College of Southern Maryland Health Information Protection & Privacy Paper

College of Southern Maryland Health Information Protection & Privacy Paper

Discussion Board:


Medical information is considered private, the sole property of a patient, and should never be released without permission. Discuss your thoughts or opinion on this with respect to information about medical conditions, medications, treatments, physician choice, insurance payments, etc. as if this was your own information, and if this information was about someone you know.


What legal rights, if any, do you have to information in your medical record or in someone else’s medical record? College of Southern Maryland Health Information Protection & Privacy Paper

Would you agree to have all of your information disclosed? Why or why not?

Please give your honest opinion and validate your stance on this topic.


Paper 1 Resources: 

Then write a 2–4-page essay discussing the linked cases in the context of whether you believe they are more legal than ethical/moral cases, or more ethical/moral than legal cases and why. Please support your views. College of Southern Maryland Health Information Protection & Privacy Paper

Requirements for the essay:


Must be submitted as MS Word attachment and all resources properly cited/referenced.

Must be at least 2 double spaced pages; maximum page length 4 double spaced pages (2-4 double spaced pages).

Paper 2 Resources:


In 1 -2 pages, using information found in your assigned readings from the textbook and additional readings provided, identify and explain the key differences between Medicare and Medicaid. Be sure to identify and define each component of Medicare and Medicaid and identify the populations each program serves. College of Southern Maryland Health Information Protection & Privacy Paper