Hospital Compare

Assignment InstructionsThis assignment will familiarize capstone students with quality ranking systems currently in usefor hospitals and the measures that are used to determine quality.STEP 1Access the Hospital Compare website at, and enteryour home zip code in the search box. Select two hospitals to compare, preferably with differentstar ratings. If you are currently employed at a hospital, select your workplace for one of thelocations. Review information under all tabs.STEP 2Select one outcome quality measure focused on a change in health status (i.e. 30-day deathrates), one process quality measure focused on the steps of a process (i.e. Patients whoreported that staff “always” explained about medicines before giving them) and one patientsatisfaction measure ( i.e. Patients who reported YES, they would definitely recommend thehospital).Compare and contrast the two hospitals based on these three measures. Based on yourknowledge of local needs, concerns and preferences select ONE of these measures that youbelieve would be the most important the local community.Research peer-reviewed nursing or hospital administration journals for strategies that has beenutilized to improve quality related to the ONE selected measure. For instance, if you selected apatient satisfaction measure, you can research strategies for improving satisfaction in anyhospital unit or service. Select one strategy that you feel would be most effective. Analyze thestrategy, for this hospital in its community for the following: Feasibility Efficacy Stakeholders (a person with an interest or concern in the measure; those who are criticalfor change to occur). Individuals should be identified by general job titles and not namedSTEP 3Create a 6-8 slide PowerPoint presentation Include the following in the PowerPoint:Title slideIntroduction: Community demographics, data on hospitals selected (i.e. Size, traumadesignation, urban/rural location)Selected measure: Outline the quality measure that you select as most important to the localcommunity, and the hospital selected to implement it. Provide your rationaleResearch: Present strategy and analyze forFeasibilityEfficacyStakeholdersReference slide