BC Nursing Profession Essay

BC Nursing Profession Essay


Criterion 1: Overview of the profession

All the following are true.
● Responds to all parts of the research question with original thoughts, opinions, and ideas.
● The research question addressed illustrates detail and specificity.

Criterion 2: Educational requirements including any relevant certifications or credentials

All the following are true.
● Responds to all parts of the research question with original thoughts, opinions, and ideas.
● The research question addressed illustrates detail and specificity. BC Nursing Profession Essay

Criterion 3: Personality traits

All the following are true.
● Responds to all parts of the research question with original thoughts, opinions, and ideas.
● The research question addressed illustrates detail and specificity. BC Nursing Profession Essay

Criterion 4: Career Goals


All the following are true.
● Responds to all parts of the research question with original thoughts, opinions, and ideas.
● The research question addressed illustrates detail and specificity

..Criterion 5: Career services support


All the following are true.
● Responds to all parts of the research question with original thoughts, opinions, and ideas.
● The research question addressed illustrates detail and specificity.

Criterion 6: Five-year vision


All the following are true.
● Responds to all parts of the research question with original thoughts, opinions, and ideas.
● The research question addressed illustrates detail and specificity. BC Nursing Profession Essay

.Criterion 7: Writing requirements


● Displays college-level writing in Standard English free of spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors.
● Includes APA reference for each topic including title, author, publication date, and access type (URL, text information, etc.)

.HS100_1902B_-2.1: Discuss the roles and responsibilities of selected health science professionals.


Student work demonstrates the ability to discuss roles and responsibilities of a specific health science profession, including: -skills and knowledge that will be applied from their education -day to day duties and functions within available workplace settings -typical on the job interactions between coworkers and clients/patients where applicable Ideas are supported with multiple reliable sources of information and examples. BC Nursing Profession Essay