Health Care Competition Assignment

Health Care Competition Assignment

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Assignment Details

Analyzing Health Care Decision Making

A number of quantitative methods are utilized to make decisions and recommendations in health care. Quantitative methods are used to analyze and predict the demand for patient services, to determine capital expenditures for facility and technology enhancements, and to guide the manager in implementing quality controls. Whether or not you are familiar with quantitative methodologies, as a manager, you are responsible for the outcomes of implementing the decision based on the method used.


Your agency or institution has noted a negative trend in profitability for a diagnostic imaging cost center over the past 4 quarters.

As a manager, you need to make some recommendations to take to your board of directors to reverse the negative trend. Your first priority is to find a quantitative method to help you in making decisions. Complete the following:

Choose a quantitative method (e.g., the decision tree model). Health Care Competition Assignment
Describe the model that you are using.
Outline at least 4 proposed solutions to your board of directors, and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each with regard to return on investment, break-even analysis, improvement in patient demand, improved patient safety and quality, and so forth.
Summarize how the decision-making method helped you make objective recommendations to your board of directors.
Please submit your assignment.

Your assignment will be graded in accordance with the following criteria. Click here to view the grading rubric.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

If you are planning to repurpose an assignment or submit one you have used before, please let your instructor know. If an instructor is not made aware of work being repurposed or reused, he or she will treat the assignment as a plagiarized task and reserves the right to post an F grade and submit a task for review to administration until proof of originality is provided. Click here for more information.

The following are some tips if you have problems submitting your assignment:

Resave in the proper format per the Assignment Detail instructions, and resubmit.
Submit with a different Web browser. Health Care Competition Assignment
Submit from a different computer.
Call Technical Support at 877-221-5800, Menu Option 2. They are open 24/7.
If you are still having difficulties after trying steps 1–4, please contact your course instructor.
Make sure you submit this assignment by the listed due date. Late deductions will apply for this assignment as follows:

Assignments submitted within 7 calendar days after the stated due date: 10% penalty of total assignment points.
Assignments submitted 8–14 calendar days after the stated due date: 20% penalty of total assignment points.
Assignments submitted 15–21 calendar days after the stated due date: 30% penalty of total assignment points.
Assignments submitted 22–28 calendar days after the stated due date: 40% penalty of total assignment points.
No assignments, including late assignments, will be accepted after the end of the course unless an approved Incomplete has been granted.  Health Care Competition