COH 606 The Association Between Vitamin D and Migraines Analysis

COH 606 The Association Between Vitamin D and Migraines Analysis




Find two primary peer-reviewed journal articles (No meta-analysis or review articles) that examine the same hypothesis, using different study designs. For example, one article may use a cohort design and the other a case-control study, or randomized clinical trial, or cross-sectional, etc..

For each article:

  1. State the research objective
  2. Describe the study design, including their target population, sampling methodology, sample size, recruiting methods, inclusion/exclusion criteria, etc.
  3. Summarize the results, including univariate and multivariate findings, if applicable. What variables did hey control for, and were the findings different after controlling for confounding variables than before they controlled for them? COH 606 The Association Between Vitamin D and Migraines Analysis
  4. State the article’s conclusions as they relate to the original (null) hypothesis.
  5. Discuss the study’s strengths and limitations, including sources of bias or possible confounding. How did they account for these issues, and how might they have affected the results (bias toward vs. away from the null hypothesis)?
  6. Were their conclusions generalizable to the overall population? Why or why not?


Finally, compare the two articles.

  1. Did they reach the same or different conclusions? If different, what may have contributed to the discrepancy (chance, methodology, bias)?
  2. Which study had the superior methodology, and why?
  3. Which one are you more likely to believe?
  4. How would you design the ideal study to examine this hypothesis?

COH 606: Epidemiology

Independent Project Rubric


Find two peer reviewed journal articles that examine the same hypothesis, using different study designs. The project should total approximately 5 pages.  Citations in the text and references must be in APA format.

MHA PLOs: Solve complex problems in a healthcare environment by employing analytical skills; Utilize administrative and clinical information technology and decision-support tools in process and performance improvement;

MPH PLOs: Analyze and interpret health data; Describe the distribution and determinants of disease, disabilities and death in human populations.


Course Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:

  • Appropriately use and understand epidemiological terminology.
  • Determine appropriate epidemiological study designs
  • Identify sources of bias in public health research.
  • Discuss the steps of an disease outbreak investigation
  • Critically review the public health literature.  COH 606 The Association Between Vitamin D and Migraines Analysis


  Outstanding Achievement Commendable Achievement Marginal Achievement Unsatisfactory Achievement Failing
Article 10%

Student identifies two peer-reviewed article that use epidemiologic methods to examine a health-related issue. No meta-analysis


The student found two peer-reviewed primary research articles but they were outdated.



The student used peer-reviewed articles, but these articles did not contain primary research.


The articles were outdated and not primary research.







Student clearly identifies and states the study’s objectives and hypotheses


The hypothesis was found and the objectives were somewhat identified, but the student had difficulty putting them in their own words.


The hypothesis and objectives were outlined, but not explained in detail.


The objectives and/or goals of the studies were not clearly communicated.









Types of Studies


Study sample:


1.       Sample size (did they perform power or sample size calculations?)

2.       Recruiting strategies Inclusion criteria

3.       Exclusion criteria

4.       Randomization (if applicable)

5.       If there was a control group, was it comparable to the case (or intervention) group on demographic variables?



Student correctly identifies the types of study (Example: cohort, case-control, cross-sectional, clinical trial….)


Student correctly answers the 5 questions.  COH 606 The Association Between Vitamin D and Migraines Analysis



Student correctly identifies the types of study (Example: cohort, case-control, cross-sectional, clinical trial….) Student correctly answers the 4 questions



Student correctly identifies the types of study (Example: cohort, case-control, cross-sectional, clinical trial….) Student correctly answers the 3 questions



Student correctly identifies the types of study (Example: cohort, case-control, cross-sectional, clinical trial….) Student correctly answers the 2 questions








Statistical Analyses




Student accurately identifies the statistical analyses


Student includes report of univariate (without controlling for confounders) and multivariate (controlling for potential confounders).




Statistical analyses are defined, but no explanation of what they meant or justification in their use.



Confounders were not explained in sufficient detail or just recited what the textbook stated on the topic.



Descriptives were discussed, but the deeper more robust tests were not addressed.









Student clearly states the authors’ conclusions and gives an informed critique.


Student addresses whether or not the conclusions are generalizable to the overall population.



Conclusion was brief, but it touched on the key points of the compare and contrast between the two articles.



Summaries of each article were provided with zero critical reflection regarding how they compare



Unacceptable conclusion. It was one paragraph and didn’t not follow the guidance found here:




Limitations 10%

Student correctly describes types of biases, confounding,  study’s strengths and limitations


There was a solid attempt to use text book information and the authors own cited limitations to address these problems, but details were missing.


The limitations and biases were provided, but discussed in little detail.


The section was insufficient.




Comparison of Two studies 20%

Student compares conclusions of the two studies and explains any discrepancies.


Student critiques the methodology of both studies.


Student evaluates the credibility of each study.


Student offers a proposal for an ideal study design.


The studies were summarized in terms of their findings. However, the advantages and disadvantages to each study type were not sufficiently addressed.


Credibility of each study design was assessed fully based on publication history and funding source.


The studies were summarized, but the advantage of each type of study design and what it permits a research to state was not fully described.


The studies were insufficiently discussed in the following criteria:


Student compares conclusions of the two studies and explains any discrepancies.


Student critiques the methodology of both studies.


Student evaluates the credibility of each study.


Student offers a proposal for an ideal study design.




Reference style 5%

Student correctly uses in-text citations and correctly lists references at the end of the paper.


References are listed at the end of the paper and in-text with some format errors.


References are correctly listed at the end of the paper, yet not in the text.


References are listed at the end of the paper in a non-standard format.


There is no evidence of referencing.

Writing Mechanics and Style 15%

Student writes clear, concise and accurate sentences, cohesive paragraphs and a well-organized paper. COH 606 The Association Between Vitamin D and Migraines Analysis


Writing is accurate, however there are some style issues that could be improved.


Writing contains some grammatical errors; however, reader can determine the meaning of the paper.


Writing contains numerous grammatical errors.


Writing contains numerous grammatical errors that detract from the reader’s ability to render meaning from the work.