Assignment: Nursing Multidimensional Care Essay

Assignment: Nursing Multidimensional Care Essay

Assignment: Nursing Multidimensional Care Essay

Module 03 Assignment- Interventions to Promote an Environment of Safety

Purpose of the Assignment

Identify strategies to reduce the risk for injury to clients in various environments.

Course Competencies

· Select appropriate nursing interventions when providing multidimensional care to clients experiencing alterations in mobility. Assignment: Nursing Multidimensional Care Essay

· Strategies for safe effective multidimensional nursing practice when providing care for clients experiencing sensory and perception disorders.Nursing Multidimensional Care Essay



In a one page Word Document, plan interventions with rationale which will promote an environment of safety for the described client below. Consider the client’s medical history and medications.

Mr. Joe Smith, 75-year old man, recently suffered a left cerebrovascular accident. He has right visual field deficits and residual weakness in this right arm and leg. He uses a walker for mobility. He takes Metoprolol for his blood pressure and the physician started him on Coumadin because he has recently been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation.

Use at least two scholarly sources to support your interventions and rationale. Be sure to cite your sources in-text and on a reference page using APA format.

You can find useful reference materials for this assignment in the School of Nursing Guide

Vulnerability is at the core, the heart, the center, of meaningful human experiences” (Brown, 2014). Vulnerability can be regarded as a constant human experience that can be affected by physical, social and psychological dimensions (Scanlon & Lee, 2006; Malone, 2000) Deconstructing the concept of vulnerability and how it relates to client care is imperative for nurses due to their dynamic role in health care (Gjengedal et al.2013). In this paper I will provide a theoretical overview of the nursing concept vulnerability. I will explore how a thorough understanding of vulnerability informs the nursing concept of vulnerability and informs the nursing practice and the nursing profession.  Assignment: Nursing Multidimensional Care Essay
It is a multidimensional human condition and constant human experience with the reduced ability to protect oneself (Cousley, Martin, & Hoy, 2014). Bailey (2010) describes vulnerability as an internal conflict which brings feelings of hopelessness, helplessness and lack of control. Vulnerability as defined by Scanlon & Lee (2006) can be broken into three dimensions, physical, social, and psychological aspects. Physical vulnerability can be identified by the potential risk of harm in the environment. Social vulnerability include age, sex, and ethnicity. Psychological vulnerability refers to the feelings associated with the loss of control and can be manifested by stress and anxiety. Vulnerability can be measured by the potential harm and the capacity to overcome it, as stated by Spiers (2000). Only the person experiencing vulnerability can truly understand its implications as it is a unique and individualized experience. (Thorup, Rundqvist, Roberts & Delmar, 2012). Vulnerability can be better understood by examining the external and internal risk factors that increase an individual’s
The healthcare system can be difficult for clients to navigate and they are often unsure how to access information which puts them at the mercy of others and can lead to feelings of helplessness (Erlen, 2006). Nurses can provide resources to educate patients when they becomes dependent on a health care provider and no longer feel in control of their own body which can lead to fear, hopelessness, helplessness and loss of control (Cousley et al., 2014).

Professional Nursing Practice: Craven and Hirnle, (2009) suggest that in general professions have a knowledge base and a collection of skills and values that distinguish one from another. Knowledge base, power and authority over training and education, registration, altruistic service, a code of ethics, lengthy socialisation and autonomy are the seven qualities that have been recognized as being the characteristics of a profession (McEwen & Wills, 2007).The question of whether nursing is a profession has been an ongoing debate. The need for higher education, a specific body of knowledge, increased public interest and responsibility and internal organisation are among several standards proposed to assess nursing’s professional status. As…show more content…
The profession is subject to misconception because definitions of nursing are reflected by society’s values and influences. As a profession nursing has advanced over the centuries and continues to grow as a reaction to societies needs (Craven & Hirnle, 2009). I have come to an understanding that the term ‘professional nursing practice’ is not relatively simple to define; it is a complex and widespread concept that involves caring for communities and populations of people and addressing issues with far reaching social implications, it means being socially responsible, involved, and committed to the health of all people (Craven & Hirnle, 2009). Professional Caring: Craven and Hirnle, (2009), suggest that nursing is caring, dedication and devotion to providing the health functional requirements of all people. Assignment: Nursing Multidimensional Care Essay

The motive of this essay is to concentrate on a nursing theorist, Florence Nightingales’, as well as my personal philosophy of nursing. The essay will paper further explore the personal nursing philosophy I plan to implement in my nursing career. The paper will also compare and contrast my philosophy with the ones of Florence nightingales’ and will integrate Betty Neuman’s system model with my philosophy.Nursing Multidimensional Care Essay The implementation of the four meta-paradigm concepts of person, health, environment, and nursing will be throughout this paper to describe the similarities and differences between different philosophies of nursing. Assignment: Nursing Multidimensional Care Essay

I play a lot of roles in my life. Being an adult, son, brother, friend, nursing student, and volunteer are my primary roles. Just like the interconnecting roles that I play to be the person that I am today, Nursing, as a profession has foundation pillars also known as meta-paradigm that supports the profession. The central meta-paradigm concepts of nursing are person, health, environment, and nursing. Depending on the particular needs of the patient, as nursing students we must prioritize these ideas and provide the best care suitable for the situation. My goal is to provide a holistic and unbiased care to those in need regardless of spiritual beliefs, race, financial status, lifestyle choices or disability.

I am seeking a baccalaureate in nursing and aspire to be a CRNA in future. I chose nursing as my ambition because I believe that I am intended to help people with healing and that it is my vocation. The development of these parts continues to alter and refine my nursing education. My philosophy as a student nurse is that nurses must have a liability to the society to present safe, holistic, patient-centered care. My patients are not labeled as room numbers or the illness that they have so I must recognize that my patients are individuals that need and deserve individualized care and attention. As nurses, we are our patient’s advocates, and we should enable them by encouraging them to become active allies in their care. I think the best way to connect with the client and their families is by educating them about their diseases, treatments for their illness and healthy behaviors to intensify the healing process. With the aid of formal education and life experiences that we go through, I believe that we learn invaluable lessons and can educate our patients in an efficient manner.Nursing Multidimensional Care Essay

The meta-paradigm concepts of nursing are person, health, environment, and nursing. These concepts very crucial for both nurses and well as their patients because all four of those elements are important when it comes to patient care. Executing the treatments plans for patients won’t be efficient if all four of the concepts are taken into consideration. Let’s take a look at them on an individual level through my perspective.

The first concept is person. Person can be more than just one patient. It may also consist of the family members associated with the patients as well. The concept of a “person” might as well be the most important component of the meta-paradigm. As we know, without an individual or a patient, there is no need for a nurse. A nurse’s prime focus should be nurturing the patient with an incredible amount of affection and genuinely care about them and their wellbeing. The attitude of a nurse, whether it was to be a positive one or negative can affect the well-fare of their patients. Assignment: Nursing Multidimensional Care Essay

The next component is health. The idea of health is variable from patient to patient. For an example, a 97 patient feels healthy because of absence of pain that day, but a different person may see him as ill patient. A nurse should be able to assess a patient based on their individual health concerns and not upon how an ordinary person would feel and handle the illness because “health is a continuum of wellness to illness, dynamic in nature, that is always subject to change” (Neuman, B. 2011).

The third concept is environment. The environment plays a vast and vital role in sustaining health and improving recovery from sickness. The first nursing theorist and also the founder of modern nursing, Florence Nightingale once said the goal of nursing is “to put the patient in the best condition for nature to act upon him” (Dossey, B. M. 2010). I believe that the environment comprises of everything and anything around the patient that influences their recovery and disease. Other than the things around the patients to comfort them, their state of mind is also an area to focus on. What good would the things around the patient do if he or she is depressed about their disease? It would more likely deteriorate the patients’ health.Nursing Multidimensional Care Essay

Nursing is the last component of the meta-paradigm and also the most compassionate one. A skilled nurse is one who is kind and caring. The nurse must exhibit this philosophy to their patients at all times. Since “nursing is a unique profession concerned with all variables affecting clients in their environment” (Neuman, B. 2011), it would only be honorable, if the nurses were compassionate and caring regardless of spiritual beliefs, race, financial status, lifestyle choices or disability. Assignment: Nursing Multidimensional Care Essay

My philosophy of nursing correlates with the philosophies of Florence Nightingale as well as Betty Neuman. Florence Nightingale was the philosophical founder of modern nursing and the first recognized nurse theorist. She had a holistic and integrative perspective, as she focused on the individual and the collective, the inner and outer, and human and nonhuman concerns” (Dossey, B. M. 2010). Dr. Betty Neuman is a modern theorist whose “Health Care Systems/Model” grows on Nightingale’s original ideas to encompass issues of the mind such as emotions and feelings, expectations and matters of personal life such as finances, relationships, etc. (Neuman, 2011).Assignment: Nursing Multidimensional Care Essay


One of Nightingale’s “central themes was the importance of nursing’s role in the management of the patient environment” (Selanders & Crane, 2012). We must keep in mind that she was working in the late 1800’s. Nightingale believed that the health of patients was related to their environment. “She recognized the importance of clean air and water and adequate ventilation and sunlight and encouraged the arrangement of patients’ beds so that they were in direct sunlight” (Black & Chitty 2014). Person, environment, health, and nursing are the four components that fall under Nightingale’s philosophy of nursing. Nightingale concentrated on the person as the recipient of nursing care. She believed that nurses should focus on the patient and their needs, not the illness they were troubled with. “She knew that people were multidimensional and wrote about their physiological, mental, cultural and religious requirements” (Selanders & Crane, 2012).Nursing Multidimensional Care Essay

The environment was the main component in Nightingale’s nursing beliefs. She certainly stressed the promotion of sanitary environment; fresh air, controlled temperature, noise control and control of garbage and smells were different ways that the environment could be modified in such a way as to promote conditions so that nature could act to cure the patient. “The relationship of health to the environment seems obvious today, but for nursing in the second half of the nineteenth century, Nightingale’s work was radically different. Nightingale recognized nursing’s role in protecting patients” (Black & Chitty 2014). The nurse whose practice are “guided by Nightingale’s philosophy is sensitive to the effect of the environment on the patient’s health or recovery from illness. This philosophy provided the foundational work for theory development that proposed changing patients’ environments to effect positive changes in their health” (Black & Chitty 2014).Assignment: Nursing Multidimensional Care Essay

Nightingale’s perspective on health component of health contradicted with Neuman’s idea of health. She was mainly focused on the physical state of the patient. She believed that “by controlling the environment and taking care of the body, health was achieved” (Dossey, B. M. 2010). Nightingale saw nursing as a way to “facilitate healing and restore health by manipulating a person’s environment” (DeLaune, S.C. 2011).

We can now compare Nightingale’s philosophy with Neuman’s systems model. Neuman sees the person/patient as “a total open system in interaction with the internal and external environments. A composite of five variables: physiological, psychological, sociocultural, developmental and spiritual. The client is considered an open system in total interface and exchange of matter and information with the environment” (Neuman, 2011). A person may be an individual, a family or a community.Nursing Multidimensional Care Essay

Neuman perceives health as being associated with wellness. According to her, “Health is related to available energy to support the system” (Neuman, 2011). In Neuman systems model, the environment is a collective of “Internal and external factors affecting and affected by the system” (DeLaune, S.C. 2011). These forces include the intrapersonal, interpersonal and extra personal stressors which can affect a person’s normal line of defense and so can influence the durability of the system. Neuman defines nursing as actions that help individuals, families and groups to support a supreme level of wellness. The primary aim is durability of the patient/ client system, through nursing interventions to cut down stressors (Neuman, 2011). So, in essence, Neuman has successfully established upon the original, groundbreaking concept of Florence Nightingale to design a contemporary healthcare system model that incorporates seeing the patient as a whole, living and interacting with his or her entire environment.Nursing Multidimensional Care Essay

My perception for nursing practice concentrates on doing what is most helpful to my patient. I hope to build caring, trusting rapport with my patients as well as play a decisive role in their well-being. To live out my worldviews every day, I must remember that even though I will always try to do my best in any given condition, I am a human being, and am not flawless. If something does not go as anticipated, I will investigate the circumstance, and try to learn from it. I will recommence my work with conviction that I am a better student nurse than the day before. Furthermore, I will be a better student nurse tomorrow than I was today. Nursing Multidimensional Care Essay