theory week 4

Complete this week’s assigned readings, chapters 7,8,9. After completing the readings, post a short reflection, approximately 1 paragraph in length, discussing your thoughts and opinions about one or several of the specific topics covered in the textbook readings.As a reminder, no scholarly sources are required and students do not have to reply to a classmate’s original post. This post does not have an end date but please make an effort to complete your post before next week’s discussion post is posted and/or due in order to avoid falling behind.

Essay – Ideal Citizen in a Totalitarian Government

Required ResourcesRead/review the following resources for this activity:Textbook: Chapter 6, 10LessonInstructionsAristotle defined tyranny as an illegitimate form of government by one individual that tightly controlled every part of life and government. Adolf Hitler is the most notorious tyrant. Using a totalitarian society from the past or present, discuss how the state and its leader attempt to impede citizens from exercising their rights. In your discussion, explain some components of an “ideal citizen,” consequences of voter apathy, and ways the state controls the citizen.Writing Requirements (APA format)Length: 1.5-2 pages (not including title page or references page)1-inch marginsDouble spaced12-point Times New Roman fontTitle pageReferences page (minimum of 2 scholarly sources)

Assignment: Pharmacotherapy for Cardiovascular Disorders/Respiratory systems

…heart disease remains the No. 1 killer in America; nearly half of all Americans have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or smoke—some of the leading risk factors for heart disease…—Murphy et al., 2018Despite the high mortality rates associated with cardiovascular disorders, improved treatment options do exist that can help address those risk factors that afflict the majority of the population today.As an advanced practice nurse, it is your responsibility to recommend appropriate treatment options for patients with cardiovascular disorders. To ensure the safety and effectiveness of drug therapy, advanced practice nurses must consider aspects that might influence pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes such as medical history, other drugs currently prescribed, and individual patient factors.Reference: Murphy, S. L., Xu, J., Kochanek, K. D., & Arias, E. (2018). Mortality in the United States, 2017. Retrieved from PrepareReview the Resources for this module and consider the impact of potential pharmacotherapeutics for cardiovascular disorders introduced in the media piece.Review the case study assigned by your Instructor for this Assignment.Select one the following factors: genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, or behavior factors.Reflect on how the factor you selected might influence the patient’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes.Consider how changes in the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes might impact the patient’s recommended drug therapy.Think about how you might improve the patient’s drug therapy plan based on the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic changes. Reflect on whether you would modify the current drug treatment or provide an alternative treatment option for the study:CASE STUDY 2: Patient HM has a history of atrial fibrillation and a transient ischemic attack (TIA). The patient has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and ischemic heart disease.Drugs currently prescribed include the following:• Warfarin 5 mg po daily MWF and 2.5 mg daily T, TH, Sat, Sun• Aspirin 81 mg po daily• Metformin 1000 mg po bid• Glyburide 10 mg po bid• Atenolol 100 mg po daily• Motrin 200 mg 1–3 tablets every 6 hours as needed for painWrite a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following:Explain how the factor you selected might influence the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes in the patient from the case study you were assigned.Describe how changes in the processes might impact the patient’s recommended drug therapy. Be specific and provide examples.Explain how you might improve the patient’s drug therapy plan and explain why you would make these recommended improvements.Rubrics:Explain how the factor you selected might influence the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes in the patient from the case study you were assigned.–Describe how changes in the processes might impact the patient’s recommended drug therapy. Be specific and provide examples.–Explain how you might improve the patient’s drug therapy plan, and explain why you would make these recommended improvements.Written Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization:Paragraphs make clear points that support well developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused–neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance.Written Expression and Formatting – English writing standards:Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuationWritten Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, running head, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.–References:Rosenthal, L. D., & Burchum, J. R. (2018). Lehne’s pharmacotherapeutics for advanced practice providers. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.Chapter 34, “Review of Hemodynamics” (pp. 335–340)Chapter 35, “Diuretics” (pp. 341–349)Chapter 36, “Drugs Acting on the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System” (pp. 351–362)Chapter 37, “Calcium Channel Blockers” (pp. 363–369)Chapter 38, “Vasodilators” (pp. 371–373)Chapter 39, “Drugs for Hypertension” (pp. 375–388)Chapter 40, “Drugs for Heart Failure” (pp. 389–402)Chapter 41, “Antidysrhythmic Drugs” (pp. 403–418)Chapter 42, “Prophylaxis of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease: Drugs That Help Normalize Cholesterol and Triglyceride Levels” (pp. 419–439)Chapter 43, “Drugs for Angina Pectoris” (pp. 441–450)Chapter 44, “Anticoagulant and Antiplatelet Drugs” (pp. 451–472)

Identification of a Population in Your Community

Overview: As a community of practice, your task for this week is to  collaborate with professionals across the health care system. With your  community of practice, in the Discussion, find a gap in care or social  determinant that often results in poor health care outcomes. You will  begin to take the lead in advocating for and collaborating with others  to improve the health care outcomes for populations at risk.Practicum Discussion: During this week, you will identify a  population at risk in your community. This population will be the basis  for your Practicum Discussions and your individual presentations over  the next 6 weeks, as well as the focus of your final PowerPoint  presentation in Week 6. To review, a population is a group of  individuals who share a common environmental or personal characteristic,  such as obese individuals who are at risk for diabetes or  cardiovascular disease (populations at risk) or those individuals who  are otherwise healthy and could stay healthy if they do not develop  risky behaviors (populations of interest). An example of this is  teenagers who don’t yet smoke but might consider it due to peer pressure  (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2016). Some of the topics you might consider  are vaccination compliance, obesity rates among children and adults,  teenage pregnancy, or infectious diseases such as Norwalk virus, genital  warts, or sexually transmitted diseases/infections. You might look also  at emerging public health problems such as Chagas or the Zika virus.  Some of the places you might consider looking for information to  substantiate and support your ideas about populations at risk in your  communities are your local health department, the CDC, and the many  evidence-based websites that the CDC supports, such as the CDC Wonder  ( You may also review the work of other  community groups that focus on improving health care outcomes for your  community. You should begin to support your selection of population and  ideas about their health care problems through the use of health data  and scholarly literature.Please address the following points in your Practicum Discussion:Briefly describe your community and then describe your practice setting.What are the determinants of health in your community?  ( are the most prevalent health problems in your community or in your practice?Choose a population at risk and describe the health problem specific to that population. Remember t

The Rise of Communism and Fascism

Required ResourcesRead/review the following resources for this activity:Textbook: Chapter 4, 5, 6LessonMinimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook)Initial Post InstructionsFor the initial post, select and address one of the following:Option 1: Examine Marx’s writings on communism and socialism and compare them to how they manifested in reality? What worked and what didn’t? What misconceptions do we have about his original intent based on what we see in past or current governments?Option 2: Compare and contrast communism and fascism. Select one example for each to examine the origins of the governments, their accomplishments, and their failures. What accounts for the fact that the masses mobilized to support these movements? Elaborate.Option 3: Examine Depression-Era social programs (select one or more to examine in detail). Were the fears of a communist take-over based on the implementation of these programs grounded in reality? Why or why not? How do they compare to social programs in place today?

DNP Project: Scholarly Product for Dissemination

For this assignment you will prepare a scholarly product that reports your progress (or results) and implications of your DNP project to a designated audience. If you are not in the implementation or evaluation phases of your DNP project  you may report on a project that you have worked on during your practicum experiences with the practicum site. While you are not required to actually present your work it will be beneficial for you to prepare your product for dissemination now while you can receive feedback from your peers and faculty committee.Your scholarly product may be in the form of a manuscript for publication, project summary and evaluation report, conference proceedings, poster presentation, program evaluation report, grant proposal, media or technology-based deliverable, or a different faculty approved product. The scholarly product is due to your Instructor by Day 7 of Week 10 so you may receive feedback on it before finalizing your DNP Project Paper (a DNP program requirement). Unless otherwise arranged with your Project committee, your final product must include the following information, and must be written in a style appropriate for your intended audience:Background, Purpose, and Nature of the ProjectDescribe the larger problem or issue you explored in your DNP Project. Explain how this problem or issue affects nursing practice and the overall health care system, and describe how your DNP Project explored possible strategies for addressing the problem or issue.Research Design, Setting, and Data CollectionBriefly explain the methods you used to carry out your DNP Project, including any relevant theoretical frameworks or models. Identify the practice setting and context in which you conducted your project, as well as the sample/population as applicable. Outline your data collection methods and justify why you chose these methods.Presentation of ResultsExplain the results of your DNP Project. Include any relevant graphs, tables, charts, models, or other visual representations of your data/results. Include a short description of each visual, what it displays, and how it relates to your project.Interpretation of Findings, and Implications for Evidence-Based PracticeShare the results of your DNP Project, and provide an interpretation of your findings. Describe how the results can be translated into evidence-based practice. Explain how this would impact the main problem or issue you explored in your DNP Project.


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reply 1 and 2 by 12/04/2021

reply 1ou are seeing a patient with fatigue, pallor, dyspnea on exertion, and palpitations. The patient is 50 years old. Laboratory report indicates a low hematocrit 32, hemoglobin 9.7 and reticulocyte count low at .47% MCV of 78 and MCHC of 32.1.Describe the pathophysiologic process of Anemia. Identify two differential diagnoses and provide the pathophysiology of these two differential diagnoses.Anemia occurs when the body’s physiological needs for a certain number of red blood count (RBCs) and hemoglobin (Hgb) are insufficient or decreased in the volume/concentration of high. When this occurs the oxygen demand increases, and the body compensates for the differences. This condition can be diagnosed using certain labs, or complete blood count (CBC). These labs include the RBC count, Mean corpuscular volume (MCV), reticulocyte, and the mean corpuscular Hgb concentration (MCHC), (Chaparral, 2019). The RBCs will tell you the number of red blood cells that are circulating. The MCV tells you the size. Normal for an adult is 80-100 femtoliters, or (fl), if its higher than this would then be macrocytic anemia and microcytic anemia if it is under these values. The MVC can be calculated using the following formula: HCT x 10/[RBC, (Martin, 2019). The MCHC is another value that is observed. It can be calculated by dividing the HGB by the HCT. The fatigue, pallor (blood shunting away from the abdomen to the brain) is due to the lack of hgb. The dyspnea on exertion (DOE) occurs due the lack of O2 as well. The heart rate goes up to attempt to get oxygen to the tissues that are lacking O2.Differential Diagnosis: Iron deficiency anemia, Folate anemia.Folate Anemia Causes:Decreased IntakeInadequate diet, alcoholism, infancyImpaired absorptionMalabsorption statesIntrinsic intestinal diseaseAnticonvulsants, oral contraceptivesIncreased lossHemodialysisIncreased RequirementPregnancy, infancy, disseminated cancer, markedly increased hematopoiesisImpaired UtilizationFolic acid antagonistsUnresponsive to Vitamin B12 or Folic Acid TherapyMetabolic inhibitors of DNA synthesis and/or folate metabolism (e.g., methotrexate)Folate acid and B-vitamin is needed to form the pigmented, iron-containing part of the Hgb. This can lead to issues with the maturation of red blood cells. This type of anemia can lead to leukopenia (deficiency in white blood cells).Iron-deficiency anemia can happen when there is a malabsorption issue of iron (Fe), or inadequate dietary iron.ReferencesChaparral, C,M., & Suchdev, P.S.. (2019). Anemia epidemiology, pathophysiology,and etiology in low-and middle income countries. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1450(1),15- 31., L. (2019). What does a mean corpuscular volume level measure.Medical News today, K., L., & Huether, S., E. (2018).Pathophysiology: The biologic basis for disease in adults and children(8th ed.) St Louis, MO: Mosby InclessReply 2ew York Academy of Sciences, 1450(1), 15–31. K., L., & Huether, S., E. (2018). Pathophysiology: The biologic basis for disease in adults and children (8th ed.) St Louis, MO: Mosby Inc; ISBN-13: 978-0323583473Turner J, Parsi M, Badireddy M. (2020). Anemia: A new diagnostic work-up for defining anemia etiologies: a cohort study in patients ≥ 50 years in general practices. BMC Fam Pract 21, 167. Unread2Unread2 Replies2Replies6 Views6Views

Medical-Surgical Nursing

Hello, this is an assignment from MedSurge. Please fill out the 3 attached files (ATI). Each file has a different subject, please fill each one with the corresponding subject.1. ATI Active Learning Template:System disorder (gastrointestinal bleeding)2. ATI Active Learning Template:Medicine(Metronidazole, piperacillin / tazobactam)3. ATI Active Learning Template:Diagnostic procedure (blood type and screening)

Week 1_ Introduction to Neuroanatomy

Please review the attached complete instructions