Systems Thinking Tool Presentation Assignment

Systems Thinking Tool Presentation Assignment


Writing Assignment #3 Part 2 – ONE PAGE. Apply a Systems Thinking tool from the slide presentation, “Systems Tools for Complex Health Systems: A Guide to Creating Causal Loop Diagrams” to one of the high leverage problems of obesity, chronic disease or poverty listed in the video, “CDC on System Thinking in Public Health.”

Example: Change versus consequences, Impact Pathway Analysis, System Archetypes, Rich Pictures, Inter-relationship diagraphs, systems maps (causal loop diagrams), Systems dynamic modeling, agent based modeling, network analysis, Scenario Development

Week Three Part 2: Writing Assignment. Systems Thinking Tool Application

Systems Thinking Tool Application
Review the following attached slides and follow the directions below:
● Systems Tools for Complex Health Systems: A Guide to Creating Causal Loop Diagrams – PDF Document (2.10 MB)
Writing Assignment #3 Part 2 – ONE PAGE. Apply a Systems Thinking tool from the slide presentation, “Systems Tools for Complex Health Systems: A Guide to Creating Causal Loop Diagrams” to one of the high leverage problems of obesity, chronic disease or poverty listed in the video, “CDC on System Thinking in Public Health.”
Example: Change versus consequences, Impact Pathway Analysis, System Archetypes, Rich Pictures, Inter-relationship diagraphs, systems maps (causal loop diagrams), Systems dynamic modeling, agent based modeling, network analysis, Scenario Development. Systems Thinking Tool Presentation Assignment
***Students are expected to use evidence in their writing and to cite reference in APA 6th edition style.
Systems thinking in public health
Interrelation diagraph of obesity
National University


This interrelation diagraph represents some of the most prominent issues that are linked to the rise of obesity. The two most frequently discussed causes of obesity are unhealthy diet and physical inactivity. As a healthy weight is maintained through a balance of energy intake and expenditure (as cited in Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2017) , excess energy intake due to lack of physical activity, high-caloric malnutritional diet, or a combination of both may contribute to weight gain and obesity. Physical inactivity among adults in modern day America may be attributed to modern lifestyle of increased office-style jobs and duties, increased sedentary recreational activities, and excessive workload. All of these factors may reduce heavy loads on the bodies but they also reduce energy expense in overall (Harvard Men’s Health Watch, 2012). In addition, unhealthy diet of high caloric food, caused by low socioeconomic status, and modern work schedule is also linked to obesity in America (Harvard Men’s Health Watch, 2012; Ogden, Lamb, Carroll, & Flegal, 2010). Other reasons such as smoking cessation, illnesses, or inadequate sleep can also be attributed to changes in the society and the modern lifestyle that requires individual to be more productive regardless of personal wellbeing. There are more factors that can directly and indirectly affect the obesity prevalence in the US but overall, it is a complex situation where multi-dimensional factors are interacting with each other and ultimate create this public health issue. Systems Thinking Tool Presentation Assignment

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2017, August 27). Adult obesity causes and consequences. Retrieved September 25, 2019, from
Harvard Men’s Health Watch. (2012, February). Obesity in America: What’s driving the epidemic? Harvard Health Publishing. Retrieved from
Ogden, C. L., Lamb, M. M., Carroll, M. D., & Flegal, K. M. (2010). Obesity and socioeconimic status in adults: United States, 2005-2008 (No. 50). Washington, D.C: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Systems Thinking Tool Presentation Assignment