SLO 4 Integrating Student Learning Outcomes and DNP Essentials

The purpose of this assignment is to recognize how the SLOs and DNP Essentials influence your SPP and nursing practice.
Below is the background of the SPP

Holism is a concept that signifies the importance of visualizing an individual as a whole rather than the sum of its parts and while also illustrating that the mind and the spirit affect the body thus making it the philosophy behind holistic care (Taleghani, F. 2015). This fact is a comprehensive model of caring that is not only believed to be the heart and soul of nursing but a concept that the pioneer of nursing Florence Nightingale became the first to embrace the importance of its practices(L Keegan 1989).Although this fact is a complex concept that doesn’t have a precise definition it is important to understand that this fact is a concept that provides an in-depth understanding of an individual and their various needs for care while also having positive outcomes in the healthcare systems. The need for nurses to use the traditional scientific -based care plan and incorporate holistic practices in the patient care process should be a concept that must be emphasized in today’s world. Research continues to show how western society continues to see increases in mortality rates for many diseases and illnesses. (National Library of Medicine 2002). Consequently, healthcare is constantly changing and evolving due to advances in science and technology that improve the way illness and diseases, at a minimum, are addressed; however, there are still opportunities for improvement. (National Library of Medicine 2002). This leaves the health care system in a state of continual evolution from the advances in science and technology that enhance the way diseases and illnesses at a minimum can be addressed; however, it’s important to keep in mind that there are still opportunities for improvement (National Library of Medicine 2002).
Regardless of the increase in knowledge and the expansion of the healthcare system and the

expansion of healthcare innovation, it is important to understand that limitations remain (Francesco, A. 2016). Institute of Medicine research shows compelling problems in the U.S. health care system, from low-quality care, safety concerns, to health disparities based on race, ethnicity and income (Nelson, A. R. (2003).A fundamental part of holistic care is the skill to pay attention to the spiritual needs of the patient while also having an active role in meeting their physical, nutritional, emotional, social, intellectual aspects, this is because it has been shown to optimistically correlate with better quality care as well as enhanced patient perception of quality and satisfaction of care (Godwin, Y 2019).
Another way of viewing this concept is visualizing it from a cultural diversity point of view. A simple definition of culture is the way of life of a particular group of individuals (Adekson, M. O. 2017). Understanding cultural competence is also an acknowledgement of growth and development, while also incorporating relevant societal values and needs. The nursing field is quite versatile as it goes from caring for sick patients to providing treatment plans to also simply having a selfless attitude that always puts the other first. Practicing culturally competent nursing in nursing means practicing holistic nursing (Career Development Health 2021). The perception of cultural competence is more than just tolerating the other individual’s culture practices, rather one of its objectives is celebrating and acknowledging them through bridging gaps and delivering nursing care that is personalized. (Career, Development Health 2021). This fact does not only increase the chance of developing a shared understanding between the patient and the nurse but most importantly improves decision making, as well improving the quality of care being delivered to the patient (Katzmarzyk, P. T. 2017). Research also shows how western society has had a steady increase in diversity, ethnic, cultural, linguistic, and religious composition (Victor, M. 2009). Studies have also gone further to illustrate

how certain cultures are more receptive to care if their health care professionals are open to their culture (Victor, M. 2009).
Preventive care is also another reason the incorporation of both practices is beneficial. Studies describe preventative care as ensuring the elimination of an illness by either preventing the chances of an occurrence or halting the illness while mitigating the resulting complication after its onset. Fang, C. (2021) The question becomes “how does one practice preventive care”? As nurses, we already incorporate preventive care into our practice, but the collaboration of traditional science-based care planning and holistic practice in the patient care process will yield more actionable benefits. Although research states that medical prevention of certain diseases is complex, there is also compelling evidence that holistic practices offer simple and efficient solutions (Merrick, J. 2004) with a focus on enhancing the quality of life as an important supplement to improving an individual’s lifestyle. The key area to keep in mind is understanding that one’s quality of life is gratified and improved when one’s personal philosophies of life are adjusted in accordance with life and its fundamental purpose (Merrick, J.2004).


There are numerous endocrine disorders that you may see in your hospitalized patient. As practitioners, it will be vital that you can diagnose and treat the various diseases. To help you to be better prepared to treat patients with thyroid disease, Work as a group to describe the pathophysiology, causes, clinical features, diagnostic criteria and treatment for the following endocrine disorders.Primary HypothyroidismSecondary HypothyroidismPrimary HyperthyroidismSecondary HyperthyroidismGraves DiseaseDiabetes Insipidus (DI)Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH)Addison’s DiseaseCushing diseaseAcromegaly

A detailed explanation of how the theory proves the conceptual model is presented in florence nightingales theory

A detailed explanation of how the theory proves the conceptual model is presented

Module 8 Discussion Response

Discussion Question Response:#1  Samantha -an essential role of nurse educators is assessing and evaluating their students. I do not agree that evaluation should be conducted at the end of a course. Evaluation should be a continual process throughout the course or program. If evaluation takes place at the end of the course, there is no time for improvement or change. Students and educators cannot provide criticism, and areas of the course cannot be altered to enhance learning. Improvement can take place for the next group of students, but the current students will not benefit from the evaluation. In addition, students may not have gained the vital knowledge and experience to improve their nursing practice. Students are not able to share their concerns or areas of struggle. This hinders the ability of the students to be active learners and participants in the course. Evidence has shown that student performance is heightened when they are actively involved in their learning (Laokhompruttajarn, et al., 2021).Evaluation is described as a universal process that considers the price or worth of something. Evaluation can offer indication that what nurses perform as educators generates a value-added transformation in the care they deliver. Assessment and evaluation are exceedingly interconnected, but they are not identical. An education program starts with an assessment of requirements of its learners Assessment information might be mentioned as the input of the program. While the program is being directed, intermittent evaluation allows the educator to identify whether the progress of the program and learners is happening as intended. After program conclusion, evaluation works to further recognize whether and to what degree acknowledged needs were attained and educational outcomes were reached. Each process should be continual (Bastable, 2019).Although an evaluation occurs at the conclusion of a program, this is not the sole time to plan it. When evaluation happens at the end of the course, it becomes an afterthought. This is a poor and hazardous idea because the information may be unattainable, be unfinished, or even be false. Negative behaviors could have continued throughout the course without change or identification. Students and educators will be negatively impacted by only providing evaluation at the end of the program. Ideally, assessment and evaluation preparation should be simultaneous activities. The educator should assess the outcomes of the course after each activity and meeting. As result, the educator can identify if outcomes were met or not met. If outcomes were not met, the educator can work to adjust their planning and methods used so that outcomes can be met (Bradshaw et al., 2021).#2 Gwen-Evaluation is a process that involves different types. Formative evaluation for me is the ideal type since it conducts frequent feedbacks and responses while the performance is ongoing. This evaluation process gathers information during the early stage and focuses on finding out whether the efforts are unfolding as planned, uncovering any obstacles and barriers while identifying adjustments and corrections to ensure success (Boothroyd, 2018). When I was still studying, my teachers usually gave feedback from time to time or when needed. Although it made the struggle harder, it did guide me in the right direction. When doing a clinical procedure, my instructor always gives positive feedback for correctly doing a certain procedure and gives constructive criticism when I miss something. It helped me point out my strengths and weaknesses and boosted my confidence in performing the procedure the second time. This feedbacks gauges where I am at with my skills and what skills I need to correct and improve to perform successfully. If given at the end, I would have forgotten which part I did well and where I need improvement.The primary purpose of assessment and evaluation is to improve students’ skills and knowledge. By doing a continuous assessment, educators can determine what the student needs to maximize learning, and at the same time, allows students to recognize the teaching strategy that works best for them. The students are guided if they are still on the right path to completing their task and given the direction in what is ideal. This strategy ensures a clear direction for improvement. Another scenario is when a student is doing a case presentation, where the clinical instructor provides ongoing evaluation, allowing the student to comprehend the topic better. This method guides the presenter that the teaching approaches are effective and create meaningful learning through constant feedback. Formative evaluation gives the instructor an opportunity to recognize struggling students and provide intervention to help the students complete the task successfully, giving the student the self-confidence and motivation to improve.Although formative evaluation does not measure a student’s grade through a benchmark or rubric, it provides actional feedback making the learning more interesting. The learning is unique for every student, making the teaching and learning individualized addressing each student’s needs. Another advantage of this type of evaluation is students’ ability to monitor their own progress by self-identifying the challenges they met while completing the task. Evaluating students as they learn improves their ability to communicate their needs and how to manage those needs.

Week 5 ATI Video Case Study: Delegation

You must write 250 words (one page double-spaced) and cite the ATI video along with at least one other resource.Writing prompt: What are the key principles that a registered nurse should consider when delegating tasks to other healthcare personnel? What are three tasks that a registered nurse may assign to a licensed practical nurse and three tasks that a registered nurse may assign other assistive personnel? What are the hazards of a nurse not using delegation? What happens when a nurse over-delegates?

Quality and Safety in Healthcare (Discussion Forum)

Critique the quality as this article states,  Money is not an issue. What do you think is the problem?150 word minimum and 300 words maximum requirementMust address topicAt least 2 Reference. one from book (Nursing Pathways for Patient Safety)  and another creditable source. No more than five years of current date

extracredit assignments #1/1

a care plan for the following patients:Patient with Continues Bladder Irrigation after Transurethral REsection of the ProstatePatient with above the knee lower extremity amputationPatient with lymphoma on chemotherapyPor each care plan:1) list at least 3 nursing diagnosisings) list at least 3 nursing diagnosis3) 5 intervnetions

MD2 module 10 Discussion

Disorders of the endocrine system affect many individuals. Providing multidimensional patient care can be challenging for patients experiencing these disorders. Ensuring the plan of care meets the patient and family needs is important in order to increase adherence to proper medical treatment following discharge.What does it mean to provide a multidimensional approach? Provide at least three examples of how the care team can meet the patient and the family’s needs? List at least three care team members and how are they involved in providing multidimensional care?Proper APA formatting is required.At least  THREE  scholarly resources used for initial post (at least one must be other than the course text).

MD2 Discussion on Reflection

Directions:Initial PostDescribe how you achieved each course competency including at least one example of new knowledge gained related to that competency.Describe how this new knowledge will impact your nursing practice.Course CompetenciesExplain principles of care for clients with oncological disorders.Identify components of safe and effective nursing care for clients experiencing fluid and electrolyte imbalances.Describe strategies for safe, effective multidimensional nursing care for clients with acid-base imbalances.Select appropriate nursing interventions for clients with upper gastrointestinal disorders.Select appropriate nursing interventions for clients with lower gastrointestinal disorders.Evaluate responses to nursing interventions for clients with endocrine disorders.

trends discussion 6

i need this done