Gender stereotypes in the cartoons and the commercials Assignment

Gender stereotypes in the cartoons and the commercials Assignment

Gender stereotypes in the cartoons and the commercials

Gender stereotypes in the cartoons and the commercial

Watch cartoons (geared for children) and their commercials, and also watch a non-cartoon, fictional television show and its commercials (e.g., a show geared toward adults). After watching them, write a short essay in which you analyze the gender stereotypes found in these TV shows (and their commercials). When writing your paper, answer the following questions: (0.50 point will be given for proper formatting and academic writing, including page length and proper grammar).

  • What kinds of gender stereotypes were present in the cartoons and the commercials? (0.50 points)
  • What kinds of gender stereotypes were present in the adult show (and its associated commercials)? (0.50 points)
  • Were the gender stereotypes worse or better than those during the television show and commercials you watched that aired in primetime/at night? (0.50 points)
  • Did you expect programming for children to be more or less gender stereotypical? Why or why not? (0.50 points)
  • What kind of effect, if any, do you think these stereotyped characters/behaviors have on the children who watch them? What about the adults? Explain your answer. (0.50 points)


– All assignments should be at least one full page of text, double spaced, with 1” margins all around, and no extra spaces between paragraphs; also, you should use a Sans Serif font (e.g., 11pt Calibri, 11pt Arial, or 10pt Lucida Sans Unicode) or a Serif font (e.g., 12pt Times New Roman, 11pt Georgia, or 10pt Computer Modern).

– Although it is usually good practice to include your name on your assignments, you do not actually need to include your name on these assignments, because – by virtue you submitting your assignment via Canvas – your name will automatically be associated with your assignment. That being said, if you do include identifying information (e.g., your name) directly on your assignment, that identifying information will NOT count toward your 1 page minimum. For example, if you use two lines to write your name and student ID number, then your assignment should end on at least line #2 of page #2 in order to meet the minimum 1-page requirement.


– If the small assignment prompt has several questions for you to answer, it is OK (and perhaps, preferable) for you to write your assignment in a question & answer format (where you write the question from prompt question #1, then write your answer to prompt question #1, then write prompt question #2, and the write your answer to prompt question #2, etc.). Gender stereotypes in the cartoons and the commercials Assignment

– If you choose to write your assignment in an essay format (as opposed to Q & A format). please be sure to break your writing up into paragraphs.

– Your assignment must be at least one full page long….and it is also perfectly OK if your assignment is more than 1 full page long.

In Your Own Words. Your assignments must be written in your own words. Although it is OK to use direct quotes very sparingly (i.e., no more than one or two short direct quotes per assignment), those direct quotes must be in quotes and properly cited (i.e., author, year, and page number). Using more than two (properly cited, in quotes) direct quotes in an assignment will result in lost points – and using any direct quotes that are not properly cited (i.e., not in quotes and/or missing the author, year, and page number) will result in a zero for the assignment. We want to see that you can form your own long phrases and sentences, not that you can copy and paste long phrases and sentences that were written by someone else.  Gender stereotypes in the cartoons and the commercials