(NUR 648E) Benchmark- Summative Assessment

(NUR 648E) Benchmark- Summative Assessment

(NUR 648E) Benchmark- Summative Assessment.


Forrmative and summative assessments should align with instructional objectives and provide instructors with a variety of ways to measure learning. Instructors have the responsibility to create a test blueprint before creating the assessment to guide them in item writing.

The purpose of this assignment is to create a test blueprint based on the health care practice you selected in Topic 2 and the objectives you created in Topic 3. After the blueprint is developed, create a summative assessment that consists of five multiple-choice questions. Following each question, include a short narrative that addresses the following: (NUR 648E) Benchmark- Summative Assessment.



The domain of knowledge each question addresses.
A rationale for strategies used in the development of your test blueprint and multiple-choice questions.
An explanation of how the test blueprint guided the development of your summative assessment based on learning objectives.

Include the test blueprint, summative assessment, and associated narratives as one Word document. Add your test blueprint and summative assessment to your Nurse Educator Electronic Portfolio. (NUR 648E) Benchmark- Summative Assessment.

APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

(NUR 648E) Benchmark- Summative Assessment

Test Blueprint on Myocardial Infarction

Purpose of the Exam

The purpose of this exam is to evaluate knowledge and clinical judgement skills regarding myocardial infarction. The ability of the students to understand the prevalence and incidence of the disease will be evaluated. The exam will also need identification of the common and rare risk factors to myocardial infarction.

Exam Content

The content of the exam is determined by a pre-set blueprint. The key categories of the blueprint are illustrated by the table below, with the percentage allocated to each for a typical exam. (NUR 648E) Benchmark- Summative Assessment.

Key Categories of the Blueprint

Content category (myocardial infarction) Percentage
Definition 10%
Disease prevalence & incidence 20%
Modifiable risk factors 20%
Non-modifiable risk factors 20%
Pathophysiology 30%
Total 100


Exam Format

The exam consists of multiple-choice questions, where the student is required to choose the single best answer. Questions include definition of myocardial infarction, assessing risk, understanding the underlying pathophysiology of myocardial infarction and basic knowledge applicable to the disease. Some questions might also necessitate recognition and interpretation of case scenarios involving patients with myocardial infarction. (NUR 648E) Benchmark- Summative Assessment.


Summative Assessment

Question 1

Which answer provides the best definition of myocardia infarction?

  • Damage to the heart muscle
  • The death of a myocardia tissue caused by anoxia, leading to the permanent damage of the myocardial cells
  • A heart-attack
  • Death of the heart muscle

Correct answer: The death of a myocardia tissue caused by anoxia, leading to the permanent damage of the myocardial cells

This question addresses the definition of myocardial infarction as per the test blue print

Question 2

What is the average age of the initial myocardial infarction among both women and men?

  • Men 65.6 years & women 72.0 years
  • Men 68 years & women 70 years
  • Men 72.0 years & women 65.6 years
  • Men 70 years & women 65 years


Correct answer: Men 65.6 years & women 72.0 years

This question seeks to identify the incidence of myocardial infarction by age. The question addressed the domain of prevalence and incidence in the test blueprint.

Question 3

Which of the following is not a modifiable risk factor for myocardial infarction?

  • Alcohol
  • Age
  • Smoking
  • Hypertension

Correct answer: Age

This question overs the aspect of the risk factors for myocardial infarction as per the test blueprint

Question 4

Which of the following best describes the pathophysiologic mechanism during a ST segment elevation myocardial infarction?

  • Coronary plaque progression leading to progressive stenosis
  • Coronary plaque erosion
  • Coronary vasospas
  • Coronary plaque rupture

Correct answer: Coronary plaque rupture

The question covers the pathophysiology of myocardial infarction as per the test blueprint

(NUR 648E) Benchmark- Summative Assessment.


Question 5

How does the infarction occur?

  • When cells are deprived of oxygen leading to cellular injury occurs and eventually development ischemia
  • Injury to the muscle of the heart
  • Reduced blood flow in the coronary artery
  • Thrombus artery occlusion

Correct answer: When cells are deprived of oxygen leading to cellular injury occurs and eventually development ischemia

The question covers the pathophysiology of myocardial infarction as per the test blueprint


(NUR 648E) Benchmark- Summative Assessment.