Health and Fitness Presentation Assignment

Health and Fitness Presentation Assignment

Health and Fitness Presentation

*Week #5 Assignment*

Deliverable Items:

Video or Voice-over PPT Introduction submitted to two (2) classroom areas

  1. submit to Media Gallery for peer feedback and collaboration
  2. and submit to the assignments area for grading

Week 5 -Presentation (video or PPT) -after a 2-3 weeks of working on this, you will now prepare a video that depicts your trend (and/or organization) and how it can be implemented.

*for 508 compliance all of our presentations should also have a transcript.

So, please also prepare and submit a transcript for this presentation.

Video or Voice-over PPT Introduction using Media Gallery

The paper you submitted for week three served as an introduction and projection of your idea.

This week you will prepare a short presentation, which can take many forms. The actual presentation (voiceover/video) is what the transcript should be of. Health and Fitness Presentation Assignment

Please prepare a short video (minimum 3-4 minutes) or voice-over PowerPoint introduction of the project you detailed in your Week #3 Assignment.

Requirements include: Health and Fitness Presentation

  • Show the type of community or organization (health club, gym, community center)
  • Describe, or show examples of the current issue/trend you are addressing
  • Be sure to demonstrate/discuss how your idea using this current trend/issue can be implemented and be beneficial to this organization/community
  • Use the details that you have already gathered for your week 3 assignment as your guide
  • Prepare and provide transcript for your presentation and upload along with your media

Submission Guidelines for Media Gallery and to the Assignments page:

to Media Gallery

  1. Following the above guidelines, along with help from tutorials located within the Media Gallery, please upload your media (movie, voice-over PPT). Your media can be recorded on your phone or computer, or if you feel that PowerPoint is more appropriate for your style, you can create a presentation and then record your voice as the PPT plays. This PPT can be saved as an MP4. Please use the tutorials available to you both on the device you choose to use or that you can find online to record and prepare your introduction for upload into the Media Gallery.
  2. Click on the Media Gallery link that is located near the bottom in the left-hand menu in our classroom.
  3. Upload your media
    1. add a short description & allow for comments
    2. Tag it with the Week 5 Assignment Tag, so your classmates can see and comment. Health and Fitness Presentation Assignment
  4. There is a point value to this submission (see rubric for details). Please consider this an area for collaboration with your classmates. This type of sharing can provide you with (free) peer feedback on your project. Other than the points for simply uploading your picture, this is a totally ungraded area and free from instructor comments.


to the Assignments page

  1. Once your media is complete, please upload both your media piece and the transcript of your presentation to the Week 5 Assignments page.
  2. Both assignments should be uploaded as attached files
    1. one media file (presentation)
    2. one WORD Doc file (transcript)
SPHE461 Week 5 Assignment *RUBRIC* Points
Criteria Category Weight
Video or Voice-over PPT Introduction 

Prepare a short video (minimum 3-4 minutes) or voice-over PowerPoint introduction of the project you detailed in your Week #2 Assignment.

Requirements include:

  • Show the type of community or organization (health club, gym, community center)
  • Described and showed examples of the current issue/trend you are addressing
  • Be sure to discuss how your idea using this current trend/issue can be implemented and be beneficial to this organization/community
  • Prepare and provide transcript for your presentation and upload along with your media
Media Presentation to Media Gallery: 

  • Presentation was uploaded to both the Media Gallery and Assignments page in the SPHE461 Classroom
Speaking (presentation) & Writing (transcript) – Including grammar, APA Formatting (where applicable), References, Critical Thinking 

  • Demonstrates consistent, correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
  • Language is clear and precise.
  • Sentences that are consistently strong.
  • Presentation is clear and easy to follow.
APA Formatting, References, Critical Thinking 

  • Paper is laid out with effective use of headings, font, and white space.
  • Title page, APA format, Citations, Headers, Page numbers, Scholarly tone, 3-5 pages (plus title/reference)
  • 6-8 appropriate references -current, relevant, appropriate (peer-reviewed)
  • Student quotes, paraphrases, and cites information clearly, with no errors or misinterpretations of source material.

  • 5 point reduction for not using appropriate file name or for submitting more than one document
  • Timeliess-10% reduction for each day that this assignment is overdue. Health and Fitness Presentation Assignment

Health and Fitness Presentation