UOJ Legal Issues of Sterilization, Artificial Insemination, and Surrogacy Discussion

UOJ Legal Issues of Sterilization, Artificial Insemination, and Surrogacy Discussion




For this assignment you need to study chapters: 14,15,16,17, in your book and PowerPoint presentation, answer the following questions:

1-Explain the legal issues of sterilization artificial insemination, and surrogacy.

2-Describe the legal and moral issues of wrongful birth, wrongful life, and wrongful conception.

3-Define Abortion and its classification.

4-Discuss the following concepts: preservation of life with limits, euthanasia, advance directives, futility of treatment, withholding and withdrawal of treatment, and do-not-resuscitate orders.


5-Discuss the purpose of an ethics committee and its consultative role in the delivery of patient care.

6-Describe what AIDS is and how it is spread.

7-Discuss confidentiality concerns for AIDS patients.

8-Explain the importance of AIDS related education.

9-Describe various forms of child abuse, how to recognize it, and reporting requirements.

10-Explain why it is important to report communicable diseases, adverse drug reactions, and infectious diseases. UOJ Legal Issues of Sterilization, Artificial Insemination, and Surrogacy Discussion