant-Leaders – Not Drum Majors,” located on the Dreams InDeed International website. Individual and Corporate Servant LeadersThe “Individual and Corporate Servant Leaders” resource can be used as a reference for discussion questions throughout the course and for completion of some course assignments.Unit 5A.Learn about current trends in servant leadership by conducting your own research and locating an article that illustrates how the principles of servant leadership are being employed in the workplace, as part of a volunteer or service effort, or in an individual’s personal life. In the Main Forum, post a short summary and a link to the article. Discuss what you learned from reading the article and whether or not you would consider applying servant leadership in a similar way.B.The article “Why Isn’t Servant Leadership More Prevalent?” poses the question, “But if servant leadership is as effective as portrayed in recent research, why isn’t it more prevalent?” Using what you have learned about the principles of servant leadership and your own experiences, address this question. Use examples to support your hypotheses.RESOURCESElectronic Resource1. Simon Sinek: Why Good Leaders Make You Feel SafeView “Simon Sinek: Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe,” located on the TED website (2014). The CEO of Popeye’s Says Becoming a “Servant Leader” Helped Her Turn Around the Struggling Restaurant ChainRead “The CEO of Popeye’s Says Becoming a ‘Servant Leader’ Helped Her Turn Around the Struggling Restaurant Chain,” by Goudreau, located on the Business Insider website (2015). TheThe Baltimore Ravens’ John Harbaugh Discusses Servant LeadershipView “The Baltimore Ravens’ John Harbaugh Discusses Servant Leadership,” by Smart CEO Magazine, located on the YouTube website (2013). Top Midsize Workplace: AutomationDirect.comRead “Top Midsize Workplace:,” by Tierney, located on the website (2014). Why Isn’t Servant Leadership More Prevalent?Read “Why Isn’t Servant Leadership More Prevalent?” by Heskett, from Forbes. 6A.Think about Greenleaf’s principles of servant leadership and what you have learned about the biblical foundation of servant leadership. Identify specific principles of servant leadership that, when employed effectively, can proliferate respect for multiculturalism and diversity within the organizations and communities they serve? Provide specific examples to illustrate your ideas.B.Research an international servant leader or international servant leadership organization to examine the similarities and differences in the way servant leadership is executed in Western culture and Christianity when compared with other cultures and religions. Summarize the similarities and differences you discovered and discuss which principles of servant leadership you think are universal, regardless of religious and cultural differences. Provide examples to support your opinions.RESOURCESElectronic Resource1. Effective Leadership Within a Multinational EnvironmentRead “Effective Leadership Within a Multinational Environment,” by Rentfrow, located on the Leadership Advance Online website (2007). Resource1. Servant Leadership and World ValuesRead “Servant Leadership and World Values,” by Rubio-Sanchez, Bosco, and Melchar, from Global Studies Journal (2013). 7A.In the Topic Materials you read several examples of ways that servant leadership can be displayed through true volunteerism and acts of service to others. Research an historic or current servant leader who is a true volunteer in service to others. In what ways does the person inspire leadership while building his or her own character and integrity? How does this leader exemplify the moral obligation to lead through kindness, compassion, and justice?B.Share the servant leadership volunteer opportunity you are completing. Discuss how you think this experience will help you develop your own character and give you experience in leading through exhibiting kindness, compassion, and justice.RESOURCES2. When Servant Becomes Leader: The Corazon C. Aquino Success Story as a Beacon for Business LeadersRead “When Servant Becomes Leader: The Corazon C. Aquino Success Story as a Beacon for Business Leaders,” by Udani and Lorenzo-Molo, from Journal of Business Ethics (2013). 8A.Now that you have participated in your servant leadership opportunity, discuss how the experience affected your understanding of how through serving others one actually leads. Support your ideas with specific examples from your volunteer experience.B.Watch the video “Servant Leadership – Joe Schmitt.” Discuss why this is a good example of leadership through acts of service in terms of the way the actions of the leader demonstrate integrity and personal character building while also establishing followership and pushing others to grow professionally through emulating his actions. Discuss how this example embraces both Greenleaf’s principles of servant leadership and the call to service evident in Christianity.RESOURCESElectronic Resource1. Drew Dudley “Everyday Leadership” – TED TalksView “Drew Dudley ‘Everyday Leadership’ – TED Talks,” located on the YouTube website (2013). Servant Leadership – Joe SchmittView “Servant Leadership – Joe Schmitt” located on the YouTube website (2014).

Adolescence: Contemporary Issues and Resources

Research the range of contemporary issues teenagers face today. In a 500-750-word paper, choose one issue (besides teen pregnancy) and discuss its effect on adolescent behavior and overall well-being. Include the following in your submission:Describe the contemporary issue and explain what external stressors are associated with this issue.Outline assessment strategies to screen for this issue and external stressors during an assessment for an adolescent patient. Describe what additional assessment questions you would need to ask and define the ethical parameters regarding what you can and cannot share with the parent or guardian.Discuss support options for adolescents encountering external stressors. Include specific support options for the contemporary issue you presented.Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Management Orientation Program Proposal

Management Orientation Program ProposalYou have the opportunity to create a proposal to present to the leadership team for the orientation of new nurse managers. This project will include the creation of an orientation using leadership and management topics that will be selected to support the nurse manager as he or she transitions into the new role.  This project will compile specific topics, resources and facilitators to support a new nurse manager as they get acclimated to the organization or unit. APA citations expected.Your proposal should include:Introductory and concluding remarksIdentify 8 specific topics to support the new nurse managerLearning objectives for the lesson(s)Rationale for including each topic with a synthesis of professional literatureRecommendation of internal and or external materials for each topicRecommendation of a facilitator for each topicRationale listing why the materials and facilitator(s) are the most appropriate choice for that topicTwo or more scholarly resources to support the rationalesSupport your discussion and opinions with facts, relevant examples from personal nursing practice.All submissions must have a minimum of two scholarly references to support your work.Examples of work to show mastery:10-12 slide PowerPoint presentation – APA format

In this assignment, you will assess a current semi-direct or indirect nursing situation that is in need of change. Observe a healthcare environment, focusing on areas of nursing process that are inefficient, unsafe, or problematic in nature.

In this assignment, you will assess a current semi-direct or indirect nursing situation that is in need of change. Observe a healthcare environment, focusing on areas of nursing process that are inefficient, unsafe, or problematic in nature. Diagnose the problem and choose a nursing change theory that suits the change you want to make. Propose a detailed plan based on your chosen change theory, explaining how to implement change. Develop criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of the plan and include a timeline for your change proposal. Finally, reflect on how your change affects the nursing profession

Discussion: Strategies for Academic Portfolios

In the realm of marketing, a successful branding strategy is one of the most important contributors to organizational success. A solid branding strategy can help add visibility and credibility to a company’s products.Similarly, nurse-scholars can build a personal brand to add visibility and credibility to their work. You can begin building your brand by developing and maintaining an academic portfolio. Such an activity can help share the results of your efforts and contribute to your success. This week’s Discussion asks you to consider and share strategies for building your portfolio.To Prepare:Reflect on strategies that you can pursue in developing portfolios or portfolio elements that focus on academic achievements.Review one or more samples from your own research of resources focused on portfolio development.By Day 3Post an explanation of at least two strategies for including academic activities and accomplishments into your professional portfolio.Support main post with 3 of more current, credible sources and cite source within content of posting and on a reference list in proper APA.By Day 6Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days, by offering additional ideas regarding academic achievements to include or offering alternative ways of presenting the current achievements.Be sure to offer support from at least 2 current, credible sources in each required response to classmates’ main post and cite per APA.

Describe the developmental markers a nurse should assess for a 9-month-old female infant.

Consider the following patient scenario:A mother comes in with 9-month-old girl. The infant is 68.5cm in length (25th percentile per CDC growth chart), weighs 6.75kg (5th percentile per CDC growth chart), and has a head circumference of 43cm (25th percentile per CDC growth chart).Describe the developmental markers a nurse should assess for a 9-month-old female infant. Discuss the recommendations you would give the mother. Explain why these recommendations are based on evidence-based practice.

Nursg. part 2

Summary 1 page, follow the guidelines and ppt, add references

Data Analysis and Quality Improvement Initiative Proposal

Prepare an 8-10 page data analysis and quality improvement initiative proposal based on a health issue of interest. Include internal and external benchmark data, evidence-based recommendations to improve health care quality and safety, and communication strategies to gain buy-in from all interprofessional team members responsible for implementing the initiative.Health care providers are perpetually striving to improve care quality and patient safety. To accomplish enhanced care, outcomes need to be measured. Next, data measures must be validated. Measurement and validation of information support performance improvement. Health care providers must focus attention on evidence-based best practices to improve patient outcomes.Health informatics, along with new and improved technologies and procedures, are at the core of all quality improvement initiatives. Data analysis begins with provider documentation, researched process improvement models, and recognized quality benchmarks. All of these items work together to improve patient outcomes. Professional nurses must be able to interpret and communicate dashboard information that displays critical care metrics and outcomes along with data collected from the care delivery process.For this assessment, use your current role or assume a role you hope to have. You will develop a quality improvement (QI) initiative proposal based on a health issue of professional interest. To create this proposal, analyze a health care facility’s dashboard metrics and external benchmark data. Include evidence-based recommendations to improve health care quality and safety relating to your selected issue. Successful QI initiatives depend on the support of nursing staff and other members of the interprofessional team. As a result, a key aspect of your proposal will be the communication strategies you plan to use to get buy-in from these team members.Demonstration of ProficiencyBy successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:Competency 1: Plan quality improvement initiatives in response to adverse events and near-miss analyses.Determine whether any adverse event or near-miss data needs to be factored in to outcomes and recommendations.Competency 2: Plan quality improvement initiatives in response to routine data surveillance.Develop a QI initiative proposal based on a selected health issue and supporting data analysis.Competency 3: Evaluate quality improvement initiatives using sensitive and sound outcome measures.Analyze data to identify a health care issue or area of concern.Competency 4: Integrate interprofessional perspectives to lead quality improvements in patient safety, cost-effectiveness, and work-life quality.Communicate QI initiative proposal based on input of the interdisciplinary team to improve patient safety and quality outcomes and work-life quality.Competency 5: Apply effective communication strategies to promote quality improvement of interprofessional care.Determine communication strategies to promote quality improvement of interprofessional care.Communicate QI initiative proposal in a professional, effective manner, writing clearly and logically, with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.Integrate relevant sources to support arguments, correctly formatting citations and references using APA style.PreparationTo develop the QI initiative proposal required for this assessment, you must analyze a health care facility’s dashboard metrics. Choose Option 1 or 2 according to your ability to access dashboard metrics for a QI initiative proposal.Option 1If you have access to dashboard metrics related to a QI initiative proposal of interest to you, complete the following:Analyze data from the health care facility to identify a health care issue or area of concern. You will need access to reports and data related to care quality and patient safety. For example, in a hospital setting, you would contact the quality management department to obtain the needed data. It is your responsibility to determine the appropriate resource to provide the necessary data in your chosen health care setting. If you need help determining how to obtain the needed information, consult your faculty member for guidance.Include in your proposal basic information about the health care setting, size, and specific type of care delivery related to the identified topic. Please abide byHealth Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)compliance standards.Option 2If you do not have access to a dashboard or metrics related to a QI initiative proposal:Use the hospital data set provided inVila Health: Data Analysis. You will analyze data to identify a health care issue or area of concern.Include in your proposal basic information about the health care setting, size, and specific type of care delivery related to the identified topic.InstructionsUse your current role or assume a role you would like to have. Choose a quality improvement initiative of professional interest to you. Your current organization is probably working on quality improvement initiatives that can be evaluated, so consider starting there.To develop your proposal you will:Gather internal and external benchmark data on the subject of your quality improvement initiative proposal.Analyze data you have collected.Make evidence-based recommendations about how to improve health care quality and safety relating to your chosen issue.Remember, your initiative’s success depends on the interprofessional team’s commitment to the QI initiative. Think carefully about these stakeholders and how you plan to include them in the process, as they will help you develop and implement ideas and sustain outcomes. Also, remember how important external stakeholders, such as patients and other health care delivery organizations, are to the process. As you are preparing this assessment, consider carefully the communication strategies you will employ to include the perspectives of all internal and external stakeholders in your proposal.The following numbered points correspond to grading criteria in the scoring guide. The bullets below each grading criterion further delineate tasks to fulfill the assessment requirements. Be sure that your proposal addresses all of the content below. You may also want to read the scoring guide to better understand the performance levels related to each grading criterion.Analyze data to identify a health care issue or area of concern.Identify the type of data you are analyzing from your institution or from the Vila Health activity.Explain why data matters. What does data show related to outcomes?Analyze the dashboard metrics. What else could the organization measure to enhance knowledge?Present dashboard metrics related to the selected issue that are critical to evaluating outcomes.Assess the institutional ability to sustain processes or outcomes.Evaluate data quality and its implications for outcomes.Determine whether any adverse event or near-miss data needs to be factored in to outcomes and recommendations.Examine the nursing process for variations or performance failures that could lead to an adverse event or near miss.Identify trends, measures, and information needed to critically analyze specific outcomes.Specify desired outcomes related to prevention of adverse events and near misses.Analyze which metrics indicate future quality improvement opportunities.Develop a QI initiative proposal based on a selected health issue and supporting data analysis.Determine benchmarks aligned to existing QI initiatives set by local, state, or federal health care policies or laws.Identify any internal existing QI initiatives in your practice setting or organization related to the selected issue. Explain why they are insufficient.Evaluate external national or international QI initiatives on the selected health issue with existing quality indicators from other facilities, government agencies, and nongovernmental bodies on quality improvement.Define target areas for improvement and the processes to be modified to improve outcomes.Propose evidence-based strategies to improve quality.Analyze challenges that meeting prescribed benchmarks can pose for a health care organization and the interprofessional team.Communicate QI initiative proposal based on interdisciplinary team input to improve patient safety and quality outcomes and work-life quality.Define interprofessional roles and responsibilities relating to data and the QI initiative.Explain how to ensure all relevant interprofessional roles are fully engaged in this effort.Identify how outcomes will be measured and data used to inform interprofessional team performance related to specific tasks.Reflect on the impact of the proposed initiative on work-life quality of the interprofessional team.Describe how the initiative enhances work-life quality due to improved strategies supporting efficiency.Determine communication strategies to promote quality improvement of interprofessional care.Identify interprofessional communication strategies that will help to promote and ensure the success of the QI initiative.Identify communication models, such as SBAR and CUS, to include in your proposal.SBAR stands for Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation.CUS stands for “I am Concerned about my resident’s condition; I am Uncomfortable with my resident’s condition; I believe the Safety of the resident is at risk.”Consult this resource for additional information about these fundamental evidence-based tools to improve interprofessional team communication for patient handoffs:Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). (n.d.).Module 2: Communicating change in a resident’s condition. Retrieved from QI initiative proposal in a professional, effective manner, writing clearly and logically, with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.Integrate relevant sources to support arguments, correctly formatting citations and references using APA style.Example Assessment: Refer toQI Initiative Proposal Exemplar [PDF]for an idea of what an assessment given a proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like.Additional RequirementsSubmission length:  8–10 typed, double-spaced pages of content plus title and reference pages.Font: Times New Roman, 12 points.Number of references: Cite a minimum of 5 current scholarly and/or authoritative sources to support your QI initiative proposal. Current means no older than 5 years unless a seminal work.APA formatting: Citations and references need to adhere to APA style and formatting guidelines. Consult these resources for an APA refresher:APA Style & Format.APA Module.American Psychological Association. (n.d.).APA style. Retrieved from

Organizational Culture and Readiness

In 750-1,000 words, analyze the culture and level of readiness of the organization (Prime Healthcare Organization).Include the following:1.  Describe the organization’s culture and explain to what degree the culture supports change. Consider organizational and leadership structure, mission and values, interprofessional collaboration/team engagement, communication, perception of the organization by employees, etc.2.  Select an organizational readiness tool and assess the level or readiness for change within your organization. Identify the readiness tool and summarize the survey results. Discuss the degree to which the culture will support and sustain an evidence-based practice change. Consider strengths and weaknesses, potential barriers, stakeholder support, timing of the proposal, and resources.Provide rationale.3.  Discuss what health care process and systems need improvement or recommend for improving quality, safety, and cost-effectiveness for the organization.4.  Propose strategies to better facilitate the readiness of the organization.5.  Identify the stakeholders and team members for the project. Include what their duties will be in the evidence-based practice project proposal.6.  Explain what information and communication technologies are needed for the implementation and how they will be integrated in the setting by the internal stakeholders. Explain how these will help improve nursing practice and care delivery for individuals and populations for the intervention.Cite a minimum four peer-reviewed sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.APA style

Advanced Coding: Integumentary/Cardiovascular/Sensory

Please answer all questions CORRECTLY, and return back to me.1.   A 38-year-old patient is admitted to the hospital due to a lesion in her right breast, and a painful lump and nipple discharge from the left breast. The physician places a percutaneous needle localization device in the right breast under ultrasound guidance, excises the right breast lesion, and then excises the lactiferous duct fistula in the left breast. What CPT codes should be assigned?A. 19129-RT, 19284-RT, 19122-LT   B. 19125-RT, 19285-RT, 19112-LT   C. 19127-RT, 19283-RT, 19132-LT   D. 19122-RT, 19275-RT, 19142-LT2.   A 92-year-old female patient experiences difficulty hearing in her left ear. She is prescribed a BICROS hearing aid that she can wear behind the ear. What HCPCS code is assigned?A. V5250   B. V5320   C. V5220   D. V52403.   A 57-year-old patient is admitted to the hospital for a hip arthroscopy procedure. The patient is a normal healthy patient with no systemic disease. What CPT code should be assigned?A. 01612-P1   B. 01402-P1   C. 01202-P1   D. 01312-P14.   An 80-year-old patient is admitted to the hospital with congestive heart failure. What ICD-10-CM code should be assigned?A. K15.0   B. L50.5   C. K52.9   D. I50.95.   A 44-year-old female patient comes to the hospital for removal of a 4 cm malignant lesion from the arm. During the course of the procedure, the patient undergoes a 14 sq. cm adjacent tissue transfer from the right leg, as well as a 20 sq. cm split-thickness skin graft from the left arm. What CPT codes are assigned?A. 14021, 15100-51   B. 14045, 15400   C. 14032, 15207   D. 14044, 153506.   A patient has a breast localization device placed through the skin using stereotactic guidance in order to treat two lesions. What codes would be assigned?A. 19285, 19286   B. 19287, 19288   C. 19283, 19284   D. 19296, 192977.   A 19-year-old patient is diagnosed with acne vulgaris. The physician performs laser dermabrasion of the facial skin. What codes are assigned?A. L50.5, 0HB1XZZ   B. L70.0, 0HD1XZZ   C. L70.5, 0HA1XZZ   D. L70.6, 0HQ1XZZ8.   Implantation of a patient-activated cardiac event recorder is assigned to codeA. 33286.   B. 33282.   C. 33285.   D. 33284.9.   A 27-year-old patient is diagnosed with a chalazion on the upper left eyelid, which is excised using an external approach. What ICD-10 diagnosis and procedure codes are assigned?A. H04.16, 08BQXZZ   B. H02.14, 08BTXZZ   C. H00.14, 08BPXZZ   D. H07.19, 08BRXZZ10.   A 77-year-old patient is diagnosed with an ear infection. She receives an injection of 40 mg of gentamicin sulfate. What HCPCS code should be assigned?A. J1452   B. J1472   C. J1675   D. J158011.   A patient undergoes a transcanal labyrinthectomy. What code would be assigned?A. 69930   B. 69915   C. 69955   D. 6990512.   A 92-year-old patient is diagnosed with senile cataracts and bilateral sensorineural hearing loss. The physician performs a bilateral cataract extraction. What ICD-10 codes are reported?A. H27.9, H90.3, 08KJ3ZZ, 08MK3ZZ   B. H26.9, H90.3, 08EJ3ZZ, 08LK3ZZ   C. H25.9, H90.3, 08DJ3ZZ, 08DK3ZZ   D. H21.9, H90.3, 08PJ3ZZ, 08NK3ZZ13.   Mr. Oliver is an elderly gentleman who has been having problems with his vision for the previous three weeks. He is diagnosed with keratoconus, as well as hypertension with stage III chronic kidney disease, and diabetes mellitus, for which he takes long-term insulin. The anesthesiologist provided general anesthesia for this patient with severe systemic disease. After the administration of anesthesia, the surgeon performs an endothelial keratoplasty. Prior to performing the endothelial keratoplasty, the surgeon performs backbench preparation of the allograft. Code this scenario (including the anesthesiology service).A. 65756, 65757, 00144-P3; H18.609, E11.65, R46.89, Z79.4   B. 65754, 65727, 00134-P1; H18.609, E11.40, I12.9, N18.4, Z79.899   C. 65756, 65757, 00144-P3; H18.609, E11.9, I12.9, N18.3, Z79.4   D. 65757, 65787, 00142-P2; H18.229, E11.51, I12.0, N18.914.   A 47-year-old female patient is seen for a worrisome lesion on the back of her hand. What ICD-10-CM code should be assigned?A. L94.9   B. L98.9   C. L91.5   D. L97.415.   Breast reconstruction with transverse rectus with a TRAM flap would be assigned to codeA. 19370.   B. 19342.   C. 19369.   D. 19316.16.   Ms. Nelson comes to the emergency room due to sustaining multiple lacerations after being pushed into a glass door during a physical altercation with her husband at a hotel. She sustained a 5 cm laceration on her right hand and a 7 cm cut on her neck. She also has a 5.0 benign lesion removed from her left arm. The physician performs a simple repair on the lacerations on her hand and neck. Code this scenario.A. 11443, 12008-59; S61.209A, S31.652A, Y04.0XXA, W45.8XXA, V97.29XA   B. 11422, 12007-59; S51.809A, S61.351A, W86.8XXA, Y04.0XXA   C. 11409, 12005-59; S58.119A, S11.22XA, X19.XXXA, V95.13XA   D. 11406, 12004-59; S61.401A, S11.90XA, Y04.0XXA, W45.8XXA, Y92.2917.   Biopsy of the lacrimal gland is assigned to codeA. 68520.   B. 68811.   C. 68815.   D. 68510.18.   A patient comes to the emergency room complaining of lightheadedness and difficulty hearing. The physician examines her and determines that she has Ménière’s disease. The physician performs an endolymphatic sac decompression (excision of the right inner ear using an open approach). What ICD-10 diagnosis and procedure codes are assigned?A. H81.03, 09BF0ZZ   B. H83.03, 09BK0ZZ   C. H81.03, 09BD0ZZ   D. H82.03, 09BG0ZZ19.   A physician performs a biopsy of the cornea. What code should be assigned?A. 65420   B. 65410   C. 65419   D. 6541520.   Injection of contrast medium for dacryocystography is assigned to codeA. 68853.   B. 68854.   C. 68850.   D. 68851.