ProjectIn 2014 there was a major outbreak of Ebola in western Africa.  Healthcare workers from around the world responded and were subsequently  exposed, some losing their life to the disease.  There was widespread  concern from home countries about the possible spread of this disease  out of the quarantined area and globally.  Such epidemics are a health  thread that stretches well beyond the initial outbreak site. This has  occurred also with SARS, Bird Flu, and MERS.  With the easy and speed of  global transportation, it has increased the likelihood of an outbreak  spreading even before it has been established that it is a threat.  In  addition to infectious disease threats, there are other emergencies that  threaten the health of a community, state, or country such as natural  disasters, bioterrorism, chemical emergencies, blast injuries, radiation  emergencies, etc). This means that countries and local communities must  be prepared to protect the health of the citizens.You will assume the role of a new healthcare worker for the CDC. You  will investigate the risks, needs, resources, and services that would be  needed in the case of a widespread outbreak in a community of your  choice.  This will include:assessing the communitydetermining the possible risks and weak points in the health systemdetermining the current and needed resources and servicesdeveloping a plan of action in the event of an outbreak or emergency either from within the country or from a global source.You will have one deliverable.  A oral report (powerpoint) given to  the local community leaders, that addresses the points above.DISCUSSION EDiscussion EWelcome to the discussion. In this course you will be introduced to a  topic in the discussion. The first week of the module you will write  about your initial thoughts after reviewing the resources. The initial  post should be at least 300 words.During the following week you will reply to at least two of your  classmates. The replies should be at least 100 words. See the discussion  rubric for more details on grading.Discussions should always be completed prior to “class.” If you  are in an online class or an on ground course this is prior to the  lesson portion of the week. Are you ready to begin?Review the case: 4 in the scenario asks what you do when you are forced to  shift your allocation method in process, and you have people lined up  outside waiting.  Well, what would you do?


ProjectIn 2014 there was a major outbreak of Ebola in western Africa.  Healthcare workers from around the world responded and were subsequently  exposed, some losing their life to the disease.  There was widespread  concern from home countries about the possible spread of this disease  out of the quarantined area and globally.  Such epidemics are a health  thread that stretches well beyond the initial outbreak site. This has  occurred also with SARS, Bird Flu, and MERS.  With the easy and speed of  global transportation, it has increased the likelihood of an outbreak  spreading even before it has been established that it is a threat.  In  addition to infectious disease threats, there are other emergencies that  threaten the health of a community, state, or country such as natural  disasters, bioterrorism, chemical emergencies, blast injuries, radiation  emergencies, etc). This means that countries and local communities must  be prepared to protect the health of the citizens.You will assume the role of a new healthcare worker for the CDC. You  will investigate the risks, needs, resources, and services that would be  needed in the case of a widespread outbreak in a community of your  choice.  This will include:assessing the communitydetermining the possible risks and weak points in the health systemdetermining the current and needed resources and servicesdeveloping a plan of action in the event of an outbreak or emergency either from within the country or from a global source.You will have one deliverable.  A oral report (powerpoint) given to  the local community leaders, that addresses the points above.DISCUSSION EDiscussion EWelcome to the discussion. In this course you will be introduced to a  topic in the discussion. The first week of the module you will write  about your initial thoughts after reviewing the resources. The initial  post should be at least 300 words.During the following week you will reply to at least two of your  classmates. The replies should be at least 100 words. See the discussion  rubric for more details on grading.Discussions should always be completed prior to “class.” If you  are in an online class or an on ground course this is prior to the  lesson portion of the week. Are you ready to begin?Review the case: 4 in the scenario asks what you do when you are forced to  shift your allocation method in process, and you have people lined up  outside waiting.  Well, what would you do?