
Hello i need a Good and Positive Comment for each of these comments .Thank you.  I need at least two references

scabies.Soap Note

APA formatTurnitin report

Topic 5 DQ 2

End-of-life care becomes an issue at some point for elderly clients. Even with the emergence of palliative care programs and hospice programs, most elderly people do not die in their own home as is their preference. What are the reasons for this trend? Discuss what you can do as a nurse to support your clients regarding end-of-life care in accordance with their wishes. Support your response with evidence-based literature.

Educational Program on Risk Management – Part One: Outline of Topic

The purpose of this assignment is to create an educational program that supports the implementation of risk management strategies in a health care organization.In this assignment, you will develop an outline for an “in‐service”‐style educational risk management program for employees of a particular health care organization that will then form the basis for a PowerPoint presentation in Topic 5. Select your topic for this educational session from one of the proposed recommendations or changes you suggested in the Risk Management Program Analysis – Part One assignment to enhance, improve, or secure compliance standards in your chosen risk management plan example.Create a 500‐750-word comprehensive outline that communicates the following about your chosen topic:Introduction: Identify the risk management topic you have chosen to address and why it is important within your health care sector.Rationale: Illustrate how this risk management strategy is lacking within your selected organization’s current risk management plan and explain how its implementation will better meet local, state, and federal compliance standards.Support: Provide data that indicate the need for this proposed risk management initiative and demonstrate how it falls under the organization’s legal responsibility to provide a safe health care facility and work environment.Implementation: Describe the steps to implement the proposed strategy in your selected health care organization.Challenges: Predict obstacles the health care organization may face in executing this risk management strategy and propose solutions to navigate or preempt these potentially difficult outcomes.Evaluation: Outline your plan to evaluate the success of the proposed risk management program and how well it meets the organization’s short-term, long-term, and end goals.Opportunities: Recommend additional risk management improvements in adjacent areas of influence that the organization could or should address moving forward.You are required to incorporate all instructor feedback from this assignment into Educational Program on Risk Management Part Two ‐ Slide Presentation assignment in Topic 5. To save time later in the course, consider addressing any feedback soon after this assignment has been graded and returned to you. It may be helpful to preview the requirements for the Topic 5 assignment to ensure that your outline addresses all required elements for submission of the final presentation.You are required to support your statements with a minimum of six citations from appropriate credible sources.Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

Evidence Based Signature Assignment on Acute Bronchitis

Evidence Based Signature Assignment on Acute Bronchitis

Signature Assignment: Current EBP – Acute Bronchitis

Signature Assignment: Current EBP – Acute Bronchitis

This paper presents a comprehensive discussion of an acute health problem called acute bronchitis. The paper is grounded on two original research contributions, peer-reviewed articles, and the clinical experience of a client with acute bronchitis requiring at least two visits. Using these resources, the paper explores key concepts and differing viewpoints related to acute bronchitis, the impact of cultural/spiritual/socioeconomic considerations, and evidence-based medical guidelines, in addition to other relevant factors related to the acute health problem. The objective is to provide the reader with a deep insight into acute bronchitis with regard to clinical evaluation, symptomatic presentation, evaluation, and management of clinical guidelines.

Topic and Rationale for Selection

According to Singh, Avula, and Zahn (2021), acute bronchitis “is characterized by inflammation of the bronchial tubes (bronchi), the air passages that extend from the trachea into the small airways and alveoli.”  Common symptoms of the acute health problem include cough, sputum production, nausea, fever, diarrhea, vomiting, sore throat, fatigue, headache, and muscle aches. This topic was selected because acute bronchitis is a common presentation in most primary care offices, urgent care centers, and emergency departments. Singh, Avula, and Zahn (2021) note that in the US, acute bronchitis ranks among the top ten common acute health problems among outpatients with 5% of adults being diagnosed with the condition each year. This translates to approximately 10 million visits to healthcare organizations each year.


            The health problem is synonymous with the flu season, which is common during winter and autumn in the US. The disease can follow any viral upper respiratory infection with common pathogens being parainfluenza, influenza virus A or B, rhinovirus, and respiratory syncytial virus. The condition is further exacerbated by risk factors like asthma, crowding, residing in polluted areas, and a history of smoking. Considering that these are risk factors that characterize a large population of the US, the topic was selected due to its importance in public healthcare outcomes.

Evaluation of Key Concepts

According to Kinkade and Long (2016), “acute bronchitis is the result of acute inflammation of the bronchi secondary to various triggers, most commonly viral infection, allergens, pollutants, etc.” (p. 560). In addition to this, the bronchial wall’s inflammation results in the denudation of the basement membrane, the desquamation of the epithelial cell, and mucosal thickening. There are instances when a viral upper respiratory infection progresses into the lower respiratory tract infection, which leads to acute bronchitis. The findings of physical examination in acute bronchitis are diverse and include bullous myringitis, rhinorrhea, adenopathy, conjunctivitis, diffuse wheezes, inspiratory stridor, and peripheral cyanosis, among others. Evidence Based Signature Assignment on Acute Bronchitis

Overall, acute bronchitis is likely to be diagnosed in individuals having an acute respiratory infection combined with a cough. However, it is vital to acknowledge that there are other more serious illnesses associated with the lower respiratory tract that cause a cough. Hence, Albert (2016) suggests the following studies to help in the proper diagnosis of acute bronchitis: (a) spirometry, (b) influenza tests, (c) blood culture in case there is suspicion of a bacterial super-infection, (d) sputum cytology in case there is a persistent cough, (e) chest radiography in case there is suspicion of pneumonia or the patient is elderly, (f) procalcitonin levels in order to differentiate nonbacterial and bacterial infections, and (g), complete blood count with differential.

Complete History and Physical (H&P) of the Client’s Initial Visit


The client is a 45-year-old male who works in a company that deals with toxic substances with strong fumes. He is a chronic smoker and has been overweight for the past three years. The client has been coughing for the past 12 days and complains of a lot of sputum. Currently, the sputum is clear-colored. The client has also had the following symptoms over the past six days: extreme fatigue, muscle aches, headache, stuffy nose, and sore throat. Consequently, these symptoms have made it challenging for him to work. Considering his job pays him based on his output, his current illness is not only affecting his health adversely but also his economic wellbeing. Therefore, the client seeks a swift and successful solution to his predicament.

Physical Examination

A physical examination of the client has revealed coarse rhonchi and wheezes, which alter in intensity and location after a productive and deep cough. Additionally, the exam shows that the client makes high-pitched continuous sounds and diffuse wheezes, which implies that he has a severe case of an acute health problem. Occasionally, the patient shows diffuse diminution of air intake, which indicates an obstruction of the trachea or major bronchi. The client also has a sustained heave along his left sternal border, which is an indicator of the right ventricular hypertrophy; a condition that is synonymous with bronchitis.

SOAP Note for the Client’s Follow-Up Visit


The client is a 45-year-old male who visited the clinic on 02/18/2022. He complained of a consistent cough, a lot of sputum, extreme fatigue, muscle aches, headache, stuffy nose, and sore throat. A review of his systems showed that the client did not have any major health changes over the past few weeks apart from the cough. A skin exam showed no rash or itching while a HEENT exam showed that the client had normal eye and ear functioning but had a stuffy nose and sore throat. Cardiovascular and gastrointestinal functioning were also normal. The client has no known allergies. He has taken over-the-counter medication to help with the coughing with no success.


The client’s vital signs were as follows: “BP 115/75, HR 85, RR 17, Temp 96.2 (oral), SPO2 96% RA. Height: 5ft 8inch, Weight: 143 lb., BMI: 21.7.” a general survey showed that the client was calm with clear speech and congruent answers to any questions asked. However, he had dry skin and appeared older than his stated age.


The primary diagnosis is acute bronchitis (ICD-10: J20.9). This diagnosis was made based on the symptoms such as severe cough, fatigue, mucus, and chest discomfort. The client’s diaphragm appeared flatter and lower than normal. He also had a palpable liver, which implies that overinflation could have displaced it. His smoking and regular exposure to toxic fumes at his workplace is major risk factors for bronchitis. However, standard lab tests are mandatory to prove or disprove this diagnosis. Evidence Based Signature Assignment on Acute Bronchitis


The plan is to prescribe azithromycin to the patient. This is a drug that is effective in fighting off bacteria, a major reason behind the development of bronchitis. Additionally, Naproxen and Sumatriptan can be combined for better effect. Albert (2016) asserts that the combination of these medications results in positive clinical outcomes. The client has no allergies and is likely to benefit from these drugs. Regarding lab tests, an x-ray of the chest will be done to assess the lungs and bronchial tubes, a blood test will check for infections, a respiratory mucus test will reveal the mucus’ origin, a urine test will reveal likely inflammation origins, and spirometry will reveal the functioning of the lungs. Finally, patient education will be done to sensitize him on the proper taking of medication and the necessary lifestyle changes to be made to ensure he gets well swiftly and prevents acute bronchitis from being a chronic one.

Description of Multiple Viewpoints

According to Singh, Avula, and Zahn (2021), there are instances when secondary pneumonia develops. Often, this is indicated by fever, productive cough, and worsening symptoms. Hence, there may be a need for chest x-rays. This trend is crucial for smokers, infants/newborns, the elderly, and immunocompromised adults. Fahey et al. (2014) reveal that for patients with shortness of breath and a cough, pulmonary emboli must be in differentials. At times, spontaneous pneumomediastinum or pneumothorax can result from aggressive coughing. Once again, a chest –x-ray may be vital for acute worsening of symptoms. People diagnosed with acute bronchitis should comprehend the significance of lifestyle changes such as avoiding pollutants or quitting smoking in order to minimize recurrence of the disease or various complications. Furthermore, pneumonia and influenza immunizations for the at-risk groups may be important. Patient education such as avoiding the use of antibiotics in situations when it has not been indicated to avoid antibiotic resistance may also be necessary. However, the general population tends to go against such norms with a high number of people self-medicating on antibiotics, others refusing to be vaccinated, and others refusing to quit their poor lifestyle habits.


Merit of Evidence/ Soundness of Research

The research referenced in this article was very sound based on a variety of factors including the use of scientific research techniques, use of large sample sizes, long study-time, randomization, and result findings being closely aligned with the scientifically established guidelines regarding treatment and diagnosis. More so, the research in the articles used was done by qualified individuals with impressive academic credentials and extensive experience in their fields. The research was also published in peer-reviewed scholarly journals that referenced other credible and reliable primary and secondary sources.

Evaluation of Current EBM Guidelines

Current EBM guidelines recommend treating simple acute bronchitis using antibiotics in healthy adults. In nine randomized, controlled trials of antibiotic agents, pertinent research reveals a slight reduction in the cough duration period. However, there was no notable reduction in the period of illness (Fahey et al., 2014). Consequently, the use of antibiotics is not recommended in simple cases, taking into account the cost of antibiotics, possible side effects, and antibiotic resistance. For viral acute bronchitis, there are medical societies that advise against the use of antibiotics. Nevertheless, the majority of healthcare practitioners still prescribe antibiotics for individuals diagnosed with acute bronchitis. Current EBM guidelines not only focus on treatment but preventive measures as well. People diagnosed with acute bronchitis should comprehend the significance of lifestyle changes such as avoiding pollutants or quitting smoking in order to minimize recurrence of the disease or various complications.

Cultural, Spiritual, and Socioeconomic Considerations

When interacting with patients, healthcare practitioners should consider the role played by the client’s cultural, spiritual, and socioeconomic backgrounds. These are factors that directly impact the healthcare outcomes of the patient. For instance, there are cultural and spiritual beliefs that may cause a client to forego vital medical care. The client may choose traditional medication or adhere to his religious beliefs and stop the necessary medication. McHale (2018) advises healthcare practitioners not to get offended by such outcomes but to respect the choices of the client. More so, they can try and see the perspective of the client in order to open a proper line of communication and find alternative ways of helping their patients that will not seem offensive to them. Socioeconomic considerations should also be made. For instance, the client presented above works in a company that deals with toxic fumes. It might not be possible for the healthcare practitioner to ask the client to quit his job in order to improve his healthcare outcomes. Hence, alternative preventive solutions should be sought.

Standardized Procedure for this Diagnosis

Acute bronchitis is likely to be diagnosed in individuals having an acute respiratory infection combined with a cough. However, it is vital to acknowledge that there are other more serious illnesses associated with the lower respiratory tract that cause a cough. Hence, as aforementioned, Albert (2016) suggests the following studies to help in the proper diagnosis of acute bronchitis: (a) spirometry, (b) influenza tests, (c) blood culture in case there is suspicion of a bacterial super-infection, (d) sputum cytology in case there is a persistent cough, (e) chest radiography in case there is suspicion of pneumonia or the patient is elderly, (f) procalcitonin levels in order to differentiate nonbacterial and bacterial infections, and (g), complete blood count with differential.

How the Evidence Would Impact Practice

The evidence collected in this paper would positively impact my practice and allow me to offer high-quality healthcare services to my clients. For starters, the evidence collected has revealed the significance of offering holistic care to patients to achieve the best outcomes possible. In my practice, I would not only focus on treatment options, but I would also educate my clients to ensure that they take preventive actions in order to avoid chronic illnesses caused by the acute health problem. I would also consider how their cultures, religion, and socioeconomic backgrounds impact their ability to comprehensively accept healthcare services. The evidence collected has also shown me the importance of carrying out diverse tests during the diagnosis of a client in order to ensure accurate diagnoses are made and differential diagnoses are accurately ruled out. Evidence Based Signature Assignment on Acute Bronchitis


This paper has presented a comprehensive discussion of an acute health problem called acute bronchitis. Acute bronchitis is a common presentation in most primary care offices, urgent care centers, and emergency departments. It accounts for approximately 10 million visits to healthcare organizations each year. Therefore, it is a major problem that warranted this discussion. Current EBM guidelines recommend treating simple acute bronchitis using antibiotics in healthy adults. Nevertheless, comprehensive tests should be done during diagnosis to rule out other diseases that have similar symptoms to acute bronchitis. Furthermore, his paper has revealed the significance of educating patients on preventive measures to ensure they adopt healthier lifestyles and can alleviate the risk of developing long-term illnesses. Overall, this discussion has enhanced my knowledge of a common acute health problem and has added great value to my future practice.


Albert, R. H. (2016). Diagnosis and treatment of acute bronchitis. American Family Physician, 82(11), 1345-1350.

Fahey, T., Smucny, J., Becker, L., & Glazier, R. (2014). Antibiotics for acute bronchitis (Cochrane Review). The Cochrane Library, (4).

Kinkade, S., & Long, N. A. (2016). Acute bronchitis. American Family Physician, 94(7), 560-565.

McHale, J. V. (2018). Ethical, cultural, and spiritual dimensions of healthcare practice. Nursing Ethics, 20(4), 365-365.

Singh, A., Avula, A., & Zahn, E. (2021). Acute bronchitis. NCBI. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK448067/ Evidence Based Signature Assignment on Acute Bronchitis


week 3.1 nr 532

Requirements:This paper will be graded on quality of information, use of citations, use of Standard English grammar, sentence structure, and organization based on the required components.Create this assignment using Microsoft (MS) Word, which is the required format for all Chamberlain documents. You can tell that the document is saved as a MS Word document because it will end in “.docx.”Submit to the appropriate assignment area by 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday of the week due. Any questions about this paper may be discussed in the weekly Q & A Discussion topic.The length of the paper is to be no greater than three pages, excluding title page and reference pageAPA format (6th edition) is required in this assignment, including a title page and reference page. Use APA level 1 headings for the organizational structure of this assignment. Remember that the introduction does not carry a heading that labels it as a level heading in APA format. The first part of your paper is assumed to be the introduction. See APA manual for details. See resource under the course Library Guide, “Guidelines for Writing Professional Papers.” Use the suggested format and headings to organize your assignment.Include introduction (do not label as a heading in APA format)Key Concepts of Strategic PlanPrioritiesSupporting EvidenceConclusionPreparing the paperYou are the nurse executive of a healthcare organization. To ensure the organization’s success, you must develop a strategic plan scenario to address the nursing shortage in an area of your choice. Please ensure no identifying names are used in your scenario.Clear introduction of your strategic plan in the introduction paragraph; including a sentence that states the purpose of your paper.Clearly articulatekey concepts of your strategic plan, which include:stating whom will be involved in the strategic-planning process, their position or role within the organization, and your rationale(s) for including each member of the team.Interviewone person who is currently in the role of one of the persons you would include in your strategic plan process. Ask that person how they view their role in transforming healthcare and making a difference in the lives of patients and families. Include a copy of their curriculum vitae (CV) and a transcript of your interview (not included in the 3 page limit for the assignment); include email communications from you to the person, in the event you do not receive a response. Include all information from the interview as an addendum to your assignment; andusing a SWOT analysis approach, discuss strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats you must consider internal and external to the organization. A table is acceptable if you prefer to use this format for your SWOT analysis information.State your top two priorities, based on your SWOT analysis, to address the nursing shortage for your organization from your strategic plan and discuss how these priorities relate to leadership and the Person-Centred Framework by McCormack and McCance (2017).Include of a minimum of three sources of scholarly, empirical evidence that support your strategic plan.Provide concluding statements for your overall assignment content.The paper will be three pages maximum, excluding title and reference page(s).Title and reference page(s) must be in APA format (6th edition).Use 12 Times New Roman font and one-inch margins on all sides of the paper.


Reflective Journal: Benefits of a Capital ItemPrompt:Your consulting work with the physician’s group in Module Three earned you rave reviews and now your boss has asked you to put your skills to work in support of a local community health center. As the Assistant to the CFO you have been tasked with preparing a public statement on the justification of purchasing the electronic medical record.After explaining the benefits of the EMR and making suggestions for ways the benefits can be determined, write a memo to the community health center’s Board of Directors that uses your determinations to justify the purchase of the EMR. Refer to the mini-case on page 340 of the textbook.Create a journal assignment that:●  Explains the benefits of the electronic medical records system (EMR)●  Explains the ways the benefits can be estimated●  Includes a written memo to the community health center’s board of directors that justifies the purchase of the EMRGuidelines for Submission: You will submit two deliverables for this assignment. Your explanation of benefits should be 1-2 pages in length with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and citations in APA style were applicable. Your written memo to the community health center’s board of directors should be 1-2 pages in length with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and citations in APA style were applicable.Module 5 Guidelines and Rubric attached below.Textbook – page 340 attached belowNowicki, Michael. (2018). Introduction to the financial management of healthcare organizations (7th ed.). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press. ISBN: 978156793904

hp – p2

Venice Family ClinicSubmit the second milestone of your final project.For additional details, please refer to the Milestone 2 Guidelines and Rubric attached below.You must review Milestone one attached below as referenceAlso a capital budget item was done for venice family clininc( attached below however the professor stated this is a good project but keep in mind it will be a large undertaking. An EHR requires an incredible investment – not just in the system but building out the entire VFC footprint (multiple sites). This will likely include additional tech staff, internet upgrades, equipment purchases, etc. You are welcome to pursue this but make sure your analysis is comprehensive. If you like, you may change your project to a smaller one so your scope isn’t so large.So it can be changed to a smaller scope of something else so that milestone 2 project can be done effectively.

Health Assessment & Promotion paper

Health Assessment & Promotion paper

Module 1/ Health Assessment & Promotion


Think about a recent patient that you have provided nursing care. How can the health history relate to clinical prevention for that specific patient? How can you as the nurse advocate for your patient to receive effective, efficient, cost-effective and equitable care?

Your initial post must be posted before you can view and respond to colleagues, must contain minimum of two (2) references, in addition to examples from your personal experiences to augment the topic. The goal is to make your post interesting and engaging so others will want to read/respond to it. Synthesize and summarize from your resources in order to avoid the use of direct quotes, which can often be dry and boring. No direct quotes are allowed in the discussion board posts. Health Assessment & Promotion paper


Post a thoughtful response to at least two (2) other colleagues’ initial postings. Responses to colleagues should be supportive and helpful (examples of an acceptable comment are: “This is interesting – in my practice, we treated or resolved (diagnosis or issue) with (x, y, z meds, theory, management principle) and according to the literature…” and add supportive reference. Avoid comments such as “I agree” or “good comment.”

Points: 30

Due Dates:

  • Initial Post: Fri, Jun 17 by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) of the US.
  • Response Post: Sun, Jun 19 by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) of the US – (the response posts cannot be done on the same day as the initial post).


  • Initial Post: Minimum of two (2) total references: one (1) from required course materials and one (1) from peer-reviewed references.
  • Response posts: Minimum of one (1) total reference: one (1) from peer-reviewed or course materials reference per response.

Words Limits

  • Initial Post: Minimum 200 words excluding references (approximately one (1) page)
  • Response posts: Minimum 100 words excluding references.


Note: Since it is difficult to edit the APA reference in the Blackboard discussion area, you can copy and paste APA references from your Word document to the Blackboard discussion area.  Points will not be deducted because of format changes in spacing. Health Assessment & Promotion paper


Perioperative Assessment paper

Perioperative Assessment paper

Surgery for Herniated Disc

Patient Profile

J.A., a 68-year-old female with a herniated lumbar disc at L4, is scheduled to have an L4 lumbar laminectomy using a posterior approach. She has a history of low back pain, osteoarthritis in the left hip, and hypertension. She is taking the following medications:

  • Metoprolol (Lopressor) 50 mg PO BID; last dose last night
  • Ibuprofen (Motrin) 600 mg TID; last dose yesterday morning
  • Garlic supplement daily; last dose yesterday morning

Subjective Data

  • Has low back pain that radiates down her right leg
  • Has pain in left hip which worsens with activity
  • Has not had anything to eat or drink since midnight last night
  • Smokes one-half pack of cigarettes per day for past 47 years
  • States that she is allergic to sulfa and latex


Objective Data

Physical Examination

  • Blood pressure 140/82, pulse 84, temperature 98.6° F, respirations 20
  •  Height 5’ 5”, weight 195 lbs, BMI 32.4 kg/m2, Perioperative Assessment paper

Diagnostic Studies

  • ECG normal sinus rhythm
  • Lab values
    • Sodium               139.0 mEq/L
    • Potassium           3.4 mEq/L
    • HCO3                25.4 mEq/L
    • Chloride             99.5 mEq/L
    • BUN                  10 mg/dL
    • Creatinine           1.1 mg/dL
    • WBC                 7,000/µL
    • RBC                  4.3 million/µL
    • Hematocrit         36%
    • Hemoglobin        12 g/dL
    • Platelets              164,000/µL
    • Glucose              98 mg/dL

Discussion Questions

1. After reviewing J.A.’s chart with the above data, what information should the perioperative/circulating nurse make the operating room staff, surgeon, and anesthesia care provider aware of?

2. What position should J.A. be positioned in on the operating room table and what should be considered when positioning her for the surgical procedure?

3. Just prior to bringing J.A.to the operating room, the surgeon comes to talk to her and marks the surgical site. You then put a hair-cover over J.A.’s hair, similar to that worn by the rest of the operating room staff and hang the ordered preoperative IV antibiotic. What is the purpose of the surgeon marking the operative site, the hair cover, and the administration of the antibiotic on the way to the operating room?

4. What is involved in a surgical time-out?

5. What is the circulating nurse’s role in the operating room?

6. Describe a plan for J.A.’s anesthesia during surgery. Perioperative Assessment paper