RUA Help and Guidance


Chapter 41, Musculoskeletal Care Modalities

Case Study,1. June Frankel, a 23-year-old patient, presents to the emergency department with a sports-related fracture injury to her right arm and receives a long-arm fiberglass cast. (Learning Objective 2)What nursing assessment should the nurse provide after the cast has been applied?What nursing interventions should the nurse provide?2. Sue Newhart, a 55-year-old patient, is admitted to the medical-surgical unit after a total hip arthroplasty due to osteoarthritis. (Learning Objective 7)What considerations should the nurse follow when positioning the patient in bed after hip surgery?What nursing interventions should the nurse provide the patient?

unit 1 dq

A 23-year-old woman presents to the OB-GYN office you work at. She was recently surprised to learn that she is pregnant. She estimates that she is about 8 weeks along. The woman tells you that she regularly drinks on the weekends with her friends. She asks you “Is that a problem? As long as I don’t drink very much, I can still have a drink occasionally while I’m pregnant, right?”How would you answer her questions?What types of abnormalities can be caused by alcohol, and how does genetics influence this?

Week 10 Discussion: Reason and Reasonable

Step 1 Consider the case study.After graduating from college with a degree in nursing, Andy finds a solid job, gets married, and has two sons. Twelve years later, he moves to a position at another hospital promising him steady advancement within its managerial ranks. A devoted family man, Andy admires his wife’s dedication to raising their boys. But he also observes that his sons, approaching their teen years, benefit greatly from his fatherly friendship and counsel- especially as they approach what he and his wife realize could prove to be a difficult transitional period in their upbringing. So he has made a commitment to spend plenty of time with them, playing baseball and helping with their schoolwork. But he also loves his work, and does well at it. It has become apparent that to advance rapidly up the managerial ranks at this hospital, he should obtain a graduate degree. A nearby university offers the degree in an evening-and-weekend program that would allow him to continue full-time employment, but would soak up his free time for the next several years and throw most of the family activities into his wife’s hands.Step 2 In your original post, address the following questions relating to the dialogue.Assume the perspective of Andy within this scenario. In keeping with Andy’s point of view, address the following:Define the concept of reasonableness.Where should Andy focus his attention? Why?How do you believe someone like Andy is capable of incorporating non-rational mental processes into his critical thought? How are we able to engage in this intense level of cognition?What rational and emotional principles are at work in your view?

Week 10 Discussion: Reason and Reasonable

Step 1 Consider the case study.After graduating from college with a degree in nursing, Andy finds a solid job, gets married, and has two sons. Twelve years later, he moves to a position at another hospital promising him steady advancement within its managerial ranks. A devoted family man, Andy admires his wife’s dedication to raising their boys. But he also observes that his sons, approaching their teen years, benefit greatly from his fatherly friendship and counsel- especially as they approach what he and his wife realize could prove to be a difficult transitional period in their upbringing. So he has made a commitment to spend plenty of time with them, playing baseball and helping with their schoolwork. But he also loves his work, and does well at it. It has become apparent that to advance rapidly up the managerial ranks at this hospital, he should obtain a graduate degree. A nearby university offers the degree in an evening-and-weekend program that would allow him to continue full-time employment, but would soak up his free time for the next several years and throw most of the family activities into his wife’s hands.Step 2 In your original post, address the following questions relating to the dialogue.Assume the perspective of Andy within this scenario. In keeping with Andy’s point of view, address the following:Define the concept of reasonableness.Where should Andy focus his attention? Why?How do you believe someone like Andy is capable of incorporating non-rational mental processes into his critical thought? How are we able to engage in this intense level of cognition?What rational and emotional principles are at work in your view?

Case Study on Moral Status

Write a 1000 word analysis of “Case Study: Fetal Abnormality.” Be sure to address the following questions:Which theory or theories are  being used by Jessica, Marco, Maria, and Dr. Wilson to determine the moral status of the fetus? Explain.How does the theory determine or influence each of their recommendation for action?What theory do you agree with?  How would that theory determine or influence the recommendation for action?Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.Please No Plagiarism, Minimum of 3 References.See attachment

Case Study: Implementation of a New Computer System

Assignment OverviewThis assignment is intended to demonstrate your comprehension of the main principles of health informatics, as well as the primary applications of health informatics in healthcare organizations.For this assignment, you will read a case study that presents difficulties associated with implementing a new computer system in a professional setting. Based on the scenario described in the case study and assignment details, you will create a short PowerPoint presentation.Assignment Details:Perform the following tasks:· Complete the reading assignment and the interactive lesson before attempting this assignment.· To complete this assignment:o Review the case study and select one of the committee roles.o Download the provided PowerPoint template to create a presentation that includes:§ Your selection as a member on the committee§ Identification one or more issues, related to your role on the committee§ Identification of probable cause(s) of identified issue(s)§ Proposed recommendations to resolve the identified issues§ Reference slide – list of academic references, using APA styleØ Case StudyRead the following case studyA good friend of yours is director of nursing at a 220-bed community hospital. Last year the hospital merged with a much larger medical center. One of the upsides, as well as one of the challenges, resulting from this change has been the rapid introduction of new computer systems. The goal is to bring the hospital “up to speed” within 3 years. At present, the Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE) is being implemented. The general medical and surgical units went live last month. The ICU, pediatrics, and obstetrics units are scheduled to go live next month. The plan is to work out any kinks or problems on the general units and then go live in the specialty units. Most of the physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants initially complained but are now becoming more comfortable with the computers and are beginning to integrate the CPOE process into their daily routines. Several physicians are now requesting the ability to enter orders from their offices and others are looking into this option. However, three physicians have not commented during this process but are clearly resisting. For example, after performing rounds and returning to their offices they called the unit with verbal orders. After being counseled on this behavior, they began to write the orders on scraps of paper and put these in the patient’s charts or leave them at the nurses’ station. When they were informed that these were not “legal orders,” they began smuggling in order sheets from the non-activated units. In addition, they have been coercing the staff nurses on the units to enter the orders for them. This has taken two forms. Sometimes they sign in and then ask the nurses to enter the orders. Other times they ask the nurses to put the orders in verbally and then they confirm the orders. The nurses feel caught between the hospital’s goals and the need to maintain a good working relationship with these physicians.You suggest to your friend (director of nursing) to create an informal committee to review the issues surrounding the CPOE implementation. The committee would determine methods to address these issues, prior to implementing CPOE within the ICU, pediatrics, and obstetrics units. Your friend appreciates the suggestion and forms a small committee with the following members:· Taylor Terrific, RN – a nurse practitioner· Dr. Dudley Do-Right – a physician who uses the CPOE system routinely and correctly· Dr. Frank Burns – a physician who rarely, if ever, uses the CPOE systemThe director of nursing asks each committee member to create a short PowerPoint presentation for the committee. The presentation would identify issues that occurred during CPOE implementation, identify potential causes of such issues, and list specific recommendations, based on strong rationale and research, to resolve the identified issues prior to the next CPOE implementation. Each committee member will have a unique perspective, based on their position (i.e., nurse, physician).PowerPoint PresentationDirections:1. Review the case study and select one of the committee roles.2. Download the PowerPoint template (Week 2 Assignment Template).· The link to this template can be found in your Blackboard course in Week 2.3. Select one of the following roles on the committee· Taylor Terrific, RN – a nurse practitioner· Dr. Dudley Do-Right – a physician who uses the CPOE system routinely and correctly· Dr. Frank Burns – a physician who rarely, if ever, uses the CPOE system4. Use the PowerPoint template to create slides that:· Identify one or more issues, related to your role on the committee· Identifies probable cause(s) of identified issue(s)· States proposed solutions or processes to address the identified issues§ Solutions are supported by specific rational and research.· Includes a reference slide – a list of academic references, using APA style5. Ensure to support the content of your slides by the case study, research from your text, or the LRC.6. Submit the Week 2 Assignment via Blackboard by clicking on the “Week 2 Assignment” link.7. Include the proper file naming convention:· CMP105_wk2_assn_jsmith_mmddyyyyNote: The PowerPoint template for this assignment is located within the Assignment section on Blackboard.��

nursing healthcare

Answer one of the following questions:· From the chapter “The Changing United States Health Care System” in your course textbook, using either the story of Wald’s efforts to improve the health status of impoverished immigrant communities or the story of how advanced practice registered nurses have struggled with their legitimacy within the health care delivery system, compare your own experience in nursing.o Have there been challenges you have faced? If so, what strategies did you employ to overcome these challenges?o How do you envision your career moving forward in advocating for your patients? Your community? Yourself?· From your daily briefs, Kaiser Health News Morning Briefing or POLITICO Pulse.o List the interest groups that are mentioned in the brief and what their interest is in the piece.o Categorize the issues in the brief according to the following—politics and politicians, access to health care, health care insurance, health care legislation, money, drugs, or other.

Medical terminology assignment

Please read instructions carefullyABBREVIATION EXERCISE # 21) To best understand medical terminology, spell out any medical terminology that is abbreviated.2) Explain what is wrong with the patients that have the following diagnosis on admission.3) You MUSTSpellouteach abbreviation prior to explaining as if you were telling someone with no medical knowledge. (2T meanssecondary towhile r/o meansrule out).4) Save your assignment in Word format or PDF format and submit in the assignment area in blackboard.5) Provide a reference from where the information was retrieved for each answer given. If you prefer to do a reference list, then a citation with each answer must be provided1. Bilateral subdural hematoma2. Quadriparesis 2T liver failure3. L BKA, multiple Fx’s 2T motorcycle accident4. ESRD 2t IDDM5. Hemoptysis, bigemeny6. ETOH intox, hematemesis7. TTP8. cellulitis 2t cat bite9. Enterovaginal fistula10. Dyspnea, pleural effusion