Assignment: Ethics Behind Assessment

Assignment: Ethics Behind Assessment

Assignment: Ethics Behind  Assessment

To prepare:

Select one scenarios, and reflect on the material presented throughout this course.
What necessary information would need to be obtained about the patient through health assessments and diagnostic tests?
Consider how you would respond as an advanced practice nurse. Review evidence-based practice guidelines and ethical considerations applicable to the scenarios you selected.
To complete:

Write a detailed one-page narrative (not a formal paper) explaining the health assessment information required for a diagnosis of your selected patient (include the scenario number). Explain how you would respond to the scenario as an advanced practice nurse using evidence-based practice guidelines and applying ethical considerations. Justify your response using at least 3 different references from current evidence based literature.

Assignment: Ethical Concerns
As an advanced practice nurse, you will run into situations where a patient’s wishes about his or her health conflict with evidence, your own experience, or a family’s wishes. This may create an ethical dilemma. What do you do when these situations occur?
In this Assignment, you will explore evidence-based practice guidelines and ethical considerations for specific scenarios.

Scenario 1:

The parents of a 5-year-old boy have accompanied their son for his required physical examination before starting kindergarten. His parents are opposed to him receiving any vaccines. Assignment: Ethics Behind Assessment

Scenario 2:

A 49-year-old woman with advanced stage cancer has been admitted to the emergency room with cardiac arrest. Her husband and one of her children accompanied the ambulance.

Scenario 3:

A 27-year-old man with Crohn’s disease has been admitted to the emergency room with an extreme flare-up of his condition. He explains that he has not been able to afford his medications for the last few months and is concerned about the costs he may incur for treatment.

Scenario 4:

A single mother has accompanied her two daughters, aged 15 and 13, to a women’s health clinic and has requested that the girls receive a pelvic examination and be put on birth control. The girls have consented to the exam but seem unsettled.

Scenario 5:

A 17-year-old boy has come in for a check-up after a head injury during a football game. He has indicated that he would like to be able to play in the next game, which is in 3 days.


Scenario 6:

A 12-year-old girl has come in for a routine check-up and has not yet received the HPV vaccine. Her family is very religious and believes that the vaccine would encourage premarital sexual activity.

Scenario 7:

A 57-year-old man who was diagnosed with motor neuron disease 2 years ago is experiencing a rapid decline in his condition. He prefers to be admitted to the in-patient unit at a hospice to receive end-of-life care, but his wife wants him to remain at home.

Week 11 Final Exam
This exam is a test of your knowledge in preparation for your certification exam. No outside resources including books, notes, websites, or any other type of resource are to be used to complete this exam. You are expected to comply with Walden University’s Code of Conduct. Assignment: Ethics Behind Assessment

This exam will be on topics covered in weeks 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11. Prior to starting the exam, you should review all of your materials. This exam is timed with a limit of two hours for completion. When time is up, your exam will automatically submit.

Complete the Final Exam.

Submit Your Quiz by Day 7
To submit your Final Exam:
Week 11 Final Exam
Consider the following scenarios:

You are a nurse at a large county hospital. One of your patients is leaning toward selecting a certain radical treatment for cancer, to which the family is in opposition. The family is concerned about making the correct decision and asks for your advice.
The state of Oregon has passed a “Death with Dignity” Act that allows for euthanasia in certain situations. One of your patients suffering from terminal cancer is thinking of moving there to take advantage of this law and asks your opinion.
Throughout this course, you have explored a wide range of health assessments and abnormal examination findings. Although you have predominantly focused on the procedural aspects of health assessment, this week, you will focus on ethical considerations that should be taken into account when advising patients or their families.

This week, you will consider how evidence-based practice guidelines and ethical considerations factor into health assessments. You will also evaluate health assessment concepts related to sports physicals and well-child and well-woman examinations. Assignment: Ethics Behind Assessment

Module 2: Sleep/Stress Analysis paper

Module 2: Sleep/Stress Analysis paper

Overview: Sleep/Stress Analysis

You will review your Sleep Log, reflecting the types of sleep and the impact of sleep deprivation on health. You’ll conduct a short Sleep Analysis using data from your Sleep Log.

Referring to the weekly readings, you will identify which level best describes your own stress. You will also self-assess your stress levels and personality type using online tools, and analyze the implications of your own typical and atypical stress levels.

You are encouraged to practice stress-reduction techniques, some of which are described in your readings. As a healthcare professional, you will often find yourself in stressful situations, but applying such techniques to yourself will help you teach those skills to your stressed clients. Module 2: Sleep/Stress Analysis paper


· Analyze one’s own sleep patterns.

· Discuss current research on the negative consequences of sleep deprivation.

· Describe the physiological, emotional and behavioral responses to stress.

· Discuss components of stress management.

Rubric: Module 2: Sleep/Stress Analysis
Use this rubric to guide your work on the assignment, “Stress/Sleep Analysis.”

Task Accomplished Proficient Needs Improvement
Sleep AnalysisSleep TimeSleepiness (Total 40 points) Clearly presented:(20 points)(20 points) Complete:(10 point)(10 point) Incomplete:(0 points)(0 points)
Stress Analysis Stress LevelsHolmes-Rahe ScorePersonality Type (Total 60 points) Clearly presented with more than one example each:(20 points)(20 points)(20 points) Complete with one example each:(10 point)(10 point)(10 point) Incomplete or no examples:(0 points)(0 points)(0 points)

Sleep AnalysisAverage Sleep TimeUse your Sleep Log to calculate your average hours of sleep per day for the week. State the average below, explaining if and why you included any napping times.(Total hours of sleep/Number of days)SleepinessExplain which of these statements best describe you the most frequently during your sleep study week:· I fought off/ignored a need to sleep.· I dozed off/fell asleep without meaning to.· I needed caffeine or another stimulant drug to stay awake.Stress AnalysisStress LevelsReferring to the article, “Understanding your Stress Levels,” explain which level of stress best explains your typical week. State specific reasons why you place yourself in that level. Explain regular instances in which your stress level either escalates or diminishes.Dumbleton, T. (2005). Understanding your stress levels [Electronic version]. Retrieved November 2011.


Complete the adaptation of the Holmes-Rahe scale at , and note your score. Then briefly explain what your results mean and examples of implications they may have on your health. If you disagree with the evaluation provided by the instrument, explain why. Module 2: Sleep/Stress Analysis paper

Describe the characteristics of your personality type from the results of the assessment, and provide examples of why you agree or disagree.

Participate in at least one stress reduction technique for the remainder of the course. There is no assignment component to submit and you will not be graded for this, but I hope you try something new and/or allow yourself time to continue in a technique that works for you!

N3335 Promoting Healthy Lifestyles UTA_email_logoAssignment: Sleep LogSubmit 2359 Saturday of Module 2 

Name: Date:

Overview: Sleep LogYou will maintain a Sleep Log for the first week of the course in preparation for studying the role of sleep in health promotion during Module 2. This document enables you to record how much sleep you get in each 24-hour period and your “sleepiness factor” when you are awake.Example of input for Nighttime Sleep Total (hrs:min) – 7:25 (means you slept for 7 hours and 25 minutes)Objective:· Analyze personal sleep patterns.Rubric Use this rubric to guide your work on the assignment “Sleep Log.”

Task Accomplished Competent Needs Improvement
Sleep log for 1 week (Total 100 points) All parts complete, i.e. No Blank Boxes(100 points) Most parts complete (50% or more, but less than 100%)(75 points) Less than 50% complete(0 points)

Sleep Log

Nighttime* sleep totalhrs:min
Napping sleep totalhrs:min (or 0)
Levels of sleepiness 0 = Wide awake1 = Slightly sleepy2 = Moderately sleepy3 = Very sleepy4 = Falling asleep/sleeping Morning
Difficulty staying awake 0 = Not at all1 = Occasionally2 = Frequently3 = Most of the time4 = All the time Morning
Meal times (M) and Snack times (S)Enter all your meal and snack timesEx) 0830 (M); 1315 (S); 1700 (M)
Medication that could cause drowsiness (Y or N)
Unusual circumstances that may have affected sleep (Y or N) If yes, please briefly explain

* If your work schedule requires you to work during the night and sleep during the day, record daytime sleep hours instead of nighttime sleep hours.2©2016 UTA College of Nursing and Health InnovationPolitics and Health PromotionA classic example of the interaction of politics and health promotionCan you think of other examples of politics and health promotion?Rick Perry backs away from HPV vaccine decision during presidential run-Dan EggenCitation: Eggen, D. (2011, August 16). [Electronic version]. The Washington Post.Visit each of these websites and become familiar with the available resources. You will be assessed on this information in the weekly quiz.Reluctant Governor Yields on HPV Shots ― Janet ElliottCitation: Elliott, J. (2007, May 9). Reluctant governor yields on HPV shots: Calling a veto useless, Perry chides legislators for opposing his vaccination order. [Electronic version]. The Houston ChronicleReadings from the American Cancer SocietyThe first two readings above relate to a specific example of Health Promotion and Politics and how decisions can be made. Though this occurred in the 2007 Texas Legislature, it still is such an illuminating example of how politics can effect Health Promotion effforts. The first article provides information concerning Perry’s mandate of 2007 and how a health promotion decision re-surfaced politically when Perry ran for the Republican presidential nomination in 2011. (Please remember that this is being used as an example of health promotion and politics and in no manner is meant as any political comment on any candidate or political party). The second article was published shortly after the Texas legislative session ended in 2007. It is very important to note that progress concerning HPV and prevention has continued to go forward since the issue was before the Texas legislature. The above website from the American Cancer Society lists many updated references. When you post your comments on the Discussion Board, please assure that you are familiar with updated information.RN to BSN Promoting Healthy LifestylesModule 2: Readings 2 of 3| Module 2: ReadingsStress and Health PromotionHow much stress (eustress and/or distress) are you experiencing?What stress interventions can you incorporate for yourself, your family or your patients?Health Promotion: A Primer on Stress Management ― Jennifer Gray-StanleyCitation: Gray-Stanley, J. (2009). Health promotion: A primer on stress management. University of Illinois at Chicago.  Module 2: Sleep/Stress Analysis paper.Retrieved July 2014 from each of these websites and become familiar with the available resources. You will be assessed on this information in the weekly quiz.Life Events Stress TestComplete this adaptation of the Holmes-Rahe scale online, then note your score. You will use this result in part of your assignment this week.RN to BSN Promoting Healthy LifestylesModule 2: Readings 3 of 3| Module 2: ReadingsSleep and Health PromotionHow many hours of sleep do you average per night?Do you ask your patients about their sleep patterns and their ability to get the proverbial goodnight’s sleep?Deep into Sleep ― Craig LambertCitation: Lambert, C. (2005, July-August).Visit each of these websites and become familiar with the available resources. You will be assessed on this information in the weekly quiz.While researchers probe sleep’s functions, sleep itself is becoming a lost art. Harvard Magazine. Harvard Magazine Inc.Scientists Finding Out What Losing Sleep Does to a Body ― Rob SteinCitation: Stein, R. (2005, October 9). Scientists finding out what losing sleep does to a body. [Electronic version]. The Washington Post. The Washington Post Company.Stages of Sleep― Kendra Van WagnerCitation: Stages of Sleep. Psychology. The Science of Sleep― Lesley StahlCitation: Stahl, L. (Reporter). (2008, July 15). The science of sleep [Television series episode]. In S. Finkelstein (Producer) 60 Minutes. New York: Central Broadcasting NetSleep Disorders and Sleep Deprivation: An Unmet Public Health ProblemCitation: The Institute of Medicine. (March 2006)UpdateCitation: (n.d.). Retrieved from the first two readings in this section are from 2005, they still are very good for a broad view and basic information. Of course studies continue each year. Here is the website for a brief abstract of a recent study on sleep deprivation and obesity. You do not have to pay to access the full article- just read the abstract.RN to BSN Promoting Healthy LifestylesModule 2: Lectures/Media| Module 2: Lectures/MediaModule 2: Lectures VideoWhy do we sleep? | Russell FosterDuration: (21:47) VideoHow to make stress your friend | Kelly McGonigalDuration: (14 VideoSleep and Health Promotion. Citation: Willson, N. R. Sleep and health promotion [Video file]. (2014).Transcript: Sleep and Health Promotion VideoStress – Fight or Flight. Citation: Willson, N. R. Stress – Fight or flight [Video file]. (2014).Transcript: Stress – Fight or FlightPolitics, Stress, and SleepIn your reading assignments for this module, you read about a classic example of politics and health promotion in the episode of Rick Perry and the HPV vaccine. For your original post, cite another example of politics and a health promotion topic. An example could be smoking cessation and politics (whether on the local, state, or national level). Module 2: Sleep/Stress Analysis paper. Thoroughly explain how politics and the selected health promotion topic are related. Your post should clearly demonstrate a thorough understanding of the example being provided. Remember to include an APA formatted in-text citation and corresponding reference from a recent (within last 5 years) professional journal or website (NIH, CDC, etc.).Provide your initial post, then engage at least two of your online colleagues in a discussion about his/her initial posts. Therefore, you should have at least one initial post and one response to each of two colleagues. Please note that your postings and responses must be “substantive”, which means that they are to be made AFTER you have read the assigned course material and additional self-chosen material. Please note that your Discussion Board assignments are worth a significant part of your course grade, therefore, you are expected to put thought and effort into these entries.An APA formatted in-text citation and corresponding reference from a recent (within last 5 years) professional journal or website (NIH, CDC, etc.) are required in your initial discussion post. Blogs, magazines, and newspapers are NOT considered scholarly, professional sources.Please go to the Group Discussion area on the left to post to the discussion board. Module 2: Sleep/Stress Analysis paper

Discussion: Child Abuse and Neglect

Discussion: Child Abuse and Neglect

Discussion: Child Abuse and Neglect

Discussion: Child Abuse and Neglect

SOCW 6200: Human Behavior and the Social Environment I

Week 4: Social Development in Infants and Children

Assignment: Child Abuse and Neglect

Physical, emotional, and sexual abuse can have a devastating impact on a child and his or her family members. Social workers need to understand how to recognize and respond to cases of abuse expertly and efficiently. With an empathetic and helpful social worker, victims/survivors of abuse can take their first step onto the long road toward healing. For this Assignment, read the case study Working With Survivors of Sexual Abuse and Trauma: The Case of Brandon and then consider what you would do if you were a social worker and had to report a parent of suspected child abuse. Discussion: Child Abuse and Neglect


By Day 7

Submit a 3- to 4-page paper in which you review the approach taken by the social worker in Brandon’s case. Identify how the social worker might have used the ecological model to understand Brandon’s situation based on a person-in-environment perspective. Explain the use of the ecological model in this case on micro, mezzo, and macro levels. Describe strengths the social worker may have missed in assessing Brandon and his mother. Review the challenges that the social worker identifies and explain the impact the abuse could have had on Brandon had his strengths not been identified and addressed. Please use the Learning Resources to support your answer. Discussion: Child Abuse and Neglect

Question: Pain Management

Question: Pain Management

Question: Pain Management

QUESTION 10: Chapter 10, Principles and Practices of Rehabilitation

You are assigned to care for David Ramsey, a 22-year-old male patient who sustained a back injury secondary to being thrown from a motorcycle. He did not damage the spinal cord, but the computed tomography revealed a compression fracture at L-2 (lumbar area). David complains of severe lower back pain with numbness and tingling in the lower extremities. You identify the following nursing diagnosis: Impaired Physical Mobility.

(Learning Objective 4)

a. What assessments are indicated based on this nursing diagnosis?

b. List other major nursing diagnoses based on David’s clinical presentation.



Chapter 11, Health Care of the Older Adult

The nurse working at the senior center notices Mrs. Jones, a 78-year-old, crying. The nurse approaches Mrs. Jones and asks if she needs help. Mrs. Jones states “I am so embarrassed. I had another accident and my pants are all wet. It’s like I’m a baby. I never should have come to the senior center.” (Learning Objectives 3 and 4) Question: Pain Management

a. What factors may be contributing to the urinary incontinence?

b. How should the nurse respond to Mrs. Jones?


Chapter 12, Pain Management

Mr. Rogers is 2 days postoperative of a thoracotomy for removal of a malignant mass in his left chest. His pain is being managed via an epidural catheter with morphine (an opioid analgesic). As the nurse assumes care of Mr. Rogers, he is alert and fully oriented, and states that his current pain is 2 on a 1-to-10 scale. His vital signs are 37.8 – 92 – 12, 138/82. (Learning Objective 6)

What are benefits of epidural versus systemic administration of opioids?

b. The nurse monitors Mr. Rogers’ respiratory status and vital signs every 2 hours. What is the rationale for these frequent assessments?

c. The nurse monitors Mr. Rogers for what other complications of epidural analgesia?

d. Mr. Rogers complains of a severe headache. What should the nurse do?

e. Mr. Rogers’ epidural morphine and decreased mobility increase his chances of constipation. What interventions should be included in his plan of care to minimize constipation? Question: Pain Management

Assignment: Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Assignment: Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Assignment: Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder


Parents of a 12-year-old boy want to consider attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) medication for their son. Which medication would the PMHNP start? 

Methylphenidate Amphetamine salts Atomoxetine All of the above could potentially treat their son’s symptoms. 


An adult patient presents with a history of alcohol addiction and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Given these comorbidities, the PMHNP determines which of the following medications may be the best treatment option? 

A. Methylphenidate (Ritalin, Concerta) B. Amphetamine C. Atomoxetine (Strattera) D. Fluoxetine (Prozac) 


An 8-year-old patient presents with severe hyperactivity, described as “ants in his pants.” Based on self-report from the patient, his parents, and his teacher; attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is suspected. What medication is the PMNHP most likely to prescribe?  Assignment: Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

A. Methylphenidate (Ritalin, Concerta) B. Clonidine (Catapres) C. Bupropion (Wellbutrin) D. Desipramine (Norpramin) 



A 9-year-old female patient presents with symptoms of both attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and oppositional defiant disorder. In evaluating her symptoms, the PMHNP determines that which of the following medications may be beneficial in augmenting stimulant medication? 

A. Bupropion (Wellbutrin) B. Methylphenidate (Ritalin, Concerta) C. Guanfacine ER (Intuniv) D. Atomoxetine (Strattera) 


A PMHNP supervisor is discussing with a nursing student how stimulants and noradrenergic agents assist with ADHD symptoms. What is the appropriate response? 

A. They both increase signal strength output dopamine (DA) and norepinephrine (NE). B. Dopamine (DA) and norepinephrine (NE) are increased in the prefrontal cortex. C. Noradrenergic agents correct reductions in dopamine (DA) in the reward pathway leading to increased ability to maintain attention to repetitive or boring tasks and resist distractions. D. All of the above.  Assignment: Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder


A 43-year-old male patient is seeking clarification about treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults and how it differs from treating children, since his son is on medication to treat ADHD. The PMHNP conveys a major difference is which of the following? 

A. Stimulant prescription is more common in adults. B. Comorbid conditions are more common in children, impacting the use of stimulants in children. C. Atomoxetine (Strattera) use is not advised in children. D. Comorbidities are more common in adults, impacting the prescription of additional agents.  Assignment: Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Assignment: Fluid and Electrolytes

Assignment: Fluid and Electrolytes

Assignment: Fluid and Electrolytes

Chapter 13, Fluid and Electrolytes: Balance and Disturbance

Mrs. Dean is 75-year-old woman admitted to the hospital for a small bowel obstruction. Her medical history includes hypertension. Mrs. Dean is NPO. She has a nasogastric (NG) tube to low continuous suction. She has an IV of 0.9% NS at 83 mL/hr. Current medications include furosemide 20 mg daily and hydromorphone 0.2 mg every 4 hours, as needed for pain. The morning electrolytes reveal serum potassium of 3.2 mEq/L. (Learning Objective 4)

a. What are possible causes of a low potassium level?

b. What action should the nurse take in relation to the serum potassium level?

c. What clinical manifestations might the nurse assess in Mrs. Dean? Assignment: Fluid and Electrolytes


Question 14:

Chapter 14, Shock and Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome

Adam Smith, 77 years of age, is a male patient who was admitted from a nursing home to the intensive care unit with septic shock secondary to urosepsis. The patient has a Foley catheter in place from the nursing home with cloudy greenish, yellow-colored urine with sediments. The nurse removes the catheter after obtaining a urine culture and replaces it with a condom catheter attached to a drainage bag since the patient has a history of urinary and bowel incontinence. The patient is confused, afebrile, and hypotensive with a blood pressure of 82/44 mm Hg. His respiratory rate is 28 breaths/min and the pulse oximeter reading is at 88% room air, so the physician ordered 2 to 4 L of oxygen per nasal cannula titrated to keep SaO2 greater than 90%. The patient responded to 2 L of oxygen per nasal cannula with a SaO2 of 92%. The patient has diarrhea. His blood glucose level is elevated at 160 mg/dL. The white blood count is 15,000 and the C-reactive protein, a marker for inflammation, is elevated. The patient is being treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics and norepinephrine (Levophed) beginning at 2 mcg/min and titrated to keep systolic blood pressure greater than 100 mm Hg. A subclavian triple lumen catheter was inserted and verified by chest x-ray for correct placement. An arterial line was placed in the right radial artery to closely monitor the patient’s blood pressure during the usage of the vasopressor therapy. (Learning Objectives 6 and 7) Assignment: Fluid and Electrolytes

a. What predisposed the patient to develop septic shock?

b. What potential findings would suggest that the patient’s septic shock is worsening from the point of admission?

c. The norepinephrine concentration is 16 mg in 250 mL of normal saline (NS). Explain how the nurse should administer the medication. What nursing implications are related to the usage of a vasoactive medication?

d. Explain why the effectiveness of a vasoactive medication decreases as the septic shock worsens. What treatment should the nurse anticipate to be obtained to help the patient? Assignment: Fluid and Electrolytes

Assignment: Featherfall Medical Center

Assignment: Featherfall Medical Center

Assignment: Featherfall Medical Center

Assignment: Featherfall Medical Center

Develop health information technology recommendations for healthcare institutions that are compliant with health regulations and laws and ensure ethical management of health information

 Determine effective investment of resources in health information technology for healthcare institutions based on the needs of the healthcare institution

Prompt Imagine you have been contracted to consult on the recent developments at the Featherfall Medical Center. Featherfall has been struggling of late; it has had a series of problems that have prompted your hiring. It has faced the following issues:


1. Featherfall has recently violated several government regulations regarding the current state of its technology and how it is being used. The technology system is vastly out of date, and staff are not always using the technology that is in place or they are using the technology inappropriately. These problems have lost the institution lots of money for not meeting government regulations and have caused operational and ethical problems from inefficient and ineffective use of technology. Assignment: Featherfall Medical Center
2. The staff at Featherfall are not well-trained on the use of technology and do not communicate appropriately about technology use. The roles that pertinent to your consult are the health information management team, the clinical staff (doctors, nurses, etc.), and administrative staff. The health information management team uses proper coding practices, and the current technology system serves them well, despite its age. However, other roles in the hospital have had issues with the system. Clinical staff, for instance, have had record-keeping issues both due to lack of training on the system and the system itself being out of date. Administrative staff within the organization have taken issue with the lack of communication about the technology and its use between the various roles. When the current technology system was chosen many years ago, the needs of these various roles were not considered. Assignment: Featherfall Medical Center

Assignment: Valuation of Cough

Assignment: Valuation of Cough

Assignment: Valuation of Cough


Tammy is a 33-year-old who presents for evaluation of a cough. She reports that about 3 weeks ago she developed a “really bad cold” with rhinorrhea. The cold seemed to go away but then she developed a profound, deep, mucus-producing cough. Now, there is no rhinorrhea or rhinitis—the primary problem is the cough. She develops these coughing fits that are prolonged, very deep, and productive of a lot of green sputum. She hasn’t had any fever but does have a scratchy throat. Tammy has tried over-the-counter cough medicines but has not had much relief. The cough keeps her awake at night and sometimes gets so bad that she gags and dry heaves. Through and extensive work-up, she is diagnosed with bronchitis. Assignment: Valuation of Cough

What is the etiology of bronchitis?

Describe in detail the pathophysiological process of bronchitis.

Identify hallmark signs identified from the physical exam and symptoms.

Describe the pathophysiology of complications of bronchitis.

What teaching related to her diagnosis would you provide?


Question 2

Module 09 Written Assignment – Seizures

An older client was recently discharged from the hospital for evaluation of seizure activity. His history reveals that he has late-stage Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, hypertension, and type II diabetes mellitus, which is controlled by diet. He lives at home, where his wife and daughter take care of him. His discharge medications include phenytoin (Dilantin), 100 mg BID; hydrochlorothiazide (HydroDIURIL), 50 mg QD; levodopa (Sinemet), 25/100 TID; and haloperidol (Haldol), 1 mg before bed. The client has been referred for home care nursing follow-up.


On the initial home visit by the nurse, what assessments should be made?

The wife and daughter need teaching about his antiepileptic medication. What teaching should be included?

During the initial home visit, the client experiences a generalized seizure. What action should the nurse take?

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates. Assignment: Valuation of Cough

Assignment: Physiology And Pharmacology

Assignment: Physiology And Pharmacology

Assignment: Physiology And Pharmacology

1) Minimum 20 slides with speaker notes

Part 1: Minimum 8 slides with speaker notes (All slides)

Part 2: minimum 12 slides with speaker notes (All slides)

Submit 1 document per part

2)¨******APA norms

All paragraphs must be narrative and cited in the text- each paragraphs

Bulleted responses are not accepted

Dont write in the first person

Dont copy and pase the questions.

Answer the question objectively, do not make introductions to your answers, answer it when you start the paragraph

Submit 1 document per part

3)****************************** It will be verified by Turnitin (Identify the percentage of exact match of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks)

********************************It will be verified by SafeAssign (Identify the percentage of similarity of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks) Assignment: Physiology And Pharmacology

4) Minimum 6 references per part not older than 5 years

5) Identify your answer with the numbers, according to the question.


Q 1. Nursing is XXXXX

Q 2. Health is XXXX

6) You must name the files according to the part you are answering:


Part 1.doc

Part 2.doc


Part 1: Type II Diabetes

In the presentation of your chosen topic, be sure to examine the pathophysiological factors that influence the incidence and manifestations of acute, episodic, and chronic diseases in populations across the lifespan

1. Pathophysiology

2. Risk factors and causes

3. Possible consequences

4. Prevention Strategies

5. Treatment Modalities


Part 2:

Mr. X, a 42-year-old male presents to your primary care practice today complaining of low back pain.

History – Mr. X states that he has had chronic low back pain since he had a skiing accident about 10 years ago. Three days ago, he felt a pulling sensation in his lower back after moving some boxes. The pain intensity increased over the subsequent 24 hours and is now steady, aching in nature, at 3-4 out of 10. Mr. X also has Type2 diabetes, which is well controlled on metformin with a HGA1c of 5.6. He has a history of DVT 4 months ago for which he takes Coumadin, INR is WNL. He is followed by a specialist for this problem. He recently started taking two OTC products; kava kava for what he describes as “anxiety” and CoEnzyme Q10 on the advice of a friend.

Social – Mr. X is a smoker, 1 pack per week for 15 years. No alcohol or drug use. He is employed as an accountant and has medical insurance. He is divorced. Assignment: Physiology And Pharmacology

PE/ROS – Complains of low back stiffness and pain on movement with occasional spasms related to moving in certain directions. You note he has mild difficulty getting onto the exam table but gait is normal. He denies weakness/numbness/tingling of legs, no radiation, no change in bowel or bladder habits. BMI 27. All range of motion of the back is decreased by 25%. Straight leg lift is negative bilaterally, DTR intact. All other systems WNL.

Metformin 1000mg ER one tab daily – Type II Diabetes controlled

Coumadin 5 mg. daily – Hx of DVT – Controlled

Kava Kava 50 mg. tid – Self-medication for anxiety

CoQ10 – 200 mg. daily. – Self-medication for unknown reason

Assignment Directions:

1. Provide a diagnosis for the patient and and and justify your reasons for the diagnosis based on scientific articles

2. Provide a treatment plan specifically for this patient

(a) Pharmacologic

(b) Non-pharmacologic.

3. Comment on the use of OTC products in relation to Mr. X’s current chronic and acute disease diagnoses and medications.

(a) Include drug-drug interactions and side effect profiles.

4. Provide an education plan for Mr. X. Assignment: Physiology And Pharmacology


NU500 Week 2 Discussion Paper

NU500 Week 2 Discussion Paper

Unit 2 Discussion

DQ1 Concept Analysis

Please complete the following steps for your initial discussion post:

Go to the library nursing database CINAHL and search for a “Concept Analysis” article on a concept of interest and discuss the following:

Briefly, describe the method of Concept Analysis used for this article (ex. Walker and Avant, Rodgers, Meleis, etc.)

Discuss the author’s aim and purpose for doing the concept analysis on this topic.

Describe the defining attributes of the concept examined.

What are the benefits of completing a Concept Analysis for nursing theory development, research, and nursing practice? How can defining nursing concepts strengthen nursing as a profession?

Attach the Concept Analysis article to your initial discussion post. NU500 Week 2 Discussion Paper

Estimated time to complete: 2 hours

Discussion Peer/Participation Prompt [Due Sunday]

Please respond to at least 2 of your peer’s posts. To ensure that your responses are substantive, use at least three of these prompts:

Compare your response with your peers’ response and expand upon the benefits of defining nursing concepts for nursing theory development, research, and practice.

Present new references that support your opinions.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

DQ2 Nursing Metaparadigms

Please read the following introduction and complete the following steps for your initial discussion post:

This discussion question focuses on the four nursing paradigms, which are comprised of person, health, environment, and nursing. Each metaparadigm plays a key role in the nursing process and is essential when providing patient care.

Select one metaparadigm (person, health, nursing, or environment).

Describe the metaparadigm’s significance specific to your nursing practice.

Compare and contrast two nursing theorists’ individual definitions/interpretations of the selected nursing metaparadigm (person, health, nursing, or environment). NU500 Week 2 Discussion Paper

Be sure to supplement your discussion with your personal and professional experiences.

Responses need to address all components of the question, demonstrate critical thinking and analysis, and include peer reviewed journal evidence to support the student’s position.


Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

This topic is valued at 40 points. Please review the rubric to ensure that your response meets the criteria.

Estimated time to complete: 2 hours

Discussion Peer/Participation Prompt [Due Sunday]

Please respond to at least 2 of your peer’s posts. To ensure that your responses are substantive, use at least three of these prompts:

Compare your selected metaparadigm with your peers’ selections in terms of its relevance and significance

Contrast the significance of the metaparadigms to your practice with that presented by your peers.

Share any additional thoughts about the four metaparadigms.

Present new references that support your opinions.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format. NU500 Week 2 Discussion Paper