Measures of Effect

Measures of EffectOne important application of epidemiology is to identify factors that could increase the likelihood of a certain health problem occurring within a specific population. Epidemiologists use measures of effect to examine the association or linkage in the relationship between risk factors and emergence of disease or ill health. For instance, they may use measures of effect to better understand the relationships between poverty and lead poisoning in children, smoking and heart disease, or low birth weight and future motor skills.What is the significance of measures of effect for nursing practice? In this Discussion, you will consider this pivotal question.To prepare:With      the Learning Resources in mind, consider how measures of effect strengthen      and support nursing practice.What      would be the risk of not using measures of effect in nursing practice?Conduct      additional research in the Walden Library and other credible resources and      locate two examples in the scholarly literature that support your      insights.By tomorrow 04/11/2018 3pm, write a minimum of 550 words in APA format with at least 3 scholarly references from the list of required readings below. Include the level one headings as numbered below”Post a cohesive scholarly response that addresses the following:Analyze      how measures of effect strengthen and support nursing practice.PROVIDE AT LEAST TWO SPECIFICS      EXAMPLESfrom the literature to substantiate your insights.Assess      dangers of not using measures of effect in nursing      practice.Required ReadingsFriis, R. H., & Sellers, T. A. (2014). Epidemiology for public health practice (5th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones &smp; Bartlett.Review Chapter 3, “Measures of Morbidity and Mortality Used in Epidemiology”Chapter 9, “Measures of Effect”Chapter 9 extends the discussion that began with Chapter 6 (which looked at ecologic, cross-sectional, and case-control study designs) by introducing additional measures that are useful in evaluating the potential implications of an exposure-disease association.Tripepi, G. Jager, K. J., Dekker, F. W. & Zoccali, C. (2010). Measures of effect in epidemiological research. Nephron Clinical Practice, 115(2), c91–c93.As noted by the authors of this article (2010), “Measuring the strength of observed associations between a given risk factor (e.g., blood pressure) and a given outcome (e.g., stroke) is an important goal in epidemiological and clinical research” (p. c91). This article provides an accessible overview of the terminology and various methods used to measure associations in research.Optional ResourcesKrethong, P., Jirapaet, V., Jitpanya, C., & Sloan, R. (2008). A causal model of health-related quality of life in Thai patients with heart-failure. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 40(3), 254–260.Ibrahim, M., Alexander, L., Shy, C., & Deming, S. (2001). Common measures and statistics in epidemiological literature. ERIC Notebook, 17, 1–6. Retrieved from, C. O., & Kohlmann, T. (2008). When to use the odd ratio or the relative risk? International Journal of Public Health, 53(3), 165–167.Vineis, P., & Kriebel, D. (2006). Causal models in epidemiology: Past inheritance and genetic future. Environmental Health: A Global Access Science Source, 5, p. 21.

What is the main issue for your organization in addressing a solution to evidence-based nursing practice?

What is the main issue for your organization in addressing a solution to evidence-based nursing practice? Discuss what might be the first step in addressing and resolving this issue

For Expert_Researcher ONLY Assessment 3-6

Details attached.

MN580 Anticipatory Guidance for Neonates to Adolescents Table

No plagiarism PleaseAnticipatory Guidance for Neonates to Adolescents TableAnticipatory guidance helps family, caregivers, and others know what to expect according to the child’s growth and development. The guidance is done through collaboration between the healthcare provider and the caregiver. It is sometimes thought of as a type of counseling. Nurse practitioners working in pediatric primary care need to be experts on anticipatory guidance. There are excellent resources available and these are being updated as technologies and environments change.This Assignment will demonstrate your ability to describe age-specific anticipatory guidance for the child and the family. Additionally, you will then have a reference table for quick glance created by you for future encounters with pediatric individuals and their families.This assignment has a template that you will use to fill in the relevant elements of the anticipatory guidance per age group. The columns provide guidance to the specific areas such as safety and immunizations. If there is an area that is not applicable, such as oral health in infancy-newborn group, then place N/A in the box.

HCA 827 Full Course Discussions GCU

HCA 827 Full Course Discussions GCU

HCA 827 Topic 1 DQ 1

Describe a situation that could have benefitted from the application of the processes of a learning organization. What would have been different had these processes been applied? Explain. How might this application of processes have produced a different outcome? Support your reasoning with current research.

HCA 827 Topic 1 DQ 2

The practical use of theories may be overlooked in routine, daily management and operations as a tool for creating sustainable organizations. Is it reasonable to incorporate Diffusion of Innovation Theory into a health care organization in order to enhance daily operations and promote sustainability? Why or why not?

HCA 827 Topic 2 DQ 1

Health care leaders need to understand community demographics in order to plan for population health including changing demographics across a continuum. On which aspects of the demographic continuum should healthcare leaders focus? Why is this focus important? HCA 827 Full Course Discussions GCU

HCA 827 Topic 2 DQ 2

Find the U.S. Census Bureau data for the last three surveys for your state. Which changes in demographics (i.e., age, race, income) have exuded the greatest influence on health care services in your state? Why? How might understanding a demographic continuum assist with the planning of future community health services for your state? Why?

HCA 827 Topic 3 DQ 1

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) governs and influences compliance policy at all health care organizations including policy that drives patient data protection workflows. What do you believe is the most significant way that HIPAA influences the use of technology in the patient data communication workflow? Why?


HCA 827 Topic 3 DQ 2

Regulatory changes often prompt workflow changes or the addition of bureaucratic levels to manage the implementation of the regulation. How can leaders encourage workflow innovation that creatively mobilizes existing organizational resources to meet the challenges of regulatory guidance? Explain. When is it acceptable to expand an organization to meet new regulatory requirements? Explain.

HCA 827 Topic 4 DQ 1

Health care innovation and change, while seemingly slow, often move faster than people in health care organizations are reasonably and pragmatically willing and able to adjust. What are two people-related barriers that health care leaders need to mitigate in order to facilitate innovation and change? How can those barriers best be mitigated? Why?

HCA 827 Topic 4 DQ 2

Impending changes in reimbursement structures commonly find health care leaders working to balance the budget of the current month while simultaneously adjusting practice in order to meet upcoming requirements. How can health care leaders most effectively facilitate quick innovative change, while navigating bureaucracy? Support your position. HCA 827 Full Course Discussions GCU

HCA 827 Topic 5 DQ 1

Recessions commonly have a negative effect on the budgets of health care organizations as well as the personal finances of individuals. How has the most recent recession changed health care in your community? Have these changes been entirely negative, or are there positive results as well? Explain. What do you believe are the best strategies for your community to enact to support any positive changes and to offset the negative changes? Why?

HCA 827 Topic 5 DQ 2

Economic downturn commonly means less time in the hospital and greater demand for other services. How might health care leaders best create steady revenue streams amidst changing service requirements created by fluctuating economic conditions? Why? Can steady and sustainable revenue ever be fully achieved? Why or why not? To what extent does the notion of universal health care coverage influence the stability and sustainability of revenue streams for health care organizations? Why?

HCA 827 Topic 6 DQ 1

Stakeholder feedback comes from a variety of sources in the contemporary, connected world including patient and employee perspectives as well as the views of community and government. As a health care leader, what research-based approach would you take to reduce staff anxiety and improve staff opinions with regard to the use of patient satisfaction questions as a tool for organizational decision making? Why would you take this approach?

HCA 827 Topic 6 DQ 2

There is a trend toward including patients on committees and boards of health care organizations as a means of gathering stakeholder feedback and creating a structure of shared governance with stakeholders. Is this a valid means of gathering stakeholder feedback? Why or why not? Should health care organizations continue the trend toward creating shared governance with stakeholders? Why or why not?

HCA 827 Topic 7 DQ 1

Quality safe care is the ethically responsible thing to do and, as such, it requires an ethically responsible budget. However, quality safe care typically costs more at the time of service. As a health care leader facing economically driven funding cuts, what strategy might you employ to steer the organization to the creation and maintenance of an ethically responsible budget that assures quality safe care? Why would you choose this strategy?

HCA 827 Topic 7 DQ 2

Quality safe care tends to cost more initially, but many believe that it ultimately reduces costs because it allows for more money to be spent on care than on lawsuits, relapses, infections, and other unwanted consequences. To what extent is the delivery of quality safe care a factor of the work environment? Explain. Does ethics education play a role in the creation of a work environment dedicated to quality safe care? Why or why not? HCA 827 Full Course Discussions GCU

HCA 827 Topic 8 DQ 1

A positive culture that includes shared leadership creates buy-in and fuels the sustainability of the organization. In addition, research notes that a satisfied staff leads to better patient outcomes. Is the promotion of a positive culture primarily the role of management in a health care organization? Why or why not? How can members of a health care organization cooperate to ensure an organizational culture that promotes the sustainability of quality safe care? Explain.

HCA 827 Topic 8 DQ 2

The courses that comprise the health care emphasis of your doctoral program have addressed areas such as organizational structures, governance, health care regulation, professional development, leadership, community, and sustainability. Take a few moments to reflect back over the key themes of the emphasis courses. Which of these resonates with you most strongly? Why? How will this influence your dissertation research now that your topic is largely solidified?


HCA 827 Full Course Assignments GCU

HCA 827 Topic 2 Change and the Learning Organization

Health care leaders must embrace a lifestyle of change in order to create the culture of a learning organization that is amenable to and supportive of innovation, adaptation, and change. Rogers’ diffusion of innovation theory can be used to create a significant conceptual framework for change. In this assignment, you will describe how health care leaders can use Rogers’ theory to create the culture of a learning organization.

General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

  • This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
  • Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.
  • This assignment requires that at least two additional scholarly research sources related to this topic, and at least one in-text citation from each source be included.
  • You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.


Write a paper (1,000-1,250 words) that describes how Rogers’ diffusion of innovation theory can be applied to a health care organization to create within it the culture of a learning organization. Include the following in your paper:

  1. An overview of Rogers’ diffusion of innovation theory.
  2. A discussion of one other theory that could be used to guide an organization toward becoming a learning organization.
  3. A description of the characteristics and attitudes required for a health care organization to be considered a learning organization. What attitude should a learning organization take toward change?
  4. A discussion of which of the two theories discussed above may best guide the creation of the culture of a learning organization in a health care organization. HCA 827 Full Course Discussions GCU

HCA 827 Topic 3 Benchmark – A Changing Community

A small, rural community has had, since its founding nearly a century ago, a stable population, including a steady median age and a relatively homogenous ethnicity. However, in the last 5 years, the area’s natural beauty and its suitability for outdoor activities have transformed the community into a tourist and recreational destination. This has created a fluctuating seasonal population of recreational visitors. As a result, the integrated health care system in the community is experiencing a rise in demand for emergency and urgent care. This is placing economic pressure on the health care system because of government regulation surrounding the delivery of emergency care regardless of the patients’ ability to pay. In this assignment, you will create a presentation for the board of the community health care system that outlines necessary changes and possible innovations to respond to the economic pressure of the demographic changes to this community.

General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

  • This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
  • Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.
  • This assignment requires that at least two additional scholarly research sources related to this topic, and at least one in-text citation from each source be included.
  • You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.


Create a presentation (10-15 slides with speaker notes for each slide) that outlines for the board of the community health care system described above a significant change or innovation that you believe is necessary to provide adequate services and impriove quality of care for this changing community. The presentation must include the following:

  1. A description of the change or innovation
  2. A rationale for the change or innovation. What demographic and/or other changes within the community have precipitated the need for your proposed change or innovation? What practical need will this meet?
  3. An analysis of the steps you will take to evaluate the change or innovation. When will these steps be performed? What are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) of the change or innovation?
  4. A description of the impact of the change or innovation on the governance and structure of the existing health care system. (Benchmarks 12.1: Analyze the governance and structure of health care institutions.)
  5. A description of the governmental regulations that influence the implementation of this change or innovation. How will quality of care be affected by the interaction of these regulations and the proposed change or innovation? (Benchmarks 12.2: Evaluate the influence of governmental regulations on quality of care.)


HCA 827 Topic 5 Benchmark – Economic Change and Staff Development

Changing economic conditions are commonplace in the current global marketplace. With these changing economic conditions come changes in the services needed. This leads, in turn, to a need for staff development to adequately provide these new services. This staff development must be fiscally sound in order for the organization to remain viable while preparing staff members to provide these services. In this assignment, you will interview a health care executive to determine how to navigate this uncertain terrain of economics and staff development. HCA 827 Full Course Discussions GCU

HCA 807 All Week Discussions

HCA 807 All Week Discussions

HCA 807 Week 1 Discussions


What is the most significant change in the classification of health care organizations over the last half century? Why?

DQ 2

All health care organizations display characteristics related to service delivery, financing, payment solutions, and insurance relationships. Which of these can a health care organization most effectively harness in order to become the provider of choice for the largest variety of patrons? Why?

HCA 807 Week 2 Discussions


Why do health care organizations use segmentation?


Managed care can be seen as a result of health care segmentation. Is this a positive or negative influence to the health care industry? Why or why not? Is it a positive outcome for the patient? Why or why not?

HCA 807 Week 3 Discussions

DQ 1

Should public health care be for-profit? Why or why not?

DQ 2

Should individual health care be provided at public expense? Why or why not? HCA 807 All Week Discussions


HCA 807 Week 4 Discussions

DQ 1

When establishing a health care organization, why might a private structure be selected over a public structure?

DQ 2

Will the Affordable Care Act (ACA) place an unnecessary strain on private health care? Why or why not?

HCA 807 Week 5 Discussions

DQ 1

Why might a health care organization seek non-profit status instead of for-profit status?

DQ 2

Is a non-profit health care structure sustainable in the long term? Why or why not?

HCA 807 Week 6 Discussions

DQ 1

Why might a health care organization seek for-profit status instead of non-profit status?

DQ 2

Is a for-profit health care structure sustainable in the long term? Why or why not?

HCA 807 Week 7 Discussions

DQ 1

Which of the structures discussed throughout this course will ultimately produce the highest quality of patient care? Why?

DQ 2

Will legislation such as the Affordable Care Act produce sustainable high-quality health care? Why or why not?

HCA 807 Week 8 Discussions

DQ 1

How have changes in structures influenced the sustainability of health care organizations? Explain.

DQ 2

As you reflect on the information contained in this course, how might health care structures and governance influence your intended dissertation research? Explain. HCA 807 All Week Discussions

NURS 498L Assignment Fall Prevention

NURS 498L Assignment Fall Prevention

Jaclyn Hendricks

West Coast University


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1. What are Mrs. L’s known risk factors (in the hospital) for falling?

 Environmental

NURS 498 L Assignment Fall PreventionThe environmental risk factors that may have caused Mrs. L to fall include poor lighting,

slippery surfaces, and inappropriate walking aids.

 Medical conditions

The medical conditions that may have caused Mrs. L to fall comprise: past history of falls,

visual and cognitive impairment, problems with walking, osteoarthritis of the knee and hip,

depression, orthostatic hypotension, frailty, and urinary frequency.


 Unsafe behaviors

Other risky behaviors that may have led to Mrs. L fall include prolonged bed rest, fear and

anxiety, poor balance in her bed, and impatience.

2. Using the Hendrich II Fall Risk Model (

assessment/issue-8.pdf), determine Mrs. L’s fall risk score. NURS 498L Assignment Fall Prevention

Hendrich II Fall Risk Model was developed by nurses to assess a patient’s risk of falling

in the acute care context. The tool offers a means of forecasting which patients are likely to fall.

It focuses on eight independent risk factors: – confusion, disorientation, impulsivity;

symptomatic depression; altered elimination; dizziness, vertigo; male sex; administration of

antiepileptics (or dosage changes or cessation); administration of benzodiazepines; and poor

performance in the “Get-Up-and-Go” test of rising from a seated position (Hendrich, 2016).

Each of the risk factors is given a particular score. Using this model, the following is Mrs. L’s

fall risk score:

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Hendrich II Fall Risk Model ™



Confusion/Disorientation/Impulsivity 4 4

Symptomatic Depression 2 2

Altered Elimination 1 1

Dizziness/Vertigo 1 0

Gender (Male) 1 0

Any Administered Antiepileptics (anticonvulsants):

(Carbamazepine, Divalproex Sodium, Ethotoin, Ethosuximide, Felbamate, Fosphenytoin, Gabapentin, Lamotrigine,

Mephenytoin, Methsuximide, Phenobarbital, Phenytoin, Primidone, Topiramate, Trimethadi- one, Valproic Acid)1 2 0

Any Administered Benzodiazepines:2

(Alprazolam, Chloridiazepoxide, Clonazepam, Clorazepate Dipotassium, Diazepam, Flurazepam, Halazepam3,

Lorazepam, Midazolam, Oxazepam, Temazepam, Triazolam) 1



Get-Up-and-Go Test: “Rising from a Chair”

If unable to assess, monitor for change in activity level, assess other risk factors, document both on patient chart with date and time.

Ability to rise in single movement – No loss of balance with steps 0 0

Pushes up, successful in one attempt 1 0

Multiple attempts but successful 3 2

Unable to rise without assistance during test

If unable to assess, document this on the patient chart with the date and time. 4 2

(A score of 5 or greater = High Risk) TOTAL SCORE 11

© 2013 AHI of Indiana, Inc. All rights reserved. United States Patent No. 7,282,031 and U.S. Patent No. 7,682,308.

Reproduction of copyright and patented materials without authorization is a violation of federal law.

(Borson, n.d.)

Mrs. L’s total score is 11, indicating that he has a high risk of falling.

3. Mrs. L states she is “plagued by insomnia.” Using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index

(, measure Mrs.

L’s quality and patterns of sleep. Could Mrs. L’s sleeping pattern contribute to her risk for

falls? What actions will you take based on your analysis?

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The Global Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index of Mrs. L is 15. Based on this score, there is

no doubt that Mrs. L’s sleeping pattern contribute to her risk for falls. To reduce this risk, she

requires to improve her sleeping habits. First, ensuring that there are no artificial lights at night

that can prevent her from sleeping. Secondly, making sure that her bedroom is quiet, dark, and

cool, and the bed is comfortable. At her age, Mrs. L is more sensitive to noise, hence, it is

important to reduce it as low as possible. Thirdly, maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, such

that she go to bed and wake up at the same times daily. Fourthly, Mrs. L should eat a sleep-

friendly diet during the day and reduce inactivity. Last but not least, there is a need to minimize

her stress and anxiety, which may hinder the sleep.

4. Mrs. L is asked to complete the “Clock Drawing” portion of the Mini-Cog (http://mini- She draws the

clock showing 3 PM. Her drawing is missing the numbers 3, 4, and 5. One clock hand is

pointing at 9 and the other is pointing at 12. For the “Three Word Recall” portion, Mrs. L

remembers two words. What is her Mini-Cog score? NURS 498L Assignment Fall Prevention

The Mini-Cog score of Mrs. L is 2. A score less than 3 means that she has a cognitive

impairment. However, most of the people with clinically meaningful impairment will score

higher (Dellinger, 2017).

5. Having assessed Mrs. L’s fall risk and her cognitive state, develop three safety goals for

each of the following:

 Environmental and equipment

NURS 498 L Assignment Fall PreventionDue to the fact that environment factors such as poor lighting, slippery surfaces, and

inappropriate walking aids increase the risk of Mrs. L falling, it is important to provide adequate

lighting, safe footwear, and installation of better bed rails.

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 Gait and mobility

Low-level exercises might prevent falls and injury by increasing endurance and

strengthening muscles; stimulating cardiorespiratory role; enhancing and maintaining joint

motion, postural reflexes, and posture; and improving attentiveness. Besides, gait can be

enhanced through focused exercise or repetition of particular voluntary activities related to

instability (Dellinger, 2017).

 New medications

Prescribe her ibuprofen, benzodiazepine, or acetaminophen to decrease fever and improve

her sleeping habits. The medications should be taken in the morning rather than the evening. As

Dellinger (2017) asserts, it is essential to assess the medications because some of them may

increase the risk of falls.

 Anxiety, depression, and unsafe behavior

Encourage Mrs. L to take naps during the day to minimize her nighttime sleep requirements.

Physical activities and exercises will be vital to ensure that she is active. Education is also an

essential component of preventing fall risk. Mrs. L will be educated how she can stay at bed,

whenever the caregiver is not around as well as help her understand the potential hazards in the

home to increase safety. For instance, she can be advised to avoid darkened areas in the

house/hospital, or ensure she does not stand on the bed. NURS 498L Assignment Fall Prevention

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Borson, S. (n.d.). Mini-Cog screening for cognitive impairment in older adults. Retrieved


Dellinger, A. (2017). Older Adult Falls: Effective Approaches to Prevention. Current Trauma

Reports, 3(2), 118-123. doi: 10.1007/s40719-017-0087-x

Hendrich, A. (2016). Fall risk assessment for older adults: The Hendrich II Fall Risk model. Try

This, 8. Retrieved from

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Health Promotion Involving Tina Jones

Health Promotion Involving Tina Jones

Identifying Data & Reliability

Tina Jones is a 28 year old African american female AOX4. Pt is reliable historian

Ms. Jones is a pleasant, 28-year-old African American single woman who presents for a pre-employment physical. She is the primary source of the history. Ms. Jones offers information freely and without contradiction. Speech is clear and coherent. She maintains eye contact throughout the interview. Health Promotion Involving Tina Jones

General Survey

Alert and oriented X4. Feels tired because she was just coming from her other job.

Ms. Jones is alert and oriented, seated upright on the examination table, and is in no apparent distress. She is well-nourished, well-developed, and dressed appropriately with good hygiene.

Health Promotion Involving Tina Jones Reason for Visit

Presenting to shadow health hospital clinic for a complete health assessment for a pre-employment physical.

“I came in because I’m required to have a recent physical exam for the health insurance at my new job.” Health Promotion Involving Tina Jones


History of Present Illness

Tina Jones is a 28year old African America female with a history of diabetes and Asthma presenting to get a complete health assessment for a pre-employment physical.

Ms. Jones reports that she recently obtained employment at Smith, Stevens, Stewart, Silver & Company. She needs to obtain a pre-employment physical prior to initiating employment. Today she denies any acute concerns. Her last healthcare visit was 4 months ago, when she received her annual gynecological exam at Shadow Health General Clinic. Ms. Jones states that the gynecologist diagnosed her with polycystic ovarian syndrome and prescribed oral contraceptives at that visit, which she is tolerating well. She has type 2 diabetes, which she is controlling with diet, exercise, and metformin, which she just started 5 months ago. She has no medication side effects at this time. She states that she feels healthy, is taking better care of herself than in the past, and is looking forward to beginning the new job.

Health Promotion Involving Tina Jones Medications

Metformin 850mg twice daily Yaz birth control daily in the morning Flovent MDI twice daily proventil 90mcg/spray 2 puffs as needed for wheezing

• Fluticasone propionate, 110 mcg 2 puffs BID (last use: this morning) • Metformin, 850 mg PO BID (last use: this morning) • Drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol PO QD (last use: this morning) • Albuterol 90 mcg/spray MDI 2 puffs Q4H prn (last use: three months ago) • Acetaminophen 500-1000 mg PO prn (headaches) • Ibuprofen 600 mg PO TID prn (menstrual cramps: last taken 6 weeks ago) Health Promotion Involving Tina Jones


Penicillin- Rash, hives cats- sneezing, itchy watery eyes, asthma exacebation No Known food allergies No latex allergies

• Penicillin: rash • Denies food and latex allergies • Allergic to cats and dust. When she is exposed to allergens she states that she has runny nose, itchy and swollen eyes, and increased asthma symptoms. Health Promotion Involving Tina Jones

Medical History

Asthma- diagnosed at age 2 1/2 Diabetes Type 2 – diagnosed at 24 was on metformin but stopped due to side effects

Asthma diagnosed at age 2 1/2. She uses her albuterol inhaler when she is around cats. Her last asthma exacerbation was three months ago, which she resolved with her inhaler. She was last hospitalized for asthma in high school. Never intubated. Type 2 diabetes, diagnosed at age 24. She began metformin 5 months ago and initially had some gastrointestinal side effects which have since dissipated. She monitors her blood sugar once daily in the morning with average readings being around 90. She has a history of hypertension which normalized when she initiated diet and exercise. No surgeries. OB/GYN: Menarche, age 11. First sexual encounter at age 18, sex with men, identifies as heterosexual. Never pregnant. Last menstrual period 2 weeks ago. Diagnosed with PCOS four months ago. For the past four months (after initiating Yaz) cycles regular (every 4 weeks) with moderate bleeding lasting 5 days. Has new male relationship, sexual contact not initiated. She plans to use condoms with sexual activity. Tested negative for HIV/AIDS and STIs four months ago.

Health Maintenance

Has been eating healthy and trying to stay active by walking 30-40 mins two times per week and also swimming once a week

Last Pap smear 4 months ago. Last eye exam three months ago. Last dental exam five months ago. PPD (negative) ~2 years ago. Immunizations: Tetanus booster was received within the past year, influenza is not current, and human papillomavirus has not been received. She reports that she believes she is up to date on childhood vaccines and received the meningococcal vaccine for college. Safety: Has smoke detectors in the home, wears seatbelt in car, and does not ride a bike. Uses sunscreen. Guns, having belonged to her dad, are in the home, locked in parent’s room. Health Promotion Involving Tina Jones

Family History

-Father died 2 1/2 ears ago in a car accident. History of high blood pressure,type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol -Mother is still alive. has history of hypertension and high cholesterol. -Brother is overweight -Sister has asthma

• Mother: age 50, hypertension, elevated cholesterol • Father: deceased in car accident one year ago at age 58, hypertension, high cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes • Brother (Michael, 25): overweight • Sister (Britney, 14): asthma • Maternal grandmother: died at age 73 of a stroke, history of hypertension, high cholesterol • Maternal grandfather: died at age 78 of a stroke, history of hypertension, high cholesterol • Paternal grandmother: still living, age 82, hypertension • Paternal grandfather: died at age 65 of colon cancer, history of type 2 diabetes • Paternal uncle: alcoholism • Negative for mental illness, other cancers, sudden death, kidney disease, sickle cell anemia, thyroid problems

Social History

she does not have any children, has never been pregnant and has never been married. she lives with her mother and sister. currently works but is hoping to start a new jop as an accounting clerk at smith, stevens, steward silver company. drinksa alcohol ocassionally when she goes out with friends

Never married, no children. Lived independently since age 19, currently lives with mother and sister in a single family home, but will move into own apartment in one month. Will begin her new position in two weeks at Smith, Stevens, Stewart, Silver, & Company. She enjoys spending time with friends, reading, attending Bible study, volunteering in her church, and dancing. Tina is active in her church and describes a strong family and social support system. She states that family and church help her cope with stress. No tobacco. Cannabis use from age 15 to age 21. Reports no use of cocaine, methamphetamines, and heroin. Uses alcohol when “out with friends, 2-3 times per month,” reports drinking no more than 3 drinks per episode. Typical breakfast is frozen fruit smoothie with unsweetened yogurt, lunch is vegetables with brown rice or sandwich on wheat bread or low-fat pita, dinner is roasted vegetables and a protein, snack is carrot sticks or an apple. Denies coffee intake, but does consume 1-2 diet sodas per day. No recent foreign travel. No pets. Participates in mild to moderate exercise four to five times per week consisting of walking, yoga, or swimming.


Mental Health History

Denies any history of depression or suicidal thoughts. denies any problems with mood. no overall safety concerns.

Reports decreased stress and improved coping abilities have improved previous sleep difficulties. Denies current feelings of depression, anxiety, or thoughts of suicide. Alert and oriented to person, place, and time. Well-groomed, easily engages in conversation and is cooperative. Mood is pleasant. No tics or facial fasciculation. Speech is fluent, words are clear.

ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS: Health Promotion Involving Tina Jones

Please use the patient information provided below for this paper.

This assignment assesses intended course outcome(s)

#4 Use information found in patients’ health histories, genograms, and assessments to formulate an individualized plan of nursing care that focuses on the patient’s individual health promotion and disease prevention needs

Students will use the information found in Tina’s history, physical exam, and problem list to forulate an individualized health promotion and disease prevention plan of care. Recommendations should be evidence-based and from credible sources. The readings in module eight contains some suggested sources for obtaining health and screening recommendations for your patient. Health Promotion Involving Tina Jones

The plan for addressing the health promotion and disease prevention needs for your patient should include:


–          Age, gender and race of patient

–          Education level (health literacy)

–           Access to health care

Insurance/Financial status

–          Is the patient able to afford medications and health diet, and other out-of-pocket expenses?

Screening/Risk Assessment

–          Identified health concerns based on screening assessments and demographic information


–          What is the patients activity level, is the environment where the patient lives safe for activity

–          Nutrition recommendations based on age, race gender and pre-existing medical conditions

–          Activity recommendations

Social Support

–          Support systems, family members, community resources

Health Maintenance

–          Recommended health screening based on age, race, gender and pre-existing medical conditions

Patient Education:

–          Identified knowledge deficit areas/patient education needs (medication teaching etc).

–          Self-care needs/ Activities of daily living

* The paper should be written and referenced in APA format and be no longer than 4 pages (excluding cover page and references).

Your paper will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

Criteria Level 3 Level 2 Level 1


Includes age, race and gender of patient Missing one data item Missing 2 or more data items
Insurance/Financial status 


Includes information regarding patient’s insurance status and ability to afford medications and other  out-of-pocket expenses Missing some information regarding insurance status and ability to pay for medications and other out-of-pocket expenses. Missing information regarding the patients insurance status, ability to pay of medications and other out-of-pocket expenses
Screening /risk assessment 


Identifies health concerns based on screening assessments and demographic information. Missing some information regarding health concerns, by excluding information from screening assessments and demographics Health concerns are not identified due to information missing from screening assessments and demographics


Completely asses patient’s nutrition and activity levels and makes recommendations based on age, race, gender and pre-existing medical conditions Missing some information regarding the patients nutrition and activity levels, make recommendations based on age, race, gender and pre-existing medical conditions Most of the information regarding the patient’s nutrition and activity levels are missing, recommendations are missing or not based on the patient’s age, race, gender and pre-existing medical conditions
Social support 


Identifies support systems such as family members and community resources Missing some information regarding support systems such as family members and/or community resources Little to no information regarding social support
Health Maintenance 


Overall health maintenance recommendations made based on age, race, gender and pre-existing medical conditions Missing some recommendations, mostly based on age, race, gender and pre-existing medical conditions Missing many recommendations, loosely related to age, race, gender and pre-existing medical conditions
Patient Education 


Identified knowledge deficit areas/patient education needs including self-care needs and activities of daily living Missing one or more areas of knowledge deficit/patient education needs including self-care and activities of daily living Lacks identification of knowledge deficit areas/patient education needs. Does not consider self-care needs or activities of daily living.
Organization, spelling and grammar, APA 


Organized, easy to read, no spelling or grammar mistakes, appropriate use of APA Organized and easy to read, few spelling or grammar mistakes, few errors in APA Disorganized, difficult to read, many spelling and grammar errors mistakes. Does not use APA
Overall score Points 





( 0-23)


CPG (clinical practice guidelines) powerpoint with speaker notes

Slides should be professional in appearance and easy to readdisease & backgroundIdentify the disease condition and give a brief statement of incidence and prevalence in the U.S. Discuss the pathophysiology of the disease and typical clinical presentation seen in patients with the condition.Publication & Applicability in Primary CareIdentify the author, organization or group that developed the CPG along with the year of the original guideline publication.  Discuss why the CPG is applicable in the primary care setting.Key Action statements and Body of EvidenceProvide each of the CPG’s “Key Action” or “Guideline Statements” up to a maximum of 5 relevant recommendations. Identify the evidence strength for each recommendation. If the statement has applicability to other groups, only discuss the relevant primary care ones.article to be usedKapur, V.K., Auckley, D.H., Chowdhuri, S., Kuhlmann, D.C., Mehra, R., et al. (2017). Clinical Practice Guideline for the Diagnostic Testing for Adult Obstructive Sleep Apnea: An American Academy of Sleep Medicine Clinical Practice Guideline. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 13(3).RubricDisease & BackgroundStudent: 1)  Identifies the disease condition 2) Gives a brief statement of incidence and prevalence in the US 3) The student briefly summarizes the disease pathophysiology and 4) Identifies the typical clinical presentation seen in a patient with the disease (4 critical elements).Publication & Applicability in Primary CareThe student: 1) Identifies the author, organization or group that developed the CPG, 2) Student denotes the year of the original guideline publication, 3) Student identifies  any subsequent revisions (student’s reference should be the most recent version), and 4) Student discusses the applicability for use of this CPG in the primary care setting (4 critical elements).Key Action Statements & Body of EvidenceThe student: 1)Provides each of the CPG’s “Key Action” or “Guideline Statements”  up to a maximum of 5 relevant recommendations, 2)  Provides the body of evidence strength for each, and 3) If the statement has applicability to other groups, only discuss the relevant primary care ones (3 critical elements).

APN Professional Development Plan Assignment

APN Professional Development Plan Assignment

Assignment: Hematology/Cardiac Handout Discussion

Anti-infective Medications

Do not change the format of this handout.

Save your name to the document to receive credit and for easier verification.

Answer in 25 words or less if possible.

Use your own words only.

1) What is the mechanism of action for prednisone?

2) What are two side effects of taking prednisone?

3) What type of nursing care should you provide to patients taking prednisone?

4) Name one contraindication of taking prednisone.

5) What explanation could you offer to your patient to explain the safety of a “7-day tapering course of prednisone” order? APN Professional Development Plan Assignment

6) What would be an indication for blood cultures?

7) Describe the process for obtaining blood cultures.

8) Discuss the difference between viral infection and bacterial infection.


9) Give an example of a viral infection and how it is treated.

10) Give an example of a bacterial infection and how it is treated.

11) What is a nursing diagnosis and associated intervention for a patient with an infectious disease?

12) What is a gram-negative bacterium and name a medication that is used for treatment?

13) What is a gram-positive bacterium and name a medication that is used for treatment?

14) Describe the mechanism of action for each type of penicillin (Remember in your own words). Provide an example.

Penicillin Mechanism of Action Example

15) What nursing education would you provide to a patient who is prescribed penicillin?

Antibiotics are drugs that are used to treat infections.


This handout’s format should not be changed.


To obtain credit and for faster verification, save your name to the document.


If at all possible, respond in 25 words or less.


Only use your own words.


1) What is prednisone’s mode of action?


2) What are two of prednisone’s adverse effects? APN Professional Development Plan Assignment


3) What kind of nursing care should you give to prednisone patients?


4) Give an example of prednisone contraindication.


5) How would you explain to your patient the safety of “7-day tapering course of prednisone” prescription?


6) When should blood cultures be performed?


7) Describe the blood culture collection procedure.


8) Explain the distinction between viral and bacterial infection.


9) Describe the symptoms and treatment of viral infection.


10) Describe the symptoms and treatment of bacterial infection.


11) For patient with an infectious condition, what is nursing diagnosis and related intervention?


12) What is gram-negative bacterium, and what is the name of treatment for it?


13) What is gram-positive bacterium, and what is the name of treatment for it?


14) Describe each variety of penicillin’s mechanism of action (Remember in your own words). 
Give specific example.


Example of Penicillin Mechanism of Action 1. 2. 3. 4.


15) How would you educate patient who has been prescribed penicillin as nurse? APN Professional Development Plan Assignment