Oregon Health Insurance Health Policy Paper

Oregon Health Insurance Health Policy Paper


Go to the Harvard Kennedy School and purchase the case study – Expanding Health Insurance to Millions: Learning from the Oregon Health Insurance Experiment ($3.95): https://case.hks.harvard.edu/expanding-health-insu…


Write a memo to the governor providing policy advice on their next steps based on your critical analysis of the information provided in the case as well as your knowledge of the health care system. Your memo should provide your position on the issue – after the experiment, should the State of Oregon expand their health insurance program? Your analysis should be supported by one or more policy analysis criteria – ethical, economical, feasibility etc. Identify at least 2 challenges or issues raised by the experiment and provide policy solutions to address them in support of the policy to expand health insurance coverage OR use these challenges to support your position against the policy to expand health insurance coverage in Oregon. You may need to do some research on your own to find evidence to support your position (Peer reviewed research literature and other resources). Please see grading rubric for assignment on Canvas. Remember this assignment is considered the examination for this course.  Oregon Health Insurance Health Policy Paper