ap db

A 60-year-old man is brought to the ER by ambulance because of slurred speech and left side weakness. His wife states they went to bed at 11pm and woke up at 5am when she noticed his symptoms. He is right handed with a history of coronary artery disease, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia and a heart attack at age 50. He currently is unable to move his left arm and leg. He had an episode of amaurosis fugux (blindness)in his right eye one month ago that lasted for 5 minutes. Around 3 months ago his wife states he had bilateral pain in his legs while they were on a walk that lasted about 15 minutes. He is taking a baby aspirin a day an ACE inhibitor, and statin as well. He does have a history of alcohol use and smoking in the past but stopped after his heart attack. His blood pressure is 195/118 Pulse 106, Respiratory rate 18, Temperature 99.8, o2 sat is 97% on room air. Although his pupils are equal and reactive, and the ocular movements are intact, he is unable to turn his eyes voluntarily toward the left side. The neck is supple, there is no jugular vein distension, and there are no bruits. The lungs are clear heart sounds regular without murmurs, and abdomen is normal. The limbs are not well perfused distally. The neurologic examination reveals that he is alert and oriented, although he does not recognize he is sick. He shows loss of awareness and attention with respect to objects or stimuli on his left side. He has mild dysarthria but, his speech is fluent, and he understands and follows commands very well. There is mild weakness on the left side of the face and left sided homonymous hemaianopsia, but there is no nystagmus or ptosis, and no tongue or uvula deviation. He is not able to move his left arm and leg, has hyperreflexia, and the left great toe is upgoing.What are two questions you would ask this patient?Identify the subjective data for this patient.Identify the objective data for this patient.What is the likely diagnosis?Your response should include evidence of review of the course material, websites, and literature through proper citations using APA format.

Week 3 Project

This written assignment requires the student to investigate his/her local, state and federal legislators and explore their assigned committees and legislative commitments. The student is expected to investigate current and actual legislative initiatives that have either passed or pending approval by the house, senate or Governor’s office. The student will draft a letter to a specific legislator and offer support or constructive argument against pending policy or legislation.  The letter must be supported with a minimum of 3 evidence based primary citations. (See Rubric)Based upon the research week one and two, you will draft a pretend letter to a specific legislator on legislation being considered, passed, or tabled and offer support or constructive argument against pending policy or legislation.  The letter must be supported with a minimum of 3 evidence-based primary citations and written in business letter format.Do not start the letter with your name since you will be signing your name at the end. Identify the issue and why you support or do not support the issue. Thank you legislator for his/her support of your position. Closing salutation and then your name. Use business letter format. Do not mail this letter. It is a scholarly exercise only.Submission Details:Support your responses with examples.Cite any sources in APA format.

db 5 due in 8 hrs

t is anticipated that the initial discussion response should be in the range of 250-300 words. Response posts must demonstrate topic knowledge and scholarly engagement with peers. This is not the only criteria utilized for evaluation; substantive content is imperative. All questions in the topic must be addressed. Please proofread your response carefully for grammar and spelling. Do not upload any attachments. All responses need to be supported by a minimum of one scholarly resource. Journals and websites must be cited appropriately. Citation and reference must adhere to APA format (6th Ed.).Please read the case scenario listed below. In your initial post, address the questions posed at the end of the scenario. In your response post, please address information you learned about available resources in your clinic area and how you would access them. When reading your peer’s posts, what similarities and differences are noted compared to your clinical or community standards of care?Detail your approach to care and management for the following case scenario:A 21-year old woman presents for prenatal visit, her 1st even though she is well into her third trimester and her EDC is predicted to be within a month or so.  He boyfriend, the father of the child, has not been supportive to date of the pregnancy and is also not on good terms with her own parents.  At first, she denies alcohol or drug use but after a while, she opens up and talks about an ongoing opioid addiction.  Most of the time, she takes Percocet bought on the street but due to cost, she has recently begun using heroin.  It becomes clear that she will not be “clean” prior to her delivery and that her child will be born also affected by maternal opiate use.Since she has almost no external support, you know that after she delivers, she will be the primary caregiver of the infant and also hopefully working a detox program.What is the accepted name of the condition with which the child will be born? What are the peri-natal risks to the infant? What are the post-natal risks to the infant? What are the post-natal risks to the mother?Is there any evidence on the long-term risk to the child?In your response post to a peer:  Please share information on the resources available in your clinical practice to address these concerns.Estimated time to complete: 3 hours

Cloud Technology

a. TURNITIN similarity index will not pickup inadvertent self‐plagiarism from another team member’s submission  b. Course faculty will have only one submission to review and grade.  4. Use Microsoft PowerPoint 2007, 2010 or higher for systems’ compatibility.  a. Follow the best practices for PowerPoint construction & presentationPreparing the Presentation    1. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes between 25‐30 slides, NOT including the title and reference slides.  a. Speaker Notes   i. Outline and “script” the presentation for online students.   ii. Online students’ speaker notes should include the name of the student who researched and presented the slide information.  iii. Campus students follow the guidelines of your course instructor.  b. Scholarly writing and APA 6th Edition guidelines should be followed as applicable to  PowerPoint slides.  c. Cite sources in APA format in the applicable slides and include the APA formatted reference in your reference list slide(s) ‐ Minimum 6 references  d. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation apply even in bullet points and speaker slides (e.g., quotation marks, italics, verb tense, etc.)  e. Copyright and plagiarism rules apply  2. Each team will be assigned a healthcare information systems technology (e.g., Computerized Physician Order Entry, Electronic Health Record, Electronic Medical Record, etc.) by the course instructor. For that technology, include the following discussions in the presentation:  a. Introduce the technology & the team  i. Title slide should identify the assigned technology and introduce team members  ii. Provide an introduction  1. Describe the technology  2. Purpose for the technology in healthcare.   3. Establish the professional tone for the presentation.  b. History & Current Use  i. Describe significant findings that prompted the development of the technology  ii. Discuss the history and current use of the technology in healthcare  iii. Describe three goals of this technology’s implementation.  c. Impact on healthcare and nursing  i. Impact on professional nursing practice.   ii. Patient safety impact (including statistical justification)  iii. Impact on patient care delivery, quality care measures/monitoring, and risk management (privacy, confidentiality, and security) as applicable.  1. Ethical & legal considerations.   2. Infrastructure/operational consequences (e.g., budget, costs, etc.)  3. Impact on a population and/or geographic region    4. Provide examples & statically significant data to support examples.NR360 Technology Presentation Guidelines V1.docx              Revised for SEP17 tz/css/slp  3d. Three advantages and disadvantages  i. Patient’s vantage point or perspective (e.g., patient outcomes, safety, patient/family satisfaction).  ii. Nurse’s vantage point (improves/hinders job efficiency/safety)   iii. Healthcare organization’s vantage point (regulatory compliance, financial, etc.)   e. Controversy/Issues/Challenges/Regulatory implications   i. How might issues surrounding the chosen technology be addressed/solved?  ii. Provide statically significant data or evidence to support your findings.  f. Summary  i. Key points  ii. Discoveries/surprises iii. Lessons learned by the team  3. Team Project Evaluation (40 points)  a. Place & discuss the following questions and responses in the slides(s) following the summary slide and prior to the reference slide(s).   i. How did the team function well?  (e.g., team strengths, team balance, etc.)  ii. What problems did you have interacting as a team? (e.g., team weaknesses, outside challenges, technology, etc.)  iii. What specific actions would you recommend to future teams to help them interact, function, and collaborate successfully?Please Note: All the under listed  below points/ requirements have been stated above.1. It is a Power point Slide Presentation2. It must be 25 to 30 Power point slides3. Must include 6 references, at least4. APA format5. Speaker’s note must be include down the slides6. Citations must be included.7. Please, watch out for plagiarism or plagiarized works as this assignment will be placed on TurnItIn.

Health Education and health promotion

System AdminMax Points: 8.0Explain the role of health education in health promotion. How is the nursing process used in developing health education? Describe a contemporary issue, local or global, that a family may experience today. What steps would the nurse take to address these as part of a health education plan?H

7-1 Final Project – Needing revision and correction on each paper done already following rubric below!

You may want to use this as a checklist to make sure that your paper is ready for submission:Did you submit the paper through Turnitin?  ***I recommend that you submit your paper through Turnitin well before it is due.Make adjustments if needed and then resubmit.You will have to submit the paper into the submission folder to run it through TIIIs the Turnitin percentage 25% or less?This is the goal.It is important to look at the report to see where the citations may need to be fixed.Did you make adjustments and rerun the paper through Turnitin?Are all of the in-text citations noted correctly?Quotation marks used when needed?Author, date, and page numbers used correctly?Large quotes done correctly?Is the reference list done correctly?Titles of books and journals (and volume number) italicized?In alphabetical order?Is the format correct for each reference based on its type?If electronic sources are used is the URL included (but NOT the retrieval date)?Is the format of the paper correct?Title page? Formatted correctlyRunning head?12 pt font, double spaced, 1 in. margins?Reference Page in correct format?Subtitles placed correctly?Did you look at the rubric to make sure that you covered everything that should be included?Did you reread your paper and run spell check?

Coding and Billing

You do not have to add images

Using Presentation Aids

Respond to the following questions, and if it’s relevant, include your own personal experience:Think of a topic for a public speaking assignment and the types of presentation aids you might use.Based on your topic, identify three advantages and three disadvantages of using presentation aids during a speech.

Core Competency

Research a speech.Using your course materials and the internet, research a speech that you feel is particularly effective, then analyze each speaker’s style and language strategies.Answer the questions.Who was the speaker, and what was that speaker’s main topic?What CORE style(s) does the speaker use in his or her speech? Cite the choice of word phrases and other clues from the speech to justify your answer.What you believe is the speech’s specific purpose?What strategies did the speaker use to achieve the specific purpose of the speech?Do you believe the speaker was successful in achieving the specific purpose of the speech?How does style and word choice in this speech impact the effectiveness of the message?How can you incorporate some of these techniques into your own speeches?

Presentation Pizazz

Refer back to a past outlineStep 2 Determine presentation aids.Determine the type(s) of presentation aids that would best support your points.When identifying the type of presentation aid, keep in mind that you will be creating one of these presentation aids as the next step in the assignment. You must be able to submit the presentation aid electronically.Enter the information about the presentation aids for the two points into your word processing document.Include a brief explanation of how each type of presentation aid will support the corresponding point in the speech.Step 3 Create a presentation aid.Select one of the presentation aids that you identified and create it. For example, you could:Use a software application such as Microsoft Excel to create a chart or graph.Create a few PowerPoint slides that you would use during a specific part of your presentation.Take a digital photograph that illustrates a concept or point in your speech.Record a portion of an interview as an mp3 file.These are just a few ideas of how you could create a presentation aid for your speech. Whatever type of presentation aid you create, follow the guidelines presented in the lesson to make the presentation aid as effective as possible.Step 4 Write a summary.In a one-page (250-word) summary, describe how you would incorporate the presentation aid into your speech delivery.At what point would you introduce the presentation aid? How would you use it to enhance your presentation?Are there any special considerations you should take into consideration when preparing to present your speech based on including the presentation aid?