West Coast University COVID-19 Presentation

West Coast University COVID-19 Presentation


The final submission combines the other four phases into one PowerPoint presentation consisting of your Phase I, Phase II, Phase III, and Phase IV papers to make Phase V- the PowerPoint presentation and abstract.

You edit and format your PowerPoint so it will flow for the reader. This PowerPoint will need to be corrected with all the feedback provided from previous papers. Include conclusion and learning experiences from the essentials and from the class. West Coast University COVID-19 Presentation

Do not forget to document limitations and implications for future research/practice.

The presentation should also include:

1. 15-20 slides (including the title and reference slides).

2.Basic principles of presentation development and APA style should be applied.

3.All sources must be from evidence-based professional websites or peer-reviewed journals to validate and support the information presented. Sources must be current (within 5 years).

4.In-text citations should be included on each slide with information from a source. Citations should be formatted following APA. All statements originally found in scholarly references/sources must be cited in the presentation.

5.Pictures or graphics included that are not clip art must include the website and cannot be copyright protected. Please make sure it is permissible to use any pictures included in your presentation. APA format must be followed.

6.The presentation should be interactive, innovative, thought-provoking, interesting to the audience, and valuable.


Research Project Planning
1. Brief literature review
Under traditional knowledge, effective projects need meticulous preparation and analysis.
Reduce risk and boost project success by dedicating time to these tasks. Poor planning and analysis
may lead to an unsuccessful project. Trillions of dollars may have been squandered due to
unsuccessful initiatives resulting from poor planning. It is a part of their philosophy that less
planning is better and that an evolutionary process is more efficient in COVID-related pneumonia.
Up-front planning does not seem to be a priority in agile techniques. It’s also common in health
sector to suffer from “analytical paralysis.” Analyzing so much that no real work is done or begun
much later than optimal constitutes this kind of situation. West Coast University COVID-19 Presentation
Because so much time is spent researching and analyzing each project, it’s worth looking at
the researchers. Forty-two procedures, including 20 planning processes, require a project planning
on COVID pneumonia. A research project planning is expected to complete about 48% of all
project management tasks over its life cycle due to planning procedures (Halkjelsvik & Jørgensen,
2018). However, a more in-depth approach to planning is not always preferred by those who use
agile methodologies. When planning and analysis consume half of the project’s money and time,
does this help the project or make it more expensive. Over-planning might be connected with bad
project outcomes. Researchers and practitioners are interested in the optimal amount of planning
work and its relation to success of COVID-related pneumonia. As a guide for determining project
structure and timetables, it is useful to researchers since it speaks to the basic features of projects.
2. Methodology and design of the study
Research project planning and perceived overall project success are examined from a postpositivist perspective in this work. Post-positivism is a bridge between positivism and
phenomenology, where all experience is subjective. Perception and observation are prone to bias;
thus, the findings can’t be completely objective. Some notions, such as project success, may not be
quantified and are influenced by the participants’ subjective perceptions and sponsors. The
epistemological approach will thus be post-positivism. When it comes to COVID-related
pneumonia, positivism can’t disclose the complete truth. However, its findings may still be
valuable. It was possible to complete the available literature since it is diverse but not too long
(Allahar, 2019).
The first step in the inquiry was to do comprehensive Google Scholar searches. After this
last step, we went back and looked at all of the literature’s references and added any pertinent ones
to our list of sources. There is a shortage of study in project management since it has been referred
to as an immature discipline. Searches for research on planning and project success were widened
when the number of studies explicitly examining planning effort or completeness and project
success was found to be limited. There is no way to characterize this endeavor as exhausting yet.
3. Sampling methodology
Simple sampling method
Everyone in the population has an equal chance of getting picked in research project
planning since each person is selected purely by random. As the method suggest, researcher may
allot every individual in a populace an individual number and then select which people to embrace
in the sample by means of a table of random statistics on COVID-related lung diseases. West Coast University COVID-19 Presentation
Sample fault may be premeditated, and assortment bias is reduced by means of a basic
random sampling technique. The furthermost understandable benefit is the humblest sampling
procedure for a large resident. If that characteristic is unusual, you may not choose enough people
who share your trait of interest, which is a drawback of using basic random sampling. A complete
sampling setting may also be problematic to create. It might be hard to contact them,
predominantly if numerous kinds of contact are necessary and your sample units are spread over a
huge topographical section (Beratan, 2020).
Systematic sampling
The sample frame is used to choose individuals to be studied regularly randomly. The
sample size is ensured by selecting the intervals. It is typically easier to give a systematic sample
than a random sample, and it is less time-consuming. However, prejudice may result if, for
example, the instruction of the societies in the sample edge has primary designs. Sampling
approach corresponds through the cyclicity of the fundamental design. Selecting an even interlude
would result in a sample of all children having COVID-related lung diseases, which is not what the
researchers are looking to find.


Stratified sampling
Firstly, a trait shared by all of the subgroups in the population is used to narrow the scope
of the study. If we anticipate the measurement of interest to differ across subgroups, we employ
this method to guarantee a representative sample from each of them. Research of stroke outcomes,
for example, might be stratified based on gender to ensure that men and women are equally
represented. Equal samples are then taken from each stratum to generate the explore sample. West Coast University COVID-19 Presentation When
using class-conscious sampling, non-equal model scopes may also remain suitable. Reducing
sample unfairness by laminated sampling increases the accurateness and representativeness of the
discoveries to stratify COVID-pneumonia illnesses. You must have a good understanding of the
sample frame’s features, which might be challenging.
Clustered sampling
The sampling unit in a collected sample contains more than just individuals. Research
subjects are randomly selected from the general community to form “groupings” for the study. All
individuals of the chosen clusters are included in the study when using a clustering sampling
strategy. Next, each pile is given a random selection of individuals included in the sampling. When
doing an assessment, it is essential to take into account clustering. While representative sample has
its place in research, it may not be as successful in different studies that cover multiple cities or
nations. For instance, it is easier to reach a huge number of persons having COVID-pneumonia
illnesses in a few medic practices than a small number of people in a large number of medic
offices. Sampling process has a number of problems, including the risk of complications if the
cluster selected aren’t representative of the general population.
4. Necessary tools
Gantt Chart
In research project planning, a Gantt chart is a well-known and often used bar chart for
tracking activities over time. Since its beginnings, tracking time and interdependencies across
activities have been a standard practice among researchers. Gantt charts have gained widespread
acceptance since they were originally introduced. Useful for organizing research projects planning,
these diagrams depict the stages, activities and milestones that need to be completed together with
the resources required to do them (O’Donoghue, 2018). They’re a fantastic way to show off the full
project COVID-pneumonia illnesses. West Coast University COVID-19 Presentation
Logic Network
It is possible to see how a research project planning’s activities have progressed over time
by looking at a Logic Network. What is logically before or after another action is shown. The
length of the project may be estimated by taking into account the time spent on each task. The
essential route and milestones of a project may be identified with the help of this tool. The research
project planning’s timetable, process, and dependencies will become clearer as a result of COVIDpneumonia illnesses. These methods may uncover facts that would have otherwise gone unnoticed.
PERT Chart
Analysis of the research project planning’s tasks using PERT, including the time necessary
to accomplish each work and how long it will take to finish the project as a whole, is an important
part of PERT.
Product Breakdown Structure
Developing a Product Breakdown Structure (PBS) is part of the research project planning
process, which involves adopting product-based planning. Product Breakdown Structures are
useful in clarifying the research project’s deliverables and may assist in constructing a Work
Breakdown Structure.
Work Breakdown Structure
The deliverables required to fulfill a research project planning are decomposed
hierarchically using a Work Breakdown Structure. The deliverables are divided into manageable
work packages, then planned, allocated to individuals, and given a price tag. The standard research
project planning tool, the Work Breakdown Structure, provides the foundation for many projects
relating COVID-related pneumonia illness.
5. Any algorithms or flow maps created.
If a researcher is working on a research project planning, a good flowchart may help break
down complex concepts into smaller, more manageable chunks that can be represented graphically
(Buchholtz, 2019). Because images are often simpler to comprehend than words, knowing how to
flowchart is an asset when reaching out to a wide range of stakeholders and COVID-related
pneumonia patients. As a result, flowcharts are useful in the commercial world and more technical
ones like manufacturing and software development.
Allahar, H. (2019). A management innovation approach to project planning. Technology
Innovation Management Review, 9(6).
Beratan, K. (2020). Application of intervention design concepts to project planning for
collaborative adaptive management of natural resources. Ecology and Society, 25(1).
Buchholtz, N. (2019). Planning and conducting mixed methods studies in mathematics
educational research. Compendium for early career researchers in mathematics education,
Halkjelsvik, T., & Jørgensen, M. (2018). Time Predictions: Understanding and Avoiding
Unrealism in Project Planning and Everyday Life (p. 110). Springer Nature.
O’Donoghue, T. (2018). Planning your qualitative research thesis and project: An introduction to
interpretivist research in education and the social sciences. Routledge. West Coast University COVID-19 Presentation