NSU The Staffing Issue in The Clinic Working with A Staffing Company Project

NSU The Staffing Issue in The Clinic Working with A Staffing Company Project

Group Project #4 Staffing Dilemma

Olivia is suffering from burnout. Dr. Kritcher has just left her office, complaining loudly that his nurse is gone. She is taking some vacation time, and he does not like “that other nurse” who is working with him. The other nurse is unfamiliar with his way of doing things. He wants his nurse back.



Olivia has been the manager of a large outpatient center for only two years, and during that time, she has had to constantly deal with staffing issues. Hiring and retaining new staff is hard enough. Filling short-term vacancies because of vacations, staff illness, pregnancy, child- care needs, and short-term disabilities is especially difficult. When workers are gone, she receives complaints from physicians and other staff member who are overworked. Overtime, in some cases, has led to high costs. She could use temporary help from float pools or groups of individuals who could fill in as needed, but this option is expensive. NSU The Staffing Issue in The Clinic Working with A Staffing Company Project

Olivia is unsure what to do. She has a meeting scheduled with the clinic’s CEO two days from now and she wants to have a plan ready to present. She needs to show that she can maintain costs and still cover the clinic’s patient care needs.

Olivia needs your help and coming up with a plan.


For this Group Project, develop a staffing plan to include the following.

  1. In the paragraph above, two potential solutions were mentioned. Discuss each of those solutions and describe in detail the pros and cons of each solution.
  2. Suggest at least three other possible solutions to Olivia’s dilemma.
  3. Describe in detail the pros and cons of each of your additional potential solutions.
  4. When Olivia goes to the meeting, describe in detail the SPECIFIC information regarding her plan that she will need to present to the CEO.
  5. Present the material in a professional and grammatically correct format.
  6. Cite any sources used in the project utilizing APA format. NSU The Staffing Issue in The Clinic Working with A Staffing Company Project