Nurses’ Role in Policy-Making to Improve Health paper

Nurses’ Role in Policy-Making to Improve Health paper

Nurses’ Role in Policy-Making to Improve Health Essay

Nurses’ Role in Policy-Making to Improve Health Essay

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5) Each answer must be identified according to the question number. Check the list of questions.

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You must answer (3) question 4 times.

You must submit 4 documents (each one 1 page).

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You should address the questions with different wording, different references, but always, objectively answering the questions


1) Describe nurses’ Role in Policy-Making to Improve Health of LGBTQ

2) Describe three political actions nurses could take to strengthen their role in policymaking as it relates to advocacy for improving LGBTQ health.

3) Correlate your discussion to the 1 (one) AACN MSN Essentials, identify one that most pertains to this topic and elaborate on your selection.Nurses’ Role in Policy-Making to Improve Health Essay

Mandatory check:


• Essential I: Background for Practice from Sciences and Humanities o Recognizes that the master’s-prepared nurse integrates scientific findings from nursing, biopsychosocial fields, genetics, public health, quality improvement, and organizational sciences for the continual improvement of nursing care across diverse settings.

• Essential II: Organizational and Systems Leadership o Recognizes that organizational and systems leadership are critical to the promotion of high quality and safe patient care. Leadership skills are needed that emphasize ethical and critical decision making, effective working relationships, and a systems-perspective.

• Essential III: Quality Improvement and Safety o Recognizes that a master’s-prepared nurse must be articulate in the methods, tools, performance measures, and standards related to quality, as well as prepared to apply quality principles within an organization. Nurses’ Role in Policy-Making to Improve Health paper

• Essential IV: Translating and Integrating Scholarship into Practice o Recognizes that the master’s-prepared nurse applies research outcomes within the practice setting, resolves practice problems, works as a change agent, and disseminates results.

• Essential V: Informatics and Healthcare Technologies 5 o Recognizes that the master’s-prepared nurse uses patient-care technologies to deliver and enhance care and uses communication technologies to integrate and coordinate care. •Nurses’ Role in Policy-Making to Improve Health Essay

Essential VI: Health Policy and Advocacy o Recognizes that the master’s-prepared nurse is able to intervene at the system level through the policy development process and to employ advocacy strategies to influence health and health care. •

Essential VII: Interprofessional Collaboration for Improving Patient and Population Health Outcomes o Recognizes that the master’s-prepared nurse, as a member and leader of interprofessional teams, communicates, collaborates, and consults with other health professionals to manage and coordinate care.

• Essential VIII: Clinical Prevention and Population Health for Improving Health o Recognizes that the master’s-prepared nurse applies and integrates broad, organizational, client-centered, and culturally appropriate concepts in the planning, delivery, management, and evaluation of evidence-based clinical prevention and population care and services to individuals, families, and aggregates/identified populations.

• Essential IX: Master’s-Level Nursing Practice o Recognizes that nursing practice, at the master’s level, is broadly defined as any form of nursing intervention that influences healthcare outcomes for individuals, populations, or systems. Master’s-level nursing graduates must have an advanced level of understanding of nursing and relevant sciences as well as the ability to integrate this knowledge into practice. . Nursing practice interventions include both direct and indirect care components.Nurses’ Role in Policy-Making to Improve Health Essay

Health policy formulation and analysis Health policies aim to align the real health care needs of the public, provide standardization in operational activities, manage risks, reduces the health care costs and others so that people can have a quality of health care services. There are several issues in the health care system among them staffing shortage is the one, which needs to be addressed to prevent further staffing crisis and improve the quality and safety of healthcare services. Thia paper will describe regarding the policy formulation on staffing. The paper will explain the staffing issues, provide the evidence of staffing shortage, develop alternative solutions, choose the best solutions from alternatives and predict the outcomes of policy changes on staffing issues. In addition, a paper will outline the trade- offs of not having a policy on staffing or addressing staffing issues, provide recommendation and the effects of policy on direct patient care.

The Need for Nurses to Engage in Political Involvement There has been a pandemic apathy towards political activism among the nursing fraternity, despite the fact that politics to a greater extent affects the way these medical practitioners carry out their duty of providing care. Nurses have not seen any reason for political involvement citing that no direct relationship exists between nursing and political activism (Boswell, Canon and Miller 5). They claim that nursing is about application and service, demonstration by involvement and more of ‘walking the walk’ rather than the political ‘talking the talk’ (Rains and Barton-Kriese 219). Political activism to them is a waste of the precious time that could be used to provide healthcare  Nurses’ Role in Policy-Making to Improve Health Essay
Apart from the Affordable Care Act, there has been increased government and court involvement in the determination of how healthcare issues are run, like the recent denial of the nonprofit tax exemption status to some hospitals in Chicago (Bergen 2). These hospitals, which include the Northwestern Memorial Hospital and the Prentice Women’s Hospital, are known to provide important healthcare services to patients who cannot afford to pay the expensive costs in private hospitals (Bergen 2). These unfavorable healthcare policies among others are bound to be more frequent and the resultant problems may promote the emergence of other bigger ones unless immediate action is taken. The nurse today can be compared to a person who busies himself/herself with process of rescuing a situation to the extent that he/she finds no time to investigate the real cause of the problem. If a nurse could know the real cause of the problem, then he/she would be capable of eradicating it once and for all. This act of finding the real cause of the problem is what entails political activism and this is what should be running in the blood of every nurse. Political Activism in Nursing Politics in itself is a means to an end, in which case the end is the formation of a public policy. It is the process of trying to influence the decision makers in order to implement changes that will improve the lives of communities, populations and clients (Godfrey 84). In short, politics refers to Nurses’ Role in Policy-Making to Improve Health paper


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Health care policy has important implications for all of us who rely on our health care system. We continually search for ways to make health care affordable and efficient for everyone. Behind this pursuit are talented nursing professionals who advocate for specific policies they believe will benefit us. To become well-versed in this type of decision-making, nurses must gain professional and educational experience. This article discusses the impact and responsibilities of nurse practitioners, how nursing influences health care policy, and how to leverage experience and education into greater roles for nurses. For individuals interested in careers that can influence the future of health care policy, the discussion may inspire you to action.Nurses’ Role in Policy-Making to Improve Health Essay

The Role of Nurses in Shaping Health Care Policy
Nursing influences health care policy through a nurse’s daily role in health care delivery. According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, nursing is the largest health care profession in the United States, with more than 3.8 million registered nurses (RNs) nationwide. It’s an independent field of medicine, and a nurse is not merely an assistant to other medical professionals. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that the employment of nurses will increase by 15% between 2016 and 2026, which is faster than the national average for all occupations. The median annual pay for nurses is $71,730 in the U.S. Clearly, nursing is an important component of the health care system.


Since RNs spend a lot of time working directly with patients, they know the specific needs of the communities they serve. In turn, RNs are excellent advocates for public policy development. Groups such as the Association of Public Health Nurses encourage RNs to advocate for health care policies and provide resources on how to do so. The APHN breaks advocacy into three components: “creating policies where they are needed when none exist, reforming harmful or ineffective policies, [and] ensuring good policies are implemented and enforced.”Nurses’ Role in Policy-Making to Improve Health paper

The Journal for Nurse Practitioners indicates that nurses play an integral role in changing health policy on multiple levels. For one, nurses can conduct quality improvement projects on the job. They can also attend local meetings, such as parent-teacher association or school board meetings, to share their expertise and advice. Finally, nurses can write to their political representatives to advise them on key health-related issues.

Roles and Responsibilities of Nurse Practitioners
Nurse practitioners are registered nurses who have received specialized training in a particular field. As such, they are better equipped to make larger-scale changes to the health care system through their mastery in areas such as policy, finance, and leadership. The following responsibilities are associated with nurse practitioners: Nurses’ Role in Policy-Making to Improve Health paper

● Write prescriptions
● Diagnose and provide treatment for infection, injury, and illness
● Conduct diagnostic tests, such as X-rays
● Monitor patient medical history, diagnoses, and symptoms
● Communicate with patients about their health, as well as assist in setting up appropriate treatment plans and follow-up care
● Guide patients who are taking medication, including counseling on side effects and interactions
Since specializations differ among nurse practitioners, their day-to-day focus can shift between roles. For instance, some NPs are more involved in counseling and preventive care, while others spend their time making diagnoses and treating conditions.

Leveraging Experience for a Greater Impact
A nursing professional’s level of experience and education can have a large impact on his or her income and autonomy. For instance, licensed practical nurses need only one or two years of training and must work exclusively under the supervision of a doctor or registered nurse. Individuals who want their nursing to affect health care policy need to acquire valuable experience to increase their responsibilities.

An effective way for nurses to signal to employers they are ready to move forward in their careers is to acquire a higher degree or certification, such as a Master of Science in Nursing, Doctor of Nursing Practice, or post-master’s graduate certificate. As large hospitals seek to reduce costs, many medical responsibilities that used to be exclusively performed by doctors are delegated to highly trained nurses. Moreover, the demand for nurses continues to rise in the U.S. Nurses will be at the forefront of health care policy through their continued interaction with and advocacy on behalf of patients.Nurses’ Role in Policy-Making to Improve Health Essay

Help Influence the Future of Health Care
Nurse practitioners have an opportunity to serve as advocates for patients, families, communities, other nurses, and health care organizations. Through this advocacy, nurses can influence health care policy. By gaining a comprehensive understanding of and specialization in particular areas of health care, nurse practitioners are uniquely situated to support positions that will benefit our communities. If becoming a nurse practitioner appeals to you, Regis College offers fully online Master of Science in Nursing, Doctor of Nursing Practice, and post-master’s certificate programs for nurses who want to make a difference and advance their careers. Because the coursework is completely online, nurses can continue to practice while they gain knowledge and experience. Nurses’ Role in Policy-Making to Improve Health Essay