Psychiatric Interventions for Teaching Case Study

Psychiatric Interventions for Teaching Case Study

Case Study

Review the case study in the video Psychiatric Interventions for Teaching: Depression.

Based on the case study, answer the following questions.

  • Identify the target symptoms/problems.
  • What additional subjective and objective information would you gather?
  • Which psychiatric symptoms are a treatment priority for this case?

Medication Choice:

  • List one medication that would be appropriate for this case. Include the name and starting dose.
  • What is your rationale for choosing this medication? What is the mechanism of action for your medication choice?
  • What laboratory testing/monitoring is needed for safely prescribing this medication?
  • Are there any contraindications or safety issues associated with this medication?


Safety Risk Assessment:

  • What are the safety concerns, if any, associated with this case? How will you address safety?
  • When would you follow up with this patient?


  • List at least two references within 5 years Psychiatric Interventions for Teaching Case Study