HCM370 – Quality and Risk Management in Healthcare Essay

HCM370 – Quality and Risk Management in Healthcare Essay


Continue to use the scenario to assist you with this assignment.

Healing Hands Hospital is an acute care community hospital that serves a suburban community outside of a large city with two competing large academic medical centers. Both Healing Hands Hospital and the academic medical centers have a long history of service to the region, but their business and fundamental practices are different. Your manager, Ms. Woods, Healing Hands’ Chief Operating Officer, is part of the Task Force working on the strategic plan for the hospital and needs to understand the fundamental practices of these academic medical centers HCM370 – Quality and Risk Management in Healthcare Essay.

You have been asked to research the differences between the services that your organization offers and those of at least one of these academic medical centers. For the purposes of this assignment, use the Web to research community hospitals and academic medical centers and select one community hospital and one academic medical center located in the same city or area to represent these two healthcare organizations for the purpose of working on this assignment. You will use the information that you find about these two healthcare organizations for the Individual Project assignments in the remaining weeks of the course culminating in your final project in Week 5. Use the acute-care community hospital to represent Healing Hands Hospital. This link provides a list of example community hospitals. Choose one and then find an academic medical center located in the same geographic region. Review the Web information on these facilities to complete this assignment HCM370 – Quality and Risk Management in Healthcare Essay.


1. Describe the similarities and differences of these organizations in terms of the following:

  • Mission
  • Goals
  • Objectives
  • Management structure
  • Reimbursement models
  • Staffing
  • Policies
  • Procedures
  • Research and clinical trials

2. Based on your analysis of the data that you present, provide your opinion on what would be the main areas of concern if the two organizations were to merge and how they could be overcome.

You may include a table for the comparison, but you must describe your evaluation of where there are and are not similarities between the two healthcare organizations and your opinion. Your research should be at least 2-pages, not including the title page and reference page.

Be sure to document your references using APA format. This includes the websites for the two hospitals that you are using for the assignment.

This paper will be a part of the final project to be submitted in Unit 4 and 5. Label this week’s paper as “Report on the Future of Healing Hands”.


Dyrda L., Rosen T., Wood, M., and Hoefner, M.. (2017). 100 Great community Hospitals Becker’s Hospital Review. Retrieved from https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/lists/100-gr…

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials HCM370 – Quality and Risk Management in Healthcare Essay

Creating a set of Policies and Procedures for Acute Care Hospital Paper

Creating a set of Policies and Procedures for Acute Care Hospital Paper


Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:

  1. Examine a significant way that the Joint Commission has influenced the basic functions of HRM and predict the likely impact of the policies and procedures at the your acute hospital. Provide support for your rationale.
  2. Analyze the importance of collaboration between HR and department managers when filling open positions, indicating the most likely impact on the hiring process.
  3. Create a detailed outline of a training program for managers. The outline should include, at a minimum, interviewing techniques that both help managers identify the best candidate for the job and meet the requirements of appropriate employment laws and regulations Creating a set of Policies and Procedures for Acute Care Hospital Paper.


  4. Determine the most significant factor that should be considered in order to develop a compensation and benefit plan that is fair, competitive, and aligned with the organization’s strategic objectives, indicating the direct impact of each factor on the elements.
  5. Recommend a performance appraisal method that you believe would be the most effective for the organization and support the reasons for your decision. Provide support for your recommendation.
  6. Create a strategy to effectively manage both performance- and behavioral-based employee problems, which will lead to the desired behavior result.
  7. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources Creating a set of Policies and Procedures for Acute Care Hospital Paper.

Healthcare Project About Cloud Computing Assignment

Healthcare Project About Cloud Computing Assignment

Project outline

Each group has to  pick one technological issue in healthcare information field (for example Comparison of two EMR products, Security breaches in health care technology, barriers in creating electronic health exchanges etc.  It can be anything that you deem appropriate for this class). You have to work on this paper in a group

The following components should be included in your report.  Some are optional.

  1. Description of project. Why chosen.
  2. Overall objective of study
  3. It’s application in the Health Care field.
  4. History of the subject/facility/issue
  5. Background information
  6. Organization of study or facility, with appropriate functions.
  7. Identification of the problem, or its value to HCIS.
  8. Interviews (if applicable)
  9. Application (Who benefits? How?)
  10. The technological aspect
  11. Benefits and drawbacks.
  12. Equipment, personnel needs (if applicable)
  13. Cost estimates, if applicable
  14. Time requirements and limitations (if applicable)
  15. Your analysis Healthcare Project About Cloud Computing Assignment.
  16. Summary of the study. Sometimes called an executive reprise.
  17. Conclusion with pictorial, graphical presentation.
  18. Turn in electronic form of your paper on Blackboard




  1. Develop a presentation (see details below) for your class.
  2. Develop 6-8 page paper (single space, Times Roman font 12) that provides details of how you performed your research, did your analysis and came up with conclusions. Also include a rough script for your presentation, a section including research behind the work – including complete references.



Grading criteria

Two components: Presentation (25 points) and Report (75 points)

Prepare a presentation [25 points]

Please note:

  1. You can have between 12 (minimum-excluding title and bibliography slides) and 16 slides (maximum).
  2. You should have at least 5 other sources (other than your textbook) referred in your work.
  3. Please ensure that your work has a professional look and tone to it. Avoid putting inconsistent fonts, colors and size of text.
  4. Your analysis and answers should be reflective of concepts addressed in the respective chapter. Please do not provide generic answers/ suggestions (For example a recommendation such as: Everyone should work very hard to increase efficiency in the organization!!! Even though this might be a relevant suggestion, this is a generic recommendation that is not specific to the case provided to you. A more specific recommendation would look like this: the organization should consider using CRM tools (if possible specific vendor name) to overcome customer retention problems).
  5. Support all your answers with logic, evidence and assumptions. Do not provide “yes” or “no” as an answer to a specific question Healthcare Project About Cloud Computing Assignment.


Grading criteria for presentation: (Total 25 points)

  1. Depth of your analysis (correctness, relevance, insightfulness, logical, synthesis) 12 points
  2. Number of slides, references, professionalism of the slides (content and form) 5 points
  3. Clear link between concepts addressed in the specific chapter and your answer 5 points
  4. Going beyond the requirement of the questions at the end and providing additional information pertinent to the project 3 points


Report: 75 points

Develop 6-8 page report (single space, Times Roman font, Size 12) that provides details of your analysis and answers in this project. Include a rough script for your presentation, a section including research behind the work – including complete references.

Also, address how the work was divided in the group. Who was responsible for what portion?

This is a group project. Everyone in the group gets the same grade except if there is a consensus in the group about certain member not participating as much as expected. The instructor has the right to decide, based on given situation, the individual grade of that member Healthcare Project About Cloud Computing Assignment.

Administrative Challenges Facing Todays Practice Managers Analysis

Administrative Challenges Facing Todays Practice Managers Analysis


Physician practices are a key component of the U.S. healthcare system. According to the text, a significant amount of revenue that the healthcare industry generates can be directly linked to the care that physicians provide for their patients. In addition, physicians in a medical practice add to this revenue stream by admitting patients to a hospital, prescribing prescription medication, ordering home health services and medical equipment, and referring their patients to other healthcare providers for care and treatment. As a future healthcare administrator, it is important for you to demonstrate an understanding of the challenges and opportunities that today’s physicians face in providing quality healthcare services Administrative Challenges Facing Todays Practice Managers Analysis.


Write a four to six page (4-6) paper in which you:

  1. Compare the main various forms of medical group practice. Next, select the form that would be most attractive to a newly licensed physician. Justify your selection.
  2. Analyze how the role of the physician in a medical practice has changed in the past twenty (20) years. Assess three (3) specific challenges that today’s physicians face as members of a medical group practice. Support your response.
  3. Suggest three (3) specific competencies that a physician should demonstrate to be successful as a practice manager. Next, determine three (3) hurdles that a physician might face as the leader of a group practice. Provide rationale for your response.
  4. Assess the value of effective Human Resources Management (HRM) in a medical practice. Suggest three (3) functions of HRM necessary to attract and retain the type of employees needed for the practice in order to achieve long-term success. Support your recommendations with specific examples of how each function impacts the overall success of the practice.
  5. Determine three (3) aspects of consumer behavior that the physician’s practice management should consider as part of an effective marketing strategy for medical practices. Provide a rationale for your response Administrative Challenges Facing Todays Practice Managers Analysis.
  6. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources. Note: Wikipedia does not qualify as an academic resource.
  7. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
    1. Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
    2. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.
    3. Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Evaluate the role of physicians as practice administrators and determine the administrative challenges facing today’s practice managers.
  • Develop an inventory of key competencies administrators need to effectively manage medical group practices. Develop a recruitment strategy to improve talent selection options for a medical practice.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in physician’s practice management.
  • Write clearly and concisely about physician’s practice management using proper writing mechanics Administrative Challenges Facing Todays Practice Managers Analysis.

Healthcare Delivery and Systems Health and Medical Discussion

Healthcare Delivery and Systems Health and Medical Discussion


According to the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2016, the U.S. ranked 29 of the 195 countries evaluated in their annual report. Review the information on the following link:


What can healthcare professionals in the US do to improve the quality of care in the US? What can we learn from other countries?


  • Your original post of 150-175 words is due by 11:59 PM, EST,Wednesday of this week.
    • One peer reply of 75 words is required by 11:59 PM, EST Wednesday of this week.
    • Before posting, check for spelling and grammatical errors. If I cannot evaluate your content, you will not receive points.
    • No quotes are permitted in this course in the discussion forums; use of quotes will result in loss of points.
    • Plagiarism is not tolerated. You must cite any sources you use to support your work. APA format is used in most health-related courses and professions. The SPC online library has a guide to assist you with your use of citations and referencing Healthcare Delivery and Systems Health and Medical Discussion

Health And Medical Assignment Discussion Questions

Health And Medical Assignment Discussion Questions


1. We hear stories in the news about cases of medical malpractice that could have been prevented. For your initial post, conduct research for ways to prevent medical malpractice cases. Provide at least 3 ways to prevent these types of cases. How will these prevention measures lead to a decrease in malpractice cases?


PLEASE GIVE DETAILS… I DO NOT NEED THIS WRITTEN AS A PAPER… It is just a discussion … however, I need a citation at the end written in APA format.

2. Select a situation in which you have had or observed a communication barrier due to diverse cultures (age, ethnicity, socio economic status, etc.) as a medical administrative assistant or in a healthcare setting . Explain the situation and how you or someone else worked through the barrier to effectively communicate and provide quality customer service.

This is also a discussion… I do not need a whole paper written .. just a paragraph. . . please give details and examples Health And Medical Assignment Discussion Questions

Hospital Emergency Management Committee Discussion Reply

Hospital Emergency Management Committee Discussion Reply


Add to each post with 150 words and reference your work

Post One:

Developing a hospital emergency management committee is the first step to make a good disaster plan for the hospital. Most of the hospitals have a management committee. The purpose of this committee is to provide direction and feedback for the emergency management plan. There are some challenges by the scope of their responsibilities, the size of the committee, and other similar issues. The Committee is usually chaired by the Program Manager. The structure reflects the healthcare facility’s organization and response operations.


The purpose of the hospital emergency management committee is to address the environment of care issues, report to the multidisciplinary improvement team, conduct their business more effectively and efficiently and explore contentious issues or perform complex tasks, such as developing an EOP Hospital Emergency Management Committee Discussion Reply.

The members of the hospital emergency management committee are 1) the hospital administration:- The director/principal/dean/head of institution/medical superintendent. 2) Member/members from the hospital management board. 3) The chiefs/heads of various clinical departments supporting the emergency services. 4) The heads of various ancillary departments like radiodiagnosis, blood bank, and laboratory services. 5) The finance department. 6) The stores and supplies department. 7)The hospital engineering department. 8)The public relation and liaison office. 9) The head of security of the hospital.

GUIDELINES FOR HOSPITAL EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PLANNING. (2008). Retrieved from http://asdma.gov.in/pdf/publication/undp/guidelines_hospital_emergency.pdf

Emergency Management Committee. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://safety-security.uchicago.edu/emergency_management/committee/

Post Two:

Structure of the Hospital Emergency Management Committee

Hospital Emergency management committee for hospital K is a group of twenty representatives from different departments that are involved in formulating strategies and initiatives all focused on ensuring adequate preparedness of the hospital to respond to risks. The committee involves different expertise to contribute to developing an operational emergency plan. The committee has a meeting once in every month that is mandatory to all representatives, and in case a representative can’t make it attend, an alternate representative should attend. A hospital emergency manager is the chair of the committee and has full authority over the committee and will always coordinate with policymakers. The structure of the committee comprises of clinical, local community members and non-clinical officers. All members are expected to seek education on effective responses to emergencies Hospital Emergency Management Committee Discussion Reply.

Purpose and responsibilities

The goal of the hospital emergency committee is to help the hospital to develop a plan to mitigate, act and recover from threats. The committee is responsible for analyzing to determine the risks that may alter hospital operations and offer useful recommendations to stop the risks. Also, it will examine initiatives in the emergency department to ensure they mitigate and reduce the impacts of possible threats. The committee also is responsible for analyzing the report after a threat has occurred to determine the cause and the respective department performance involved in the risk and recommend changes to prevent similar occurrences. Also, it will initiate and develop training programs to the individual staff such as security, communication among others to ensure their preparedness. Also, the committee is responsible for conducting annual reviews to existing emergency policies and make recommendations that are further passed to the policy group for approval.

Members who will be in the Emergency management committee

The committee comprises of members from diverse departments in the hospital all intending to establish a cohesive emergency plan. The reason for their availability is to offer collaborative support from their expertise and give their concerns and interests that are essential in developing the plan. Community representatives will also be present to enhance a plan that is all around. The members will be from;

Senior leadership positions



Operating officer

Medical officer


Human resource

Legal department

Hospital security

Communication Hospital Emergency Management Committee Discussion Reply

Hospital safety

Community representatives from the fire department

Non-governments organization of the local area


Public health officer

Lab technician

Intensive care unit officer

An officer from the burns department

An officer from the surgery department

A pediatrician from Trauma service



Reilly, M. J., & Markenson, D. S. (2010). Health care emergency management: Principles and practice. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Public Health Emergency. (Feb 14, 2012). Establishing the Healthcare Coalition Emergency Management Program (EMP). Retrieved fromwww.phe.gov/Preparedness/planning/mscc/healthcarecoalition/chapter5/Pages/establishing.aspx

Hospital Emergency Management Committee Discussion Reply

Types of Facilities in The US Health Care System Discussion Post

Types of Facilities in The US Health Care System Discussion Post


This is a discussion post. Please create an initial and a reply post –

After you have read chapters 7-9 of your textbook, you have learned about different types of healthcare delivery systems used in the US. The online information on accreditation helped explained the different agencies that provide standards for accreditation. Please answer the following:

  1. Why is it important for performance standards to be met by healthcare facilities?
  2. How is reimbursement for services affected by accreditation?
  3. According to the Knopf (2018) article, do the different agencies have different accreditation requirements for healthcare facilities?
  4. Explain the purpose of a site visit Types of Facilities in The US Health Care System Discussion Post.


    • Your original post of 150-175 words is due by 11:59 PM, EST, Thursday of this week.

    • One peer reply of 75 words is required by 11:59 PM, EST Sunday of this week.
    • Before posting, check for spelling and grammatical errors. If I cannot evaluate your content, you will not receive points.
    • No quotes are permitted in this course in the discussion forums; use of quotes will result in loss of points.
    • Plagiarism is not tolerated. You must cite any sources you use to support your work. APA format is used in most health-related courses and professions. The SPC online library has a guide to assist you with your use of citations and referencing.

Resource Needed:

This is an important article on the reshaping of accreditation standards. Please read the article in order to answer the questions for the Module discussion assignment:

Knopf, A. (2018). Accreditation standards being reshaped for 2019: Refined missions,

integrated systems, tech standards and MAT among issues addressed by Joint Types of Facilities in The US Health Care System Discussion Post.


Commission, CARF and COA. Behavioral Healthcare Executive38(4), 22+.

Retrieved from http://link.galegroup.com.db24.linccweb.org/apps/doc/A568059066/AONE?u=lincclin_spjc&sid=AONE&xid=d9baf88f

Please click on the following link for information on accreditation of hospitals: Types of Facilities in The US Health Care System Discussion Post

Mod 2 Utilization of The Influenza Vaccine PICOT Question Project

Mod 2 Utilization of The Influenza Vaccine PICOT Question Project

Clinical Question – Formulate a clinical question using the PICOT format.

P: Patient Population
I: Intervention or area on Interest
C: Comparison intervention or group
O: Outcome


T: Time
Ex: “In acute care hospitals (patient population), how does having a rapid response team (intervention) compared with not having a response team (comparison) affect the number of cardiac arrests (outcome) during a three-month period (time)?”

Note: Please add references and in-text citation
Peer view within 3 years or less than 3 years
APA Format Mod 2 Utilization of The Influenza Vaccine PICOT Question Project.

HCS475 Leadership and Management Characteristics Summary

HCS475 Leadership and Management Characteristics Summary


Assignment Content

  1. You need to be aware of the intertwining nature of management and leadership as you look for a management position. Traditionally, leadership is viewed as a subset of management. Management without leadership lacks inspiration to drive change. Employers generally include management skills and leadership expectations within job applications and descriptions.
    Open your web browser and go to your preferred job search engine to search for a management position within health care. You can also search in your local newspaper or job board. Also, you can use the following keywords when completing your search:

    • “management positions in health care”
    • “health care administrator positions”
    • “health care management”

    Write a 500-800-word summary that addresses the following:

    • Explain what characteristics are found in a leader HCS475 Leadership and Management Characteristics Summary.
    • What are the traits of an effective leader?
    • How do these traits support you in becoming an effective leader in a management position?
    • Then using the selected job description: (make sure you reference the job description you have selected)


    • Identify at least 3 keywords found within the job posting that represent a management skill or characteristic.
    • Explain why each keyword identified is a management skill or characteristic
    • Identify at least 3 keywords found within the job posting that represent a leadership skill or characteristic.
    • Explain why each keyword identified is a leadership skill or characteristic versus a management characteristic (you must display a distinction between the two).

    Format your paper according to APA guidelines, DO NOT use document heading/paragraph headers points will be deducted for using. Cite at least 3 sources (1 should be the job description, the textbook can be another)

HCS475 Leadership and Management Characteristics Summary