
The student will:• Apply critical thinking through participation of selected topics• Engage in thoughtful discourse with peers• Incorporate topic discussion into clinical judgment and decision making within the settingDirections: End of Life• An 80, year old woman was admitted to the hospital with pneumonia and weakness. She lives alone. Her children are supportive and help her around the house but do not live with her. Her husband of 51 years died within the last 6 months. She is grieving the loss, but she is relieved and feels guilty as he was an abusive spouse.Part 1:• The original post must be at least 100 – 200 words in length• How do you assist her in coping with her loss?

Medical Office Management-Assignment 4

Part A: Kayla Christianson, CMA, has been employed six years by the cardiology practice of three physicians. She is a graduate of a CAAHEP-accredited school. Furthermore, Kayla received extensive hands-on training performing ECGs while doing her required externship.Kayla has completed an ECG ordered by Dr. Hsu for Mrs. Warner, a 76-year-old patient. Dr. Hsu, Kayla’s boss, has telephoned her explaining that he was behind schedule doing rounds at the hospital. He asked her to do him a favor and interpret Mrs. Warner’s ECG, sign his name, and fax the report to Mrs. Warner’s referring internist who is expecting the results.Provide detailed answers for each of the following questions. Your response should be two (2) pages in length.· Given the scope of Kayla’s education, training, and years of experience as a CMA, would this favor fall within the AAMA guidelines of her responsibilities?· Would any portion of Dr. Hsu’s request fall within the guidelines? If so, which portion(s)? Is an exception to these guidelines ever allowed?· How should Kayla respond to Dr. Hsu?Part B: For more than two years, medical assistant Linda Lewis had been employed by Drs. Norek and Klein, who are gerontologists. Also on staff are two registered nurses, a medical laboratory technician, and a medical social worker. The daughter of one of the doctor’s patients has just called the office. She is very distraught at the seemingly diminished capacity of her mother and insists on speaking to the doctor.Linda explains that both physicians take only emergency calls during patient appointment hours, but that she will take a detailed message. This caller, however, suggests that not only should her call be considered an emergency, but that she will sue the doctor if the call is not handled accordingly.Provide detailed answers for each of the following questions. Your response should be two (2) pages in length.· What should Linda do immediately to diffuse the situation?· Is this clearly a case when the call should be passed on to one of the registered nurses or the medical social worker?· Is this a case when the physician should be called to the telephone because of the threat of an impending suit?· How could Linda ascertain whether or not this is indeed an emergency? Is it up to her, as a medical assistant, to make such a determination?· Because this is the patient’s daughter rather than the patient herself, does Linda have any reason to enter into a conversation with the caller? Could Linda be ethically bound by confidentiality not to admit the woman’s mother is a patient?

Nursing homework help

The term “knowledge worker” was first coined by management consultant and author Peter Drucker in his book, The Landmarks of Tomorrow (1959). Drucker defined knowledge workers as high-level workers who apply theoretical and analytical knowledge, acquired through formal training, to develop products and services. Does this sound familiar?


Nurses are very much knowledge workers. What has changed since Drucker’s time are the ways that knowledge can be acquired. The volume of data that can now be generated and the tools used to access this data have evolved significantly in recent years and helped healthcare professionals (among many others) to assume the role of knowledge worker in new and powerful ways. Nursing homework help

In this Assignment, you will consider the evolving role of the nurse leader and how this evolution has led nurse leaders to assume the role of knowledge worker. You will prepare a PowerPoint presentation with an infographic (graphic that visually represents information, data, or knowledge. Infographics are intended to present information quickly and clearly.) to educate others on the role of nurse as knowledge worker.

Reference: Drucker, P. (1959). The landmarks of tomorrow. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers.

To Prepare:

  • Review the concepts of informatics as presented in the Resources.
  • Reflect on the role of a nurse leader as a knowledge worker.
  • Consider how knowledge may be informed by data that is collected/accessed.

The Assignment:

  • Explain the concept of a knowledge worker.
  • Define and explain nursing informatics and highlight the role of a nurse leader as a knowledge worker.
  • Include one slide that visually represents the role of a nurse leader as knowledge worker.
  • Your PowerPoint should Include the hypothetical scenario you originally shared in the Discussion Forum. Include your examination of the data that you could use, how the data might be accessed/collected, and what knowledge might be derived from that data. Be sure to incorporate feedback received from your colleagues’ responses.




3 or more peer-reviewed articles and 2 or more course resources.


Nursing homework help 


here are some class resources

FIU HSA4150 Quiz 2 Latest 2022

FIU HSA4150 Quiz 2 Latest 2022

Question 1 Government intervention in health policymaking allows for systematic reform and a comprehensive and coordinated approach to addressing market failures and deficiencies.   True   False

Question 2 Which of the following statements is not true about the development of legislation at the federal level?   A bill introduced in Congress is assigned to a congressional committee.   Decisions by the committee or subcommittee must be either “recommended” or “not recommended.”   After a bill is approved by a committee, the full House or Senate hears the bill and may add amendments.   A bill dies if a two-thirds majority of Congress cannot overturn the president’s veto. FIU HSA4150 Quiz 2 Latest 2022

Question 3 The legislative and judicial branches are responsible for overseeing enacted legislation, while the executive branch is not.



Question 4 The executive branch at the federal level   is made up of the US court system.   has the power to tax.   can establish rules and regulations to implement statutes and laws.   crafts legislation independent of the administration’s interests.

Question 5 Once the House and Senate have approved an identical bill, the president must either sign or veto the legislation.



Question 6 The US government’s principal agency for implementing many health laws is the Health Resources and Services Administration.



Question 7 Which of the following statements best describes health policymaking in nonfederal sectors?   It is constrained by federal laws and regulations.   It is driven by state governments.   It is integrated and coordinated.   It is directed by policy entrepreneurship at the grassroots level. FIU HSA4150 Quiz 2 Latest 2022


Question 8 The state executive branch is the main lawmaking body of the government; it also approves the state’s budget and fulfills other functions of government.




Question 9  Which of the following statements about local US governments is true?   They typically operate at the county level or municipality level.   They all follow the democratic model.   The powers they are granted depend on the size of the county or municipality.

All of the above.

Question 10 Which of the following statements about state governments in the United States is not true?   They are modeled after the federal government, with executive, legislative, judicial branches.   States are each free to choose whether or not to maintain a republican form of government.   They include governors who head the executive branch and are directly elected by the people.   Some state governors can veto a bill, and other state governors may have their veto overridden.

Question11 A bill must first be introduced by a state legislature to either chamber.



Question 12 Each state has its own constitution and bill of rights, which together define the structure and function of the state government and of the local governments within the state’s boundary.



Question 13 Which of the following does not belong to the state executive branch?   The governor   The House of Representatives   The secretary of state   The attorney general

Question 14 Which of the following statements about priority setting in Canada is not true?   Policymakers rely on public policy documents and analytical reports to set priorities.   The Report on the Health of Canadians is based on data from the insurance system.   The aging population and the population in rural and remote areas are two focus areas in Canada.   Conditions and diseases causing significant mortality and morbidity are considered high priority in terms of intervention. FIU HSA4150 Quiz 2 Latest 2022

Question 15 The Healthy Cities program established by the World Health Organization   aimed to establish “health for all” public policies and health promotion programs.   has been successfully integrated in Taiwan with the Age-Friendly City program.   has been implemented through health projects in more than 5,000 cities worldwide.

All of the above

Question 16  The public in Sweden can influence health policymaking at both the national level and the county level through a voting process.   True   False  Question 17Which of the following entities is the main legislative body in Canada?   House of Commons   Senate   Ridings   Federal and provincial governments

Question 18 The bureaucratic nature of the World Health Organization and its perceived slow reaction time undermine its ability to respond in urgent situations.



Question 19 Which of the following is not a major trend driving the need for international healthcare reform, according to the WHO?   Unequal progress between countries in achieving health outcomes   Demographic and epidemiological transitions, such as globalization   Increasing global burden of chronic and noncommunicable diseases   Coordination of care and increased regulation of commercialized care

Question 20 Which of the following statements about China’s health policymaking is not true?   The National People’s Congress and its Standing Committee are the main legislative body in China.   The healthcare reform package of 2009 is the guiding health policy document in China.   The general public does not participate in the policymaking process.   China’s State Department sets regulations for the healthcare system.  FIU HSA4150 Quiz 2 Latest 2022

Walden FPSY8910 Week 1 Discussion Latest 2022

Walden FPSY8910 Week 1 Discussion Latest 2022

FPSY 8910 Week 1 Discussion

Discussion: Setting Aside Empathy-Bias in Professional Settings As a forensic psychology professional, you have personal opinions just like other people do, especially about case law and legislation that provide legal guidelines for controversial issues. However, as a forensic psychology professional, you differ from people outside of the legal system in that you must remain professionally objective and unbiased in order to act in accordance with professional ethics. This means that you might not agree with the legal guidelines in case law. One example is Roe v. Wade (1973) that gives women legal rights to make personal decisions regarding reproduction including abortion. You are bound ethically to respect the rights of a client who chooses to exercise her reproductive rights according to this case law. Walden FPSY8910 Week 1 Discussion Latest 2022 The following is a list of some other examples that tend to elicit strong opinions and empathy-bias:


•             Vacco v. Quill, 117 S. Ct. 2293 (1997) restricted an individual’s right to die.

•             Jaffee v. Redmond, 116 S. Ct. 1923 (1996) affirmed clients’ rights to confidentiality during psychotherapy during a case of lethal force.

•             Graham v. Florida, 560 U.S. 48, 130 S. Ct. (2011) and Miller v. Alabama, 132 S.   Ct. 2455 (2012). Minors cannot be sentenced to life in prison without parole regardless of the crime. •             “Sexually Violent Predator” (SVP) or “Sexually Dangerous Persons” laws – Permit civil commitment of SVPs in specified jurisdictions Forensic psychology professionals are required by ethical guidelines to manage personal biases in order to be fair and objective. The first step in this process is to be aware of your personal biases. The next step is to manage these so they do not interfere with your ethical responsibilities to be fair and objective. In this Discussion, you analyze and manage your personal biases. To prepare for this Discussion:

•             Read the Learning Resources.

•             Refer to the list of case law in the AAPL Landmark Cases 2014 in your Learning Resources as a means to review the types of issues typically encountered by forensic psychology professionals.

•             Identify a legal issue and the legislation/case law that has contributed to this legal issue with which you might not agree. Walden FPSY8910 Week 1 Discussion Latest 2022

•             As defined in the article Empathy or Objectivity: The Forensic Examiner’s Dilemma? (2010), identify a personal “empathy-bias.” Post a response to the following:

•             Describe a personal “empathy-bias” and the legal issue and legislation/case law that has contributed to this legal issue.

•             Explain your empathy-bias, e.g., how do you think it developed, how does it affect your behavior and emotions related to the issue.

•             Evaluate how ethical guidelines could potentially be breached if you act on your empathy-bias and discuss how your work might be affected.

•             Explain the strategies you will use to manage your empathy-bias and related ethical dilemmas so they will not affect your work as a forensic psychology professional. Walden FPSY8910 Week 1 Discussion Latest 2022

NR511 Week 8 Final Exam Latest 2022

NR511 Week 8 Final Exam Latest 2022

NR 511 Week 8 Exam

Question 1.       The most cost-e?ective screening test for determining HIV status is which of the following?                 Western blot Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay Venereal Disease Research Laboratory test Viral load

Question 2.         Which blood test is a nonspecific method and most helpful for evaluating the severity and course of an inflammatory process?                 Erythrocyte sedimentation rate White blood cell count Polymorphonuclear cells C-reactive protein (CRP)

Question 3.        Cocaine acts as a stimulant by blocking the reuptake of which neurotransmitter?                 GABA Acetylcholine Dopamine Serotonin

Question 4.        Mrs. Thomas was seen in the o?ce complaining of pain and point tenderness in the area of her elbow. The pain has increased following a day of gardening one week ago. A physical finding that di?erentiates the diagnosis and is most consistent with lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) is:                   Ecchymosis, edema, and erythema over the lateral epicondyle    Pain at the elbow with resisted movements at the wrist and forearm Inability to supinate and pronate the arm Inability to flex or extend the elbow against resistance


Question 5.         Which of the following statements concerning the musculoskeletal examination is true?                                   The uninvolved side should be examined initially and then compared to the involved side.    The part of the body that is causing the patient pain should be examined first.    When possible, the patient should not be asked to perform active range-of-motion (ROM) exercises to avoid causing pain.    Radiographs should always be obtained prior to examination so as not to cause further injury to the patient. NR511 Week 8 Final Exam Latest 2022

Question 6.         Which of the following signs or symptoms indicate an inflammatory etiology to musculoskeletal pain?                 Decreased C-reactive protein Hyperalbuminemia Morning sti?ness Weight gain

Question 7.         Which causes the greatest percentage of mammalian bites?                                   Dogs  Cats Humans Rodents

Question 8.         A 48-year-old woman is seen in the clinic with complaints of prolonged heavy menstrual periods. She is pale and states she can no longer exercise. Pelvic exam reveals a single, very large mass. Which of the following diagnostic tests should the clinician order first?                 Transvaginal ultrasound Endometrial biopsy MRI Abdominal computed tomography scan

Question 9.         A diabetic patient asks the clinician why he needs to check his blood sugar at home even when he feels good. Which of the following responses would be most appropriate?                   “Control of glucose will help postpone or delay complications.”    “Regularly checking blood sugar will help establish a routine.” “Monitoring glucose will promote a sense of control.” All of the above

Question 10.      A 25-year-old patient presents to the clinic with fatigue, cold intolerance, weight gain, and constipation for the past 3 months. On physical examination, the clinician notices a sinus bradycardia; muscular sti?ness; coarse, dry hair; and a delay in relaxation in deep tendon reflexes. Which of the following tests should be ordered next?                                 Serum calcium TSH Electrolytes Urine specific gravity

Question 11.      Which of the following medications for type 2 diabetes mellitus should not be prescribed during pregnancy?                 Insulin Metformin Glucotrol Precose

Question 12.      During a DRE on a 75-year-old man, the clinician                suspects the patient has prostate cancer. What physical finding should make the clinician suspicious?                 An enlarged rubbery gland A hard irregular gland A tender gland A boggy gland

Question 13.      Eddie, age 4, presents to the ED with a live insect trapped in his ear canal causing a lot of distress. What should be your first step?                 Remove the insect with tweezers. Immobilize the insect with 2% lidocaine. Sedate Eddie with diazepam. Shine a light in the ear for the insect to “find its way out.”


Question 14.      What is the most common cause of microcytic anemia?                 Anemia of chronic disease Sideroblastic anemia Iron-deficiency anemia Thalassemia

Question 15.      An 82-year-old man is seen in the primary care o?ce with complaints of dribbling urine and di?culty starting his stream. Which of the following should be included in the list of di?erential diagnoses?                 Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) Parkinson’s disease Prostate cancer All of the above

Question 16.      Early rheumatoid disease is characterized by:                   Pain and swelling in both small and large peripheral joints Rigid joints with diminished range of motion Joint swelling and immobility on rising A cardiac rub or pulmonary friction rub

Question 17.      A 70-year-old female has fallen 2 weeks ago and developed immediate pain in her left wrist. She thought she just bruised it but is worried because it has not improved. She has used Tylenol® and ice at home, and that has helped slightly. You examine her and find she has moderate swelling and ecchymosis but no overtly obvious deformity. Her ROM is uncomfortable and severely diminished due to the pain. No crepitus is heard or felt. Her fingers are warm; her pulse is strong; and capillary refill is less than 2 seconds. What should you do?                   Make an immediate referral for an orthopaedic evaluation without further assessment.    Tell her that it takes time for these bruises to improve, so she should be patient.     Obtain a wrist x-ray and place her wrist in a splint or  prescribe a splint.    Send her to the emergency room for reduction of this obvious wrist fracture.

Question 18.      The criteria for diagnosing generalized anxiety disorder in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition (text revision) state that excessive worry or apprehension must be present more days than not for at least:                 1 month 3 months 6 months 12 months

Question 19.  A 60-year-old man presents with an enlarged scrotum. The clinician uses a penlight to transilluminate the scrotum. In a patient with a hydrocele, what would the clinician expect to find?                 The scrotum will be dark. The scrotum will appear light pink or yellow. The scrotum will appear milky white. The internal structures will be clearly visible.

Question 20.      According to Kübler-Ross, the stages of grief occur in which order?                 Anger, denial, depression, bargaining, acceptance Anger, denial, bargaining, acceptance, depression Denial, anger, depression, bargaining, acceptance Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance

Question 21.      Reuben, age 24, has HIV and just had a routine viral        load test done. The results show a falling viral load. What does this indicate?                   A favorable prognostic trend Disease progression The need to be more aggressive with Reuben’s medications    The eradication of the HIV

Question 22.      The exanthem of Lyme disease is:                           Erythema infectiosum Laterothoracic exanthem Erythema migrans Morbilli exanthem

Question 23.      You have detected the presence of crepitus on examination of a patient with a musculoskeletal complaint. Additionally, there is limited range of motion (ROM) with both active and passive movement. These findings suggest that the origin of the musculoskeletal complaint is:                 Articular Inflammatory Nonarticular A and B

Question 24.      What is the recommended daily calcium intake for adults over the age of 50 with low bone mass?                 1,200 mg/day 1,000 mg/day 1,300 mg/day 1,500 mg/day

Question 25.      When assessing a woman for infertility, which of the following tests should be done first?                 Analysis of partner’s sperm Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Hysterosalpingogram     Estrogen level

Question 26.      Which type of burn injury results in destruction of the epidermis with most of the dermis, yet the epidermal cells lining hair follicles and sweat glands remain intact?                   Superficial burns    Superficial partial-thickness burns   Deep partial-thickness burns    Full-thickness burns

Question 27.      A 23-year-old sexually active woman presents for her first Pap smear. Her history includes nulligravida, age at first intercourse 14, and more than 10 sexual partners. Which of the following conditions should the clinician be particularly alert for during her examination?                 Human papillomavirus (HPV) Endometrial hyperplasia Vagismus Polycystic ovarian syndrome

Question 28.      As a rule of thumb, the estimated level of hematocrit is how many times the value of the hemoglobin?                 Two Three Four Five

Question 29.      Sam is a 25-year-old who has been diagnosed with low back strain based on his history of localized low back pain and muscle spasm along with a normal neurological examination. As the clinician, you explain to Sam that low back pain is a diagnosis of exclusion. Which of the following   symptoms would alert the clinician to the more serious finding of a herniated nucleus pulposus or ruptured disc?                 Morning sti?ness and limited mobility of the lumbar spine Unilateral radicular pain symptoms that extend below the knee and are equal to or greater than the back pain    Fever, chills, and elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate    Pathologic fractures, severe night pain, weight loss, and fatigue

Question 30.      A 30-year-old man is seen with a chief complaint of loss of libido. Which of the following laboratory tests would help establish a diagnosis?                 Testosterone level Prostate-specific antigen Nocturnal penile tumescence and rigidity Prolactin level

Question 31.      The clinician prescribes glipizide (Glucotrol) for a diabetic patient. Which statement made by the patient would indicate that your teaching has been e?ective?                 “I’ll take my pill at least 30 minutes before breakfast.” “I’ll take my Glucotrol before bedtime.” “It is important to take my medication right after I eat.” “Since I only like to eat two meals a day, I can take the pill between my meals.”  NR511 Week 8 Final Exam Latest 2022

Question 32.      In the United States, what is the second most common connective tissue disease and the most destructive to the joints?                 Osteoarthritis   Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) Rheumatoid arthritis Sjögren’s syndrome

Question 33.     The e?ectiveness of benzodiazepines in treating anxiety disorders suggests that which of the following neurotransmitters plays a role in anxiety?                   Acetylcholine    Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)   Dopamine    Serotonin

Question 34.  A 14-year-old male is seen with complaints of severe testicular pain. The clinician suspects testicular torsion. Which of the following is the appropriate action?           Refer to a urologist immediately.        Obtain a computed tomography (CT) scan.     Instruct the patient to elevate the scrotum.   Prescribe ibuprofen.

Question 35.      Which of the following medications can cause hyperglycemia?                 Prednisone Metformin Synthroid Cephalexin

Question 36.      During treatment for anaphylaxis, what site is used for the initial injection of epinephrine?                 IV Abdomen Upper lateral thigh Deltoid

Question 37.  It is important to educate patients with depression and their family members about reporting signs of increasing depression and suicidal thoughts. This is especially true during which time period?                 Before the initiation of treatment 1 to 2 weeks after the initiation of treatment When switching to a di?erent medication 1 to 2 weeks after tapering o? medications

Question 38.      What is the most common cause of secondary amenorrhea?                 Pregnancy Pituitary dysfunction Inadequate estrogen levels Genetic disorders

Question 39.      Which of the following is the only drug for bulimia approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration?                                   Sertraline  Fluoxetine  Citoprolam  Imipramine

Question 40.      The goals of the 15-minute hour approach include:            Enhance self-esteem, expand behavioral repertoire, prevent dire consequences, and reestablish premorbid levels of functioning    Emerge with a higher level of functioning and commitment to long-term psychotherapy    Accept need for antidepressant therapy and psychiatric referral; share concerns with primary care clinician    Improve family functioning and sexual performance as well as accept need for antidepressant medication

Question 41.      John is a 16-year-old boy who presents to the emergency room after hurting his knee in a football game. He described twisting his knee and then being unable to extend it completely. John tells the clinician that he heard a pop when the injury occurred and has been experiencing localized pain. The clinician suspects a meniscal tear. Which test would be most appropriate to assess for the presence of a meniscal tear?                 Valgus stress test McMurray circumduction test Lachman test Varus stress test

Question 42.      The cardinal subjective symptom of sickle cell crisis is which of the following?                 Pain Nausea Light-headedness Palpitations

Question 43.      A 25-year-old woman is seen in the clinic complaining of painful menstruation. Which of the following pelvic pathologies is the most common cause of dysmenorrhea?                 Pelvic inflammatory disease Endometriosis Sexually transmitted infections Ovarian cyst Question

44.      Which arthropod bite can contain cytotoxic and hemolytic toxins that may destroy tissue?                 Tick Brown recluse spider Wasp Stinging caterpillar

Question 45.     Janet is a 30-year-old who has recently been diagnosed with  a herniated disc at the level of L5-S1. She is currently in the emergency room with suspicion of cauda equina compression. Which of the following is a sign or symptom of cauda equina compression?                   Gastrocnemius weakness    A reduced or absent ankle reflex   Numbness in the lateral foot    Paresthesia of the perineum and buttocks

Question 46.      A 21-year-old woman is seen in the clinic requesting birth control pills. Which of the following tests is essential before prescribing any oral contraceptive?                   Pregnancy test    Complete blood cell count   Thyroid-stimulating hormone   Urine dip for protein NR511 Week 8 Final Exam Latest 2022


Question 47.      A patient with type 2 diabetes comes to the clinic after reading about metformin in a magazine. Which of the following conditions that the patient also has would be a contraindication to taking metformin?                 Ketoacidosis Cirrhosis Hypoglycemic episodes All of the above

Question 48.      The clinician has chosen to prescribe an SSRI instead of a tricyclic antidepressant (TCA) for a patient fitting the diagnostic criteria for depression. Which of the following is not true concerning SSRIs in comparison to tricyclic antidepressants?                 SSRIs are more e?ective than TCAs. SSRIs take less time to work than TCAs.  SSRIs have a more favorable side-e?ect profile than TCAs. SSRIs are not lethal in overdose.

Question 49.     Which type of bone marrow transplant is obtained from an identical twin?                 Autogenic Autologous Allogeneic Syngeneic

Question 50.      Pink, cherry red tissues and skin may result from which type of poisoning?                 Arsenic Lead Carbon monoxide Strychnine

Question 51.      Basic human needs are identified as:                      Autonomy and feeling valued by others Exhilaration and productivity Spirituality Career success and material rewards

Question 52.      The clinician sees a patient who is 5 feet tall and weighs 150 pounds. How would the clinician classify this patient?                 Overweight Mild obesity Moderate obesity Morbid obesity

53.         A 22-year-old male is seen in the clinic because he found a hard lump in his testicle when performing testicular self-   examination (TSE). Which of the following should be included in the list of di?erential diagnoses?    NR511 Week 8 Final Exam Latest 2022

Testicular cancer Inguinal hernia Varicocele

Week 10 Assignment: That’s How I See It

In this assignment, you will apply your knowledge of bias, perspective, and critical thought to a given example.Step 1: Consider the scenario:Most college instructors require students to turn off their cell phones in class so that their phones will not ring and also to prevent students from texting during class. The policy has become a serious point of contention among students, many of whom rely on cell phone applications to help organize their ever-changing schedules. Parents, too, have begun raising concerns over their children’s safety. Parents are worried that they will be unable to reach their children during an emergency if all phones are shut off. As a member of the College Board, it is your responsibility to read all such incoming mail. The following is a small sample:Letter 1: Our civil liberties should never be subject to change. What the school board is attempting to do here is remind students that their rights can be given and taken away by authority. This particular case may be insignificant, but a larger philosophical debate regarding the inherent rights of the people is anything but minor.Letter 2: I worked hard to get into college. The classroom encompasses everything I value in higher education. It is not the right place or time for students to be fiddling with their cell phones. As a student, I support the new initiative. I hope other students will understand why this move is so important.Letter 3: I put my trust in the authority at hand. If school officials believe that having cell phones in the classroom is a distraction, I trust their judgment. The public is generally ignorant anyway, and it’s likely that they are expressing opinions out of emotion, not a sense of truth.Step 2: Analyze different perspectives and biases.In a two to three-page (minimum) written speech, to be given in front of an audience of parents and college faculty, in which you support the school’s decision to turn off cell phones during class, address the following. Use the aforementioned letters as examples to refute:Identify evidence of bias in each of the three letters. How can you describe the notion of bias?Define perspective. How does the concept of perspective influence the opinions of the speaker in each letter?Is the school’s new proposal fair? Give your view with a set of arguments to support your view.Give an opposing view to each letter and its arguments, and give your explanation for why your arguments should be more persuasive than the opposition’s.Is there a bias at work in your view as well?Briefly explain the perspectives of both sides of each argument. How does critical thought affect perspective?

Depression Interactive Case Study

Depression Interactive Case Study

In this assignment, you will review the Depression Interactive Case Study patient scenario and analyze the data to determine the health status of the patient. You will need a minimum of two evidence-based practice articles to support your work. Use the SOAP Note document to organize your data for the case study assignment. Depression Interactive Case Study. Follow the requirements posted in the rubric. Interactive case studies should be three to five pages, excluding title and references pages. All papers must conform to the most recent APA standards. Be sure to include the questions listed at the end of the interactive case as listed below; Compile your information in SOAP Note format for organization. S: Differentials: List the three most likely differential diagnoses based on the chief complaint, with cited rationale (use DSM5 criteria to rule in/out).


What is the etiology/pathophysiology associated with each diagnosis? What is the prevalence of each of these diagnoses? A: Choose one of your differentials as a primary diagnosis. P: Develop a plan of care for your chosen diagnoses, including the following: Diagnostic testing Pharmacologic interventions, including dosage, route, and frequency Nonpharmacologic interventions, including modality and frequency Education, including health promotion, maintenance, and psychosocial needs Safety plan Referrals required Follow-up, including return to clinic (RTC) in what time frame and reason, including any labs needed for next visit All papers must conform to the most recent APA standards. Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.

Assignment: Ethical Health Promotion

Assignment: Ethical Health Promotion

Week 2 Ethical Health Promotion Paper Find a scholarly, peer-reviewed article no more than four years old that discusses an ethical health promotion-related issue. Use the WCU library databases to search for appropriate articles. In your paper: Briefly summarize the presented issue. Describe your thoughts on the role health care professionals should play in resolving the ethical issue. Provide specific theories and refer to specific ethical codes to support your position. Your paper should be 2–3 pages long. Use APA to cite and reference the article and any other optional sources you use. Adhere to APA formatting throughout your paper.


Week 3 Community Strategic Plan: Part A, Community Assessment For this assignmentterns framework (p. 130 in your e-text), assess the health risks in your community. In your community assessment paper, include the following: Identify resources in your community that would enable you to complete a community assessment and submit a summary of your findings (1–2 paragraphs). Refer to Table 8-2: Examples of Community Strengths and Concerns, and assess the strengths and concerns of your community (2–3 paragraphs). Identify potential barriers to implementing community health plans in your community and brainstorm ways of addressing these barriers (2–3 paragraphs). Plan ahead: Next week, as Part B of this assignment, you will select one (1) identified risk from this assessment to develop a community-focused strategic plan to address that health risk. It is recommended that you look ahead to next week’s assignment so that you can begin framing your chosen community health focus. Your paper should be 2–3 pages in length, not including the cover and reference pages. Use APA throughout. You must include 2–3 sources that are APA cited and referenced in your paper. (Sources may include community resources such as flyers, brochures, interviews, news stories, and local research data from credible sources.) Review the rubric for further information on how your assignment will be graded. Assignment: Ethical Health Promotion

Assignment: Concept of epigenesis

Assignment: Concept of epigenesis

Assignment: Concept of epigenesi


You will be writing a 1,000 word Reaction Paper in this course using the instructions and links found below. You will be completing the following tasks and gathering the following information for your paper:

  1. Watch the epigenetics video from PBS available as a YouTube link in this folder (second item in the folder). Begin your paper by defining epigenetics in your own words and discussing your reaction to the video.
  2. Interview your family members and complete the Family History-Dr. Oz.pdf .  Find out which disease(s) you are most at risk for. Assignment: Concept of epigenesis
  3. Research and locate one article on epigenetics and whatever disease you are most at risk for (select a study on research conducted on humans) from a reputable academic source:

Reputable Sources:

  • journal articles
  • government publications based on research

Do not use:

  • magazines of any sort, whether they are on paper or online
  • Websites of any type, including epigenetics websites
  • Wikipedia

How to Perform Your Research

  • Use the College Library in person or online (log in with your new MDC ID number (the one that is all numbers). Your password is the last four digits of that same MDC ID unless you have changed it.

Read the epigenetics article you find. Continue your paper with a discussion of the epigenetics article. Be sure to paraphrase (put things in your own words) and be sure to cite the author(s) of the article you find using APA style (see the section below on using APA style). Aim for about a page for this part of your paper.

  1. Discuss the concept of epigenesis in light of your family history and the article you read. Aim for one page for this section of your paper.
  2. Complete the Living to 100 Questionnaires. Integrate your findings on the questionnaire into your discussion. Aim for another page.
  3. Discuss how you can improve your health and longevity in light of your findings in this questionnaire, your understanding of epigenetics, and your knowledge of your family history. This should be your final page. Assignment: Concept of epigenesis


You can go over or under a page for any of the sections of the paper as long as your total paper is 1,000 words not counting the references.

General Rules for an “A” Paper (check your paper against this list)

◻    1,000 words

◻    Original work; plagiarism score of less than 10% (90% original work)

◻    Double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins

◻    Covers all 6 tasks

◻    Spellchecked

◻    College-level grammar

◻    Cite your article APA style (author & year within body of paper; full reference at end)

◻    No abstract, no cover

◻    Place your name and reference number on the first page. Use page numbers.

Submit the paper by the deadline in the Schedule and also in the Calendar. The box will open at the beginning of the semester so that you have time to submit your paper, review the originality report, and resubmit your paper if necessary until you have a plagiarism score of under 10%. Be sure to use the Turnitin Grammar Checker to ensure that your paper is well written and ensure that you have spellchecked everything. If you resubmit your paper, note that it takes 24 hours for your new score to show up in the Turnitin Drop Box.

Submission to Turnitin Drop Box

The Turnitin Drop Box is in Blackboard. You do NOT have to go to Turnitin to submit your paper. Turnitin is a plagiarism checking software. It checks to see if your work is original. I have set the Turnitin Drop Box so you can submit your paper as many times as you want until the due date. That will allow you to check your plagiarism score and see where your work is not original. You can then rephrase that section and put it into your own words. The expectation in this course is that your paper scores no more than 10% in plagiarism (90% original work). You will be able to resubmit your paper as many times as you need to in order to get it right until the Due Date. You will NOT be able to resubmit after the Due Date. Note that it takes 24 hours to see your new plagiarism score after resubmission. No more than 2 or 3 quotes in the entire paper, please.

Avoiding Plagiarism

You must be careful not to copy someone else’s ideas and not to copy and paste ideas from the sources you find. Copying and pasting from someone else’s work is considered plagiarism. You may use other people’s ideas, but you have to put them in your own words and reference the source. Putting things in your own words is called “paraphrasing.” And you must put the reference right after the idea. Needless to say, submitting plagiarized papers, including those copied from one of the Web sites that have “free” papers or even papers you can buy, will result in a penalty. That penalty in this course is that your grade will be reduced by the percentage of plagiarism over 10%. In other words, the less plagiarism, the higher your score; the more plagiarism, the lower your score. The paper is worth 10% of your grade in this course. Don’t risk it!

APA Style and References

One thing you will need to do in college is learn how to find and use references. References support your ideas. College-level work must be supported by research. You are expected to do that for this paper. You will research, locate, and use one reputable source from the literature on the topic of epigenetics/epigenesis. The “literature” is composed of studies that have been conducted in a scholarly way to support ideas. Scholarly sources can be found in journals or in some Web sites, especially those that come from .edu domains (.edu is short for “educational” Web sites) or .gov domains (.gov are government sites). The College Libraries have dozens of good journals you can use. You will be using the College Library for this paper. You may do the research in person or use the Web to access our library. See your librarian for more information on finding credible sources.

In APA style, you cite a source in two places: within the body of the paper where you use the idea or words of the author of the paper; and again in the Reference List at the end of the paper. For example, you might say, “According to Researcher A (2011)…epigenetics is…” What you must do is supply the researcher’s name within a sentence or at the end of a sentence in parenthesis (Smith, 2011). Then you give the full information for locating the study in the Reference List. That’s what Reference Lists are for: they allow the person reading your paper to look up your source if they want to. So remember, citing references APA style, requires two things: 1) that you cite the reference within the body of the paper, and 2) that you list the full reference at the end in the Reference List. Assignment: Concept of epigenesis