HCA 470 UCLA Planned Parenthood Organization Business Plan Paper

HCA 470 UCLA Planned Parenthood Organization Business Plan Paper

 Planned Parenthood


  1. History and Rationale of Planned Parenthood Organization

Planned Parenthood, a valued health care educator,  provider, and enthusiastic champion in the United States, and a significant contributor to many health rights groups worldwide, was established in 1916. Planned Parenthood boasts 17 million members around the country, including activists and contributors dedicated to assisting them in advocating policies that safeguard and expand accessibility to a comprehensive spectrum of reproductive health and education (Brown, 2020). The Planned Parenthood Action Network brings together activists from all fifty states to remain at the forefront of problems and participate in initiatives to promote and safeguard reproductive rights. It was founded on the premise that women required knowledge to live healthy lives and achieve their goals without being pressured by multiple factors, but it was eventually recognized that men and early adulthood also needed the knowledge. HCA 470 UCLA Planned Parenthood Organization Business Plan Paper

In the United States and throughout the world, the organization provides health care, reproductive health care, reproductive rights advancement, and comprehensive sex education. The organization also funds research into reproductive health technologies and advocates for contraceptive methods, abortion accessibility, and healthcare equality. Margaret Sanger founded the America Birth Control League in 1916, which later changed its name to planned parenthood. It operates over 600 health institutions in the United States and has roughly 160 medical and non-medical affiliations (Blacker, 2021). Membership is obtained by submitting the first donation of a minimum of $10 to the lobby group. This allows a member to join a lobbying group that assists in educating and advising the public so that they may make more informed healthcare and political choices.

Members also receive unrestricted access to sexual and reproductive information and advice to benefit the membership. One confirms that they are residents of the United States by contributing to the organization and becoming a member. Planned Parenthood collaborates with over 100 local groups to provide healthcare access and literacy. They work with local leaders to develop long-term healthcare and education initiatives, give financial support and funding to reproductive healthcare, and advocate for legal, economic, and political changes in global populations. Throughout April and October 2020, Planned Parenthood associates provided over 350,000 telemedicine appointments (Blacker, 2021). Emergency contraception, STI diagnosis and treatment, gender-affirming hormonal treatment, PrEP and PEP, Urinary tract infection screening and treatment, and other telemedicine treatments are available through all 49 affiliates.


Market Analysis

Planned Parenthood’s proportion of contraception customers has dropped considerably in the last five years. Planned Parenthood began releasing a more detailed analysis of the contraceptive methods used by customers in 2008. An estimated 2.9 percent selected intrauterine devices at that time (IUD). Long-acting contraceptive techniques, like IUDs or implants, were chosen by 22% of customers in 2021. The substantial surge in the proportion of customers adopting long-acting contraceptive techniques is probably the main reason the organization has been serving fewer contraception customers recently (Brown, 2020). Planned Parenthood’s stated surplus earnings over expenses fluctuated under Cecile Richards’ leadership, but it has recently risen considerably. Surplus revenue was roughly five times higher during her last year as CEO of the organization than at the beginning of her term.

The quality of the organization’s regard and confidentiality expressed in its various companies’ declarations and, more significantly, as an element of the firm’s essential principles, has won the trust of several clients in the American States and around the world. Its corporate mission is a brief overview of the company’s current status, clients, products, and the goals it wants to attain. Charity Navigator has given the group a four-star rating. This group has been successful in providing reproductive health services. It is supported by corporations that provide contraception. Because they can function in healthcare centers, renting space doesn’t cost much. HCA 470 UCLA Planned Parenthood Organization Business Plan Paper

The organization has always claimed to be defending reproductive suffrage and their ability to choose what is appropriate for their bodies. This lie is woven into their web marketing, which many people mistakenly interpret as “empowering women.” Their marketing may appear lighthearted and humorous, but it fails to educate women about all of their alternatives and promotes abortion. Compared to its competitors, planned parenthood scores the best in almost all the categories. Obria is one organization that puts Planned Parenthood to the test. The organization promotes “natural family planning,” a contraception strategy that depends on monthly menstruation monitoring and is often less successful than chemical contraception. The organization is operated by an anti-abortion campaigner and has long positioned itself as the only rival to Planned Parenthood in the anti-abortion market (Mohr & Nevian, 2019). However, rather than adopting an ideological and religious tone, its general populace materials appear to be designed to appeal to a broader millennial audience concerned with “health” and “natural” solutions.

Figure1: Market Scope for Planned Parenthood

Goals and Objectives

Planned Parenthood’s passion and love is a community, and they are engaged in and devoted to the communities they serve. Approximately 600 healthcare centers are served by 49 separate and locally operated Planned Parenthood affiliates (Huss & Dwight, 2018). Every health center caters to the various requirements of its population by offering a comprehensive range of discreet, safe, empathetic, and high-quality solutions. The following are the aims and objectives of the Planned parenthood organization:

  • To support national activities that enhance the populace’s socio-political situation.
  • Healthy sexual behaviors enhance the overall health of households, particularly youth.
  • To improve the food and nutrition of households, particularly children and women.
  • Develop and promote academic and other programs for youth that encourage appropriate family living.
  • To make high-quality maternity and family planning services available to rural residents. To improve the management and prevention of chronic conditions that could harm a mother’s health.
  • The whole front line of methods to avoid pregnancy, STDs, and AIDS among America’s teens is to advocate abstinence and advocate the use of contraception and condoms among the sexually active.
  • Aid people in leading full and healthy lives, regardless of their poverty, insurance, gender or sexuality, race, or citizenship status;
  • Respect, care, and empathy offer all people high-quality, equitable, and complete sexual healthcare services.
  • Work to support that safeguard and promote reproductive rights, as well as access to a complete spectrum of sexual and reproductive medical services, especially abortion;
  • Offer medically accurate teaching about human sexuality, loving relationships, and physical autonomy;
  • Improve reproductive care as well as accessibility through science & innovation. HCA 470 UCLA Planned Parenthood Organization Business Plan Paper

Partnerships and Strategic Alliances

The Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition will include IPPF as a member (RHSC). This cooperation will strengthen IPPF’s capabilities in commodities security. RHSC and IPPF  will strengthen a cornerstone of SRHR service by advocating a wider scope on enhanced access to health products. This will ensure that people can receive the sexual health products they desire whenever they require them. IPPF is an active participant in the FP2020 worldwide cooperation.

The organization will defend girls and women’s rights to choose for themselves if, where, how, and how many kids they want as participants of the cohort and as experts inside the women’s health community. IPPF is a worldwide powerhouse in modern contraceptives as the biggest civil society organization (Holz & Holz, 2021). Planned Parenthood Global will collaborate with strong regional politicians in Africa and Latin America to ignite and sustain achievements at the forefront of the family planning services and the rights revolution. This paradigm drives the required transformation and responsibility to make it more accessible to healthcare coverage.

Relevant Stakeholders

  1. Local leaders
  2. Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (PPAG)
  3. Vision for Alternative Development (VALD)
  4. Human Rights Advocacy Centre (HRAC)
  5. Alliance for Reproductive Health Rights (ARHR)
  6. Hope For Future Generations (HFFG)
  7. Healthcare practitioners.

According to the stakeholders, access to high-quality healthcare coverage is a basic right. They understand that reproductive freedom is impossible without social equality and thus take responsibility for fostering a sense of respect, belonging, and compassion among the patients worldwide and partnerships they serve very seriously. The stakeholders bring the skills necessary to advance the overarching objective of defending healthcare coverage for the most disadvantaged by discriminatory policies. We collaborate throughout the sector to maximize the benefits of the initiative.


Communication Plan

Communication strategies Communication channels Necessary leadership skills
Regular strategic sessions with the entire group will allow everyone to be present when development projects and modifications are addressed and establish a win-win situation by allowing all team members to offer their thoughts, issues, and updates.


Emails Clarity-Great project managers tailor their methods of communication, platforms, and approaches to their target audience. They can also take something complicated and make it easy to appeal to a variety of audiences (Verčič & Špoljarić, 2020).
They are using collaborative software. Collaboration tools can expedite project performance and make working with colleagues and members easier. Video conferencing software Flexibility and consistency. Great managers are dependable and consistent in their channel capacity, style, and regularity while also adapting to the needs of their audiences (Chaturvedi et al., 2019).
When we invite folks to conferences or give out news about recent developments, we will make sure we don’t exclude anyone.


Reports Accessibility-Inaccessibility makes it almost impossible for any leader to be successful. Stakeholders need to understand that they can contact their leader at any time and that they may speak freely even without barriers.
Integrating online workplace platforms with collaboration platforms to facilitate communication among team members. Partners will operate better and effectively with social business networks because all conversations, data, and changes will be kept in one location. Board Presentations Focus and stability-Focusing on vital areas of a program and being calm and focused are essential for good leadership )Morris & Kizziar, 2020).
  Strategy documents Transparency-Successful managers choose to communicate straightforwardly. We want our stakeholders to believe what we say. There will be no hidden motives or lines to read between. HCA 470 UCLA Planned Parenthood Organization Business Plan Paper
  Document sharing software  



Blacker, C. P. (2021). The international planned parenthood federation: Aspects of its history. The Eugenics Review56(3), 135.

Brown, D. (2020). Planned Parenthood Defunding: A Review of Public Policy and Potential Solutions (Doctoral dissertation, CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, NORTHRIDGE).

Chaturvedi, S., Rizvi, I. A., & Pasipanodya, E. T. (2019). How can leaders make their followers commit to the organization? The importance of influence tactics. Global Business Review20(6), 1462-1474.

Holz, R., & Holz, R. P. (2022). The birth control clinic in a marketplace world (Vol. 21). University Rochester Press.

Huss, S., & Dwight, L. (2018). Planned Parenthood: 100 years of leadership and controversy In Leadership and Sexuality. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Mohr, J., & Nevin, J. R. (2019). Communication strategies in marketing channels: A theoretical perspective. Journal of Marketing54(4), 36-51.

Morris, A., & Kizziar, R. (2020). Strategic Impact Analysis on the Future of Planned Parenthood.

Verčič, A. T., & Špoljarić, A. (2020). Managing internal communication: How the choice of channels affects internal communication satisfaction. Public relations review46(3), 101926. 

Business Plan Part 2: Financial Analysis and Budget

Undertaking a SWOT analysis enables various corporations and institutions to understand and take responsive actions to their weaknesses, exploit their opportunities, analyze and understand their threats as well as fully utilize their strengths to achieve goals. Regarding Planned Parenthood analysis, the following proposed changes can be enacted to the proposed strategic initiative to initiate positive difference.

To protect and fulfill sexual and productive rights and gender equality, Planned Parenthood healthcare should recruit more local staff to their organizations, easily meander through the local region and enhance their change for desired society. To ensure that this is effectively handled, the organization should mainly aim at the youth and women. This will provide enough human resources to take the organization’s opportunity to expand through social media, as they will be the responsible figure for handling the social media platform. The organization aims to offer training and education services to society to understand the importance of protecting and fulfilling sexual and productive rights and gender equality. To ensure that these objectives are fulfilled, the organization requires staff to act as tutors who would empower the community through their subjective education. The organization may need to set up various empowerment and educative facilities in the community to offer these services in the long run. HCA 470 UCLA Planned Parenthood Organization Business Plan Paper


To meet its desired goal, Planned Parenthood healthcare would require spending a given amount of money, requiring a substantive budget. The overview of the budget may be choreographed as below.

Item Purpose Estimated price
Rental facility To set up the training and educational facilities $20,000
A rough estimate of 100 staff required The basic salaries paid to the human resources $100 per staff $100,000
Materials The materials used to educate such as brochures, banners, social media, public addresses, and billboards, among others $50,000
Staff allowances The allowances are subjected to motivate the staff and boost their morale $200 per staff $20,000




Meals/snacks To be served twice after two breaks of the workshop $ 8,000
Motivation package for youth and women To compensate and encourage their participation $ 12000
Total   $ 210,000


The profit and loss statement is a fundamental analysis that allows Planned Parenthood healthcare to gauge how worthy it is to accept and initiate the proposed budget (Oncioiu et al., 127). This is because the trading and profit statement of finance gives an insight into whether an organization is being run profitably or not.

The in-depth performance of a company is well analyzed in the statement of profit and loss. This gives the management of Planned Parenthood healthcare an overview of whether the proposed strategic initiatives are beneficial to the organization in the long run or not. We examined the profit attained by the company as illustrated by the profit/loss statement. The analysis of the revenue streams against the expenses incurred resulted to a net profit; thus, the company is in a position to put in place the strategic initiative since it has minimal budget constraints.


Oncioiu, Ionica V., Traian Ovidiu Calotă, and Alin Eliodor Tănase. “An Overview of Diversities in the Use of the Profit and Loss Statement.” Encyclopedia of Organizational Knowledge, Administration, and Technology (2021): 124-134.


SWOT Analysis Template

Student Name: Anahit Atoyan

April 21, 2022

Thesis statement (State the name of the selected organization and what will be covered in the SWOT Analysis in one sentence):

  • The Planned Parenthood’s SWOT analysis will discuss the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of its organization.

Strategic Goal(s) (Identify at least one strategic goal that could be pursued in the business plan based on the SWOT Analysis):

  • The strategic goal of the organization is to leverage technology that will improve sexual health information and care. HCA 470 UCLA Planned Parenthood Organization Business Plan Paper

Directions: Complete each section of the SWOT Analysis Chart by using bullet points that contain clear statements that make sense to those who are unfamiliar with the selected organization. Include a minimum of four bullet points in each section of the chart. Utilize in-text citations to reference credible sources that sufficiently support the claims presented. Document all sources fully on the “Reference” page at the end of the document.


This section includes information regarding:

·  Strengths – characteristics that are attributes of the organization (internal in origin) that would be helpful in achieving the strategic plan.

·  The organization has a strong brand image, which means how potential customers and investors perceive an organization based on its services and products (Chakraborty and Bhat, 2018). A strong brand image leads to the success of a business, thus enabling awareness. This has enabled the organization to attract more customers who want solutions in adjacent marketing industries.

·  Strong organization’s financial history will enable the organization to invest in new projects and modify the revenue streams to increase the return on sales, thus increasing the company’s financial status.

·  The company has a great advantage in penetrating man markets due to its first-mover advantage; this has enabled the organization to create many market segments; the sales and marketing department has also enabled the firm to identify other market niches.

·  Loyal customers who appreciate the organization’s products and services have appreciated the superior products and quality services. This has also influenced the organization’s growth and increased market share.


This section includes information regarding:

· Weaknesses – characteristics that are attributes of the organization (internal in origin) that would be harmful in achieving the strategic plan.

· Difficulty in implementing intellectual property rights has created an easy way of copying products and services (Avery,  2020). This has made it easier for other start-up companies to emulate its services and products, thus increasing competition.

· Poor inventory control has enabled the organization to have poor forecasts and led to overstocking, making it difficult to trace the cash cycle.

· Too much focus on the internal processes and system delivery has made it difficult to understand what the external business owners require. This has, in turn, damaged the relationship with the external shareholders and constant customer rambles.

· Poor technical skills have had the organization face challenges in technological developments and digital transformation in the intensive health care and reproduction of information.


In this section include information regarding:

·  Opportunities – characteristics that are attributes of the environment (external in origin) that would be helpful in achieving the strategic plan.

·  The birth of social media as platforms and E-Commerce will present a good channel for the business to acquire more investors, suppliers, and markets in international spaces(Jeong and  Lee, 2019). It will also reduce the cost of penetrating new markets and suppliers sourcing.

·  Artificial Intelligence will enable the organization to have better investment control systems, which will also help manage customer demand, identify market gaps, forecast demand, and offer solutions.

·  Technology changes that suit Parenthood Reinvention will enable technology development, cost reduction, and improved operations.

·  Increase in consumer net comes will enable the  flow of capital into the organization as customers will be able to pay for services rendered and care given and therefore expand


In this section include information regarding:

· Threats – characteristics that are attributes of the environment (external in origin) that would be harmful in achieving the strategic plan.

· Threats of new entrants into the market space due to the low initial capital and also use of social media platforms

· Sticky and standardized prices have hindered the organization from increasing prices, covering production costs.

· Dependency on credit loans that offer high-interest loans on loans is very expensive to repay as credit recurs and piles up every month (Aleskerova et al.,2018). This is a financial burden resulting in huge capital costs for Parenthood Reinvention.

· High operating costs in developed markets resulting in heavy taxes charged by the government for environmental charges leading to higher logistics and packaging costs. HCA 470 UCLA Planned Parenthood Organization Business Plan Paper



Aleskerova, Y., Mulyk, T., & Fedoryshyna, L. (2018). Improving credit protection analysis methods Reports of main agricultural enterprises. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies4(2), 1-7.

Avery, L. (2020). Digital Pirates: Policing Intellectual Property in Brazil. NYUJ Int’l L. & Pol.53, 1048.

Chakraborty, U., & Bhat, S. (2018). Credibility of online reviews and its impact on brand image. Management Research Review.

Jeong, B., Yoon, J., & Lee, J. M. (2019). Social media mining for product planning: A product opportunity mining approach based on topic modeling and sentiment analysis. International Journal of Information Management48, 280-290. HCA 470 UCLA Planned Parenthood Organization Business Plan Paper