N3325 Holistic Care of Older Adults

N3325 Holistic Care of Older Adults

N3325 Holistic Care of Older Adults Submit by 2359 Saturday of Week 3.Name:Desiree BensonDate:10/12/2018Overview: Life Review Interview – Guidelines for conducting the interview This assignment provides the opportunity to develop one-to-one interactions with an elder who resides in the community. The focus is to develop and refine skills in communication and to examine successful aging through the lived experiences of an elder. Completing this the Life Review Interview will enable you to conduct a Life Review with an older adult, understand the significance of the individual’s life story, identify possible legacies and their importance to the older adult, and describe the degree of ego integrity reached by the older adult. You will also reflect upon the process of conducting a Life Review. Only your initial reflection statements about the interview process must be submitted during Week 3.Contact the older adult the day before the interview to remind him/her about it and to answer any questions about the process that may have arisen. N3325 Holistic Care of Older Adults. Be sure to review the guidelines and guiding questions before the interview session. Be prompt and professional. All information of a sensitive nature that is shared with you must be kept confidential unless your have the older adult’s permission to share it with others. The Interview Consent Form offers assurance and informs the older adult that the information is kept within the bounds of the course faculty and, where appropriate, with peers in the class. In all written work and discussions, the older adult must be identified by initials only to protect privacy. DO NOT discuss your experiences on social media! This document includes guideline to help you prepare for and conduct the interview, but you are not required to submit answers to the interview questions. Only your initial reflection statements in Part 4 must be submitted during Week 3.Performance Objectives:Apply gerontologic nursing principles and standards in nursing practice across the continuum of elder care.Use current evidence and theories in care of older adults.Conduct a personal interview with an older adult for the purpose of documenting Life Review.©2018 UTA College of Nursing Week 3 – Assignment 2: Life Review Interview Reflections1
N3325 Holistic Care of Older Adults Rubric Use this rubric to guide your work on the Week 3 assignment, “Reflections- Life Review Interview.” Reflections on Life Review Interview Description After you conduct the Life Review interview, You will record your own feelings and reflections about the interview. Please do not record those of your interviewee! This assignment is to assist you in identifying how you personally felt about the process of interviewing someone about their life. N3325 Holistic Care of Older Adults