
Critique an example of a professional organization’s use of media to promote a health policy agenda. Discuss attributes of success or lack thereof.ExpectationsInitial Post:Due: Thursday, 11:59 pm PTLength: A minimum of 250 words, not including referencesCitations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years

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Discussion post 1 Policy and Advocacy

Please see attachment for instructions

Discussion 2

Discussion 2 -421Briefly introduce a person you have recently cared for in your nursing practice. (Be sure not to include any identifying information that would be protected by HIPAA!) Discuss the person’s view of the cause of their health condition, the person’s health literacy, and the person’s identity on the continuum of privilege-disadvantage (Table 4 in the Lor article on p. 361). What was (or would be) your approach to care for him/her in a culturally competent way?Submission Instructions:Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.Read theModule 2: Lecture Materials & Resourcesearly in the week to help you respond to the discussion questions and to complete your assignment(s).Required Textbook ReadingsRitter, L.A., Graham, D.H. (2017).Chapters 2 and 6

importance of crafting a cover letter ( nursing)

As you continue to discover your healthcare career path, it should become apparent on the importance of crafting a cover letter and resume to aid in the hiring process.Please provide a 1-2 page reflection that addresses the following items:What you did differently in the composition of your draft documents.Consider what you tailored and customized.The overall necessity of having a professional resume and cover letter in the healthcare field.

Response 1 by 12/2/2021

Response #1 Respond to one of your peers in your discussion group. Identify the additional workup that is needed to rule in or rule out these differential diagnoses. What clinical signs/symptoms would you expect to see with these two differential diagnoses ?Peer responseAccording to McCance and Huether (2018), “anemia is a reduction in the total circulating red cell mass or a decrease in the quality or quantity of hemoglobin.” Anemias commonly result from acute or chronic blood loss, impaired erythrocyte production, increased erythrocyte destruction, or a combination of these factors. The main physiologic manifestation of anemia is a reduced oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood resulting in hypoxemia. Symptoms of anemia vary, depending on the body’s ability to compensate for reduced oxygen-carrying capacity. Anemia that is mild and develops gradually is usually easier to compensate and may cause problems for the individual only during physical exertion. As the reduction in the number of red blood cells (RBCs) continues, symptoms become more pronounced and alterations of specific organs and compensatory effects become more apparent. There are several ways to classify anemias. They can be categorized as blood loss, inherited genetic effects, acquired genetic effects and nutritional deficiencies (McCance & Huether, 2018).One differential diagnosis that this patient could possibly have is iron deficiency anemia. Fifty percent of anemia is related to iron deficiency and is also highly associated with pregnancy (Khani et al., 2021). Iron is essential for the production of hemoglobin. The depletion of iron stores may result from blood loss, decreased intake or impaired absorption. According to Khani et al. (2021), “iron deficiency anemia reduces the capacity of red blood cells delivering oxygen to the tissues of the body, with clinical symptoms such as conjunctival pallor, shortness of breath, dizziness, and weakness.”Another differential diagnosis could be aplastic anemia. Aplastic anemia is a condition that occurs when your body stops producing enough new blood cells. The condition leaves you fatigued and more prone to uncontrollable bleeding. It can occur suddenly at any age, or it can come on slowly and worsen over time. According to Shen et al. (2021), “the exact etiology is not clear, which may be related to chemical poisons, viral infection, lack of immunity, and other factors.” Clinical manifestations are “low proliferation of bone marrow hematopoietic cells and peripheral blood pancytopenia, which are mainly anemia, hemorrhage, and infection (Shen et al., 2021). Treatments for aplastic anemia might include medications, blood transfusions or a stem cell transplant, also known as a bone marrow transplant.ReferencesKhani Jeihooni, A., Hoshyar, S., Afzali Harsini, P., & Rakhshani, T. (2021). The effect of nutrition education based on PRECEDE model on iron deficiency  anemia among female students. BMC Women’s Health, 21(1), 1–9. K., L., & Huether, S., E. (2018). Pathophysiology: The biologic basis for disease in adults and children (8th ed.). Elsevier.Shen, W., Liu, X., & Zhou, A. (2021). Analysis of continuous nursing intervention on aplastic anemia patients based on the “Information-motivation-            behavioral skills model.” Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine (ECAM), 1–7. Unread0Unread0 Replies0Replies0 Views0

soap note (Gastritis)

Follow the Soap Note Rubric as a guide:Grading RubricStudent______________________________________This sheet is to help you understand what we are looking for, and what our margin remarks might be about on your write ups of patients. Since at all of the white-ups that you hand in are uniform, this represents what MUST be included in every write-up.1)      Identifying Data (___5pts): The opening list of the note. It contains age, sex, race, marital status, etc. The patient complaint should be given in quotes. If the patient has more than one complaint, each complaint should be listed separately (1, 2, etc.) and each addressed in the subjective and under the appropriate number.2)      Subjective Data (___30pts.): This is the historical part of the note. It contains the following:a) Symptom analysis/HPI(Location, quality , quantity or severity, timing, setting, factors that make it better or worse, and associate manifestations.(10pts).b) Review of systems of associated systems, reporting all pertinent positives and negatives (10pts).c) Any PMH, family hx, social hx, allergies, medications related to the complaint/problem (10pts). If more than one chief complaint, each should be written u in this manner.3)      Objective Data(__25pt.): Vital signs need to be present. Height and Weight should be included where appropriate.a)      Appropriate systems are examined, listed in the note and consistent with those identified in 2b.(10pts).b)      Pertinent positives and negatives must be documented for each relevant system.c)        Any abnormalities must be fully described. Measure and record sizes of things (likes moles, scars). Avoid using “ok”, “clear”, “within normal limits”, positive/ negative, and normal/abnormal to describe things. (5pts).4)      Assessment (___10pts.): Diagnoses should be clearly listed and worded appropriately.5)      Plan (___15pts.): Be sure to include any teaching, health maintenance and counseling along with the pharmacological and non-pharmacological measures. If you have more than one diagnosis, it is helpful to have this section divided into separate numbered sections.6)      Subjective/ Objective, Assessment and Management and Consistent (___10pts.): Does the note support the appropriate differential diagnosis process? Is there evidence that you know what systems and what symptoms go with which complaints? The assessment/diagnoses should be consistent with the subjective section and then the assessment and plan. The management should be consistent with the assessment/ diagnoses identified.7)      Clarity of the Write-up(___5pts.): Is it literate, organized and complete?Use APA format and must include minimum of 2 Scholarly Citations.Soap notes will be uploaded to Moodle and put through TURN-It-In (anti-Plagiarism program)Turn it in Score must be less than 50% or will not be accepted for credit, must be your own work and in your own words. You can resubmit, Final submission will be accepted if less than 50%. Copy paste from websites or textbooks will not be accepted or tolerated. Please see College Handbook with reference to Academic Misconduct Statement.Soap Note 2 Chronic Conditions

Assessment description

The formula to calculate the communication channels is: n x (n – 1) / 2. N is the number of team members. Use the formula to determine the number of communication channels for a team of five members. Based on your calculation, what are the possible number of communication channels on the project team? Do you agree or disagree with the calculation? Should all stakeholders (even those not on the team) be included? Explain your rationale.

Assessment traits

Assessment Description
The purpose of this assignment is to create a communication plan for stakeholders. This communication plan is in relation to the case study you selected in the Class Resources.

Complete the “Communication Plan Template” located in the topic Resources folder.

This assignment requires two or three scholarly resources.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Prepare Part 2 of the template according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

competitive advantage.

Discuss the resource-based view of competitive advantage. Why is it important to understand organizational differences to use this approach?Briefly define what is meant by competitive advantage. Are competitive advantage and sustained competitive advantage identical concepts? Compare and contrast the two concepts.Professional Development:Case Study #12: AIDSCAP NepalConduct an internal environmental analysis, identifying the value-creating strengths and weaknesses for each value chain component. Model your response after Exhibit 4-4 (p. 144) “Value Creating Strengths and Value Reducing Weaknesses.”For each strength, assess the competitive relevance, using Exhibit 4-6 (p. 149) as an example.Exhibit 4–4: Value Creating Strengths and Value Reducing Weaknesses for American Healthways, Inc.Value Chain ComponentService Delivery, Pre-ServiceService Delivery, Point-ofServiceService Delivery, AfterServiceSupport Activities, CultureSupport Activities, Strategic ResourcesValue Reducing Weakness• Limited brand identity • Disease management and care enhancement contracts require extensive selling because of lack of knowledge of key benefits • Revenues subject to seasonal pressures from enrollment processes of contracted health plans• Company/employees have less experience in care enhancement programs in expanded product line areas such as end-state renal disease, fibromyalgia, etc. • A majority of company’s revenues accounted for by three health plans• Incomplete or inaccurate data could render independent evaluation of clinical interventions useless• Acquisition of StatusOne Health System with different culture • Company’s reluctance to declare cash dividend may discourage some classes of investors• Hospital contracts decreasing • Cost to maintain IT for compliance with federal and state regulations • High labor costs from competition for staff • Volatility of stock price and trading volumeValue Creating Strength• Customer benefit: care enhancement/disease management concept (attractive to health plans, hospitals, physicians, patients) • Customer benefit developed: geographical coverage (attractive to large health plans) • Six care enhancement centers• Successful management of diseases leading to reduced costs and increased customer satisfaction • Company employees highly experienced in implementing care enhancement programs in certain areas, such as diabetes • Integrated care product line attracts broad range of patients • Number of covered lives increasing making economies of scale possible• Alliance with Johns Hopkins Health System to independently evaluate effectiveness of clinical interventions• First disease management and care enhancement provider in nation accredited by all three accrediting agencies • Highly professionalized culture • Experienced management team of individuals with extensive health care experience and longevity with the company • Conservative fiscal management philosophy: retain earnings for future growth and development • Company has state-of-the-art medical information technology • Company has sound financial position: cash, working capital, stockholder equity increasing over past year • Earnings per share of common stock has increased despite 3:2 stock split in 2001 and 2:1 stock split in 2003.Exhibit 4–6: Strategic Thinking Map of Competitive Advantages Relative to Strengths in GeneralIs the Value of the Strength High or Low? (High/Low?)HHHHHHHHIs the Strength Rare? (Yes/No)NNNNYYYYIs the Strength Easy or Difficult to Imitate? (Easy/Difficult)EEDDEEDDCan the Strength Be Sustained? (Yes/No)YNYNYNYNImplicationsNo competitive advantage. Most competitors have the strength and those that do not can develop it easily. All can sustain it. Maintenance strategy.No competitive advantage. All competitors have the strength which is easy to develop. Strength is not sustainable so it represents only a short-term advantage.No competitive advantage. Many competitors possess the strength but it is difficult to develop, so care should be taken to maintain this strength.No competitive advantage. Many competitors possess the strength but it is difficult to develop, and those who do possess it will not be able to sustain the strength. Only a short-term advantage.Not a source of long-term competitive advantage. Because it is valuable and rare, competitors will do what is necessary to develop this easy-to-imitate strength. Short-term advantage. Should not base strategy on this type of strength but should obtain benefits of short-term advantage.Not a source of competitive advantage. The strength is easy to imitate and cannot be sustained. Short-term advantage. Do not base strategy on this type of strength but obtain benefits of short-term advantage.Source of long-term competitive advantage. If value is very high, it may be worth “betting the organization” on this strength.Possible source of short-term competitive advantage but not a strength that can be sustained over the long run.Ginter, P. M., Duncan, W. J., & Swayne, L. E. (2013). Strategic Management of Health Care Organizations (7th ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.